Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    42 out there now with an expected high of 50 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Got the laundry all finished up yesterday and ran the dishwasher too.

    Eduardo made Chicken Marsala for dinner last night. J had some leftover fried rice that he warmed up with extra, added egg, for his dinner. He was out around lunchtime for an appointment, and picked up on his way home, eating only part of it and leaving the rest for dinner.

    I have another plate of the Chicken Marsala in the fridge to reheat for another meal. It may be dinner tonight.

    We have to go and sign some papers early this afternoon, and get the money to pay us for the use of our land in the building of the sidewalk that we do NOT WANT. At least they are giving us some money for it. Maybe I can use some of it to pay my auto insurance that's coming due at the first of April. While we're out maybe we'll pick up something for lunch.

    While we're out I also need to buy canned cat food as I'm about to feed the last cans to three STARVING cats who can't remember when they last ate but it was AGES ago.
    Hi Ed
    Chicken Marsala sounds delicious, Lucky You :)

    The worst part of a sidewalk around here is that when it snows You have 24 hours to shovel it too. So if You were up here it would be worse. In my neighborhood the average home has a sidewalk from the front door to the driveway, we are one of the few that have on going to the street. Many streets do have sidewalks it seems that they are either older than ours or newer, It seems hit or miss...
    Taking the land for a sidewalk could disrupt peoples landscaping too.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Its 43 now, with sunny but WINDY conditions...like 18 mph according to the weather channel. Even Tom was hesitant to go outside! I'm just glad I pushed myself out the door yesterday for a small grocery run, and a big gas fill-up! Pumping gas today would be akin to torture!

    OK...I may be stepping WAY out of line here...and if so I'm sorry. But, in almost every post (except today, of course) Roger has mentioned his weight loss and attributes it to Intermittent Fasting, and 100% compliance to NS. Well and good. I mentioned I was watching a series of lectures on food, health, diabetes and obesity. Why? Looked interesting, as I am so thankful that I have not developed diabetes and have left my days of being morbidly obese way behind in the dust! BUT...last nights episode was on Fasting and its benefits from the science side of the issue. It was very interesting. The presenter took a complex subject from the science side, and made it interesting and practical. I'm going to listen to it again as I go about my morning, and I thought I'd share a link if either of you are interested. Its free to register, and is not a gateway to all kinds of goofy commercials. At some point they will make a pitch for you to buy the series at 60% off regular price (what ever that is), but of course you are not going to do that! Long story short, its free to sign up for the series, its #8 in a nine part series, and then if they operate as per usual, there will be a 48 hour period when all of the series will be available to watch, in case you missed a night. The cut off time is 9pm sharp! So you have all day, and early evening to watch episode #8.

    This should get you to the web site...its a link thru Google:

    iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity Docuseries ...
    https://www.eventbrite.com › Conference › Health

    1 Cached
    Feb 27, 2018 - Eventbrite - Medical Direct Care Total Health and Wellness Center presents iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity Docuseries - Tuesday, February 27, 2018 | Friday, March 9, 2018 -
    Hi Valerie
    I see the link and will take a look. I do want to get all my posting and email done followed by the shoveling. We did get out and shovel it while it was falling to reduce the amount to shovel today.

    I do not mention the food plan if I did not weigh that morning as I do not know how it is going as a result. Reasons I may not weigh include I slept late and want to get out the door to avoind traffic noise that can drown out the book I'm listening to on the iPod, especially some of the trucks and some of the cars need to visit Midas :smile:
    Ed, I don't think any of those 'dining room' chairs were being used for eating...they look underfed, undernourished, and depressed!!! LOL!! (your post about making chairs from Monday? I think) It was your quip that made me laugh! I've enjoyed these on 'how its made'. Stuff like that always interests me. And today there's another vid of the kids eating and one from Emmy too!!

    Tom's been in, ate some more of his breakfast, and begged to go out again? since I started this post. Cat is daft!!!!

    When You said that the cat is daft, this popped into my head
    Hey, Just watched the video's. Loved the falafel one naturally! Emmy is always amusing. and honest! Kids are weird! Amazing what they will eat and what they'll turn their noses up at.
    Tom has been up and down all day...excuse me, I have been up and down all day letting Tom in and out! This morning he actually napped on my lap while I rocked. That doesn't happen very often.
    Nap is in order...lazy cuz I haven't done a blasted thing today except heat some of the split pea soup I made yesterday, and I unloaded the dishwasher....too lazy to get dressed to go to the gym even! Tomorrow! tomorrow is just a day away..fortunately!


    If I said I slept later than usual and still feel tired from the shoveling in the afternoon...
    Roger, I'm guessing you don't come back to look at posts later than yours...so. If the series is indeed opened up for 24-48 hours I will let you know...if you are interested...if not let me know! :)
    What I do is look back to where my last post was. I do generally only get on here in the morning OTOH.

    I was just listening to the traffic report and roads are closed all over NJ, I'm so happy I do not have to get to work.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 33 out there now with an expected high of 48 and 0% chance of precipitation. It's supposed to get down to 28 tonight!

    Today they'll be bringing in the plants and setting up the displays for the orchid show this weekend. I'll be going down to the botanic gardens, but I'm waiting until after most of rush hour has finished before I head down. I have to stop and get some coffee supplies and some soft drinks on the way. Most of the rest of the stuff just has to be packed into the van before I leave. I will be having my tea at home before I go.

    When I get there I'll make some coffee and set out various snacks. Someone is bringing submarine sandwiches so the workers will have a decent lunch. I have assorted individual bags of chips and other savory snacks, along with cookies, some Danish for the judges' breakfast tomorrow, and will be seeing, today, what else, if anything, I need to buy for tomorrow. I'll get reimbursed, of course.

    Need to clear the sink and feed the cats. I (finally) ate that other plate of leftover Chicken Marsala. Last night it was pretty cold so I made some spicy taco soup for dinner and the leftovers may be tonight's dinner.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Looks good enough to eat! But don't. How it's made: Replica Food.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    More things that look good enough to eat. But you shouldn't. Maybe. But in a pinch, I think they might do, occasionally.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    I have my own theories about slow cookers. Other than making chili, or spaghetti sauce, where you kind of HAVE to pre-brown the meat, I think the whole idea of a slow cooker is that I can just toss everything in, maybe layered a specific way, maybe stirred all together, turn it on and leave it alone. I make GREAT roasts and I don't brown them first in a skillet. It's really not necessary unless you just insist on having that seared exterior.

    So...here's someone's opinion on "mistakes" people make using a slow cooker. Take with a shaker of salt.

    I know that the idea that each "peek" ads 30 minutes is nonsense. This may let out some hot air and steam, but the liquid in the slow cooker isn't reduced in temperature that much by a "peek". All the same, if one peeks often enough, then it might add a little time. Some dishes do suggest a stir halfway through and that's certainly a peek!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Commercials for obscure 80s toy lines. I didn't watch a lot of TV in the 80s and probably won't remember some of these.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    And more obscure 80s toy lines.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    cold and windy, but no white stuff! I'm good with that!
    Been to the gym, Going to stop at the bank and Sweet Tomatoes on the way to meet the kids as they get off the school bus/.then get them ready to leave for O's gymnastics. (dogs fed, homework done, etc. After O's thing I'll take them to Chic Fi Lays for some dinner, get them home, O's shower, check Nate's homework, etc. Everybody in their rooms by 9. Jack said Nate will go to sleep pretty soon, O...who knows when our little night owl will finally close her big blue eyes! She's like her father. Nate is more like his Uncle Ted, on the ice and off!!
    I volunteered for this. Wasn't even asked. I must be nuts!

    Ed, hope your day goes well with the photo shoot, and all the drinks and goodies!

    Roger, did I read that right...after snow you have 24 hours to get your sidewalks and drive cleaned? I'd be in trouble!!! I have not rec'd anything about replays of iTHrive vids. Maybe they'll send one out tonite or tomorrow...or may be that if you missed it...well, you missed out!

    Ok, gotta get my self 'together' and get on the road, If I get there early, so much the better. Would rather early than miss their school bus.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    29 out there now with an expected high of 58 and no chance of precipitation.

    The judges' breakfast is this morning so I'm off to the botanic gardens to make the coffee and lay out the breakfast. Later on a bit I'll be laying out the lunch. J will have to do his photography thing by himself this morning since I'm working hospitality.

    Fun day! Not any time to find interesting videos so you'll have to find your own for today. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 32 on the porch.
    The weather forecasts regarding the storm on Wednesday appear to have been accurate. Parts of NJ had over 26 inches of snow. Here in Central NJ it looked like under a foot of that very heavy wet snow however the local cable news channel showed 22 inches in a nearby town

    42% of Americans are at risk of retiring broke

    Train Collides With Truck Hauling Hydrochloric Acid, 3 People Injured

    Genetic tweak makes plants use 25% less water

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have my own theories about slow cookers. Other than making chili, or spaghetti sauce, where you kind of HAVE to pre-brown the meat, I think the whole idea of a slow cooker is that I can just toss everything in, maybe layered a specific way, maybe stirred all together, turn it on and leave it alone. I make GREAT roasts and I don't brown them first in a skillet. It's really not necessary unless you just insist on having that seared exterior.

    So...here's someone's opinion on "mistakes" people make using a slow cooker. Take with a shaker of salt.

    I know that the idea that each "peek" ads 30 minutes is nonsense. This may let out some hot air and steam, but the liquid in the slow cooker isn't reduced in temperature that much by a "peek". All the same, if one peeks often enough, then it might add a little time. Some dishes do suggest a stir halfway through and that's certainly a peek!
    Hi Ed
    Slow cookers ...
    Probably the best way to tenderize meats is to do a low slow cook in a slow cooker and it could possibly save energy too. I'll take tender over nicely browned but tough.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    29 out there now with an expected high of 58 and no chance of precipitation.

    The judges' breakfast is this morning so I'm off to the botanic gardens to make the coffee and lay out the breakfast. Later on a bit I'll be laying out the lunch. J will have to do his photography thing by himself this morning since I'm working hospitality.

    Fun day! Not any time to find interesting videos so you'll have to find your own for today. :)

    It sounds as if You have a busy time ahead.

    Have a nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    cold and windy, but no white stuff! I'm good with that!
    Been to the gym, Going to stop at the bank and Sweet Tomatoes on the way to meet the kids as they get off the school bus/.then get them ready to leave for O's gymnastics. (dogs fed, homework done, etc. After O's thing I'll take them to Chic Fi Lays for some dinner, get them home, O's shower, check Nate's homework, etc. Everybody in their rooms by 9. Jack said Nate will go to sleep pretty soon, O...who knows when our little night owl will finally close her big blue eyes! She's like her father. Nate is more like his Uncle Ted, on the ice and off!!
    I volunteered for this. Wasn't even asked. I must be nuts!

    Ed, hope your day goes well with the photo shoot, and all the drinks and goodies!

    Roger, did I read that right...after snow you have 24 hours to get your sidewalks and drive cleaned? I'd be in trouble!!! I have not rec'd anything about replays of iTHrive vids. Maybe they'll send one out tonite or tomorrow...or may be that if you missed it...well, you missed out!

    Ok, gotta get my self 'together' and get on the road, If I get there early, so much the better. Would rather early than miss their school bus.


    Hi Valerie
    Trust me, You would not want snow like we got, It was a heavy wet snow and at the end of the driveway where the plows threw up a mound it also got waterlogged and super heavy.

    I did go out walking for a short distance today, the only decent route was walking in the road so for safety I only boomeranged up for coffee and back home. Even though I only went a few blocks I had to reverse course and choose an alternate route due to a tree across the road where I usually walk when heading that way.

    I hope My Brother and I have no problems with the three stops planned for today. I will be riding along as two of the three are ones I need to make also. Stop 1 his doctor for a quick blood test, Stop 2 pick up the new eyeglasses. Stop 3 the Shoprite Grocery Store. I am thinking of having him stop at Wendy's since I believe they still have their Double stacker on sale for $1, That would be two 1/8 pound hamburger patties and a slice of cheese. I plan to throw out the Bun and substitute the low calorie and low carb bread. Add in the Vegetables from the freezer and a Apple and Voila a complete meal.

    I will be honest I wish they did better enforcement of the shoveling rule, OTOH I am sure they have been super busy with all the trees and wires down all over town and the road closures.

    Enjoy Your Family Time
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I did enjoy my family time Roger. The kids were fun, and their parents. my son and DIL had a great time too. Late night. Thought of saying "hello" at 2a.m. as I was crawling into bed..but was just too tired.
    Couple of things I'd like to get done today..none exactly 'critical', but will make next week much easier. I may put off the trip to the bank, that I can do from my car and not get wet!

    I need to get dressed, get the trash cart back to the house, and I'd like to make a gym run.
    (I'd also like a nap! but thats not gonna happen.) Roger I'm glad to know that you've survived both N'easters with not too much trouble. I need to check out fb to see if Kat (who's in MA) has been as fortunate)..

    Other than that...Not much else!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Survived this day of the orchid show. I did come home and have a couple hour nap, from about 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM, then went back out after a bit to a party at the house of one of the members. This morning I got up at 5:30 and was making coffee at the botanic gardens at 7:05. After a bit my co-hospitality person came along with her part of the breakfast for today's Judges' breakfast and we had it all together and ready to roll by 8:00. Everyone enjoyed breakfast and then we had to set up for the Judge's lunch, which was picked up from a vendor. Barbecue and lots of sides. Plenty of vegetarian options.

    We do the two meals for the judges because they are pulling plants from the show and doing an EXTRA judging for plants from the show. They are still doing their regular monthly judging tomorrow so J gets to bring in his photography equipment again for Saturday.

    No special breakfast on Saturday, but we do have the Vendors' luncheon to thank the vendors who are selling orchids, as they are a major draw to the show. That lunch, coming from a Middle Eastern restaurant this year, will be supplemented by the leftovers from the barbecue, and then any leftovers from all of it will make a final appearance for Sunday lunch for the volunteers and vendors.

    Of course the society volunteers and vendors are also invited to the Judge's meals and the judges are welcome to partake of the Vendor's luncheon, as are the volunteers, but usually the judges have made other arrangements for their Saturday meal, as they come every month anyway. They do stop by for coffee and might grab some food while doing so but they aren't even there for breakfast on Saturday, not starting their thing until 12:30 or so.

    Lilo has a new trick for deciding when my nap time is over, by her definition. Since Kiara has become my loyal nap buddy, usually right by my legs, with Lilo near my head, if she's there with me, Lilo starts a wrestling match with Kiara and that's the signal that she thinks I've napped long enough.

    After the nap, I took a shower as I had worked all day and felt grungy. As I was pondering dinner, J texted me asking if I was coming to the party, as people at the party were asking about me. I really had not intended to go to the party, but when he asked I got out into some of the worst traffic EVER and went to the party. Honestly, if I'd known how bad the traffic on I75/I85 was, I probably would have begged off and sent my regrets.

    But, since I didn't know until I was already halfway to the party, I toughed it out and had a rather nice dinner at the party. Better than what I'd have probably eaten at home, for sure.

    I enjoyed the party, despite being really tired. Had a small glass of wine with the meal, when I got there, and then chatted with friends for a couple of hours.

    J wanted to bring home some of the leftovers that the party givers were trying to give away, so we have a quart of roasted potatoes and mushrooms for him to have for a couple of meals. They were quite nice. I had some as part of my meal.

    I skipped the shrimp as it had been sitting out for at least an hour or so when I got there, and maybe longer. I did eat some of the grilled chicken, some baked beans, some of the roasted potato and mushrooms, and a home made cookie. Then drank two glasses of water while chatting and came home to feed the sugar gliders and cuddle with the cats who were most distressed that I had been gone all day and then left AGAIN and was gone for the rest of the evening.

    Clearly it was just AWFUL at home while I was gone.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    A Southern Pacific Daylight (USA)






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 31 on the porch.
    My Brother and I were out doing four stops yesterday. Lots of damaged trees all over the area. The Decorative trees in the ShopRite parking lot had lots of damage.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement center were sitting
    on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says: 'Slim, I'm 83 years
    old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age.
    How do you feel?'
    Slim says, 'I feel just like a newborn baby.'
    'Really!? Like a newborn baby!?'
    'Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.'

    Three old guys are out walking.
    First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?'
    Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!'
    Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'

    Morris , an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.
    A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a
    gorgeous young woman on his arm.
    A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing
    great, aren't you?'
    Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.''
    The doctor said, 'I didn't say that.. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'

    Hartford Police Say Man Drove Stolen Car to Court To Face Stolen Car Charge

    Best Buy’s Geek Squad Techs Search Customer Computers For The FBI, Reports Claim

    Gubernatorial candidate Kelda Roys breastfeeds in campaign ad

    Toxin forces order to stop eating recreationally caught shellfish in Bay Area

    Rugby player paralyzed after eating slug on a dare

    CIA Warns of Extensive Chinese Operation to Infiltrate American Institutions

    Marine Corps Commandant: 'Less Than 30% of Young Men and Women' Qualified to Join Military

    Which Democrat is obstructing confirmation on Trump’s openly-gay nominee for Ambassador to Germany?

    Lack Of Sleep Can Lead To Weight Gain

    Florida wants to tinker with time. Will it be the end of the clock as we know it?
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did enjoy my family time Roger. The kids were fun, and their parents. my son and DIL had a great time too. Late night. Thought of saying "hello" at 2a.m. as I was crawling into bed..but was just too tired.
    Couple of things I'd like to get done today..none exactly 'critical', but will make next week much easier. I may put off the trip to the bank, that I can do from my car and not get wet!

    I need to get dressed, get the trash cart back to the house, and I'd like to make a gym run.
    (I'd also like a nap! but thats not gonna happen.) Roger I'm glad to know that you've survived both N'easters with not too much trouble. I need to check out fb to see if Kat (who's in MA) has been as fortunate)..

    Other than that...Not much else!


    Hi Valerie
    The walking was not that easy since even in the areas where the sidewalks were shoveled they did not all have cutouts at the curb to cross the streets. Some busy driveways were sheets of ice too.

    We have survived the Nor' Easters not necessarily unscathed, Trees across the street and next door have lost lots of branches. I have had to pull my car way up in the driveway so my brothers car can be pulled up clear of damaged branches that overhang the driveway.

    I would not have been on at 2AM either. Do You mean that there is rain in the near future in the Atlanta area ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Survived this day of the orchid show. I did come home and have a couple hour nap, from about 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM, then went back out after a bit to a party at the house of one of the members. This morning I got up at 5:30 and was making coffee at the botanic gardens at 7:05. After a bit my co-hospitality person came along with her part of the breakfast for today's Judges' breakfast and we had it all together and ready to roll by 8:00. Everyone enjoyed breakfast and then we had to set up for the Judge's lunch, which was picked up from a vendor. Barbecue and lots of sides. Plenty of vegetarian options.

    We do the two meals for the judges because they are pulling plants from the show and doing an EXTRA judging for plants from the show. They are still doing their regular monthly judging tomorrow so J gets to bring in his photography equipment again for Saturday.

    No special breakfast on Saturday, but we do have the Vendors' luncheon to thank the vendors who are selling orchids, as they are a major draw to the show. That lunch, coming from a Middle Eastern restaurant this year, will be supplemented by the leftovers from the barbecue, and then any leftovers from all of it will make a final appearance for Sunday lunch for the volunteers and vendors.

    Of course the society volunteers and vendors are also invited to the Judge's meals and the judges are welcome to partake of the Vendor's luncheon, as are the volunteers, but usually the judges have made other arrangements for their Saturday meal, as they come every month anyway. They do stop by for coffee and might grab some food while doing so but they aren't even there for breakfast on Saturday, not starting their thing until 12:30 or so.
    Hi Ed
    I hope You did more than survive and enjoyed the day.
    It sounds as if You are going to have a busy weekend.
    Lilo has a new trick for deciding when my nap time is over, by her definition. Since Kiara has become my loyal nap buddy, usually right by my legs, with Lilo near my head, if she's there with me, Lilo starts a wrestling match with Kiara and that's the signal that she thinks I've napped long enough.

    After the nap, I took a shower as I had worked all day and felt grungy. As I was pondering dinner, J texted me asking if I was coming to the party, as people at the party were asking about me. I really had not intended to go to the party, but when he asked I got out into some of the worst traffic EVER and went to the party. Honestly, if I'd known how bad the traffic on I75/I85 was, I probably would have begged off and sent my regrets.

    But, since I didn't know until I was already halfway to the party, I toughed it out and had a rather nice dinner at the party. Better than what I'd have probably eaten at home, for sure.

    I enjoyed the party, despite being really tired. Had a small glass of wine with the meal, when I got there, and then chatted with friends for a couple of hours.

    J wanted to bring home some of the leftovers that the party givers were trying to give away, so we have a quart of roasted potatoes and mushrooms for him to have for a couple of meals. They were quite nice. I had some as part of my meal.

    I skipped the shrimp as it had been sitting out for at least an hour or so when I got there, and maybe longer. I did eat some of the grilled chicken, some baked beans, some of the roasted potato and mushrooms, and a home made cookie. Then drank two glasses of water while chatting and came home to feed the sugar gliders and cuddle with the cats who were most distressed that I had been gone all day and then left AGAIN and was gone for the rest of the evening.

    Clearly it was just AWFUL at home while I was gone.
    Traffic was much heavier than usual on the roads we were on yesterday.

    Have a Good Day