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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Its still 11-17-2018...but time is ticking!
    Did I tell you they finally paved my street? Yep, a week ago Friday, and the other streets the following few days...kind of interesting cuz I don't think its quite done...there 'were' 3 man hole covers on my street...not any more...none...like zip, nadda, nope. I hope they plan to come back and cut away the asphalt. ??? time will tell.

    Its a bit 'nippy' out there tonite. Not quite NJ nippy, but 69 degrees compared to where we were last week...yep, GA nippy! Tom keeps coming to the door wanting in. First couple of times I let him in, and gave him more treats...but then he didn't want to go back out...so. No cat ever froze at 69 degrees. It will go to 51 at least that's the predicted low...I'll ask Tom E in the morning.

    So, am I the only one who's eaten the 'good' part of a piece of bread? At our house growing up, if the blackberry jelly that Mom made was moldy under the parafin seal, it got scooped out with a spoon, and we ate the rest of it! I ate moldy bread one sleepy day, thought the PB&J had a somewhat 'off taste', ate it went right back to sleep. When I got up to go to work that night, and turned on the light, I had 'fancy' bread. Didn't hurt me...Maybe I was just lucky?... :)

    Roger I agree, you all have way too many deer. I have no solution...Is your property fenced? You mentioned needing an easy access gate...or do I need to go back and read again?

    Foot is a bit better...will call Doc's office tomorrow, or maybe just stop in...as I have only ONE can of Tom E Cat food. Today I did not go anywhere, and limited walking even in the house...so I suppose that is why my foot is a bit better...

    I grow fall crocus...those are the ones that you get Saffron from. Don't have enough to amount to much...maybe on pot of slightly yellow rice...but hey...I got saffron growing here!

    I enjoyed all the video's that I've seen so far, and the cartoons too.

    Ok, I'm going to bed.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 45 degrees and comfortable due to the low temperature.

    Washington State to Decide on First-of-Its-Kind U.S. Carbon Fee
    Average household fuel costs would rise by $13 a month, according to the Washington State Budget & Policy Center

    Rats The Size Of Cats?? NYCHA Tenants Have Video To Prove It
    Lawmakers Insist Mayor De Blasio Do Something About The Incredibly Inhumane Conditions At Claremont Consolidated Houses In The Bronx
    NYCHA = New York City Housing Authority

    Widespread blackout puts much of Venezuela in the dark

    Oops !
    Belgian air force mechanic opens fire by mistake, blows up another F-16

    Oklahoma’s Choctaw horses connect to Mississippi

    Woman's Vomiting Bouts Tied to Mysterious Marijuana Syndrome. And Yes, Hot Showers Helped.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2018
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 64 with an expected high of 73 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up. Maybe do some more laundry. The whites and towels have been folded and put away.

    And need to get breakfast for me and feed the cats.

    Might get out to a grocery today. Might not.
    Hello Ed
    Hmm... More Laundry :smiley:

    Another Day that is forecast to be windy and below normal temperatures.
    Now on to the Videos.

    Super Thin Pizza Is Made For Rolling
    You would think that a super thin Pizza would be crispy and to stiff to roll unless under cooked ?

    Funny Dog Makes Hamburger: Golden Retriever Puppy Bailey
    Interesting, Also set up to watch in a tab.

    What If You Ate Moldy Bread by Accident?
    My Guess is nothing except that it might not taste good.
    19 of the rarest foods on the planet!
    Hopefully it will not be a multi page slideshow that has tons of advertising.

    10 FAKE Chinese Foods That May KILL You!

    As Seen Online - Funny Fast Food Car Products TESTED!
    Fast Food Car Products, looking closer I see what they are selling, holder sand such for fast Food and not the Carl's Jr. foods :smiley:

    Nice Humor.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Its still 11-17-2018...but time is ticking!
    Did I tell you they finally paved my street? Yep, a week ago Friday, and the other streets the following few days...kind of interesting cuz I don't think its quite done...there 'were' 3 man hole covers on my street...not any more...none...like zip, nadda, nope. I hope they plan to come back and cut away the asphalt. ??? time will tell.

    Its a bit 'nippy' out there tonite. Not quite NJ nippy, but 69 degrees compared to where we were last week...yep, GA nippy! Tom keeps coming to the door wanting in. First couple of times I let him in, and gave him more treats...but then he didn't want to go back out...so. No cat ever froze at 69 degrees. It will go to 51 at least that's the predicted low...I'll ask Tom E in the morning.
    Hello Valerie
    I do not recollect You mentioning the paving. In general what I have observed is that they put spacers to raise the surface of the manhole cover back to street level. Maybe the City is abandoning those manhole cover openings ?

    From what the weather forecast I watched last night said much of the Country down to the Gulf of Mexico is cold for a few days.

    Maybe Your cat is feeling the cold more as it gets older ?
    So, am I the only one who's eaten the 'good' part of a piece of bread? At our house growing up, if the blackberry jelly that Mom made was moldy under the parafin seal, it got scooped out with a spoon, and we ate the rest of it! I ate moldy bread one sleepy day, thought the PB&J had a somewhat 'off taste', ate it went right back to sleep. When I got up to go to work that night, and turned on the light, I had 'fancy' bread. Didn't hurt me...Maybe I was just lucky?... :)

    Roger I agree, you all have way too many deer. I have no solution...Is your property fenced? You mentioned needing an easy access gate...or do I need to go back and read again?
    I know I have eaten the non moldy slices after throwing away the moldy slices, I usually have enough bread that losing a slice or two is no biggy. I did suspect that it might be less than tasty to eat. Nowadays what I do is take 1/2 of a new loaf of bread and freeze that 1/2 and leave the other half out to use.
    I have Cut off the mold and eat the cheese too.

    Since jelly is not filled with ways for mold to spread through the jar of jelly so I would likely do what Your mom did.

    The Back Yard is surrounded on three sides by neighbors fences. What I am thinking is that maybe a gate on wheels that can be rolled out of the way when we need full access to the back yard.No need to go back and look :wink:
    Foot is a bit better...will call Doc's office tomorrow, or maybe just stop in...as I have only ONE can of Tom E Cat food. Today I did not go anywhere, and limited walking even in the house...so I suppose that is why my foot is a bit better...

    I grow fall crocus...those are the ones that you get Saffron from. Don't have enough to amount to much...maybe on pot of slightly yellow rice...but hey...I got saffron growing here!

    I enjoyed all the video's that I've seen so far, and the cartoons too.

    Ok, I'm going to bed.

    I hope the foot continues to get better.

    I did not realize that Crocus had a fall blooming flower too. I had thought that they got Saffron from the ones that bloom in the early spring. Saffron is bit high priced for out use here. I suspect that the yellow colored rice from Chinese Take Out is colored by food coloring.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 52 with an expected high of 71 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to feed the cats (and me) and clean up yesterday's cat bowls.

    I did get out to Aldi yesterday, and got most of what I needed. I forgot to look for family size tea bags, and not sure if Aldi even has that sort of thing, but I bet they do. It's a fairly popular item and that's what they shoot for. Fairly popular items.

    But that's not critical so no big deal.

    I even found ghee (clarified butter) at Aldi, and was surprised. I hope they continue to carry that as the price was really excellent and I use a lot of ghee. It has become a lot more mainstream than it used to be. I used to have to go to the farmer's market or any large Asian store to find that.

    And I got paper towels (one of the critical items) as well as a non-critical (but getting there) carton of milk, along with some other items, some critical, most not. I bought a stand mixer for $59. Not a great mixer. Looks wise it pretends to be a Kitchen Aid, but I doubt it's as powerful. Still, it should do me for my purposes. It came with a regular mixer, whisk, and dough hook. It says to run it no longer than six minutes continuously and then let it cool off for 15 minutes before running again so making any dough that needs a longer kneading will have to be done in stages or in my bread maker machine. Or by hand. Might be good exercise to get out any frustrations.

    They also had some wooden handled silicone spatulas, spoons, and a pastry/sauce brush, and some nice cooling racks, which I bought. I used the mixer and a spatula to make that chocolate cake mix we had sitting in the cabinet for so long that J had wanted to make cookies with but he had never gotten around to it. So we have dessert for a few days. Dinner was very light last night, so I was able to guiltlessly enjoy a slice of cake.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Thursday, 10.18.18
    Quickly...morning is escaping!
    Read, Roger, your bro finds some really weird stuff! LOL! (that from the idiot, me, who spent an hour lying in bed this morning reading news briefings...from the mess in Saudi, to the royals in Australia. We'll use that to seg into the issue of kangaroo meat. Hmmm. But I like kangaroo she said. However when there are more Kanga's than people, something definitely needs to be done...and there is no point in killing animals and letting the meat rot when world hunger is rampant on this planet...so..ok, if you eat meat, then pull out your crock pot, and simmer up a bit of kanga. (I'll leave that to you guys.) Some of those other foods, like the Chinese 1000 year eggs..yuck.
    I'm not super picky, and will generally try new things, but ...nope not everything. I think if I HAD to eat one of the items, I'd be eating grasshopper taco's! LOL!.

    Now, off to buy cat food for my little piggy....Tom E.'s been eating an extra meal lately...I think animals have built in sensors telling them when they will be needing extra fat for cold weather, etc. Anyhow, Its off to WalMart I go.
    While there, or maybe cross the street and stop in Aldi's for more russets, sweet potatoes, and anything else that looks like it would 'roast well either tomorrow or Saturday...Supposed to rain Saturday..ok, Saturday I will roast veggies. I ate the ones from last week in 3 days!! Not hard at all to do when you eat veg. 3 times a day! :)
    (lost another half pound today, says the scale) Slowly but like the turtle, ......

    Ok, I really do have to scram..

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    As I left this afternoon for what turned into a 3 hour trip.. I noticed the man hole covers are now marked on my street. Roger was right, they will be back 'sometime' to uncover the manholes. :)
    Did my errand thing, then hurried to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner...was almost finished eating, and Olivia called...no gymnastics for her tonite. So....I had a leisurely fluffy sorta diet mousse, stopped at Publix and picked up some Brussels sprouts and a butternut squash and came home. Finished unloading the trunk...wet cat food for a month,
    the white electrical face plates, etc. Foot is sore....face plates have to go back..they are smaller than what I had by about ¼ inch, and so they don't fit right....also they were special with a light sensitive LED on the top...I thought that would be great...wrong. The light is a dark amber, and shed no light (read not like a night light) . etc . So, tomorrow afternoon I will return them to Walmart, and go to Home Depot with the old beige face plate in hand so I get the right size.

    Ok, later, like tomorrow guys!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 36 degrees and more or less comfortable.

    Nearly half the world lives on less than $5.50 a day: World Bank

    Lifespan 2040: US down, China up, Spain on top

    Best cities for jobs: Pittsburgh is No. 1, followed by St. Louis and Indianapolis, Glassdoor says

    New iPhone lock screen bypass exposes your photos

    Study: Work less, live longer

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! 52 with an expected high of 71 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to feed the cats (and me) and clean up yesterday's cat bowls.

    I did get out to Aldi yesterday, and got most of what I needed. I forgot to look for family size tea bags, and not sure if Aldi even has that sort of thing, but I bet they do. It's a fairly popular item and that's what they shoot for. Fairly popular items.

    But that's not critical so no big deal.

    I even found ghee (clarified butter) at Aldi, and was surprised. I hope they continue to carry that as the price was really excellent and I use a lot of ghee. It has become a lot more mainstream than it used to be. I used to have to go to the farmer's market or any large Asian store to find that.

    And I got paper towels (one of the critical items) as well as a non-critical (but getting there) carton of milk, along with some other items, some critical, most not. I bought a stand mixer for $59. Not a great mixer. Looks wise it pretends to be a Kitchen Aid, but I doubt it's as powerful. Still, it should do me for my purposes. It came with a regular mixer, whisk, and dough hook. It says to run it no longer than six minutes continuously and then let it cool off for 15 minutes before running again so making any dough that needs a longer kneading will have to be done in stages or in my bread maker machine. Or by hand. Might be good exercise to get out any frustrations.
    Hi Ed
    When I checked the Temperature in the house on my return form walking the Rooms where I can see the indoors temperature were all below 60 degrees so on the heat went, along with wondering why I did not turn the heat on before I left given the outdoors temperature. Yesterday never got above 60 degrees :(

    Just curious what You use the Ghee for. It is somewhat different from what a local eatery does where they brush melted butter on to the toast.

    I'm surprised You bought the Paper Towels at Aldis, I buy my paper goods at CostCo in case size lots. Milk I buy in quarts at the Dollar Tree as $1 for a quart is a good price and I can keep it on the shelf until time to put it in the refrigerator to be chilled for use.

    It sounds like the run time is one of the trade offs for being low cost. Just curious since You say it looks like a Kitchen Aid clone if it can use genuine Kitchen Aid attachments ?
    We do use a Kitchen Aid that my brother bough years ago and also use a meat grinding attachment.
    They also had some wooden handled silicone spatulas, spoons, and a pastry/sauce brush, and some nice cooling racks, which I bought. I used the mixer and a spatula to make that chocolate cake mix we had sitting in the cabinet for so long that J had wanted to make cookies with but he had never gotten around to it. So we have dessert for a few days. Dinner was very light last night, so I was able to guiltlessly enjoy a slice of cake.
    I have not been able to find spatulas that are all one piece as they all seem to have removable handles.

    I am slightly surprised that the cake mix did not taste funny from age.

    On to Comments on Your Video links :wink:
    Noodles & ordinary food
    Why comes to mind.

    10 Cooking Hacks That Can Make You a Kitchen Star
    When did they become Hacks ?

    The Strangest Foods You Can Buy On Amazon
    hmm... I will need to look at this shortly.

    I like that bar in the shower :smiley:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Thursday, 10.18.18
    Quickly...morning is escaping!
    Read, Roger, your bro finds some really weird stuff! LOL! (that from the idiot, me, who spent an hour lying in bed this morning reading news briefings...from the mess in Saudi, to the royals in Australia. We'll use that to seg into the issue of kangaroo meat. Hmmm. But I like kangaroo she said. However when there are more Kanga's than people, something definitely needs to be done...and there is no point in killing animals and letting the meat rot when world hunger is rampant on this planet...so..ok, if you eat meat, then pull out your crock pot, and simmer up a bit of kanga. (I'll leave that to you guys.) Some of those other foods, like the Chinese 1000 year eggs..yuck.
    I'm not super picky, and will generally try new things, but ...nope not everything. I think if I HAD to eat one of the items, I'd be eating grasshopper taco's! LOL!.

    Now, off to buy cat food for my little piggy....Tom E.'s been eating an extra meal lately...I think animals have built in sensors telling them when they will be needing extra fat for cold weather, etc. Anyhow, Its off to WalMart I go.
    While there, or maybe cross the street and stop in Aldi's for more russets, sweet potatoes, and anything else that looks like it would 'roast well either tomorrow or Saturday...Supposed to rain Saturday..ok, Saturday I will roast veggies. I ate the ones from last week in 3 days!! Not hard at all to do when you eat veg. 3 times a day! :)
    (lost another half pound today, says the scale) Slowly but like the turtle, ......

    Ok, I really do have to scram..

    Hi Valerie
    Your comment on kangaroo meat reminded me of this one form the past
    Jack in the Box
    In 1981, horse meat labeled as beef was discovered at a Foodmaker plant that supplied hamburger and taco meat to Jack in the Box. The meat was originally from Profreeze of Australia, and during their checks on location, the food inspectors discovered other shipments destined for the United States which included kangaroo meat.

    No Grasshoppers in any food that will pass my lips.

    Congratulations on that loss, better a slow loss than a slow gain :wink:

    I suspect that they are just reacting to lowering temperatures.

    I am curious as to if the vegetables at Aldi is cheaper than buying from CostCo.
    As I left this afternoon for what turned into a 3 hour trip.. I noticed the man hole covers are now marked on my street. Roger was right, they will be back 'sometime' to uncover the manholes. :)
    Did my errand thing, then hurried to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner...was almost finished eating, and Olivia called...no gymnastics for her tonite. So....I had a leisurely fluffy sorta diet mousse, stopped at Publix and picked up some Brussels sprouts and a butternut squash and came home. Finished unloading the trunk...wet cat food for a month,
    the white electrical face plates, etc. Foot is sore....face plates have to go back..they are smaller than what I had by about ¼ inch, and so they don't fit right....also they were special with a light sensitive LED on the top...I thought that would be great...wrong. The light is a dark amber, and shed no light (read not like a night light) . etc . So, tomorrow afternoon I will return them to Walmart, and go to Home Depot with the old beige face plate in hand so I get the right size.

    Ok, later, like tomorrow guys!
    A months worth of wet food sounds heavy.

    I can only guess that doing it that way is cheaper than the alternatives.
    Oops, wrong size face plates. It is a interesting idea outlet or switch plates that have a light on them. My guess is that the lights are not designed to be a Night lite, Instead that they are so You can find them in a dark room. They would also IMO require wires to connect to the power to power the light.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 51 with an expected high of 74 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get out to a store for a few things today. And, of course, need to feed the cats, clean yesterday's cat bowls, etc.

    RogerToo wrote: »

    Just curious what You use the Ghee for. It is somewhat different from what a local eatery does where they brush melted butter on to the toast.

    I use ghee the way most people use butter or oil. I do also use peanut oil for some of my frying but for general purpose frying, like this morning's eggs, I use ghee. It has a much higher flash point than butter, but not quite as high as peanut oil, at least I don't think its flash point is as high as peanut oil but could be wrong.

    It adds a better flavor to my fried eggs, french toast sorts of things, fried potatoes, etc, when I make them. I doubt I'd try to use it for fried chicken as it is more expensive than using just about any type of vegetable oil, including peanut oil, and I'm not sure if I could get it quite THAT hot.

    Breakfast this morning, incidentally, was bacon, eggs, and toast. TWO slices of 35 calorie toast. Made a nice breakfast but still with only one carb serving.

    RogerToo wrote: »

    I'm surprised You bought the Paper Towels at Aldis, I buy my paper goods at CostCo in case size lots. Milk I buy in quarts at the Dollar Tree as $1 for a quart is a good price and I can keep it on the shelf until time to put it in the refrigerator to be chilled for use.

    Aldi has paper towels in a number of packing formats, from two-packs to 25-packs. I am less than thrilled with the quality of the paper towels in their 25-pack, which I did try once, as it was just a tad cheaper per sheet than the next size down. I usually buy the 12-pack of LARGE rolls, which supposedly equals 20 regular rolls. I forget how many rolls the 25-pack is supposed to be equal to, but since I didn't really like them, don't feel a need to find that out again.

    RogerToo wrote: »

    It sounds like the run time is one of the trade offs for being low cost. Just curious since You say it looks like a Kitchen Aid clone if it can use genuine Kitchen Aid attachments ?
    We do use a Kitchen Aid that my brother bough years ago and also use a meat grinding attachment.

    I think their cloning is limited to general appearance, and would not attempt to use another brand's attachments. I do think that it did quite well on the cake the other night. The cake that we are still, of course, eating. Slowly. I finished off the shepherd's pie yesterday for lunch.

    RogerToo wrote: »

    I have not been able to find spatulas that are all one piece as they all seem to have removable handles.

    I am slightly surprised that the cake mix did not taste funny from age.


    Remember the shelf life time for most packaged items. The cake mix had been in there for quite a while, but less than a year, and was still good until sometime next year. Hooray for chemicals?

    Came out just fine and we've been enjoying it.

    I also already have my Thanksgiving dessert. I found Aldi was selling packages with four small slices of pumpkin cheesecake, in their frozen stuff, so bought one of those and that will take care of dessert. I bought stuffing mix quite some time ago (thanks, chemicals!) that is good until some time next year, when it was on sale so all I really need is some kind of turkey (which may be a pre-baked, sliced or not, boneless breast chunk, or may be a partially de-boned breast or COULD (but not likely) be a small, whole bird. I think I'm feeling kind of lazy about Thanksgiving this year, so tending toward easy peasy, and kind of light, on the food. If J is here for Thanksgiving, I will, of course, be adding potato salad and deviled eggs to the menu but if he's not, then I don't need a lot. Not even sure if I'll add any ham this year, and if I do it may go the same way as the turkey, with just a small chunk of some kind, preferably not very processed but just cut off the bone.

    Turkey and stuffing/dressing are my two major Thanksgiving foods. If I have those, I'm good, though some kind of dessert, either pumpkin or pecan, or both, separately or combined into a single dessert, is always nice too. :)


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...