Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member








  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 59 degrees. Last nights fog that was building when I retired for the evening is gone and there was some rain overnight. When I left everything was wet so I put on the rain jacket, just in case, I ended up taking it off as it was not raining and I was feeling overly warm inside of it. It did start with a light drizzle as I neared the house, I did not bother putting the rain jacket back on.

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    The Boston restaurant where robots have replaced the chefs

    Electromagnetic radiation from power lines and phone masts poses 'credible' threat to wildlife, report finds

    Former Pro Wrestler Severely Beaten In Front Of His Home Over Parking Spot

    No Surprise to me
    People who live in small towns and rural areas are happier than everyone else, researchers say

    Frontier Airlines adds 9 nonstop flights to San Antonio airport
    Introductory Rates :)

    B-17 bomber Memphis Belle seen in action in 1943 documentary

    If you make at least $52,498 in Detroit, you're considered rich
    A Business Insider study, largely based on median household income, finds that Detroit's definition of 'rich' is $100,000 lower than Seattle's

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Oops, Been there Done that with Amazon too. Sometimes I wonder what the goal is of the way their search works. I have also had occasions where they shipped the wrong item, Rarely but it has happened.

    No handle is why Hot Pads were invented. I would like to use a griddle, I suspect that using a griddle on the stove-top would be messy from the splattering :smiley:

    Have a Good Day, Stay Dry

    I've had Amazon ship the wrong item too. It's generally very easy to return (assuming its even a returnable item) and the UPS store is not far from our house. As with you, it's rare but with thousands of items in any given warehouse, it's bound to happen. Send a 12 inch something opposed to the 10 inch one ordered, as they look very similar and are likely side by side or possibly even mis-placed in the wrong chute, bin or shelf. Those people who cruise the warehouse grabbing orders are bound to grab a wrong item once in a while.

    So, of course, the first thing I thought was that they had shipped the wrong pan. I checked my order only to discover that it was user error, not Amazon error and I'm just glad that it's something I can use. There are some things about it I like even better than the slightly smaller bean pot, from another company, that had such lousy pre-seasoning. Well, for one thing this one has better pre-seasoning, but it's still in the oven now with the third interior coat baking in. I decided two exterior coats looked good enough so have only coated the interior for this third baking. I may yet add one more exterior when I do the fourth baking. To be honest, two home baked layers would probably have been enough to put it into service. It looked pretty darn good at that point. But I'm hoping that four will make it lots better.. There are no pour spouts on this new one, which has its pluses and minuses. Plus is that it won't lose as much steam, but minus is that pouring out food won't be as easy. Pour spouts can make a big difference with heavy cast iron but I can deal with that. Now whether the lid will lay flat enough and seal well enough to steam rice is still to be determined. Since cast iron isn't as smooth as stainless, the lid may still release more steam than I usually get from a non-stick or stainless pan, and some adjustment might have to be made. I'm sure I'll figure that out.

    On the griddle splatter, as the sides of my griddle (round and flat - not a grill) are very shallow, the amount of oil or grease can't be very much as it would overflow. As such, I don't get the kind of splatter I might when frying chicken or the like in a deeper skillet. All the same, there is some splatter if there is enough oil or if I'm frying bacon. Pancakes, on the other hand, or French toast, generally don't cause any spatter as very little oil is used.
    Hi Ed
    I hate it when it is my mistake, When that happens I tend to eat the cost as I did it and have no one to blame except myself. Oftentimes it just isn't worth the bother of returning something.

    I am not sure You can blame the items being similar. If I were Amazon I would be having orders picked by item stock number. Not by name or description. I also suspect that the pick sheet has part number and location information on them to speed the process.

    As for splatter I do have splatter screens that allow the steam to escape and not the oil. Some of the time You do want that moisture to escape to crisp something properly.

    I I said I'm a lazy cook and tend to eat the NS French Toast, and the Dollar Tree Blueberry Pancakes and Blueberry Waffles both of which are done in the toaster :smiley:
    Someone's opinion on 6 restaurant chains that might not be around much longer. I've never been terribly fond of these trendy places that all seem to serve pretty much the same somewhat overpriced food anyway.
    I tried a couple of chains that I shall not go to again, TGIFriday's and Applebee's come to mind. I did not like their "Ambience" as a large part of that seemed to be the lack of sound deadening and a noisy environment. Therefore I am interested in looking at the Video shortly. Before I look I have a suspicion that possibly Red Lobster might be one of them, OTOH with all the adverts on TV...

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! I am soooo confused.
    I got up this morning and watched the Royal Wedding. I've watched all of the Royal Weddings, except Queen Eliz. II, as that happened in 1947, and I was like 4 yo, oh, and no TV! :)
    I did see her coronation though. This wedding was great. And while I got up at 5 fairly easily I knew it was not for the entire day. As about 10:30 I crawled back into bed and slept til nearly 3p. Now its approaching bed time and I'm not a bit sleepy...wonder why!?!? LOL!
    Hi Valerie
    No TV at age four, You poor deprived Person. I'm not sure it was telecast live herein 1947 anyway. Possibly from film that was flown across the Atlantic ?

    I managed, OK needed a Nap yesterday and I did have no real problem sleeping, my problem was sleeping until my normal time. I gave up around 4:30 and started my day :wink:
    We had something like a 10% chance of rain, and just a bit ago when I was filling the sink to wash my knives, and a couple of 'no dishwasher items', thunder so loud that I about jumped a foot. And only one rumble since then.

    Played around with Alexa today...I think she's developed a sense of humor! I asked Alexa to play something on Vintage Radio, thinking I'd get some old music from Mom and Dad's era. No, it was a radio show, a space ship in space with a time limit, which of course they didn't make...anyhow, it didn't hold my attention, so I asked Alexia to please stop. And Alexa played 'Can't Stop the Music’..Justin Timberlake!!! I laughed and laughed. I've also been playing a Trivia game with her over dinner. I have never been very good at Trivia games, but either her questions are super easy, or my meat free diet has made me smarter....doing pretty good!

    No, Roger, by law the active ingredients in generic drugs are the same as the patented drug. The inert portion can be changed. So something in these generics are working for me, that didn't happen over the past, expensive, years with the patented drug. What ever it is, I like it!

    So does that mean the 10% chance of rain became 100% or was it a dry sky thunder ?

    As for music, 99+ percent of the music I listen to is from before the 90s going back to the 30s. Yes that music from the 30s would be from before I was born. I do have a large collection of older music on LPs, EPs, 45s and 78s. A lot of the older music is on LPs that was re-released in that format.

    We watch Jeopardy in the evening and try to get the answer before the contestants and that is a close to a trivia game as I get.

    I hope the generic keeps working better than the brand name one. What I observed happening at the local Pharmacy was that with the generic they would fill with the current brand they used which was not always the same brand. Whether it was from being whatever was lower cost or due to their distributor I do not know.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Kathie
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 70 with an expected high of 87 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    Finished getting the new cast iron piece all nicely seasoned up yesterday and it's put away with the rest until I need it. I'd really love to have a place to hang a cast iron rack and leave them all out in the air where I can see them (but not bonk myself on the head with them) and more readily grab one for use. Not sure where all the lids would be but I could work something out.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls washed and feed the cats. J should be coming back from the plant sale in Florida, and getting home late tonight.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    edited May 2018
    How can "all you can eat" buffets actually make money?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    Don't try this at home! Or at the fair. Or...well...anywhere?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    edited May 2018
    VEGAN mushroom "cheese steak" sandwich.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Stayed up until midnite,probably a bit later by the time I played Scrabble, etc. And slept well til 8 a.m. So already back on track.

    All you can eat buffets are pretty much a 'bust' for this gal. To greasy, to dairy, etc. And with all that prepped food ready to eat...its way too easy to 'over feed'!!

    While I'm thinking of it the other day Roger questioned about breakfast before gym...Absolutely I always eat something before gym. Saw way too many folks suffer consequences of not eating. Like falling off gym cardio equipment. A banana at the very least before I leave home.

    Waiting for Fitbit to charge, and then me and my banana are going to the gym this morning. :)

    It may have rained I really didn't go out looking last night...but those two thunder boomers were close. And LOUD!

    I think today I'll limit cooking to making a salad dressing, and a sauce ...maybe two sauces to have for the week. And I guess I really should work in the 'new addition'. Have a box full of old video's. Today they go...

    Spam Fries. Emmy, hunny you went overboard on that one. No Way. I know you 'guys' do or have been known to eat Spam...will admit to making a couple of 'Spam (ham) salads' back in the day. But frying it...strikes me as being like frying butter or Snickers... redundant!!!

    Ah, today Kathie is not at work!! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, and Ed...the Vegan Philly Cheese Steak...I've done that before..only I sautee with broth instead of oil What I really learned way how to get the 'steak' part onto the bun. That was neat, and will be implemented in my kitchen going forward!!! Thanks!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2018


    Baby Penguin


    Poor Kitty


    Built When Your Life Depended on it

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 61 degrees. It is a real nice looking day today, Possibility of rain for Tuesday. Today's forecast high temperature is nicely lower than Sundays.

    The Ebola superhighway: Why the new outbreak terrifies public health authorities

    Hitler definitely died in 1945, according to new study of his teeth

    Massive New Facebook Breach: Personal Data from Millions of Users Available on Open Web

    Hotel pools linked to many disease outbreaks

    Potential Spy Devices Which Track Cellphones, Intercept Calls Found All Over D.C., Md., Va.

    Pregnant woman and service dog punched in airplane scuffle in Orlando

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 70 with an expected high of 87 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    Finished getting the new cast iron piece all nicely seasoned up yesterday and it's put away with the rest until I need it. I'd really love to have a place to hang a cast iron rack and leave them all out in the air where I can see them (but not bonk myself on the head with them) and more readily grab one for use. Not sure where all the lids would be but I could work something out.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls washed and feed the cats. J should be coming back from the plant sale in Florida, and getting home late tonight.
    Hi Ed
    Good work, I wish our kitchen was larger overall, I could use more counter space.
    It is probably a average size for a home built when it was in the late 40s or early 50s.
    How can "all you can eat" buffets actually make money?
    I had run across this one in the past and watched it, It was informational in that it put in a concise fashion things I had thought about in the past.
    Don't try this at home! Or at the fair. Or...well...anywhere?
    The Spam Fries is something that might be good or might not be. I wonder if it was inspired by the Burger King Chicken Fries or the other way around. Either way they are something I would like to have a sample of before spending my money :wink:
    VEGAN mushroom "cheese steak" sandwich.
    Hmm... I am unsure if these would be good or not. Some of the Philly Cheese Steaks are not to my taste and others are great.

    Have a Nice Upcoming Week

    Hi Kathie
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Stayed up until midnite,probably a bit later by the time I played Scrabble, etc. And slept well til 8 a.m. So already back on track.

    All you can eat buffets are pretty much a 'bust' for this gal. To greasy, to dairy, etc. And with all that prepped food ready to eat...its way too easy to 'over feed'!!

    While I'm thinking of it the other day Roger questioned about breakfast before gym...Absolutely I always eat something before gym. Saw way too many folks suffer consequences of not eating. Like falling off gym cardio equipment. A banana at the very least before I leave home.
    Hi Valerie
    My problem with All You Can Eat Buffets is that it is impossible not to overeat, at least for me.

    I eat something before going out the door walking. Today was some of a really large Banana from yesterdays shopping. Another part of it will be slices in a bowl of cereal and the rest of it later on. Trying not to overload with carbs or calories all in one go. The Carbs act as a trigger to overeat.
    Waiting for Fitbit to charge, and then me and my banana are going to the gym this morning. :)

    It may have rained I really didn't go out looking last night...but those two thunder boomers were close. And LOUD!

    I think today I'll limit cooking to making a salad dressing, and a sauce ...maybe two sauces to have for the week. And I guess I really should work in the 'new addition'. Have a box full of old video's. Today they go...

    Spam Fries. Emmy, hunny you went overboard on that one. No Way. I know you 'guys' do or have been known to eat Spam...will admit to making a couple of 'Spam (ham) salads' back in the day. But frying it...strikes me as being like frying butter or Snickers... redundant!!!

    Ah, today Kathie is not at work!! Enjoy your weekend!!!

    At least I can change the disposable battery in my FitBit in approximately 3 minutes.

    I checked with the men on the GT (Garbage Truck :wink: ) and VHS tapes are considered Garbage and not recycle.

    I only eat Spam when it has been fried nice and crispy. Mom OTOH used it cold in a sandwich.
    Oh, and Ed...the Vegan Philly Cheese Steak...I've done that before..only I sauteed with broth instead of oil What I really learned way how to get the 'steak' part onto the bun. That was neat, and will be implemented in my kitchen going forward!!! Thanks!!

    I am guessing that with proper prep the Mushrooms work well.

    Have a Nice Week
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 67 with an anticipated high of 80 and 20% chance of precipitation. We did get some last night, just before supper time. Thunder woke me from my nap and I scurried to get the recycles and trash to the curb before the rain.

    I scurried, but I didn't make it. The recycles got down there but I had a delay on the trash since I had not yet scooped the litter boxes, and by the time this was done it was pouring down rain. So that part waited a while until the rain slacked off to just a sprinkly, drizzly sort of rain and then the garbage went down to the curb too.

    Might run the dishwasher today. J didn't come home last night but is supposedly coming tonight. G wanted to make a stop at an orchid seller on the way back and they would have gotten a terribly late start yesterday, even assuming that orchid seller was open on Sunday. So they'll stop there today on the way back.

    Last night the sugar gliders and cats got a super special treat. I bought a cat treat that was a small piece of tilapia, sealed in plastic. The ingredient list was simple. Tilapia. It was rather expensive for the amount of fish, being $2.99 for a very small filet that wouldn't have been but two or three bites for me, but then it was shelf stable and ready to roll.

    I chopped it up and gave each sugar glider about the same amount of fish as they normally get of chicken, and then divided the remainder among the three cats, who were already milling around the kitchen floor because they could smell it and wanted it NIAOWWWWWWWW!

    The cats enjoyed it thoroughly, and from the looks of the dishes in their cage, the sugar gliders did too. Tonight they'll be back to their usual chopped, plain, baked chicken thigh.

    I had previously given the sugar gliders a piece of chicken breast prepared and packaged in a similar fashion (and at a similar price and size) from the same manufacturer. They liked it and it lasted several nights for them, with the unused portion being refrigerated while waiting for their next meal preparation. This would be easier for me than baking them a boneless, skinless chicken thigh every so often, but would be a lot more expensive.

    J said that the shelf stable chicken was smellier than my normal baked chicken too and expressed a preference for me to continue baking chicken.

    Supper finished of the leftover oven "barbecued" boneless, country style pork ribs with homemade honey sriracha barbecue sauce, green beans, and baked beans, with a piece of sourdough toast and a glass of red wine.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    Speaking of honey barbecue...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    edited May 2018
    $3 fries vs. $100 fries. I'll take the $3 fries, thanks. But only once in a while. Don't need to eat fries often.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,653 Member
    Kids try snacks from Japan. Part 2.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Dishwasher just about at the end of its last rinse cycle already, Tom E. fed, and feeling sassy. Little rat! Never know if he's about to be playful, or about to scratch or bite.
    Probably need to do a load of laundry, as I didn't do any yesterday, and never did make it into the new addition to toss the bulk of the VSH tapes into the trash. I have a partial black trash bag and these will probably fill it up!
    Will do these two chores AFTER my trip to the gym. So proud of myself for going yesterday. Had a good 40 minute walk, and when I got home, about half an hour later, it tapped me and wanted to walk another 250 steps to make my hourly goal???? You gotta be kidding me. I just walked about a 5k, and you are concerned about another 250 steps to meet some arbitrary goal/time limit. Really????

    I do need to drop into the Mex. Market after gym time to pick up a bunch of banana's. They always have good ones, and I'm not as apt to buy a bunch of 'other' stuff while there.

    To my taste buds, the mushroom Philly Steak sandwiches, made with sliced Portabella Mushroom caps is quite tasty. (lotza onions and green bell peppers) Yummmm.

    Roger would it be fair to say that 'some' carbohydrates are a trigger for you? By lumping all carbohydrates together and saying they are a trigger, is about the same as saying celery is a trigger food. or apples, etc. Poor ole carbohydrates surely do take a beating, mostly from 'everybody'.

    Ed, glad you got all the 'stuff' to the curb. It's just me, but I hate to put the recycles on the curb when I know its gonna rain before they get picked up. I dunno, sorta just the thought of all that wet paper on a single line recycle belt and people having to separate it... yuck! Lucky for me I have two of those recycle bins. The last trash haulers I had before the county took over left their bin. (they did take their Herbie Curbie though! :) So I can hold off for several weeks if need be. But, again, that's just me!

    Kathie, what's on your agenda for the day? Hope its fun stuff!

    Mmmm, what else...? I think I'm done :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






