Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hello from stormy GA!
    That first storm that rolled through was a humdinger! The wind was reported as 69 mph at the airport. I'll believe that! Tom was outside but as soon as the rain started he headed for the house...and then cracking and huge raindrops,and that unbelievable wind!! Yikes, I was about ready to head for the bath tub!

    I freaked Tom E out earlier in the morning...he's gotten the morning routine down pat, and so at the appropriate time in my morning shuffle from bedroom to kitchen (thyroid med) back to the Keurig for my hot cup of coffee, he goes to the rocking chair and sits patiently? in front of it. Today I surprised him....after my thyroid pill I stretched out on the living room rug. He didn't know what to think about that...wouldn't get too close, etc. I would talk to him and reach out to pet him, etc. He wasn't too sure about me touching him either!!! It was a hoot!
    Hi Valerie
    I bet the airport paused landings and takeoffs with that kind of wind, We are supposed to have gusts up to 60 today and the news said that it would likely cause that problem at the three airports in the NY Metro area.

    Change the routine and freak out the cat, interesting.
    Trash night, and I've already put the cart at the street before the driveway flooded. I'll take the recycles out after this rain and wind has moved into the Carolina's. Lights keep dimming, but so far no loss of power. Guessing there's a downed tree nearby?

    I think it might be a good time for at least a short nap.

    Roger, no I would not want to taste/eat lab made meat. Unadulterated??? I'd say whole thing is adulterated. So far science does not have a very good record on that kind of thing. No, that's a nope from me...a violent one, like the kids that taste ethnic foods that Ed posts!!!
    Those kids are a handful. Cute and sometimes funny...but nope I'm not eating that! Ewwww! :)

    I was wondering if Your power had problems :smiley:
    You aren't worried about the Cans from the trash and recycle blowing away ?

    Thank You for the feedback on the lab meat.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    7 foods to eat before going to bed. Maybe...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    Ice cream in the 18th century?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 44 out there now with an expected high of 59 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Might get out to the store today. Would be a good day for it. Might also do some laundry and a little bit of house cleaning.

    I've eaten and the cats will eat after J gets up. Dinah would rather have hers now, if you please, but no, she can wait too. :)

    Sink is cleared.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    I have a version of this that J loves, and so do I. He likes it served over pasta, like noodles or spaghetti.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    Just curious, Do You ever use corn starch for a coating ?

    I am guessing that the Pork Cube Steak is done the same way as Cube Steak ? And possibly for the same reason, to tenderize a tough cut of meat.
    I'm guessing that possibly Your Chicken Fried Cube Pork ends up similar to the Pork Tenderloin that was used in sandwiches when I was Young.

    My brother does not want to use soap on his cast iron skillet, he claims it will ruin the seasoning ? He wipes it out with hot water while it is still hot and uses paper towels to finish the process.

    I wonder how feral cats and the other feline species in the wild get salt ? From their prey ?

    I would not have thought of heating cat food for those reasons, live and learn :smile:

    The pork cube steak is made, usually, from the less tender shoulder cuts, and yes, it's to tenderize the meat. It usually works quite well too, as it can be fairly quickly cooked up as opposed to the long, slow cooking that pork shoulder usually requires. I've had it as chicken fried steak, smothered steak, or just seasoned and quickly pan fried with no breading at all. I like it best chicken fried, but am happy with it the other ways as well. It can be used pretty much in all the same ways that a beef cube steak can be used, with the slight caveat that, of course, pork tastes different than beef and the seasoning and/or herbs might need to be adjusted accordingly.

    I (and most people) generally wash cast iron the same way. Very hot water, and I use a plastic scrub brush as needed. J's stainless steel wok is washed the same way. A sponge with a little soapy water in it, used occasionally, won't really hurt the seasoning, as the seasoning is bonded to the metal. All the same, most people don't use it. Now leaving any high acid foods(like tomato or lemon, or even eggs), vinegar, or alcohol in the pans, for any significant length's of time, will damage the seasoning, but it's OK to cook with them as long as you don't let them soak, and wash the pan thoroughly with hot water right away. It's best to not cook high acid foods with a freshly seasoned pan, but cook other things for some time before using the pans to cook the high acid foods. And don't be afraid to use plenty of fat when cooking eggs, or they will stick, especially in pans where the seasoning coat hasn't built up thoroughly yet.

    I'm sure feral cats do get a significant amount of salt from the blood in their prey, as well as any salt that may be in food that kind humans leave out for them. Commercial cat foods include the salt that the cats need, I'm sure.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Your early evening poster here!
    Went to the gym, made a huge pot of red beans and rice soup. That will be dinner when it comes out of the IP.

    Roger the NRA and DELTA have been all over our news and newspapers. They're also speculating about h ow this will affect our standing in the current process of enticing Amazon's second HQ to GA. Not going to stress or worry about it. I'd really like to out all the OTHER flying folks on Delta who get company discounts. I know that when I was on Red Cross business, I flew the discounted rate...and there was a long list of companies.

    I'll second Rogers comment about your dinner looking delicious Ed!! Give Eduardo a hefty pat on the back for me when you see him next! And I was really glad to see J's bbq tofu! Looked good, and I'm sure it WAS great.

    Ok, IP is beeping to get my attention.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    Mouse trap or vegan trap.png



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 37 on the porch. Yesterday turned very windy. The rain at the start of the day turned to snow before 10AM. Luckily the snow never stuck to the ground and this morning the ground is dry. The winds are starting to abate, however the power did go out before 5AM for a few minutes.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    How can a place with 58,000 homeless people continue to function?

    KFC now running out of gravy

    Harvard Blew $1 Billion in Bet on Tomatoes, Sugar, and Eucalyptus

    Saline in IVs may increase risk of death, kidney failure

    History of tattooing is rewritten after world's earliest figurative inkings are found on 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies in the British Museum

    Outrage over Facebook's Intrusive Forced Malware Scans

    Weight Watchers is shifting from weight loss to wellness as ‘healthy is the new skinny’

    ‘Silent Seizures’ A Clue To Memory Loss In Alzheimer’s Disease

    Gorilla Statue Removed After Complaints It Was ‘Racially Insensitive’

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    Just curious, Do You ever use corn starch for a coating ?

    I am guessing that the Pork Cube Steak is done the same way as Cube Steak ? And possibly for the same reason, to tenderize a tough cut of meat.
    I'm guessing that possibly Your Chicken Fried Cube Pork ends up similar to the Pork Tenderloin that was used in sandwiches when I was Young.

    My brother does not want to use soap on his cast iron skillet, he claims it will ruin the seasoning ? He wipes it out with hot water while it is still hot and uses paper towels to finish the process.

    I wonder how feral cats and the other feline species in the wild get salt ? From their prey ?

    I would not have thought of heating cat food for those reasons, live and learn :smile:
    The pork cube steak is made, usually, from the less tender shoulder cuts, and yes, it's to tenderize the meat. It usually works quite well too, as it can be fairly quickly cooked up as opposed to the long, slow cooking that pork shoulder usually requires. I've had it as chicken fried steak, smothered steak, or just seasoned and quickly pan fried with no breading at all. I like it best chicken fried, but am happy with it the other ways as well. It can be used pretty much in all the same ways that a beef cube steak can be used, with the slight caveat that, of course, pork tastes different than beef and the seasoning and/or herbs might need to be adjusted accordingly.
    Hi Ed
    I do not think I have had smothered steak, Does that mean covered with gravy ?
    I (and most people) generally wash cast iron the same way. Very hot water, and I use a plastic scrub brush as needed. J's stainless steel wok is washed the same way. A sponge with a little soapy water in it, used occasionally, won't really hurt the seasoning, as the seasoning is bonded to the metal. All the same, most people don't use it. Now leaving any high acid foods(like tomato or lemon, or even eggs), vinegar, or alcohol in the pans, for any significant length's of time, will damage the seasoning, but it's OK to cook with them as long as you don't let them soak, and wash the pan thoroughly with hot water right away. It's best to not cook high acid foods with a freshly seasoned pan, but cook other things for some time before using the pans to cook the high acid foods. And don't be afraid to use plenty of fat when cooking eggs, or they will stick, especially in pans where the seasoning coat hasn't built up thoroughly yet.

    I'm sure feral cats do get a significant amount of salt from the blood in their prey, as well as any salt that may be in food that kind humans leave out for them. Commercial cat foods include the salt that the cats need, I'm sure.
    My Brother has a cleaning chain that is sold by Lehman's for cleaning Cast Iron skillets. I can see where a acid foods could damage the surface. Eggs are acid or does that mean they can damage the surface using some other method ?

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Your early evening poster here!
    Went to the gym, made a huge pot of red beans and rice soup. That will be dinner when it comes out of the IP.

    Roger the NRA and DELTA have been all over our news and newspapers. They're also speculating about h ow this will affect our standing in the current process of enticing Amazon's second HQ to GA. Not going to stress or worry about it. I'd really like to out all the OTHER flying folks on Delta who get company discounts. I know that when I was on Red Cross business, I flew the discounted rate...and there was a long list of companies.

    I'll second Rogers comment about your dinner looking delicious Ed!! Give Eduardo a hefty pat on the back for me when you see him next! And I was really glad to see J's bbq tofu! Looked good, and I'm sure it WAS great.

    Ok, IP is beeping to get my attention.


    Hi Valerie
    Is Your IP the one that is being recalled. Or is that a different brand ?

    Do You care if Amazon comes to Ga. ?

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 37 out there now with an expected high of 64 and no chance of precipitation.

    I got my $60 prepaid gift card (not rechargeable) for doing Jury duty, so we had pizza for dinner last night, just to "break it in" and so I had pizza for breakfast too. The cats looked on enviously.

    Need to clean up yesterday's cat bowls but other than that the sink is cleared. And, of course, need to feed the cats in a while. This morning, for a change, Dinah was the one up in my face making noises to get me up. This is usually Lilo's job but she was at the foot of the bed, and Kiara was in her usual spot on the desk/table at the foot of the bed, lying on the fake lambskin we leave there for them. Sometimes she is in one of the cat tents under the desk.

    Dinah is usually up on the cat tree, by the window, waiting for me to get up and come over and give her a morning kiss. Guess she got tired of waiting for it today?

    Probably doing laundry and may even get Eddie to do some of the house cleaning he conveniently avoided yesterday.

    And a few plants need watering.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    All that leading up to...PRINGLE'S TRICKS!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I do not think I have had smothered steak, Does that mean covered with gravy ?

    My Brother has a cleaning chain that is sold by Lehman's for cleaning Cast Iron skillets. I can see where a acid foods could damage the surface. Eggs are acid or does that mean they can damage the surface using some other method ?

    Smothered steak could also be called fricasseed steak, similar to the way I generally prepare rabbit when I have it. Maybe it's more of a southern thing...it's like taking a lightly chicken fried steak and then simmering it in gravy. Really nice with mashed potatoes, a vegetable, and a roll.

    Here's one recipe for it:


    Oh, and to answer the question I keep forgetting to answer, yes, I have occasionally used corn starch by itself, or mixed with flour, for an extra crunchy crunch. One method for really crunchy battered foods calls for using all, or mostly, corn starch and using vodka for the liquid, to make a dipping batter that won't toughen up from being overworked while re-stirring between dippings, while waiting for one batch to finish up and the next to go in the oil.

    I've seen those cleaning chains but thought they were for stripping the finish, to re-season the pan. For that I usually use a Brillo pad. The cleaning chains might be a better stripper though, being a bit stronger than a Brillo pad.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Evening! Almost time for my evening foodie summit. So I"lll be quick.
    Roger, I never actually lost power, yea! Wind gusts were pretty much just along the frontal edge of the storm...after that just rain and some 'normal' winds. The Mouse trap is not for vegans...they don't eat cheese :) My IP is not one that is being recalled. Mine is round...the bad ones are oval. And yep, I would like to see Amazon HQ2 here in GA. Would be nice revenue for the state.
    Ed, I'll watch the video's tomorrow with breakfast. That last one...the Pringles trick...I can't wait to see that constructed. Would be a 'mind blown' exhibit for some grandchildren I know!
    I have a cleaning chain...use that and hot water to clean my cast iron. Works nicely. Its smoooooth and slinky as all get out! I like to call it my life saving chainmail! Or Pan saving whatever...
    Ok...time's up
