Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday. 37 out there now with an expected high of 62 and 80% chance of rain. Not the greatest forecast for the attendance at the orchid show today. Still, I'll be heading out shortly to make coffee and make sure that what snacks we have for breakfast are set out. No "formal" breakfast for today though so that's a bit easier.

    Well, need to finish this cup of tea, feed the cats, and get headed in to the botanic gardens I guess.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi to Ed, what an alarm system those cats have worked out!
    Roger, they did put the series up for 48 hours. See if that link I sent you to iThrive will get you there. Most are interesting, it was #8 that dealt with intermittent fasting. I think I'd like to try a 3 day water fast and then reality sets in. Not sure I can get past about 4-5 in the afternoon. That's where I've gotten 'stuck' before. :) Not cuz I was fasting, but because I'd been out running around and just hadn't eaten. I pretty much do a 14-15 hour fast on a daily basis. They were talking about doing an abbreviated fast, limiting the 'feeding' window each day...like 5 hours if you wanted to eat 2 meals, or a really short window of 1-2 hours for feeding, fasting the rest of the 24 hours...
    I was supposed to work with Ted on my computer over the phone, and he just called and said go do your errands now, and call him later today when the rains set in. about 2p. I think, and Sunday and Monday!!!
    If the link doesn't work Roger, post that here, and I'll see if I can find my login, and passcode and you can log in as me??

    Gotta go while the sun shines! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





    This vintage selfie, possibly the first selfie ever taken, was shot in 1900. The woman is seen posing in front of a mirror with her handheld camera

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 29 on the porch.
    My Brother and I were out doing four stops yesterday. Lots of damaged trees all over the area. The Decorative trees in the ShopRite parking lot had lots of damage.
    While I was walking I took a different route for safety as I needed to stay on the roads for much of the walk. Wires and trees are still down where I was walking :(

    How Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Saw Into the Future

    High Levels Of Fecal Bacteria Found At Popular Spring Break Beaches
    CBS Local — If you’re headed to Texas for spring break you might want to stay off the beach or at least out of the water, according to a new report.

    One Hundred Years Later, the Madness of Daylight Saving Time Endures

    This 3,500-Year-Old Greek Tomb Upended What We Thought We Knew About the Roots of Western Civilization

    What scientists found trapped in a diamond: a type of ice not known on Earth

    Texas Waitress Who Cut Food For Diner Gets $16K Scholarship

    Brain zap can make people re-experience old dreams while awake

    Seven years after tsunami, Japanese live uneasily with seawalls

    Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February

    The low mark was set in December, at 6.8 percent. Then, the rate spiked to 7.7 percent, but that increase proved short-lived.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi to Ed, what an alarm system those cats have worked out!
    Roger, they did put the series up for 48 hours. See if that link I sent you to iThrive will get you there. Most are interesting, it was #8 that dealt with intermittent fasting. I think I'd like to try a 3 day water fast and then reality sets in. Not sure I can get past about 4-5 in the afternoon. That's where I've gotten 'stuck' before. :) Not cuz I was fasting, but because I'd been out running around and just hadn't eaten. I pretty much do a 14-15 hour fast on a daily basis. They were talking about doing an abbreviated fast, limiting the 'feeding' window each day...like 5 hours if you wanted to eat 2 meals, or a really short window of 1-2 hours for feeding, fasting the rest of the 24 hours...
    I was supposed to work with Ted on my computer over the phone, and he just called and said go do your errands now, and call him later today when the rains set in. about 2p. I think, and Sunday and Monday!!!
    If the link doesn't work Roger, post that here, and I'll see if I can find my login, and passcode and you can log in as me??

    Gotta go while the sun shines! :)


    Hi Valerie
    I appreciate the offer, however I would not want to use someone elses login information. I can go try and see if it is still on offer, if not, Oh well.

    Just from curiosity what needs doing to Your computer.

    It seems as if tomorrow's previously forecast storm is now scheduled to arrive Monday overnight into Tuesday with some snow in the forecast.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Ed
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating soggy Sunday! 53 out there now with an expected high of 55 100% chance of rain. It's already raining and supposed to rain all day. Joy.

    Cats need to be fed and I need to get on down to the Botanic Gardens for the last day of the orchid show.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Tell me its not really 7p. Feels like its at least an hour off! LOL! All clocks, even the chiming one are set, except...for the one over my head in the bedroom, which twice today has messed with my mind!!

    Roger, kinda long 'what was wrong with my computer' and a pretty quick and painless fix. I had uploaded to the cloud documents, photo's, contacts, etc...only I'd not ever set up a password with the iCloud. :) So, that was what prompted the dialogue boxes...Ted had already figured that out, from what I'd told him the evening before. When I got that done, like magic, my desk top returned! Job finished, All is well!

    My SIL texted me a pix from outside her breakfast table...snowing like it was a Christmas Card! We chatted for about an hour about what we would be doing at the beach, etc. and by the end of our call the snow was called off, and beginning to melt off the tree limbs, bird feeders, roof, etc. She kept telling me it was so beautiful...right. That's one time I'd take ugly over snow!...How about you Roger?!?!?

    Ed, hope the orchid show went well. I don't know what you got in ATL, or even at home, but I did get some rain...nothing to be excited about in quantity!

    Tom Cat seems to be liking DST. Its still quite light here, and he's outside enjoying it!

    Ok, I've got a couple things in mind to do while my eyes still tell me its early early evening. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    A couple of Scary Bridges to start things rolling








  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/11/2018 100%

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 29 on the porch.

    500-Year-Old Pistol Part Could Shed Light on Colorado’s Spanish Colonial Past
    The pistol part was found during an excavation several years ago by the Museums of Western Colorado’s Western Investigations Team

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Tell me its not really 7p. Feels like its at least an hour off! LOL! All clocks, even the chiming one are set, except...for the one over my head in the bedroom, which twice today has messed with my mind!!

    Roger, kinda long 'what was wrong with my computer' and a pretty quick and painless fix. I had uploaded to the cloud documents, photo's, contacts, etc...only I'd not ever set up a password with the iCloud. :) So, that was what prompted the dialogue boxes...Ted had already figured that out, from what I'd told him the evening before. When I got that done, like magic, my desk top returned! Job finished, All is well!

    My SIL texted me a pix from outside her breakfast table...snowing like it was a Christmas Card! We chatted for about an hour about what we would be doing at the beach, etc. and by the end of our call the snow was called off, and beginning to melt off the tree limbs, bird feeders, roof, etc. She kept telling me it was so beautiful...right. That's one time I'd take ugly over snow!...How about you Roger?!?!?

    Ed, hope the orchid show went well. I don't know what you got in ATL, or even at home, but I did get some rain...nothing to be excited about in quantity!

    Tom Cat seems to be liking DST. Its still quite light here, and he's outside enjoying it!

    Ok, I've got a couple things in mind to do while my eyes still tell me its early early evening. :)


    Hi Valerie
    Only a couple more clocks to set here as of this morning.

    Ah Ha, I was curious what happened.

    So far they are still forecasting snow tonight into tomorrow :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 39 out there now with an expected high of 52 and 20% chance of rain. It was wet most of the morning at the botanic gardens yesterday and remained gray and dismal looking, but the rain slacked off and we got a good bit of traffic in. Two of the vendors I know fairly well were nearly sold out over the whole weekend. Another vendor who is more local kept bringing in more stuff to keep their tables fairly full, so it was hard to estimate how well their sales went, but I expect they sold a lot too.

    For me, the show started being fun even before it started. Wednesday was table and chair setup in the show room, which I did not attend. We don't generally have any hospitality setup for this night, as it's just a few volunteers from our group and if we do set anything up it would just be some soft drinks, water, and maybe trail mix or the like. Possibly coffee if our urns are in the kitchen yet. E dropped of her coffee pot but there was nothing laid out for snacks. This initial setup usually only takes a few hours. I did not go Wednesday night and was having my own fun at home. My blood glucose was rather unstable, and dropping, for unknown reasons. Sometimes we diabetics just have fun times like that! So I was up until nearly midnight trying to get it stabilized and high enough to feel comfortable about going to bed. It all ended up being fine, of course, but I didn't really sleep all that well.

    Thursday morning I went down to set up coffee and light snacks (chips, cookies, trail mix) for the arriving guests who would be setting up displays and vending tables and kept the coffee flowing, at least until mid-afternoon at which point I pooped out and popped out to come home and take a nap.

    Friday, I had to be there at about 7:00 in the morning to get coffee ready and set everything up for the Judges' breakfast, so I got that going and when E arrived, closer to 8:00 she set up a small meat and cheese tray, mini-bagels, croissants, and brought orange juice and fruit. The show coordinator's wife had made a dozen boiled eggs, so we set all that out along with the breakfast biscuits and sweet rolls I had already set out. The Judge's breakfast is always set up as a "grab and go" since the first thing they judge is the exhibits, which are in the exhibit hall right outside the kitchen doors. The most important thing to have ready for the Judges' breakfast is the coffee! That's why I was in there at about 7:00, to have an hour to make the coffee and set up the parts of breakfast that I had already brought in. Mostly though, to make the coffee!

    I spent $149.07 on hospitality supplies, food, and drinks, but that was a relatively small portion of the cost for that, and I've already been reimbursed for my purchases. My co-chair seemed to indicate her expenses were probably in that neighborhood as well, but that doesn't factor in the cost of the Judges' lunch on Friday, which is usually the one, largest expense and, if I recall correctly from last year, runs around $600 to $700 but it is some pretty good food.

    Right after the breakfast on Friday, E went downstairs to start setting up the lunch area and I finished cleaning up the breakfast and re-arranging the snacks and cookies, putting away anything that needed refrigeration, to be set up as breakfast snacks for the remaining days. Then I brought drinks down to the room where lunch was being set up and carried down some additional supplies.

    It's too bad we have to "cater" that ourselves, but we do realize that it would be well over $1000 if we got the company to do that part as well, so we suck it up and do the setup, teardown, and cleanup ourselves. This means someone (neither of us co-chairs this time at least) has to go and pick up the food, we have to set up our own chafing dishes for the buffet, set up the tables and chairs, tablecloths, etc, lay out all the food and then watch while our beautiful set up is destroyed inside of an hour. LOL.

    We put the hot food and bread at the front of the room and the desserts and drinks at the back. I did not bother to try moving the coffee urns down, as everyone knew where they were if they wanted coffee after lunch and moving full coffee urns might have been the straw that broke this camel's back. E and I were both really exhausted by the end of it all on Friday.

    Then of course we had to still maintain the normal hospitality area for the next two days of the show, including the lighter Vendors' lunch on Saturday, which was just set up as a "grab and go" buffet in the hospitality kitchen area, and wasn't as much food, though it did include some of the leftovers from Friday.

    Sunday's no-name lunch (Volunteers' lunch? We didn't name a lunch for the volunteers, so why not) was composed of warmed up leftovers from Friday AND Saturday. This was also set up as a "grab and go" to keep it more simple. We order enough extra to cover that last lunch from leftovers and rarely have to buy anything new for it, barring perhaps another jug of pre-made tea or two. Last year we might have bought a bag of salad mix and a bottle of salad dressing for it as well.

    Tonight is the regular monthly meeting. I don't know if we're going to attend or not. I'm still in "recovery" mode from the weekend. I know I want a nap this afternoon!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2018
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    been a topsy turvy kinda day. Did make it to the gym. Got there a bit early, ha! Saw several long time gym members...got a full course of 'hugs, you look greats, etc' and of course gave the same! :) Oh, found a penny in the parking lot...in a shallow puddle. Snatched it! :) Roger should be proud of me!

    Then made a Whole Foods run. they've discontinued another of my fav.365 foods...I have the awful feeling it has something to do with the Amazon groceries delivered in 2 hours, etc. Anyhow, I left none too happy. My opinion right now is they are becoming just a glorified Kroger, which in my case is about 5-6 miles closer to home. Grrrrrrr!

    Had a nap, kitchen is totally cleaned up, except the dishwasher will need to be emptied in the morning. Which will not only be a trip to the gym, but followed by a trip to the bank.
    Proceeded by a load of laundry, which will transition to the drier after I get home from the bank.

    Can't say its terribly exciting around here this week. Too much to do!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 35 on the porch.
    The forecast for snow today has come true, It was a light snow falling when I left and by the time I returned to the house the snowflakes were much larger.

    The scale was lower, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Elon Musk, speaking at SXSW, projects Mars spaceship will be ready for short trips by first half of 2019

    Will the free-falling 8.5 ton Chinese space station crash into lower Michigan? Experts say that the state falls among 'the highest probability'

    AAA: Spring gas prices could approach a 'tipping point' for drivers

    Heart attack sufferers more likely to survive if doctor is away, study says

    The Sunken Treasures Of A Paris Canal.
    In 2016, Paris authorities decided to empty the Canal Saint-Martin, which is 5 km long.

    How Vladimir Putin 'gave order to shoot down passenger plane' at Sochi Winter Olympics
    BTW, It didn't happen

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 39 out there now with an expected high of 52 and 20% chance of rain. It was wet most of the morning at the botanic gardens yesterday and remained gray and dismal looking, but the rain slacked off and we got a good bit of traffic in. Two of the vendors I know fairly well were nearly sold out over the whole weekend. Another vendor who is more local kept bringing in more stuff to keep their tables fairly full, so it was hard to estimate how well their sales went, but I expect they sold a lot too.

    For me, the show started being fun even before it started. Wednesday was table and chair setup in the show room, which I did not attend. We don't generally have any hospitality setup for this night, as it's just a few volunteers from our group and if we do set anything up it would just be some soft drinks, water, and maybe trail mix or the like. Possibly coffee if our urns are in the kitchen yet. E dropped of her coffee pot but there was nothing laid out for snacks. This initial setup usually only takes a few hours. I did not go Wednesday night and was having my own fun at home. My blood glucose was rather unstable, and dropping, for unknown reasons. Sometimes we diabetics just have fun times like that! So I was up until nearly midnight trying to get it stabilized and high enough to feel comfortable about going to bed. It all ended up being fine, of course, but I didn't really sleep all that well.

    Thursday morning I went down to set up coffee and light snacks (chips, cookies, trail mix) for the arriving guests who would be setting up displays and vending tables and kept the coffee flowing, at least until mid-afternoon at which point I pooped out and popped out to come home and take a nap.

    Friday, I had to be there at about 7:00 in the morning to get coffee ready and set everything up for the Judges' breakfast, so I got that going and when E arrived, closer to 8:00 she set up a small meat and cheese tray, mini-bagels, croissants, and brought orange juice and fruit. The show coordinator's wife had made a dozen boiled eggs, so we set all that out along with the breakfast biscuits and sweet rolls I had already set out. The Judge's breakfast is always set up as a "grab and go" since the first thing they judge is the exhibits, which are in the exhibit hall right outside the kitchen doors. The most important thing to have ready for the Judges' breakfast is the coffee! That's why I was in there at about 7:00, to have an hour to make the coffee and set up the parts of breakfast that I had already brought in. Mostly though, to make the coffee!

    I spent $149.07 on hospitality supplies, food, and drinks, but that was a relatively small portion of the cost for that, and I've already been reimbursed for my purchases. My co-chair seemed to indicate her expenses were probably in that neighborhood as well, but that doesn't factor in the cost of the Judges' lunch on Friday, which is usually the one, largest expense and, if I recall correctly from last year, runs around $600 to $700 but it is some pretty good food.

    Right after the breakfast on Friday, E went downstairs to start setting up the lunch area and I finished cleaning up the breakfast and re-arranging the snacks and cookies, putting away anything that needed refrigeration, to be set up as breakfast snacks for the remaining days. Then I brought drinks down to the room where lunch was being set up and carried down some additional supplies.

    It's too bad we have to "cater" that ourselves, but we do realize that it would be well over $1000 if we got the company to do that part as well, so we suck it up and do the setup, teardown, and cleanup ourselves. This means someone (neither of us co-chairs this time at least) has to go and pick up the food, we have to set up our own chafing dishes for the buffet, set up the tables and chairs, tablecloths, etc, lay out all the food and then watch while our beautiful set up is destroyed inside of an hour. LOL.

    We put the hot food and bread at the front of the room and the desserts and drinks at the back. I did not bother to try moving the coffee urns down, as everyone knew where they were if they wanted coffee after lunch and moving full coffee urns might have been the straw that broke this camel's back. E and I were both really exhausted by the end of it all on Friday.

    Then of course we had to still maintain the normal hospitality area for the next two days of the show, including the lighter Vendors' lunch on Saturday, which was just set up as a "grab and go" buffet in the hospitality kitchen area, and wasn't as much food, though it did include some of the leftovers from Friday.

    Sunday's no-name lunch (Volunteers' lunch? We didn't name a lunch for the volunteers, so why not) was composed of warmed up leftovers from Friday AND Saturday. This was also set up as a "grab and go" to keep it more simple. We order enough extra to cover that last lunch from leftovers and rarely have to buy anything new for it, barring perhaps another jug of pre-made tea or two. Last year we might have bought a bag of salad mix and a bottle of salad dressing for it as well.

    Tonight is the regular monthly meeting. I don't know if we're going to attend or not. I'm still in "recovery" mode from the weekend. I know I want a nap this afternoon!
    Hi Ed
    You had a really busy and successful sounding show.

    After reading Your description of the past few days I can see why You are in recovery mode.

    Yesterday was a slow day for me, Sunday we roasted and sliced 1/2 of a whole pork loin, the other half was roasted Monday later. 1/2 unseasoned for me and 1/2 with Montreal Seasoning. Monday second 1/2 of the pork loin was vacuum sealed and is now residing in the freezer. It is so handy having a slicer even if the cleanup is a nuisance.

    I shall be having a Ore-Ida "Just Crack a Egg" for breakfast. I decided to try something new and it caught my eye when it was being advertised which is rare for me.

    Today we get lucky here in NJ, According to the Weather report I saw before heading out most of the Snow will miss NJ with only 1 or 2 inches falling here.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    been a topsy turvy kinda day. Did make it to the gym. Got there a bit early, ha! Saw several long time gym members...got a full course of 'hugs, you look greats, etc' and of course gave the same! :) Oh, found a penny in the parking lot...in a shallow puddle. Snatched it! :) Roger should be proud of me!

    Then made a Whole Foods run. they've discontinued another of my fav.365 foods...I have the awful feeling it has something to do with the Amazon groceries delivered in 2 hours, etc. Anyhow, I left none too happy. My opinion right now is they are becoming just a glorified Kroger, which in my case is about 5-6 miles closer to home. Grrrrrrr!

    Had a nap, kitchen is totally cleaned up, except the dishwasher will need to be emptied in the morning. Which will not only be a trip to the gym, but followed by a trip to the bank.
    Proceeded by a load of laundry, which will transition to the drier after I get home from the bank.

    Can't say its terribly exciting around here this week. Too much to do!


    Hi Valerie
    Good going, a penny saved...
    Naturally Whole Foods is changing for the worst since the nearby one has now opened and I will be looking around in the near future. Who Knows I may like it since I do not know what it was like.

    Sometimes unexciting is a good thing.