Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 71 degrees. Once again it was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. I did see squirrels foraging for their breakfast in the Garbage cans in front of the shopping center

    Mosquitoes Might Like Your Smell, But They Remember Your Swat, Study Finds

    Why did the snake cross the road? Who knows, but Virginia cops stopped traffic for it

    Fixing a massive NYC plumbing leak, 55 stories underground

    Beer may lack fizz in Europe amid carbon dioxide shortage

    He had been out of jail for 30 minutes — then stole a police car, SC cops say

    Facebook Will Harass You Mercilessly if You Try to Break Up

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member








    Political Humor, Click the link to view or ignore :wink:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    I will be snipping bits out of Your reply for brevity :wink:
    I found the Stir Fry & sauce kit to be interesting, I might try that if I find one that is not spicy.
    They also had a Teriyaki kit that sounded good, but I went with the Mandarin Orange as I thought it might be a bit spicy, and I love the Orange (or Tangerine really - a Mandarin orange is a type of tangerine) beef at Chinese restaurants.

    You might possibly like a Teriyaki stir fry kit. I'd read the ingredients though, just to be sure.

    J calls seitan Satan specifically because he doesn't like the taste or texture of meat, and thus is not impressed with Satan...er, I mean seitan.

    I could see how that could work if You didn't like the taste or texture, It is somewhat surprising to me considering that Humans are Meat eaters historically

    I did enjoy the Frozen Teriyaki Chicken from CostCo in the past. Thus the Teriyaki Kit might work for me.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    The Dishes look great, Interestingly to me the Beef looks exactly like what the different Chinese Take dishes with beef in them looks like. You are some Chef and create delicious looking dishes. Being a Lazy cook I would not make rice for that reason. The Grocery Store has microwave bags of White Rice and Brown Rice and I have a couple of Vacuum Sealed rice in the freezer too that I would use.
    Have a Good Day

    I generally do make some attempt to give my food a good appearance. Presentation does make a difference in one's perception of a meal. Just slapping it down on a plate, vs. taking a moment or two to arrange it enticingly can mean the difference between a so-so meal and a good one, or a good one and a great one. And I did make an effort to slice the beef the way the Chinese restaurants do, and I felt I did well and am pleased that you agree, at least on appearance. If the food just isn't good at all, presentation is not going to fix that, of course. But if it's mediocre, one may enjoy the meal just a bit more if presented properly.

    I've seen tests where the exact same food was presented, in fast food bags and wrappers, and then on a plate, arranged nicely, with the assumption that the first time it was fast food and the second time it was from a fine dining establishment, and the consumers felt the food from the "fine dining establishment" tasted better, even though it was the same food, from the same restaurant.

    So remember, if you are eating fast food carryout, take it home, set a proper table, plate it, nicely arranged, toss the bags and wrappers (or put plastic containers aside to recycle) and serve it to yourself out of sight of the wrappers and containers. Pretend it's from the Ritz. The food may taste better to you because of the little bit of self deception!

    I find having a glass of wine with it can add to that perception too. In a proper wine glass of course.
    I think I have seen that sort of taste test in the past. It would likely not work real well with some of my favorite types of Fast Food, That being Burgers and Fries from the three major Burger chains :smiley:

    It would work of course with Chinese Take Out OTOH. Things such as Beef Broccoli that comes with rice. I usually put the rice into the liquid left after eating the Beef & Broccoli. Putting the rice on a plate and then putting the rest on top so that the liquid soaks down into the rice to give it taste.

    I like the take out with Beef, Pork or Chicken Broccoli as that gives me a Vegetable and a Protein. You may have noticed I did not mention Shrimp, Not something I eat Possibly from being forced to eat it as a youngster ?
    Home made chicken shawarma.
    That is something I have never had. I am giving some consideration to having Pad Thai or Pad See Yew for Lunch today as it has been a while since I had it. The Thai Fried Rice is better than I get from the local Take out places as it has Rice, Naturally, Bits of Egg, Onion, and actually fried on the grill.
    Some of the Kentucky corn whiskey I tasted growing up in Western Kentucky was made with a slightly more primitive process than this...
    If I said I am not surprised by that, Capitalism at work filling a demand.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Quickly now...
    On way to the gym.
    Ed, I'm sure you could dry fry tofu and use it in place of the seitan...or I think Tempeh would lend itself nicely as a sub.
    Roger, I'm sure the TM was ok...it was the walker who was in error! :)

    Ok....back later???
    Hi Valerie
    Shame on You blaming Yourself :wink: Obviously It was the TM.

    I hope the gym visit went better this trip.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. it's fabulous Friday! 71 with an expected high of 89 and 50% chance of, apparently, PM thunderstorms.

    Woke up with an awful headache today and I think I'll just blame that on the weather since I don't see any other reason. Dinner last night finished off the Mandarin beef, and breakfast this morning was pan fried pork cube steak, a bit of leftover sausage gravy on top of the steak, scrambled eggs, and multigrain toast. Working on my third big mug of hot tea now as the cats finish off their breakfasts.

    Need to clean up yesterday's cat bowls, maybe run the dishwasher and maybe laundry. Lot of maybes. Not planning to get out and about if I can help it.

    May lay back down in a bit and see if the headache pills work better. They ARE working, but not as well as I'd hoped.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited June 2018
    Speaking of breakfast...how they used to make sausage! He's gotten just a few years out of his usual 18th century range, but not much.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    What is Mr. Wolfe eating today?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Kids try snacks from the 90s.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    And here's another ancient (OK, not quite THAT old) sausage recipe.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Sending this before I float away! Wooza the rain is falling, and an occasionally a drum roll of thunder to change things up!
    Tom's in trouble up to his eye teeth. Little brat wouldn't come in when I tried to get him in before this started. Well, pretty soon I hear pathetic-ness calling from the back porch...and he was wet. I have a towel I keep for him so I started drying him off, and the little brat bit me! I guess he thought I'd dried him enough! Grrrrrr!
    Now he's snacked a bit, and he wants to go back outside, but its raining cats and dogs so he just stands in the doorway looking.
    See watching the news that I gave up meat way too soon. In Clayton county seems as though drugs were being sold our of several Wendy's! Some thru the drive thru, other not sure how or where...in store? in parking lot? I dunno!

    I've seen sausage made like Townsend made in today's video....and for the record, in Tenn I had some 'shine' too! Smart A. neighbor thought he's have some fun and brought some to my house in a styrofoam cup...which was quickly eating thru the cup...got that in a glass...and drank some. It was stout, but in those days I liked scotch on the rocks, and in the winter when it was cold I had my snifter of cognac on occasion.! So to his disappointment I didn't cough and choke. I think all I said was WOW!

    Roger I read about the Timber Rattler that they stopped traffic for in ??? Virginia??...anyway, I just sat here shaking my head. While it is illegal to kill non-venomness snakes in GA, but you can behead the ones with fangs! The tale that they're endangered, could be true...maybe. But, the comment that they eat rodents etc...also half true. Yep they will eat mice, rats, etc, but so would a good ole common black snake, or a rat snake, etc. and you don't get bitten unless you try messing with the snake. And then it won't kill you!

    I think its time for dinner!

    Later...OH....I almost Forgot! I may very well break my own 'oven rule' tomorrow or Sunday...I nabbed a WooHoo deal on a 1 pound bag of BOb's Red Mill white rice flour...for $1.49. Now the issue is...will I follow his recipe and make it 'plain'...or will temptation overtake me and make me add either some dried herbs or aromatics??? ( I think I can hear Ed saying...add, add, add!!)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Add! Add! Add! LOL.

    Speaking of meat, here's what I made for dinner tonight, and for 3 or 4 more meals too...that's a pork chop, by the way, in case anyone wonders.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






    Bacon Cheese Cup
    Looks Good to me :wink:

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 64 degrees. It was comfortable to slightly cool outdoors while walking since there was a breeze. Yesterdays weather forecast showed rain overnight into this morning and later today. It appears to have been erroneous as it was drying up outside when I left the house and it did not rain on me.

    Japanese worker punished for starting lunch three minutes early
    Managers called TV news conference and bowed in apology at employee’s ‘deeply regrettable’ actions

    New evidence that viruses may play a role in Alzheimer's

    Marijuana users feel MORE pain: Study finds cannabis lowers pain tolerance - meaning users need more painkillers after an injury

    Rats break into ATM, munch through $18,000 in cash

    Judge Who Literally Wrote the Book on Corruption Indicted on Fraud Charges

    What Are ‘Fire Rainbows’? Colorful Sight Seen In Clouds Over New England
    Diabetes Breakthrough: Common Vaccine Can Improve Blood Sugar Levels Long-Term

    Deal Struck On Family Leave, Sales Tax, $15 Minimum Wage

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. it's fabulous Friday! 71 with an expected high of 89 and 50% chance of, apparently, PM thunderstorms.

    Woke up with an awful headache today and I think I'll just blame that on the weather since I don't see any other reason. Dinner last night finished off the Mandarin beef, and breakfast this morning was pan fried pork cube steak, a bit of leftover sausage gravy on top of the steak, scrambled eggs, and multigrain toast. Working on my third big mug of hot tea now as the cats finish off their breakfasts.

    Need to clean up yesterday's cat bowls, maybe run the dishwasher and maybe laundry. Lot of maybes. Not planning to get out and about if I can help it.

    May lay back down in a bit and see if the headache pills work better. They ARE working, but not as well as I'd hoped.
    Hi Ed
    I had a headache this morning while walking despite having taken a couple of aspirin before leaving.

    Your breakfast once again sounds delicious. I love properly done Pork, IMO it does need to be nicely browned.
    What is Mr. Wolfe eating today?
    The one with the Sriracha is a non starter, the other two I would eat after discarding the Red Peppers :smiley:
    Speaking of breakfast...how they used to make sausage! He's gotten just a few years out of his usual 18th century range, but not much.
    When my brother makes Sausages they are usually formed into patties and filling casings is a non starter.
    And here's another ancient (OK, not quite THAT old) sausage recipe.
    Once again I will have to watch the videos later once I finish answering messages, Thanks for the links.
    Add! Add! Add! LOL.

    Speaking of meat, here's what I made for dinner tonight, and for 3 or 4 more meals too...that's a pork chop, by the way, in case anyone wonders.
    The carrots and beans look like what I buy from the freezer at the ShopRite Grocery Store. I love Mashed potatoes and Gravy, the Pork Chop looks so good. Ouch, Now I'm getting hungry just from looking at the picture :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Sending this before I float away! Wooza the rain is falling, and an occasionally a drum roll of thunder to change things up!
    Tom's in trouble up to his eye teeth. Little brat wouldn't come in when I tried to get him in before this started. Well, pretty soon I hear pathetic-ness calling from the back porch...and he was wet. I have a towel I keep for him so I started drying him off, and the little brat bit me! I guess he thought I'd dried him enough! Grrrrrr!
    Now he's snacked a bit, and he wants to go back outside, but its raining cats and dogs so he just stands in the doorway looking.
    See watching the news that I gave up meat way too soon. In Clayton county seems as though drugs were being sold our of several Wendy's! Some thru the drive thru, other not sure how or where...in store? in parking lot? I dunno!
    Hi Valerie
    FWIW My brother learned the hard way after loosing a monitor to turn off the computer and then turn the power strip off when thunder and lightning is in the area.

    You do seem to have Crazy Cat in residence, I hope it was a gentle nip that did not draw blood.

    They have caught dealers selling from Fast Food stores in New York and places called Bodegas. Even before the recent price increase to a pack of Cigarettes there were people selling individual cigarettes which is illegal BTW.
    Minimum Price Of Cigarette Pack In NYC Rises To $13, Highest In The Nation
    I've seen sausage made like Townsend made in today's video....and for the record, in Tenn I had some 'shine' too! Smart A. neighbor thought he's have some fun and brought some to my house in a styrofoam cup...which was quickly eating thru the cup...got that in a glass...and drank some. It was stout, but in those days I liked scotch on the rocks, and in the winter when it was cold I had my snifter of cognac on occasion.! So to his disappointment I didn't cough and choke. I think all I said was WOW!

    Roger I read about the Timber Rattler that they stopped traffic for in ??? Virginia??...anyway, I just sat here shaking my head. While it is illegal to kill non-venomness snakes in GA, but you can behead the ones with fangs! The tale that they're endangered, could be true...maybe. But, the comment that they eat rodents etc...also half true. Yep they will eat mice, rats, etc, but so would a good ole common black snake, or a rat snake, etc. and you don't get bitten unless you try messing with the snake. And then it won't kill you!

    I think its time for dinner!

    Later...OH....I almost Forgot! I may very well break my own 'oven rule' tomorrow or Sunday...I nabbed a WooHoo deal on a 1 pound bag of BOb's Red Mill white rice flour...for $1.49. Now the issue is...will I follow his recipe and make it 'plain'...or will temptation overtake me and make me add either some dried herbs or aromatics??? ( I think I can hear Ed saying...add, add, add!!)
    Hmm... If it was eating up the foam cup I wonder if You ended up drinking some of the melting foam ?

    I'm sure that animal rights types were happy seeing that ?

    I know I would follow the recipe as is for the first time if for no other reason than to have a taste to know how to modify the recipe for taste. YMMV :wink:

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 73 with an expected high of 88 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    Might get out to a store today but probably not. Will take a nap if I can.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...