Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 1 thin dime found 2 1/2 blocks from the house on my way back home, As I was walking I saw the dime laying in the gutter next to a driveway. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees. The weather is forecast to be hotter today than yesterday and even hotter the next two days

    Brain-Eating Amoeba Found In Louisiana Water System

    Dumb-*kitten* IMO Man Arrested After Bringing Meth To Police Station To Have It Tested By Cops

    Man Charged With DUI On Pink Bicycle Stolen From Little Girl

    Religious people live four years longer than atheists, study finds: Scientists put it down to being more social, volunteering, and drinking less

    Hangry woman calls cops when pizza takes too long

    In-N-Out temporarily closed all Texas locations due to bad buns

    Who's that selling steaks off a truck? It's Amazon

    ‘Shocking’ New Workout Promises To Cut Your Gym Time In HalfDevice Helps Burn Fat And Build Muscle Without Hitting The Gym


    Breakthrough Drug Offers Multiple Sclerosis Patients A Second Chance

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 88 with an expected high of 90 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Been up since about 6:30 (Thanks, LILO!) but hope to go down for a nap soon. Didn't get to sleep very well and eventually took a pill.

    Still need to fold that laundry and it still might get done today. I had to get out to buy meal-worms for the sugar gliders, as they were near the end of their last can. I did get 4 cans so that should last them quite a while. While out I picked up a chicken meal at Publix. Lilo and Dinah (who got a few bites of chicken) approved heartily.

    J may be coming back tonight for tomorrow's planned pool party about 45 minutes away from our home, but we'll see. I do need to do some cleaning up of the house too. Not sure if I have enough beans to make my usual baked beans and may have to create something else. I'll check in the morning and if not enough for the beans, I'll just let Eduardo out to see what he comes up with.
    Hi Ed
    Your weather is a day ahead of ours, Yesterday the high temperatures were in the 70s and dry. I have not been sleeping well either, I am not sure if it is weather related or ??

    Good Luck with the Pool Party
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hello guys!
    Ed, I hope your headache is gone today. I used to get horrid headaches...but they went away years ago with no help from me. I dunno know why.

    Roger, all that equipment to move, old flooring to remove, then cleaning the floor because any little bit of 'stuff' under that rubberized flooring will cause issues later...and then they have to lay the flooring and return the gym 'furniture'. They are also reinforcing the cardio theater flooring. It really is a huge job and many many square feet. I'm thinking its over 14,000 sq. feet. (but need to check that number) I'm going to swing by there later today to see if they've reopened.
    I got my steps in yesterday...Ted met me at Whole Foods, and we ate lunch and drove by his house to park his car, and put my chicken fried tofu in his refrigerator, then drove to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens...walked around there for 40 minutes. It was a bit warm, but really not to bad. Problem with going to the Gardens, is I always see plants I want for my yard!!! and my yard is already at near capacity!!! :)

    Ok, news is over, rain maybe late this afternoon...meanwhile the load of laundry is now dry, and is mostly my gym clothes, so I'll get dressed and check the gym, or get dressed in my 'yard wear', and cut the faded flowers off my rose bushes, so they can bloom again in a couple weeks. Grass needs to be cut, but that is on tomorrows list!


    Hi Valerie
    Headaches come and go for me, I suspect that they may be triggered by something in my foods.

    That would explain the length of time, I wonder what is wrong with the cardio theater floor that it need reinforcing.

    I was out at Whole Foods looking at the Hot Breakfast food section, What I saw was not interesting as much of it looked dried out. I did see Pea Soup and I should have have bought it there instead of going on to the ShopRite. They also had pea soup which I did pick up there. The reason I said I should have bought the soup at my first stop and thus would have avoided the Chinese Food I bought at the ShopRite.

    The grass needs shortening here too, I am thinking maybe tomorrow morning.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! Supposed to get to 90 today with a 20% chance of precipitation. We have a pool party to attend. J came back just for that, and for some reason brought my sister in law for the weekend.

    Baked beans are in the oven and J is getting ready. No time for videos this morning. Maybe later!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Its a perfect day for a pool party, as long as we don't have our afternoon thunder storms.
    So wishing you a headache free, storm free fun party!

    Roger additional treadmills, a couple of new stair climbers, etc it just needed to be reinforced. I think most of the issues were on the upper tier, but both that and the lower tier are getting reinforced.

    Its my understanding that the gym is open today. I may go latter. Right now I'm drinking lemon water, and eating some chilled grapes...then a shower, maybe a trip to the gym, though I'd really rather take a nap!!! :)

    Oh, I got a new little Keurig mini...that's what they're calling the single cup machines these days. Its in the bar where the old one was, and its RED!!! The secondary color for my living room and bar is red, so it fits right in! It was also $41 dollars cheaper than the black one that I've had for years. So its a win!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    The pool party was great! Nearly 70 people showed up, so not a lot of baked beans left. They came out nicely spicy (but not TOO spicy), a little bit sweet, and a little bit smoky. As always, a popular side item with the burgers and dogs. I had one burger (no bun), one dog (charred black - no bun), a spoon of scalloped potatoes, a few bites of chips and salsa, and too many cookies and nibbles of other desserts.

    I almost did the cooking for the party today, as the usual grill master was at another event, but he showed up just in time. We already had the coals going and he started cooking shortly after he arrived. I'm sure I could have managed, as by that time I'd already made sure that the other foods that people brought were properly laid out and the condiments chef had the tray of lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles ready to go too.

    I think everyone had a good time. I took a couple of quick dips in the pool but it was far too hot and sunny for me to stay out in it long, and I lurked mostly down in the shaded patio or the interior food area.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, I take it you didn't get the lightening and thunder that happened here! Loud!
    Your party sounds like it was fun and plenty to eat!

    I got the trimming done for the yard...and it took me about an hour...it was soooo hot, and humid. I came in exhausted and soaked in my own salty brine! Yuck.
    So a shower, lunch, and some computer time, and I went to the gym...floor looks great, I couldn't tell the difference in the cardio theater, but I know it was reinforced! there is also a weird half wall thingy...the gal at the desk and I spent some time guessing what the heck that was for....

    I know its very early, but this old gal is heading for her bed. Back hurts, feets hurts, and I'm just plain ole tired! Will mess with the iPad, and hope I don't fall asleep holding it....that darn thing hurts when it hits you in the face! (yes, more than once too.)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More than a little truth to this one







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 0 cents. The Temperature out the door was 63 degrees. As I was walking three blocks out from the house I saw 1 large and 4 small Skunks meandering across the road. I naturally detoured from heading towards them :smiley: And of course the usual Squirrels, Rabbits and Birds.

    IQ Scores Are Declining And The Environment Is To Blame, New Study Finds

    It's raining octopus! Sea creatures fall from the sky after being 'sucked from the ocean by a waterspout and carried into coastal city' during powerful storm in China

    McGill music student awarded $350,000 after girlfriend stalls career

    S**t! Horrendous moment freak gust of wind sends portable toilet 100ft into the air as it sprays 'liquid' on screaming crowd below

    Ouch, not good for privacy in my opinion
    SUPER SOLDIER X-ray vision will soon give soldiers the superhero ability to see through walls
    X-ray vision is no longer the stuff of comic books

    Mysterious explosions in past 2 months rattle Pennsylvania residents
    Lawnmower triggers explosive device in Pennsylvania open field

    Another Dumb-*kitten* IMO
    While you were sleeping: Never chug a beer while stopped by police

    ‘DISEASE X’ FEARS Terrifying new strain of bird flu that kills over a THIRD of those who contract it discovered in China amid fears of new global pandemic

    Hart County grandmother kills rabid bobcat with bare hands

    The World Cup is already beset by empty seats, and FIFA is baffled

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! Supposed to get to 90 today with a 20% chance of precipitation. We have a pool party to attend. J came back just for that, and for some reason brought my sister in law for the weekend.

    Baked beans are in the oven and J is getting ready. No time for videos this morning. Maybe later!
    Hi Ed
    Today is going to get hot, Right now it is comfortable out and I plan to have the lawn mowed before the heat sets in.
    The pool party was great! Nearly 70 people showed up, so not a lot of baked beans left. They came out nicely spicy (but not TOO spicy), a little bit sweet, and a little bit smoky. As always, a popular side item with the burgers and dogs. I had one burger (no bun), one dog (charred black - no bun), a spoon of scalloped potatoes, a few bites of chips and salsa, and too many cookies and nibbles of other desserts.

    I almost did the cooking for the party today, as the usual grill master was at another event, but he showed up just in time. We already had the coals going and he started cooking shortly after he arrived. I'm sure I could have managed, as by that time I'd already made sure that the other foods that people brought were properly laid out and the condiments chef had the tray of lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles ready to go too.

    I think everyone had a good time. I took a couple of quick dips in the pool but it was far too hot and sunny for me to stay out in it long, and I lurked mostly down in the shaded patio or the interior food area.
    That must be some large home where the pool parties are held. I like Hot Dogs and Hamburgers sans bun too. Generally I use Ketchup on them, I know to some that my use of ketchup instead of Yellow Mustard on a Hot Dog is sacrilege.

    I am not a fan of being out in a hot daytime sun.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Its a perfect day for a pool party, as long as we don't have our afternoon thunder storms.
    So wishing you a headache free, storm free fun party!

    Roger additional treadmills, a couple of new stair climbers, etc it just needed to be reinforced. I think most of the issues were on the upper tier, but both that and the lower tier are getting reinforced.

    Its my understanding that the gym is open today. I may go latter. Right now I'm drinking lemon water, and eating some chilled grapes...then a shower, maybe a trip to the gym, though I'd really rather take a nap!!! :)

    Oh, I got a new little Keurig mini...that's what they're calling the single cup machines these days. Its in the bar where the old one was, and its RED!!! The secondary color for my living room and bar is red, so it fits right in! It was also $41 dollars cheaper than the black one that I've had for years. So its a win!!


    Hi Valerie
    Am I mistaken in my surmise that a Keurig is always drawing energy to heat the water ?
    How often do You have to fill the reservoir ?

    The one at one of my two banks has the water piped in and has a selection of coffees and teas for the use of the staff and customers.
    Ed, I take it you didn't get the lightening and thunder that happened here! Loud!
    Your party sounds like it was fun and plenty to eat!

    I got the trimming done for the yard...and it took me about an hour...it was soooo hot, and humid. I came in exhausted and soaked in my own salty brine! Yuck.
    So a shower, lunch, and some computer time, and I went to the gym...floor looks great, I couldn't tell the difference in the cardio theater, but I know it was reinforced! there is also a weird half wall thingy...the gal at the desk and I spent some time guessing what the heck that was for....

    I know its very early, but this old gal is heading for her bed. Back hurts, feets hurts, and I'm just plain ole tired! Will mess with the iPad, and hope I don't fall asleep holding it....that darn thing hurts when it hits you in the face! (yes, more than once too.)

    It is my expectation that I should get the lawn mowed before it is too bad outside. I still expect that once I am done I will be somewhat sweaty and naturally I take a shower afterwards to remove the sweat and any grass clippings that hit my legs.

    Doing physical work in a HHH environment can be real tiring.

    Be careful with the iPad, You would hate to drop it where it gets damaged, OTOH better it gets damaged than You getting damaged.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's superb Sunday!

    72 with an expected high of 87 and 30% chance of precipitation.

    Didn't sleep well, waking up rather ill feeling in the middle of the night when J came to bed, but managed to sip a bit of water, lay back down, and doze back off until nearly 7:00 when Lilo declared it time to get up.

    I did get the laundry folded yesterday and J brought laundry back too, preferring it to be done here where the cat hairs aren't apparently as abundant as the dog hairs at my sister in law's house. They are heading back up today. Some of that laundry is still to be folded but I may let J take care of that while packing.

    Need to get the cat bowls from yesterday cleaned and need to feed the cats.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Street treats around Asia.Or, from what little I have seen of it, SWEET street treats from around Asia?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    edited June 2018
    Emmy eats Scotland: Haggis taste test.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    edited June 2018
    And, for a special dessert...dairy free fudge pie.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hello!!! From the sunny, humid, and hot South! :)
    Got the lawn mowed today! After having lunch in Alpharetta with M. She was between teaching a class and then watching over the littles during church services. I was soaked when I got finished with the mowing. (course it was 3:30 - 4:ish...so it was to be expected! Mid afternoon is not my idea of the ideal time to do outdoor labor, but....it rained again last night, as it does so frequently on hot summer days....and the grass does not dry until later in the afternoon...that's just the way it is. And I don't cut wet grass. nor use my electric trimmer either! :)
    Help me out here Roger. You posted "Doing physical work in a HHH environment ......" whats HHH? hot? humid? and whats the last H??? :)

    Ed, glad you posted about a load of clothes to fold....I forgot I washed a load of light colored clothes before I left for Alpharetta...So, as soon as I've finished dinner, it will be 'wrinkle release for the dryer'. followed by folding by the house mouse!

    Tried one of the new TM's at the gym....sweet! Gave it my age and weight and the time I wanted to walk....and it kept my heart rate where it belonged by raising or lowering the incline, or the speed! All I had to do was keep up! Will have a 'go' with it again tomorrow!!!

    Need to finish my dinner and feed Tom E. cat and I can call this day DONE!!

    oh, and fold those clothes in the dryer.....darn it!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member








    The Fanwood Scotch Plains Station 08-1998
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 1 cent. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. As I was walking 8 blocks out from the house I saw 2 deer meandering across the road.

    It's 'raining' green crystals in Hawaii, thanks to Kilauea volcano eruption

    The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

    'Holy grail for urban explorers': Abandoned airport frozen in time

    'Jeopardy!' winner could get prison for sneaking into emails

    Stress test: saliva swab detects workplace burnout

    Have a Great Monday