Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone
Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I have given Lilo her Tuesday shot, and REQUIRED subsequent treats.
I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning. At least I think I do...I checked the website for that office and they haven't posted anything saying not to come in. But then, they do infusions and such there, as well as other medical things, and infusions can't exactly be done online. I'm just going in to discuss some bloodwork and be looked at. I guess it COULD be done online but he may want to look at places I am wouldn't be exactly comfortable with showing online...there's usually some pressing and poking here and there, and the old "does this hurt" sort of thing. I am sure I could to my own pressing and poking but he might have to trust me without actually witnessing that part. LOL. After this I shouldn't neet to see this one for at least 6 months or so.
My endocrinologist, on the other hand, has closed the door to patients, at least through the end of the month, saying they will have virtual office visits instead, to discuss what would have been normally done in the office, and asking patients to self check vitals (temp, pulse, BP, glucose) and upload their readings from their device. I suspect some patients will have a learning curve on some of that, being used to just handing their device to the staff for transferral of the glucose history. I have been emailing mine for years. And, fortunately, don't have another appointment with the endocrinologist for several months, having seen him fairly recently.
It should be another warm day with some chance of precipitation.
I will start my corned beef when I get home from the doctor, so it can cook for several hours. This year my cabbage will be in the form of sauerkraut. I have some marble rye in the freezer, and if I remember, I can stop on the way home and try to get some Swiss cheese so I can make a Reuben sandwich or two from some of the corned beef. I can let Eduardo make the dressing.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0EvW5QmXcM
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Traffic was light on the way to (and from) the doctor's office. All my bloodwork looked fine. He said it was time to refresh my Pneumovax, so we took care of that while I was there. My left arm will, no doubt, be sore later, though it's not bad now. I'll get the other Pneumonia vaccine next time, in 6 months or so.
I was able to stop at Publix where everyone seemed to be eyeing one another warily as they perused the slim pickings. The fresh meat, eggs, milk, toilet paper, beans, and rice were all pretty much wiped out. I didn't need any of those things, but thought it interesting how the hoarded items are going. I mean, not everyone has a whole lot of room in their freezers for a whole lot of meat, so I suspect there will be a LOT of meat being cooked up in the next few days.
My supply is good on that, and we could probably get by without venturing out now for a couple of weeks. I DID manage to score a few cans of small red beans, and pink beans, in the latino food section. Goya brand, and not particularly cheap, but I got half a dozen cans, four red and two pink, which, with the rest below, brings my canned bean stock back up to where I normally have it. I also managed to get one can of black beans, two cans of hot chili beans, and a can of Mexican style beans, corn, and bell peppers. J may get that Mexican style can as most of a vegetarian supper tonight, with maybe some kind of potato.
I did find some Swiss cheese, though not the store brand, so again paid name brand price. Tillamook is a good brand though so I don't really mind.
My corned beef is going in a slow cooker, with a few carrots and a potato. I will heat some sauerkraut later and dinner will be served, for me anyway.
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Chili colorado is basically chunks of meat in a bright red chili sauce. Eduardo didn't follow anyone's recipe. They usually use beef anyway. LOL.
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Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful weird Wednesday! It's supposed to be warm and possibly rainy today. There is a fog advisory right now, but who is going anywhere anyway? I guess the garbage trucks need to be careful not to run into each other.
It was very foggy yesterday too, even in the late morning when I was driving to and from my doctor's appointment.
Dinner last night was corned beef brisket, potato, carrots, and sauerkraut. Breakfast was some steel cut oatmeal with blueberries, a small cup of diced peaches, sausage links, and scrambled eggs. For lunch I am planning a Reuben sandwich. I have the dishwasher running, and plan to do some house cleaning today, and take a nap if possible.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLWp5vMXJSY
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Hey, here are 10 museums you can tour online, to help ease the stir craziness! The page may be slow to load. I am having some trouble with it today but it was fine yesterday.
https://artsandculture.google.com/story/igKSKBBnEBSGKg?hl=en0 -
I had really promised myself that I would have at least one nice Reuben out of this year's St. Patrick's day corned beef. I may manage another, but here is the bulk of today's lunch, pre-assembly, and post-assembly (pre-Om-Nom-Nom). I did have a nice salad with it but there wasn't anything special about that.
For J I prepared a huge salad with two boiled eggs and some cheese as the protein.
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Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday. Foggy now but we have an ekpected high of 81! No chance of precipitation. It is expected to cool down a bit going into the weekend.
As far as I know, I don't have to go anywhere.
I had some corned beef scrambled with eggs as part of my nutritious breakfast. I have one plate of corned beef hash left from last night's dinner, and it will be eaten today. And there is enough corned beef left to make one more nice Reuben, which will also be eaten today. One of them will be lunch and one will be dinner.
After that, the left over sauerkraut will be eaten for a meal or three with a smoked sausage that is waiting in the meat&cheese drawer of the refrigerator. I knew there was some reason I bought a two pound bag of sauerkraut for St. Patrick's day. J doesn't care much for sauerkraut so I knew going in that I would be eating the whole bag.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyZrI79oupw
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Hey Ed
Boy, these Good Mornings have been spotty from me this week!!
Going home a day early, so leaving Friday instead of Saturday. Not a problem much on the island is closed, and restaurant food is take out only everywhere. Of course this is the first year that I didn't bring 'my' kitchen with me, right down to the wooden cutting board! No nice sharp knives, etc. Well...
I think John and Rose are anxious to be on the road home to MO. Not knowing what they will find along the way that is open, etc. I can't say I blame them. We'd floated the idea that we leave today, but John nixed that. And today poor Rose has developed a migraine. I've never had one that I know of, and I'm good with that!
Vegan food is getting easier and easier down here. And that's a good thing. Although I never really minded eating from the 'sides' portion of the menu's!
Your corned beef sandwich looked really Good!! I know, not my food, but ...
Will probably be absent tomorrow, but maybe tomorrow night...or for sure on Saturday.
Later...0 -
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Good Morning Ed..
Heading for home in just a bit. Finishing my coffee. (Try going to Kroger on Tuesday Mornings and Publix on Wednesday mornings.. You can get good ones! Ed...this is weird, I really did not type that about store hours...I DID try to correct the spelling on the word Priorities.) Computer VooDoo????
But since the computer brought it up...I just can't see me getting to any of the above stores between 7 - 8 a.m.!!! I do however, appreciate them for watching out for us older chickens!
Later...0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Another warm day with 20% chance of rain. I noticed that in addition to some of the grocery stores, Target is having a "senior hour" on Wednesdays, for the first hour of shopping that day. Target opens at 8:00. And the Publix near me is right next door to the Target so if that Publix is letting seniors only shop from 7:00 to 8:00 then I could conceivably hit them both next Wednesday to look for any needed items.
Except that, like many, I would have trouble actually getting out the door that early for either one of them. And why just on Wednesday?
I suppose if the need is great enough, one could manage, and it is nice to have another senior perk available, albeit somewhat inconviniently so.
I hope they can actually have enough security to keep the other rampaging hordes out of the stores during those hours and that said hordes will be understanding and not mob the doorways, endangering us seniors.
Nothing on the agenda today.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-gYY5cR8M8
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Well, I finished off the last of the St. Patricks day sauerkraut today, having it with smoked sausage and potatoes at lunch and supper. We are very low on fresh vegetables so I may have to venture out at some point for that or just make do with frozen. Or maybe actually take advantage of grocery delivery?0
Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! And another warm day with 20% chance of rain.
I might get to some housework today and maybe inventory the wine.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvqa8dsBtno
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Good Morning....Saturday here too!! LOL!
Was good to be home, and in my own bed. (not that the one at the beach isn't nice)
Need to unpack the rest of my belongings and take a nap!
I didn't know about Target...I would have to drive to Snellville...my Target has been gone for several years...but...nice to know. I know about the early hours. I appreciate the perk though. Ted laughed and said I'd never make it at those hours....HA! You can do anything you set your mind to, right?? So I assured him I could set my alarm, go to Publix, come home and put everything away and GO BACK TO BED! Wouldn't hurt my feelings one little bit!
I think Tom E was a little miffed at me when I came home. But he warmed up and soon was purring on my lap. And Ted and I walked to the end of the street last night with Maya. I took the leash, which totally confused her!
Ok, time to move these old bones. I will put a load of laundry in the washer, and ride the bike while it washes. (Planet Fitness closed all of its gyms until....??) I appreciate their keeping us safe...but feel sorry for our owners and all of our members, me included. I will also give them credit...they are posting 500 (not a typo) exercises to do at home. Went to the web site last night, and they also have some video's using body weight for home. Nice gesture.
Hope you and J remain healthy. And avoid the germ. Ya know, it Washington DC had moved a faster, and not blown this virus off, we'd be in much better shape. But, now we just have to make the best of it.
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Well I spent some time doing my wine inventory today and the catalog is now corrected and updated to show all 64 current bottles. It was showing about 9 too high when I started so I had to determine what I had used and not deleted from the spreadsheet. And I drank some while eating dinner and then finishing up the inventory which reduced it by one, from 65 actual bottles to 64 now. LOL.
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Howdy all y'all. It's sensational Sunday! Cooler today, with a good chance of rain this afternoon and evening. Not sure what I will do today. Possibly actually get around to some more housework that I keep putting off...
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
YouTube is a bit flaky during this COVID-19 crisis. You may have to start each video and immediately click on YOUTUBE in the lower right corner of it to watch it there rather than here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXcHnWxt5fA
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Well I got out of the house far a bit today. Didn't venture far though, just around the yard a bit.
My St. Francis has a small purple friend behind him. And before you tell me to get rid of that Vinca, it is variegated and not as aggressive as the regular one. We like it a lot better than the English ivy we want to kill.
One of our azaleas, that I seriously need to trim back.
Another of our azaleas, with some Carolina Jasmine cohabiting.
Wood hyacinths.
The latest daffodils.
The neighbor's weeping cherry.
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Hi Ed.
Now you've made me want to get outside...I did yesterday, and it was soo nice. Ted dismantled the old hen house, as the hawks have really set up camp here in the pines. We did keep the
house part of it, for outdoor storage in the back yard.
I like vinca. Love its little purple flowers, mine is in full bloom and is so pretty/cheerful. The late daffodils are blooming. I MUST dig them up and separate them as they are getting much to much crowded. Azaleas in the back yard are just crazy blooming.
Tuesday I am going to be shopping early at Publix. I've not seen any 'special' hours from Kroger, probably since they are open 24/7. But everything else including one day a week at Whole Foods.
I will need to call Jimmy and see if they are cutting hair on Wednesday??? Lord knows I need it. My hair grew like it was on steroids! AND I have an appointment with Dr. Pat on Thursday? Will have to check on that too.
Watching way too much TV/Computer...need to be moving more. Ted's making a pickup run to VeGreen tonite. I can't wait! LOL!! They make a dish, nothing earth shaking, Tofu and Vegetables, which every time I eat it, I envision this being like Asian food was pre-McDonalds, and other SAD meals.
Will see you in the morning. I should send you pix of my kitchen window..will try to do that before dinner..
Take care, be happy, healthy, kind, and wash your hands!!!
Later...0 -
Sunday supper started with a HUGE salad each, with home made thousand islands type dressing. The last two large bell peppers were starting to get a bit wrinkly se each of us got pretty much a whole bell bepper, cut up, in our bowls, and tho last two tomatoes had reached that point where another day or two would make them over ripe, so we each got a whole tomato, cut up of course, in our salads. With the last bag of farm style salad mix, we each ended up with almost enough salad to be a meal, but there wasn't anything substantial in it, only salad veggies that wouldn't provide any protein to speak of.
So....after the salad, Edweirdo...I mean Eduardo got into the act with an odd take on huevos rancheros, with a refried bean and cheese mixture on the bottom, surrounded by a ring of Frito scoop style (Kroger brand) chips, on edge, and then topped with two fried eggs and hot salsa.
J promptly got a piece of chip in an uncomfortable place but after a minute proceeded to eat the rest a bit more carefully. I had put the chips around the rim so that control of where they went, when being eaten, could be easier but I guess accidents can still happen. At any rate, we both enoyed the supper.
Unfortunately it also used the last fresh veggies in the house, aside from potatoes and onions. I may have to venture out early in the morning to see what I can find in that regard.0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! It's supposed to rain all day and, pretty much, all day tomorrow too. I may try to slip over to Publix anyway, just to get eggs (if they have any) and fresh veggies. OR...I may look into seeing if I can come up with enough grocery items to justify requesting delivery. More likely I'd just pop over there. It's not as if it's very far to go.
I have given Lilo her Monday morning subdermal fluid treatment and treats and she has escaped into one of her favorite hidey holes. I don't think she even sulks any more after these treatments. Maybe she realizes that they do make her feel better.
Well, my tea mug needs re-filling, and, Publix or not, I need to set out some beans and tomato sauce to remind myself to start some chili in slow cookers a bit later this morning.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhlGXsVs2H8
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Good Morning Ed,
Already raining. I am waiting until tomorrow to do the early morning elderly thing at Publix. Ted is laughing every time I say that, as I seldom make it out of my room before 8a.m.....Will set the alarm. Should, according to my weather app still be dry..rain starting more like 9a.m. Stay tuned, I'm sure this will be an adventure!! LOL!
Today's list looks something like cook the soaked beans, online to be counted in the US census, and another 'go' at eliminating the 'double' (sometimes triple) entries in my contact list. I do not understand why that happens, but it does. Siri has her hand in at least a part of them...danged brat, sometimes I get really frustrated with Siri and her meddling.
I have a few fresh things in the refrigerator which I should use up, and I nearly always have a variety of frozen veggies. They may not make a salad, but add a few beans, or other starch and I'm pretty much always good to go.
Coffee getting cold, and Tom E. is napping... Would be a great time to eat some breakfast!
Later...0 -
Well my meager haul at Publix came to just under $30, but as I had set my limit at no more thon $40 that was fine.
I got some canned tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes to replace what I have used in the last week or two, and today for the chili. 5 pounds of Russet potatoes, one carton of eggs, which they were limiting to one per customer anyway, two bags of garden veggie salad mix, which they were limiting to two per customer, a jar of olive oil mayonnaise, a package of paper napkins (low stock at the store, but at least they had some), and some fully cooked pork sausage patties to go with my breakfasts. I didn't really see any fresh veggies that appealed to me.
None of the limits bothered me at all as I had only intended to buy one carton of eggs, and two bags of salad mix. I would have bought a half gallon of milt (limited to one carton of milk per customer) but they didn't have the kind I wanted. We aren't critically low on milk so that doesn't really matter. I would have liket to replace the one that was recently finished, but as we generally keep two unopened, and one open "working" carton on hand anyway, not a big deal.
Fortunately I tend to keep us fairly well stocked up on most items and Eduardo can make a meal out of a fairly empty cupboard, as long as the staple items are kept up.
And yes, I got rained on.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Sorry you got rained on. But reads like you got what you needed. :0 I mainly want fresh veggies..like cauliflower and broccoli and totally out of carrots. I do have onions, and a small butternut squash. I need more sweet potatoes and Idaho's and maybe a few white or red smaller potatoes.
I have 'working' rolls of paper towels, and 3 in storage, so that will helod me for awhile, and I have about 6 rolls of Charmin TP from a big package at Costco before Christmas..that too should last for awhile.
Am going to cook some steel cut oats that I already have...and then can add whatever add ins sound good each morning...
Have plenty water, tea, and coffee...
Tomorrow is just an experiment to see if I can get out. LOL!!0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! It's going to be another somewhat warm, rainy day. Thunderstorms, in fact! Maybe our April showers are coming early. I don't have to go anywhere today, as far as I know.
Ingles has added a "please let seniors and immunosuppressed people shop" hour now on opening for Tuesday and Wednesday. I did think of heading to Ingles to see about produce, as the rain isn't supposed to start until sometime between 9 and 10, but I think I would rather sit here and drink hot tea. LOL. I wonder if Ingles delivers. Hmmmmm.
Yesterday's chili turned out very nicely. All of J's vegetarian batch got turned into chili mac and about half of my carnivorous batch did. Well, I say chili mac, but it was really chili rotini, using high protein rotini made entirely from chickpea flour. Mixed in with the chili, topped with shredded cheese, and baked, I wouldn't have known it wasn't regular rotini if I had not made the dish myself. I am pretty sure I could have served that to anyone and they wouldn't have known. That Barilla chickpea rotini gets a thumbs up from me. I do cook it a little longer than suggested, as J prefers pasta a little bit more done than al dente.
We have a generous serving of each version of chili mac left over for one meal each, today. And there is enough more carnivorous chile for two or three bowls for me. Breakfast, for me, was steel cut oats with blueberries and cream, along with some sausage patties and some string cheese.
I have given Lilo her Tuesday shot and treats. Now I need more tea.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mii-r41EdnM
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Good Day Ed..
Noon has come and gone.. True to my word, I did get up, and head out to Publix. Everyone coming in was greeted by the store manager. More cars than I expected at 7:08 but they must have been singles as the store was not at all crowded. THe sanitizer cart wipes were gone, but they had an employee with a bucket of some sanitizer who wiped down whatever cart you chose. What stock they had, they had stocked. Weird, no pasta, though I did manage to snag a large bag of 'No Yolks noodles' for the mushroom ragu I intend to make. (yes, I'm sure there is egg white in them, I've looked at them before, but never bought any...today I figured 'Close enough', and into the cart it went.)...Also I did not find any 'limit' restrictions, which I'd read they did in some Publix stores...or so said 'neighborhood newsletter'...
Spent an hour gathering my $77 groceries, pushed them to my car, and promptly put hand sanitizer on my hands. At home I washed my hands after putting everything away, ate my morning banana...and went back to bed. Slept those last 2 hours that I missed. Woke in time to make a tomato and red onion sandwich, with a mayo substituted I found on HHI. I'll get up and tell you exactly what it is, but right now I have a cat..Tom E., who has wedged himself behind me in my chair. Nice little 'buns' warmer!
Sorry I laughed quite loudly, but.. I slept thru the heavy rain, asked Ted about it, and he said indeed it had rained quite a lot. Looked at the rain gauge and nothing... You'll never guess..
Some little spider made himself right at home, and with his webbing stopped the part that gathers water so it could no longer move, which is what registers the rain water. I'm sorry. We had it on the mail box post, and it got leaves and 'dirt' in it...so Ted carefully attached it atop a long metal pole away from trees, etc. Just a little itty bitty spider...climbed up the pole...down came the rain, and the little spider laughed. Cuz he was safe and dry!! LOL
Little 'furry furnace' hopped down...The mayo substitute is...'Plant Junkie' 100% plant-based Spread & Dressing. Gluten free, Non GMO. Says it is distributed by Better Body Foods from Lindon, Utah. www.imaplantjunkie.com. I think its rather tasty. it is beige not white like Nayonaise, etc. Now, I 'think' I got that in the Harris Teeter which happened to be next to the restaurant where we ate dinner upon arrival THAT store had NOTHING vegan that I could find! I did get organic apples, some really nasty sour oranges that were mislabeled. My SIL also got some. We couldn't eat them.
Ok, I have some catching up to do with my time today. Laundry, etc. I did laundry when I got home on Friday, but ..... it seems to have gathered like dust bunnies!
J's portion of Chili Mac sounded good. I may try my hand at making some. My Mom used to make a nasty mess with chili and pasta that she baked. I hated it, but my dear little boys LOVED it, so like any good Grandma she always made a big batch of it when we came to visit each summer. All pointers or insider tips appreciated!
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Well...for a chili and pasta dish to really work, you have to start with GOOD chili.
Start by remembering that most of the "chili" flavor that Americans look for in Tex-Mex chili is actually from cumin, not chili. The chili, while it does have flavor, is mostly used for heat, and the specific flavor that does come from the chili can vary a lot, depending on the variety of chili used.
I don't measure any of my ingredients, adjusting by tasting and adding. My chili seasoning blend includes East Indian extra hot ground red chili, varying the amount, depending on how spicy hot is desired. If one wants truly mild chili, then paprika could be used instead of ground chili. The taste will vary some from that. I sometimes do add some paprika as well, more for color than taste.
In addition to the chili and optional paprika, I add copious amounts of cumin, some garlic powder, some salt, some dried oregano, some cinnamon, and a good dash of powdered cocoa. Did I mention that this is something of a mashup between Greek and Tex-Mex? Sometimes I also add some dried basil, but usually not. And...if you aren't putting any onions in your chili, you may want to put in some onion powder, to get the flavor. I put onions in the chili. And minced bell peppers AND minced jalapeno. But again, for milder, one may wish to omit the jalapeno.
Some folks then like to add other veggies, but J and I really like it kept on the simple side. And there are always some kind of bean in there, canned or at least soaked, pinto, red, black, pink, cranberry, navy, great Northern, whatever...and plenty of them. Mix them up if desired. Along with tomato sauce, for J, though I have found crushed tomatoes work just as well when slow cooked. J does not care for chunks of cooked tomato. I don't mind, and sometimes make mine with diced tomato. If more tomato color/flavor is needed, add some tomato paste, to taste, and stir in well.
For a vegan or vegetarian chili, in addition to the beans, I usually add two tablespoons of olive oil, to carry the flavors, and at least 1/4 cup of lentils, as slow cooking them usually results in disintegrating lentils that add to the thickness and give the sauce some texture.
Cook all the above in a slow cooker on low for 6 to 8 hours, stirring every couple of hours. Add water if necessary. Yes, you CAN cook it faster, but if so it will taste better if refrigerated and used the next day.
Mix with the type and quantity of pre-cooked pasta desired, adding additional liquid if necessary, though it shouldn't really need any.
Top with cheese or cheeze or not, as desired and bake at 350 for half an hour or so until it's bubbly and the topping is melted/browned as desired. If you are not actually topping it with anything, the baking isn't really necessary, and cheese or cheeze or whatever could be added at the table, to indvidual servings.0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Warm today with no chance of rain, for a change. I might take a walk today.
Amazingly, the cats let me sleep in until 7:30. Breakfast was my steel cut oats with blueberries and cream, sausage, and scrambled eggs with cheddar.
Lilo gets a fluid treatment this afternoon.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf99XzVB_Gg
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Good Morning Ed,
I'm feeling really swamped....by things computer...like Morning and evening news, and various things I've signed up for....this morning I woke to 80 emails. Got it down to 42, and decided I needed to at least say hello! Dishwasher is mostly unloaded..a couple things not quite dry, Breakfast has been eaten, and my poor cup of coffee has already been reheated twice!
Ted has taken Maya for a walk in the park, I was invited and declined. I do need to get out of my PJ's, and at least act like I have some control over my life!! LOL!
No major plans for today. Ted got some pine straw bales? (more like huge fat cylinders) not sure where he found those. And so he wants me in the back yard to tell him where he needs to spread the pine straw. At least I see sunshine out there, sometimes only in fleeting glimpses.My mushroom ragu was really very good last night! I think I was impressed! LOL!
Tomorrow I go to Atlanta to get my hair cut and to see Chiro..That will pretty much 'kill' Thursday. I'd like to have a big chocolate bar from TJ's. May stop? not stopping at Whole Foods, my stops there have become an item or two I can't find out here, maybe a loaf of some good bakery bread, and a container or so of hot bar foods...except from what I've read, the hot bars are closed at Whole Foods stores....sad huh? but safer I'm sure!
Take care, and stay well, and happy,
This discussion has been closed.