Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's superb Sunday!

    72 with an expected high of 87 and 30% chance of precipitation.

    Didn't sleep well, waking up rather ill feeling in the middle of the night when J came to bed, but managed to sip a bit of water, lay back down, and doze back off until nearly 7:00 when Lilo declared it time to get up.

    I did get the laundry folded yesterday and J brought laundry back too, preferring it to be done here where the cat hairs aren't apparently as abundant as the dog hairs at my sister in law's house. They are heading back up today. Some of that laundry is still to be folded but I may let J take care of that while packing.

    Need to get the cat bowls from yesterday cleaned and need to feed the cats.
    Hi Ed
    It is not that nice a day outside, The Forecast overnight lows in the mid 60s did not happen.
    Sundays High Temperature was 89 according to the TV, Today's high is forecast to be worse. The house was warm enough when I returned home that despite it being 6AM I turned on the Living Room AC.
    Emmy eats Scotland: Haggis taste test.
    I will be watching this one later, for now I wonder if it the real haggis or the Americanized version, My guess is that it is not the traditional Scotland version since it came in a can.
    Vegetarian "meat" sauce.
    A Contradiction in terms.
    And, for a special dessert...dairy free fudge pie.
    This one looks tasty too.

    Thanks for the links
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hello!!! From the sunny, humid, and hot South! :)
    Got the lawn mowed today! After having lunch in Alpharetta with M. She was between teaching a class and then watching over the littles during church services. I was soaked when I got finished with the mowing. (course it was 3:30 - 4:ish...so it was to be expected! Mid afternoon is not my idea of the ideal time to do outdoor labor, but....it rained again last night, as it does so frequently on hot summer days....and the grass does not dry until later in the afternoon...that's just the way it is. And I don't cut wet grass. nor use my electric trimmer either! :)
    Help me out here Roger. You posted "Doing physical work in a HHH environment ......" whats HHH? hot? humid? and whats the last H??? :)
    Hi Valerie
    HHH is Hot, Hazy, and Humid. I mowed the lawn Sunday before it got to hot, I was out there at 8AM.
    Ed, glad you posted about a load of clothes to fold....I forgot I washed a load of light colored clothes before I left for Alpharetta...So, as soon as I've finished dinner, it will be 'wrinkle release for the dryer'. followed by folding by the house mouse!

    Tried one of the new TM's at the gym....sweet! Gave it my age and weight and the time I wanted to walk....and it kept my heart rate where it belonged by raising or lowering the incline, or the speed! All I had to do was keep up! Will have a 'go' with it again tomorrow!!!

    Need to finish my dinner and feed Tom E. cat and I can call this day DONE!!

    oh, and fold those clothes in the dryer.....darn it!
    House Mouse :smiley:

    I do that too if I forget to fold them while they are warm, I warm then up again.

    I wonder if it is tied into a central database ? That does sound as if they have been making improvements to them.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 87 with an expected high of 91 and 30% chance of precipitation.

    Not a lot to do today. Maybe a nap. J and my sister in law are safely back in Kentucky.

    A nap may be in the forecast.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    edited June 2018
    Really should have posted this one yesterday, but here it is. Stuart's Father's Day Poundland Special.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    One p.m. already....hummm. guess I'll get my gym clothes on when I finish this.

    Roger, I had forgotten your questions about my Keurig...the mini does not hook up to a water supply like the commercial ones do, my bank has one too..:). The Mini...easy peasy...pour a coffee cup of cool water in the top. lower that lid...(water drains into the heating chamber), put coffee cup under the brewing area...lift the lid on the area where the pod goes..close it, it will punch 2 holes on the pod...one on top to facilitate getting hot water into the pod, and a smaller hole on the bottom of the pod, that's where the finished coffee comes ...takes less than 2 minutes. So, no this MINI does not keep heated water in any sort of holding tank. There a bigger ones that do have a water reservoir, that lifts on and off so you can clean or take it to the water source. Marietta has one like that...as do Jack and Jenn. Since I only drink one cup for the day...anything more than the Mini would be a waste! (I also suspect that the commercial ones do not store heated water...but have a regular water line, and heat just like mine does.) I've used the one at the bank on several occasions, and it takes awhile to heat just like mine.)
    Also thanks for the explanation for HHH...it was the hazy I was missing! And on Father's Day you woke the neighborhood at 8 a.m......oh, bet they loved that :(, not!

    Ed, the meatless tomato sauce that you posted looks pretty good! Its made with real foods and not soy isolates so that's a major plus! From the ingredients they used, I suspect the protein content is about the same as if it had hamburger, and a lot less fat, especially Saturated Fat. So, thanks for the video! I always enjoy new recipe's! Keeps me from getting bored with same old same old sauces and sides!

    I need to get my day on track...so off to poke around outside for a short while, and then hit the gym....the Mex. market for some banana's....etc...feed me...feed cat...yada yada.

    :) Later...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Tonight's Greek pasta. Ground lamb, browned, with bell peppers, onions, garlic, crushed tomatoes and spices, tossed with ziti. A nice, dry red wine to go with it. Plenty of leftovers to be sure!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and 10 cents. The Temperature out the door was 77 degrees. I short circuited my walk as the warmth sucked the get up and go out of me.

    Creepy Texas ghost towns totally worth a road trip this summer

    Fewer than one in 20 street robberies and burglaries are being solved by police, new figures reveal

    POWER OUT Nigeria plunged in to darkness by power grid meltdown as millions watched World Cup build-up on TV

    http://www.drivepedia.com/luxury/lion-statue-antiques-roadshow-tb/?utm_campaign=Lion Statue Story - Desktop USA&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=newsuk-thesun&utm_term=Antiques+Expert+In+Tears+&+Disbelief+When+He+Stumbles+Across+This+Lion+Statue&utm_content=https://prod-pubplus-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/a1bf3236-16d8-413d-8539-b01c08456ce0.png
    Lion Statue Brings Antiques Roadshow Expert To Tears

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 87 with an expected high of 91 and 30% chance of precipitation.

    Not a lot to do today. Maybe a nap. J and my sister in law are safely back in Kentucky.

    A nap may be in the forecast.
    Hi Ed
    We hit a high around 95 degrees Monday, and a Round of Thunder with a torrential downpour around 8:30PM and I did hear more rain hitting the bedroom AC overnight.

    Today is forecast to be cooler with lowering humidity.
    I'll have to look at this one.
    Tonight's Greek pasta. Ground lamb, browned, with bell peppers, onions, garlic, crushed tomatoes and spices, tossed with ziti. A nice, dry red wine to go with it. Plenty of leftovers to be sure!

    My brother has been buying Ronzoni 150 Pasta, Same Carbs but lower calorie and tastes good IMO...

    He is already looking forward to food choices for the 4th of July meal where we Go meet with friends to eat and later watch the Fireworks.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    One p.m. already....hummm. guess I'll get my gym clothes on when I finish this.

    Roger, I had forgotten your questions about my Keurig...the mini does not hook up to a water supply like the commercial ones do, my bank has one too..:). The Mini...easy peasy...pour a coffee cup of cool water in the top. lower that lid...(water drains into the heating chamber), put coffee cup under the brewing area...lift the lid on the area where the pod goes..close it, it will punch 2 holes on the pod...one on top to facilitate getting hot water into the pod, and a smaller hole on the bottom of the pod, that's where the finished coffee comes ...takes less than 2 minutes. So, no this MINI does not keep heated water in any sort of holding tank. There a bigger ones that do have a water reservoir, that lifts on and off so you can clean or take it to the water source. Marietta has one like that...as do Jack and Jenn. Since I only drink one cup for the day...anything more than the Mini would be a waste! (I also suspect that the commercial ones do not store heated water...but have a regular water line, and heat just like mine does.) I've used the one at the bank on several occasions, and it takes awhile to heat just like mine.)
    Also thanks for the explanation for HHH...it was the hazy I was missing! And on Father's Day you woke the neighborhood at 8 a.m......oh, bet they loved that :(, not!
    Hi Valerie
    Thank You for the explanation...
    I would be interested in a Mini if I did not know it doesn't brew enough coffee. I only drink a cup of coffee OTOH it is from a 30 ounce insulated Yeti Cup :smiley:

    HHH is a common use item around here in the summer, I had just presumed it was all over the country.

    I talked to a Yard service person we know about starting hours and he stated he had checked with the Police and 7AM except Weekends where it is 8AM. I was never able to sleep late on weekends so it did not even occur to me, neither did Fathers Day enter my Radar :wink:
    Ed, the meatless tomato sauce that you posted looks pretty good! Its made with real foods and not soy isolates so that's a major plus! From the ingredients they used, I suspect the protein content is about the same as if it had hamburger, and a lot less fat, especially Saturated Fat. So, thanks for the video! I always enjoy new recipe's! Keeps me from getting bored with same old same old sauces and sides!

    I need to get my day on track...so off to poke around outside for a short while, and then hit the gym....the Mex. market for some banana's....etc...feed me...feed cat...yada yada.

    :) Later...
    That meatless Tomato Sauce or as I think of it Tomato gravy did look good, Taste I would have to try it. The Homemade Tomato Gravy as made by my Grandparents and Parents was always loaded with a variety of beef and pork.

    I did a little thinking about it when McDonalds joined Wendy's using fresh Ground Beef and came to the conclusion that the Ground beef is likely Cryovac packed which will keep it fresh a lot longer. I also wondered how much training the changeover took and if they just used a mold that guaranteed that a 1/4 pound patty weighs 1/4 pound or if they are weighing each one...

    MY Brother returned from the Grocery Store with the bunch of free Bananas from a store coupon, not organic I'm sure.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 73 with an expected high of 93 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    I might get out to the grocery today. We'll see. Possibly some laundry. Also, possibly a nap.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,745 Member
    How to preserve avocado. I recall that in college I helped myself memorize the French word for "lawyer" (avocat) by thinking of an avocado wearing a business suit in a courtroom.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking and no cents. The Temperature out the door was 72 degrees. It was sort of comfortable outdoors while walking since there was a breeze.

    Can You Name All of These Vintage Household Items?

    How party dips can give you Norovirus and even HERPES (and sour cream is the worst for spreading bacteria)police, new figures reveal

    No Surprise to me FWIW
    Four in 10 people have deleted a social media account in the past year due to privacy worries, study says

    When I visited it many years ago it was a nice place to vacation, What a Shame
    "Terrified" San Francisco Tourists Shocked By Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles, Dead Bodies

    Foods that are both fatty and sweet can hijack the part of the brain that regulates food consumption

    Have a Great Wednesday