Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Superman's arrival on Earth in the 1948 Superman serial, shown in movie theaters.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited February 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Just curious, Salt on eggs for the cat, Were they cooked in butter, Olive Oil or Vegetable oil.

    How hard would it have been to make the cat food bowls dishwasher safe considering how many people use dishwashers. I'm guessing that if they were dishwasher safe they would also be Microwave safe, OTOH why would anyone heat cat food ?

    Like all all creatures on this Earth, cats need salt too. I figured the little bit of salt I put on eggs wouldn't be a problem for her. The eggs were cooked in ghee (clarified butter). She could have eaten pepper on the eggs too, but I gave her a bit without the pepper, figuring she really doesn't need much of that in her diet.

    Actually, many people heat cat food. If you buy it in larger cans, refrigerating what isn't served, or if your cat prefers that "freshly killed warm" temperature for the food, people will warm the cat food briefly in the microwave. Not enough to get it HOT, but just a bit warm. This can also increase the aroma for cats who want their food a bit smellier or who need to smell it to find it, or to want to eat it, if ill.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Drat, I forgot about national Pancake day and I do have a couple of packets of NS pancake mix. They would have been tasty with a little sweetener and maple extract.

    That Breakfast looked so tasty too.

    Oh, it was tasty. :) My home made pancakes are all gone now. :(

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi, its been a rainy, foggy, yuck kinda day! Coming right after sunny 70's made it even worse.
    Made a Whole Foods run...wanted some 365 veg. hot dogs, nope. Wanted a jar of Veg. mayo, nope. Wanted some mixed black and white sesame seeds, nope. Wanted some Chicken Fried Tofu...YEP!!! I found this all very weird. They are reconfiguration my Whole Foods. Will be curious to see it when its finished. I can't decide if its because they now do locker pick up or what.
    Tom's still outside. Bet I'd better let the little monkey faced cat in the back door!

    Oh, several days ago Roger asked...BTW is the Factory grown meat acceptable to a vegetarian (vegan) if it is grown in a vat and not from a animal ? Does this actually exist? I can't speak for the vegan or vegetarian followers, but I for one wouldn't eat it. There's already enough crap made up food out there...why ingest even more? I really do prefer whole unadulterated real food. They need to leave the lab made foods out of it. Does this really exist? she asked again, shaking her head!!!

    Not much else going on around here.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 42 on the porch. Yesterday was in the low 60s. Today is predicted to be dry with rain arriving later in the day and heavy Friday possibly turning to snow Friday depending on where in NJ You are located.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    THE MAC DADDY McDonald’s record holder Don Gorske, 64, set to eat his 30,000th Big Mac – and vows to continue scoffing burgers until the day he dies

    Malibu bans restaurants from giving out plastic straws, stirrers and utensils

    Revolutionary Treatment? Scientists Successfully Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease In Mice

    [bLess than half of German submarines and warplanes ready for use[/b]

    With DNA from a museum specimen, scientists reconstruct the genome of a bird extinct for 700 years

    More Americans now support a universal basic income

    Up to 60 per cent of prisoners have head injuries, as experts warn brain damage may fuel crime

    Trouble Sleeping Might Be An Early Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Oh Oh

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 50 out there now with an expected high of only 59 and 100% chance of precipitation. If I get out at all it will just be to Aldi. I do need some paper towels but as I just put the last roll (double size) on the dispenser this morning, I can probably wait until tomorrow.

    Breakfast this morning was the rest of the pancakes, along with chicken fried pork cube steak, using, this time, self rising flour for a softer outer texture. I think it also makes a slight difference in the gravy, which I did make, of course, using some of the excess seasoned flour and all of the milk used for dredging, but not enough of a difference in the gravy to matter. I always imagine I detect a slight difference in the "texture" of the gravy too, when using self rising flour, but that may just be my imagination. I doubt the average person would notice any difference. They MIGHT notice that the texture of the fried coating on the steak is a bit softer. Just a bit.

    At any rate it was delicious and there is a piece of fried steak left for tomorrow and some leftover gravy too. I think tomorrow's breakfast will be nice, if I don't eat it for lunch today. :)
    Hi Ed
    Just curious, Do You ever use corn starch for a coating ?

    I am guessing that the Pork Cube Steak is done the same way as Cube Steak ? And possibly for the same reason, to tenderize a tough cut of meat.
    I'm guessing that possibly Your Chicken Fried Cube Pork ends up similar to the Pork Tenderloin that was used in sandwiches when I was Young.
    Classic Iowa Pork Tenderloin Sandwich
    In fact Nicks from this link is on the road where I first had them as a kid in the 50s.
    Tenderloins are the mainstay at Nick’s. Eighty percent of the restaurant’s food sales are pork tenderloins, with about 1,000 sold per week.

    TMI ?

    I tend to buy our paper goods at CostCo, those being Kleenex, Charmin TP and Paper Towels since we have a cabinet that can hold the cases of Paper Towels and TP in the laundry room next to the washing machine and the case of Kleenex lives in the back bedroom in a corner :smiley:
    Dinah approved of the gravy, and she got to lick some up on a paper plate. Lilo and Kiara declined.

    I still need to wash up the knife I'll use to divvy up the cat food in a bit, but all the rest of the "sink" cleanup is done, including, of course, my largest cast iron skillet, which is all washed, dried, and has it's usual very thin coat of "after cleaning" oil applied to the cooking surface.

    Dinah is jonesing for food now, but she can wait. She did have s snack of gravy after all, albeit not much of one...
    My brother does not want to use soap on his cast iron skillet, he claims it will ruin the seasoning ? He wipes it out with hot water while it is still hot and uses paper towels to finish the process.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Just curious, Salt on eggs for the cat, Were they cooked in butter, Olive Oil or Vegetable oil.

    How hard would it have been to make the cat food bowls dishwasher safe considering how many people use dishwashers. I'm guessing that if they were dishwasher safe they would also be Microwave safe, OTOH why would anyone heat cat food ?

    Like all all creatures on this Earth, cats need salt too. I figured the little bit of salt I put on eggs wouldn't be a problem for her. The eggs were cooked in ghee (clarified butter). She could have eaten pepper on the eggs too, but I gave her a bit without the pepper, figuring she really doesn't need much of that in her diet.

    Actually, many people heat cat food. If you buy it in larger cans, refrigerating what isn't served, or if your cat prefers that "freshly killed warm" temperature for the food, people will warm the cat food briefly in the microwave. Not enough to get it HOT, but just a bit warm. This can also increase the aroma for cats who want their food a bit smellier or who need to smell it to find it, or to want to eat it, if ill.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Drat, I forgot about national Pancake day and I do have a couple of packets of NS pancake mix. They would have been tasty with a little sweetener and maple extract.

    That Breakfast looked so tasty too.

    Oh, it was tasty. :) My home made pancakes are all gone now. :(
    I wonder how feral cats and the other feline species in the wild get salt ? From their prey ?

    I would not have thought of heating cat food for those reasons, live and learn :smile:

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi, its been a rainy, foggy, yuck kinda day! Coming right after sunny 70's made it even worse.
    Made a Whole Foods run...wanted some 365 veg. hot dogs, nope. Wanted a jar of Veg. mayo, nope. Wanted some mixed black and white sesame seeds, nope. Wanted some Chicken Fried Tofu...YEP!!! I found this all very weird. They are reconfiguration my Whole Foods. Will be curious to see it when its finished. I can't decide if its because they now do locker pick up or what.
    Tom's still outside. Bet I'd better let the little monkey faced cat in the back door!

    Oh, several days ago Roger asked...BTW is the Factory grown meat acceptable to a vegetarian (vegan) if it is grown in a vat and not from a animal ? Does this actually exist? I can't speak for the vegan or vegetarian followers, but I for one wouldn't eat it. There's already enough crap made up food out there...why ingest even more? I really do prefer whole unadulterated real food. They need to leave the lab made foods out of it. Does this really exist? she asked again, shaking her head!!!

    Not much else going on around here.

    Hi Valerie
    On last nights weather forecast they showed heavy rain moving through the Atlanta area today.
    Rain is forecast to arrive here around 2PM moving in from the west, the timing depending on where in NJ You are.

    It is also possible that they still had those items, just relocated ? When they were moving things all over in the ShopRite my brother made stops at the Courtesy Counter to get the new locations and be sure they still had the items if he did not find them.

    In answer to your question if lab made meats exist here are a couple of links.
    In 2013, the world’s first lab-grown burger was unveiled to the world. It carried a $330,000 price tag, and apparently, it wasn’t all that tasty. But the scientists behind the idea have been hard at work, and artificial meat that’s both cost-effective and palatable may arrive sooner than we think.

    It’s not just cow-free beef burgers on the future menu — several groups around the world are attempting to clone chicken breasts and fish fillets, as well. Why do scientists want to grow meat in vats instead of on animals, and how close are we to actually accomplishing it?

    Lab-Grown Meat Is on the Way

    It's good for the planet, and surveys show that significant numbers of people would be willing to give it a try

    As I understand it the meat grown that way will be unadulterated, I could also be wrong.

    That is why I wondered if You for example would eat it, If It were indistinguishable from a Hamburger made the usual way ?

    Have a Nice Day and Stay Warm & Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I almost forgot, I saw this yesterday.


    Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

    The Georgia Senate’s leaders vowed to block a lucrative tax break bill on Monday that would benefit Delta Air Lines after the Atlanta-based company severed ties with the National Rifle Association.

    Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle said he would not support tax legislation that helped the airline “unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with the NRA.” He echoed a growing number of conservatives who opposed the measure over the weekend.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's ... what the heck is it...thrilling Thursday! And it's March 1. 55 out there now with an expected high of 69 and 90% chance of precipitation.

    I've been fed, the sink is cleared, and the dishwasher is running. Lilo is lying near me on my desk while Kiara and Dinah are busy working up an appetite chasing each other all around the place. Dinah has really been full of it this morning, trying to play with J's reading glasses (on his desk), one of his violins (hanging on the wall) and just tearing around like a lunatic. Kiara is happy to join in on the "tearing around like a lunatic" as playing chase/hide and seek is one of her favorite games.

    I'm on my second mug of tea now and getting lost on the internet.

    Here's your first video memory/funny for today.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Kids try Brazilian food. Which reminds me of a terrible joke that's a little risqué. Woman comments to her friend that she slept with a Brazilian. Friend replies, "Oh my gosh! How many is that?"

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Mac and cheese the old fashioned way!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Things you should never order at Cracker Barrel? Well, maybe...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    More "defeated eateries" and other memory tidbits.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    I managed to slip out to Aldi and get back. Within minutes of my putting away the groceries, it was raining. Talk about perfect timing! I managed to just barely avoid the rain.

    Then Eduardo got out to mess with lunch. I was going to just have plain mac and cheese for me and breakfasty stuff for J but NOOOOOOOO. Now some garlic jalapeño 4 cheese mac and cheese gratīn, topped with crumbled potato chips and more parmesan is in the oven. Well, the leftovers can be tonight's dinner carb I guess, if it's any good.

    Eduardo (Edwierdo?) rarely lets me down.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hello from stormy GA!
    That first storm that rolled through was a humdinger! The wind was reported as 69 mph at the airport. I'll believe that! Tom was outside but as soon as the rain started he headed for the house...and then cracking and huge raindrops,and that unbelievable wind!! Yikes, I was about ready to head for the bath tub!

    I freaked Tom E out earlier in the morning...he's gotten the morning routine down pat, and so at the appropriate time in my morning shuffle from bedroom to kitchen (thyroid med) back to the Keurig for my hot cup of coffee, he goes to the rocking chair and sits patiently? in front of it. Today I surprised him....after my thyroid pill I stretched out on the living room rug. He didn't know what to think about that...wouldn't get too close, etc. I would talk to him and reach out to pet him, etc. He wasn't too sure about me touching him either!!! It was a hoot!

    Trash night, and I've already put the cart at the street before the driveway flooded. I'll take the recycles out after this rain and wind has moved into the Carolina's. Lights keep dimming, but so far no loss of power. Guessing there's a downed tree nearby?

    I think it might be a good time for at least a short nap.

    Roger, no I would not want to taste/eat lab made meat. Unadulterated??? I'd say whole thing is adulterated. So far science does not have a very good record on that kind of thing. No, that's a nope from me...a violent one, like the kids that taste ethnic foods that Ed posts!!!
    Those kids are a handful. Cute and sometimes funny...but nope I'm not eating that! Ewwww! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
    Dinner tonight included some of the leftover mac and cheese. We had:

    For me, grilled steak, medium rare. For J, marinated, grilled tofu with barbecue sauce.

    For both of us, grilled rainbow carrots, grilled zucchini, and garlic jalapeño 4 cheese mac and cheese gratín.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and one Quarter AKA 25 cents. The temperature this morning was 44 on the porch. Yesterday was in the low 60s once again. Today's rain started arriving in the evening and heavy today possibly turning to snow later depending on where in NJ You are located.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    New shark species discovered by research team led by Florida Tech professor

    Montclair Bans Distracted Walking

    The Sad Tooth: 6 In 10 Adults Are Too Scared To Visit The Dentist

    It may be possible to bring a human back to life five minutes after their heart stops beating

    Man Reportedly Attempts To Rob 7-Eleven Store Armed With A Finger

    Woman busted for poisoning friend's cheesecake in ID theft bid

    Woman busted for poisoning friend's cheesecake in ID theft bid
    Pesticides put bees at risk, European watchdog confirms

    Ultra Wealthy Are Being Lured to Italy by Low Tax Rates

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More "defeated eateries" and other memory tidbits.
    Hi Ed
    a 59 cent Chicken Dinner :smiley:
    I wonder if the 15 cents refers to the price of the Hamburger ?

    If they were still around those would be great prices...
    I managed to slip out to Aldi and get back. Within minutes of my putting away the groceries, it was raining. Talk about perfect timing! I managed to just barely avoid the rain.

    Then Eduardo got out to mess with lunch. I was going to just have plain mac and cheese for me and breakfasty stuff for J but NOOOOOOOO. Now some garlic jalapeño 4 cheese mac and cheese gratīn, topped with crumbled potato chips and more parmesan is in the oven. Well, the leftovers can be tonight's dinner carb I guess, if it's any good.

    Eduardo (Edwierdo?) rarely lets me down.
    Interesting, that reminded me that Mom used to crumble Potato Chips on top of the Tuna Casserole when she made it, Thanks for the reminder.
    Dinner tonight included some of the leftover mac and cheese. We had:

    For me, grilled steak, medium rare. For J, marinated, grilled tofu with barbecue sauce.

    For both of us, grilled rainbow carrots, grilled zucchini, and garlic jalapeño 4 cheese mac and cheese gratín.
    The plate of Your food looks great, I could eat it.

    The marinated, grilled tofu with barbecue sauce reminded me of the look of the McDonalds McRib meat in that sandwich. I suspect that it is the grill marks.

    Have a Nice Day