Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 73 with an expected high of 93 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    I might get out to the grocery today. We'll see. Possibly some laundry. Also, possibly a nap.
    Hi Ed
    I may go out to the grocery store while my brother is away later on today too.

    Yesterdays weather forecast indicates rain later today and into Early Thursday morning. Hopefully it will be done raining by the time I get ready to go walking.

    Thanks for the links
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I tried to get on earlier but the site was down for maintenance. I've been up for hours, of course, but distracted by internet, breakfast, feeding the cats, internet, grocery shopping, lunch, internet...well, you know how that goes!

    Now that I'm back, lunch is taken care of, dinner is planned, and the site is up, I can finally post.

    90 out there (and it feels at least that hot) with an expected high of 92 and no chance of precipitation.

    Got the clean dishes out of the dishwasher this morning and, as mentioned above, got some grocery shopping done.

    Kiara and Dinah helped me put the groceries away and then I finished off my Greek pasta stuff for lunch. Dinner is planned as a Mandarin orange beef stir fry. At any rate, I bought the stir fry veggie and sauce kit and some very thin sliced steak, that I can cut into bite size strips easily. So I'll do SOMETHING with that tonight. Might have to jazz it up a bit with garlic and jalapeño.

    Kiara and Dinah assisted with the putting away of groceries.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    Tonight's evolution of dinner, ending with extra spicy Mandarin beef and veggies, of which I have another plate for tomorrow. I kicked the (already nicely spicy) sauce up a notch or two with some added garlic, jalapeño and sriracha.




  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited June 2018
    Back again...
    Watched Emmy make Ginger Beef BBQ...with seitan. (which Ted calls Satan cuz the taste and texture is so much like beef or chicken.) Until gluten became a problem for me I used to us it for all kinds of 'meaty' food dishes....oh, well...
    ? Emmy says something/phrase before she tastes something...do you know what she says? I can't understand her and am curious.

    I may be curious enough to try making some rice flour bread. Sounds interesting, sure looked easy enough...I will be using rice flour from Bob's Red Mill or other sources....I don't see me standing around bashing rice into flour. I may be a lot of things, but stupid just isn't one of them!

    On my way to bed. Knees sore from today's TM walk. For some reason the machine was having a problem holding my heart rate steady...so the incline went up as much as 3.1, and down to .1 or Zero...anyhow, got it done.

    Again, Later...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    edited June 2018
    Back again...
    Watched Emmy make Ginger Beef BBQ...with seitan. (which Ted calls Satan cuz the taste and texture is so much like beef or chicken.) Until gluten became a problem for me I used to us it for all kinds of 'meaty' food dishes....oh, well...
    ? Emmy says something/phrase before she tastes something...do you know what she says? I can't understand her and am curious.

    I may be curious enough to try making some rice flour bread. Sounds interesting, sure looked easy enough...I will be using rice flour from Bob's Red Mill or other sources....I don't see me standing around bashing rice into flour. I may be a lot of things, but stupid just isn't one of them!

    On my way to bed. Knees sore from today's TM walk. For some reason the machine was having a problem holding my heart rate steady...so the incline went up as much as 3.1, and down to .1 or Zero...anyhow, got it done.

    Again, Later...

    You could probably make the Ginger Beef Barbecue with tofu. J calls seitan Satan too, for the same reason. He doesn't care for it at all.

    Before eating, Japanese people say "itadakimasu," a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." and that is what Emmy says.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. Once again it was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. Then on the return leg the overdue rain appeared and I had to use the Disposable Rain Poncho. That made it less comfortable as the Poncho blocked the breeze, Oh well :(

    Home price insanity: $2.6 million for 900 square feet

    Elon Musk emails employees about 'extensive and damaging sabotage' by employee

    How alcohol protects the heart: Scientists discover moderate drinking teaches heart cells how to toughen up

    DNA test solves mystery of wolf-like creature shot in Montana

    Spraying snake with gas leads to house blaze in Finland

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I tried to get on earlier but the site was down for maintenance. I've been up for hours, of course, but distracted by internet, breakfast, feeding the cats, internet, grocery shopping, lunch, internet...well, you know how that goes!

    Now that I'm back, lunch is taken care of, dinner is planned, and the site is up, I can finally post.

    90 out there (and it feels at least that hot) with an expected high of 92 and no chance of precipitation.

    Got the clean dishes out of the dishwasher this morning and, as mentioned above, got some grocery shopping done.

    Kiara and Dinah helped me put the groceries away and then I finished off my Greek pasta stuff for lunch. Dinner is planned as a Mandarin orange beef stir fry. At any rate, I bought the stir fry veggie and sauce kit and some very thin sliced steak, that I can cut into bite size strips easily. So I'll do SOMETHING with that tonight. Might have to jazz it up a bit with garlic and jalapeño.

    Kiara and Dinah assisted with the putting away of groceries.
    Hi Ed
    The Site must have been down after I posted ?

    We were supposed to have rain overnight into the early morning, Instead it was bone dry when I left the house and the rain did not arrive until a little while after 5:30AM, and was over by 6AM, It was heavy once it started OTOH and could come back as it is dreary looking day out the window. Wednesday's high temperature was in the mid 80s.

    I found the Stir Fry & sauce kit to be interesting, I might try that if I find one that is not spicy.
    I'll pass on the Vegan Ginger Beef due to the Ginger rather than the Vegan part. I find that I do not care for the heat Ginger brings.
    Tonight's evolution of dinner, ending with extra spicy Mandarin beef and veggies, of which I have another plate for tomorrow. I kicked the (already nicely spicy) sauce up a notch or two with some added garlic, jalapeño and sriracha.
    The Dishes look great, Interestingly to me the Beef looks exactly like what the different Chinese Take dishes with beef in them looks like. You are some Chef and create delicious looking dishes. Being a Lazy cook I would not make rice for that reason. The Grocery Store has microwave bags of White Rice and Brown Rice and I have a couple of Vacuum Sealed rice in the freezer too that I would use.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Back again...
    Watched Emmy make Ginger Beef BBQ...with seitan. (which Ted calls Satan cuz the taste and texture is so much like beef or chicken.) Until gluten became a problem for me I used to us it for all kinds of 'meaty' food dishes....oh, well...
    ? Emmy says something/phrase before she tastes something...do you know what she says? I can't understand her and am curious.

    I may be curious enough to try making some rice flour bread. Sounds interesting, sure looked easy enough...I will be using rice flour from Bob's Red Mill or other sources....I don't see me standing around bashing rice into flour. I may be a lot of things, but stupid just isn't one of them!

    On my way to bed. Knees sore from today's TM walk. For some reason the machine was having a problem holding my heart rate steady...so the incline went up as much as 3.1, and down to .1 or Zero...anyhow, got it done.

    Again, Later...
    Hi Valerie
    Why call it Satan if the taste and texture resemble Beef or Chicken, Am I missing Something ?

    It must be a pain in the neck to be vegan and Gluten intolerant :(

    I guess if I had uncooked rice I would use a kitchen appliance of my brothers to grind it. Especially as We do not have a Mortar and Pestle as the less popular choice. Paying the premium for the Rice Flour vs whole grain rice is a non starter to me.

    I wonder what happened to the TM, Did You report it ? It could be a problem that needs fixing.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    edited June 2018
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Hi Ed
    The Site must have been down after I posted ?

    Once I finally got in, it was apparent that you had managed to post before the site maintenance began. I don't really know how long it went on. I tried periodically for about 45 minutes and then gave up and headed out to Kroger.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    I found the Stir Fry & sauce kit to be interesting, I might try that if I find one that is not spicy.

    They also had a Teriyaki kit that sounded good, but I went with the Mandarin Orange as I thought it might be a bit spicy, and I love the Orange (or Tangerine really - a Mandarin orange is a type of tangerine) beef at Chinese restaurants.

    You might possibly like a Teriyaki stir fry kit. I'd read the ingredients though, just to be sure.

    J calls seitan Satan specifically because he doesn't like the taste or texture of meat, and thus is not impressed with Satan...er, I mean seitan.
    RogerToo wrote: »

    The Dishes look great, Interestingly to me the Beef looks exactly like what the different Chinese Take dishes with beef in them looks like. You are some Chef and create delicious looking dishes. Being a Lazy cook I would not make rice for that reason. The Grocery Store has microwave bags of White Rice and Brown Rice and I have a couple of Vacuum Sealed rice in the freezer too that I would use.

    Have a Good Day

    I generally do make some attempt to give my food a good appearance. Presentation does make a difference in one's perception of a meal. Just slapping it down on a plate, vs. taking a moment or two to arrange it enticingly can mean the difference between a so-so meal and a good one, or a good one and a great one. And I did make an effort to slice the beef the way the Chinese restaurants do, and I felt I did well and am pleased that you agree, at least on appearance. If the food just isn't good at all, presentation is not going to fix that, of course. But if it's mediocre, one may enjoy the meal just a bit more if presented properly.

    I've seen tests where the exact same food was presented, in fast food bags and wrappers, and then on a plate, arranged nicely, with the assumption that the first time it was fast food and the second time it was from a fine dining establishment, and the consumers felt the food from the "fine dining establishment" tasted better, even though it was the same food, from the same restaurant.

    So remember, if you are eating fast food carryout, take it home, set a proper table, plate it, nicely arranged, toss the bags and wrappers (or put plastic containers aside to recycle) and serve it to yourself out of sight of the wrappers and containers. Pretend it's from the Ritz. The food may taste better to you because of the little bit of self deception!

    I find having a glass of wine with it can add to that perception too. In a proper wine glass of course.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Not a lot on today's schedule. One meal at least will be the other plate of food from last night.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned, get the cats fed, pick berries, take a nap, etc. Don't think I am in dire need of anything from the grocery.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    This is rather long, but it's amusing. A comedic analysis of Wagner's Ring Cycle.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    edited June 2018
    Home made chicken shawarma.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    edited June 2018
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    edited June 2018
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,507 Member
    Some of the Kentucky corn whiskey I tasted growing up in Western Kentucky was made with a slightly more primitive process than this...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Quickly now...
    On way to the gym.
    Ed, I'm sure you could dry fry tofu and use it in place of the seitan...or I think Tempeh would lend itself nicely as a sub.
    Roger, I'm sure the TM was ok...it was the walker who was in error! :)

    Ok....back later???