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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all! It's thrilling Thursday! 71 with an expected high of 77 and 0% chance of precipitation. My brother, a little further south and east, survived the storm with no apparent issues other than his dogs not wanting to "go" on mats in the garage, since nobody, even the dogs, got out of the house during the storm. First world problems.

    I tried, but then remembered, too late, that the chimney damper was closed...well maybe I'll get to see a golden unicorn some other time.

    Still got to clean up yesterday's cat bowls and feed the cats. The feeding stall I designed for Dinah, to keep Oliver from pushing her away from her food and eating it, seems to be working well. If she's eating, he CAN'T get in there with her.

    He was pushing her head to the side, and eating her food, while she was keeping the lid open by keeping her head in there trying to eat her own food. Now she can eat in peace and he has to eat his own food.

    There was already no room for him to try that on Kiara, as there's a wall on that side of her bowl, and the other side has an open door against it. And if he were to try with Queen Lilo, well, she doesn't take any crap from anyone, especially an upstart young interloper. LOL.
    Hi Ed
    That's good news about Your brother and the fact that You and Valerie still have power and Internet is good too.

    You know what they say, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, It appears that also applies to cats, Who knew, Not me, maybe my brother, OTOH with their pets I seem to recall communal bowls for the Cats and a different one for the dog.
    Vegan fast food chain that hasn't made it to the East yet, but we can hope. I would love to try it with J.
    It looks tasty, I just do not think it can be cheap to buy. For Your sake I hope it makes it to Atlanta.
    I feel sorry for the kids this time around, trying a burger in a can.
    I have seen reviews of that before and I feel that while it may not be tasty at least they will survive :smiley:
    This pie looks hilarious! Not sure I'd want to actually eat it, but LOL.
    Some definite skills on display but eating a face even if it is pie crust is something I might pass on too.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Looks good to me, Crock Pot or stovetop pot. FWIW my brother uses a Ceramic Bean Pot and bakes in the oven using that. The Cornbread looks a little unusual.

    it would seem to me that this recipe would make a dense fried cornbread ?
    Medium high heat oil, would that be just before it starts to smoke ?

    Have a Good Day

    Crock pot, all day long. Of course the beans were soaked for nearly 24 hours in salted water, then rinsed and put in the crockpot with the seasoning and bacon. Nice and tender, yummy beans. Bacon works about as well as ham, but with a slightly different flavor and quite a bit less meat than I usually leave on a ham bone.

    The cornbread crisps, as you can see, turned out very thin and crispy. The batter is VERY thin actually and as you drop it in the oil (yes, not quite smoking temperature, level 6 out of 10 on my electric stove) it makes little circles with holes in them, that cook fairly quickly. Done this way, I was able to spoon a bit of the beans and bacon on top of a cornbread crisp and enjoy them both in one bite.

    I have a method that makes them even thinner and crispier, and bigger around, unless you use a smaller spoon for the dropping. For the thinner and crispier ones, use twice as much water, but it should be boiling hot, and mixed quickly with the corn meal to make a thicker batter. That sounds like it would be thicker when cooked, but actually the corn meal is half cooked by the boiling water. Remember it's got twice as much water in the batter, so even though it is thicker, there is twice as much water to cook out of them. When you drop them in the oil, they become almost paper thin then and take a bit longer to cook, because of the additional moisture. But talk about crispy! Wow! A bit too delicate for what I wanted last night, but very nice to just munch on.
    The baked beans my Brother makes are soaked overnight, then put in the bean pot with chunks of really thick bacon that he has cut well over a 1/4 inch thick from Dietrichs in Pennsylvania, Molasses and something(s) else that I do not recall what. Very tasty and the big chunks of Bacon really work. Ham Bones are used in Pea Soup :smiley:

    Using extra water like that sounds counter-intuitive but if it works as a pragmatist why not use that method.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey, I'm here!
    Started reading about 11:30, got side tracked by laundry, making lunch, etc..lots of etc...so, had to say Hi, cuz its now or never today. Trash day, O's gym night, etc.

    I did notice about 4.5 inches of rain in my rain gauge...which was empty on Tues night...I don't think we got any really big rains Tues night, but sure did start raining for real yesterday...yeah, mostly after I went to bed, I think. I do remember hearing rain on the windows as I was crawling in to my 'nest'...(Ted's only 2 points ahead of me in Scrabble...need some BIG point moves)

    I barely moved yesterday, you can ask Fitbit...and foot pain much improved. ??? maybe it got more rested? maybe whatever was pulled, stretched, whatever has begun healing...maybe it is the Black Seed oil, maybe it was just cramping and it was the Magnesium rub?? I'll take it which ever...
    Hi Valerie
    I do not think where we are in NJ got that much rain as the future cast during the weather forecast showed most of the heavy rain further south in NJ and out on Long island.

    Good Luck with the Scrabble.

    Sidetracked, Easy to do, My brother and I both have that tendency and then toss in, falling into the internet and there goes the day.
    Quite often I start reading the news links my brother forwards and find that the side links are more interesting than the original links. I could go find my own news but why duplicate my brothers searches :wink:

    Sometimes You just need to take it easy and let nature do the healing. Good Luck getting 100% pain free.
    Winds gusty, sunny, and the big chill starts tonite. Have my root veggies all ready to roast. :)

    Ed, long long ago Thanksgiving was always spent at Myrtle Beach...and there was a place there that made the cormeal crispies...very thin, definitely fried, (not sure they were deep fried) but they were lacy and thin and hot, and more addicting than any potato chip ever put in a bag........mmmmmmmm!!!

    Ahhhh, new dryer for your house Roger! Nice. I was looking at my Maytags and silently begging them to last another 10 years.

    Ok, stuff to do still, the last load of laundry is buzzing, so theres that...... and I'm sure more.

    Overnights in the 40s to 60s were being shown in the 7 day forecast in last nights weather reports. That is when You can see them, The local weather people have this habit of standing in front of the parts that we are interested in. Such as NJ rain totals, Dew points and temperatures, and part of the 7 day forecast. One station even has a 10 forecast, I'm not sure if they use the farmers almanac or a Ouija Board to forecast that far ahead :smiley:

    There is a bit of a learning curve with the new more feature laden controls on the new dryer. We likely will leave it set on the default of regular loads, high heat and 1 hour most of the time. Those worked for both of my brothers loads and then my load was still damp so I started it again, looked at it a little later and it showed to left as 8 minutes so the Load Moisture feature works. Next Time I will bump up the time left setting to be longer.

    I kind of wish we could have gotten the Maytag, $10 difference but nothing on the back to keep things from falling behind and that was a deal breaker for my brother. More expensive was the Speed Queen and that would have been OK for me too, my Frugal, OK Cheap brother nixed that and since he was paying 1/2 the tab that was that.

    So if I am reading You post correctly your Maytag are 10 years old now ? Even our cheap GE dryer lasted 15 years so I would expect better from You Maytag.

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 52 with an expected high of 73 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    I need to get some laundry started, clean yesterday's cat bowls, and feed the cats. Doubt I'll get out anywhere today, unless J wants to go somewhere this evening, or unless my van is ready to pick up today, but I'm not holding my breath on that. When I dropped it off, they said it might be as long as a week, which is fine. If I desperately need to get out to a grocery store, I can just use J's vehicle.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Simon's Cat! Halloween special!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Kids try their parents' favorite childhood foods. Part 2.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    edited October 2018
    Polish 24 hour army ration testing.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    edited October 2018
    8 grains to eat to lose weight (and 3 to avoid). Take with a grain (hahaha!) of salt.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member









  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 52 degrees and comfortable due to the low humidity and breeze.
    I did of course put on a long sleeve shirt and light gloves.

    Thursday I tried the Moo Shu Beef as it was listed on websites as one of the low carb Chinese Dishes. Tasty and the four thin pancakes looked and when I sampled one tasted like a flour Tortilla. Where I blew it was by forgetting to tell them hold the rice. Since I had the rice I ate it :(

    latest flier AKA circular from the ShopRite shows we can start earning a free Ham or Turkey by spending a $400 between October 14 and November 22. The way my brother shops we could well earn one of each by using his keytag and Mine, is that cheating or ??
    Update now! Microsoft fixes 49 bugs, 12 are critical

    Sill idea IMO, a solution looking for a need :)
    Texas bar owners launch a line of beer for dogs

    Thousands of young U.S. children get no vaccines, survey finds
    Although 70 percent of young children are vaccinated a small but growing number of children are not, worrying health officials.

    Russia 'launches criminal investigation' into rocket failure

    The Post Office wants to raise the fees it charges Amazon and other shippers
    The USPS also proposed a 3.9 percent increase on priority mail express, a 5.9 percent increase on priority mail and a 10 percent increase on first-class stamps.

    MOZZY MENACE Hurricane Michael spawns ‘monster’ mosquitoes FIVE TIMES the normal size and their bite is like being stabbed with a needle
    The eggs of the Psorophora ciliata - known as gallnippers - can lie dormant for years until floodwaters come along, then they hatch in huge swarms

    Hurricane dangers will linger long after Michael's trail of devastation, experts say

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 52 with an expected high of 73 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    I need to get some laundry started, clean yesterday's cat bowls, and feed the cats. Doubt I'll get out anywhere today, unless J wants to go somewhere this evening, or unless my van is ready to pick up today, but I'm not holding my breath on that. When I dropped it off, they said it might be as long as a week, which is fine. If I desperately need to get out to a grocery store, I can just use J's vehicle.
    Hi Ed
    Most of my to do list is now finished, Walk, Mail 4 pieces of mail and home. Still to do with no urgency as I have only used one check from the last set is drop off the Check Reorder form for the free banking that comes with free checks :smiley:

    I am somewhat curious if they gave You any clue as to where they were going to look for the problem with You vehicle ?
    Kids try their parents' favorite childhood foods. Part 2.
    I know that I still like many of my Childhood foods. Franks & Beans, Kraft Dinner, Spaghetti and Meatballs with Sweet Italian Sausage.
    8 grains to eat to lose weight (and 3 to avoid). Take with a grain (hahaha!) of salt.
    A grain of salt indeed as what grain can be good for weight loss ? I guess I shall know after watching the video.

    Polish 24 hour army ration testing.
    Interesting, that is a large ration to be carried in the field by soldiers.

    Thanks for the Video links, they are now setup to be watched in new tabs later once I finish going through messages and email.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Valerie
    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 54 with an expected high of 73 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Never did get any laundry started yesterday. Maybe today.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the cats in a while.

    The diagnosis for the car was that the intake valve was dripping oil onto the generator and causing it to short circuit. They wanted to replace the (just replaced) generator along with fixing the valve and replacing the intake manifold but I nixed that idea and said to just clean up the oil on the generator. I ran it for a LONG time with the old generator and for a month or so on the new one, with this problem happening, and it still seemed to generate pretty well most of the time. If they do what they said on the other replacements I think it will fix the issue and I think the generator will probably be fine. Darned if I'm gonna pay another $600+ for another new generator when I just did that. At least not without trying it out first without replacing it.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,213 Member
    Meatloaf burgers sound interesting.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    HI! Saturday afternoon.
    Spent the day doing very little so far. No laundry needs to be done, and I ran the dishwasher this morning, and have also unloaded and put away all the dishes later this morning.. also spent 2 hours chatting with my brother on the phone this morning! We discussed every thing from his cows, politics, to weather, and his weekend retreat...he and my SIL have enjoyed being with a group of friends, etc. Always fun to talk to him! This bro is 14 years younger than I.

    I haven't watched todays video's yet...but made a couple notes as I read today....are you ready?
    No to the bats for mosquito's. I'd love to put up a bat house, but I'm afraid it would freak out my neighborhood. Poor bats have a bad reputation! And here's the rub...mosquito's sleep at night...so they're not around to feed the bats...they may catch a few at dusk and dawn...but bats need more 'filling' foods that those lousy little mosquito's....they would catch night flying moths, etc. This was a lively discussion during my Master Gardener class. :) Also the cushioned rug in the kitchen did not help my poor left foot at all, or at least not much...And
    sorry if I gave you the wrong impression...I've had my set of Maytags for well over 20 years. The 10 years is about how long I expect to be in this house. :)

    Ed, if that vegan (or any vegan Fast Food Joint) shows up in ATL...I'll take you and J to lunch!!! It would be such a nice thing.. V Green is about dinners, lunches. They will take walk in or call in orders for you to pick up..etc. And RThomas has a really nice vegan burger...but thats a bit of a trip for y'all! Etc.

    Now, about that grain video...grains are really good for you, and they do not (DO NOT) make you fat. Not even the apparently the dreaded white rice! Japanese, Chinese, etc..Asian...people were quite thin eating primarily white rice vuntil about 1980 when they adopted our western diet. There is a rice diet from Duke University and they treated really obese people with very high blood pressure and/or kidney disease...which they had to revise to include some white sugar, because the people were losing weight too fast. It was white rice. Is brown rice better...yes, in my opinion because of the bran/fiber that you get from the brown rice. But, as Ed said...take that video with a grain of salt!! (cute pun Ed!!)

    Ok, so I don't see that I posted yesterday...hmmm. It was 'a' day. Dr. appointment went well, all my chems were in line, blood pressure did its usual 'show' for her....166! YIKES, and by end of visit was well in to the lower 150's and falling...she know. She was concerned about my foot...gave me a script to get it X-rayed. First I went to Publix, came home and ate, as it was already nearly 3p. Then I went to East Side for the x-ray...home again. Next meal...and finally went to bed. Hospital said they'd send results to my Doc.... would take 2 business days....meaning the radiologist doesn't work on weekends???? I really don't think its broken, but it should have been showing signs of improvement...which hasn't happened.
    I think that is about all I know. Going to get an earlier start tomorrow, and get my veggies roasted. That was a 'fail' for today. But, the cooler weather is somewhat of a problem, and somewhat of a blessing! Meaning the A/C didn't kick on all night....:) and the A/C didn't kick in and help dry the air in the house. :( . Yeah, thats the issues.

    Tom's hungrier than usual, I'm guessing the wild animal part of him is trying to bulk up for cold weather...
    Oh, another thought, I've been doing a 'modified' rice diet, and I've lost 8 pounds since I started it (and that made Little Doc very happy....about a pound a week. Not the fast loss like the folks got at Duke...but..then i'm not being 100% rice either. Always having veggies daily beans, etc. with my lunch and dinner rice bowls, along with about 40k (half cup) of soup. Enjoying Imagine's Green Soup, and also their Mushroom Soup. (in tetra packs etc.) So, I guess you can say I'm doing the 'slow loss rice diet'!!!

    Ok, I know you have other things to do besides reading this!! Go!!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 41 degrees and semi comfortable due to the low temperature. I switched to long walking pants and a sweatshirt from the walking shorts and long sleeve shirt.

    Sound technician dies after falling on set of Mister Rogers movie in Mt. Lebanon

    Paralyzed Woman Walks Again Thanks To Groundbreaking Spinal Cord Treatment

    Snow in October? These Texas cities could see white stuff this weekend

    Man Arrested For Pelting His Mother With Sausages, Cops Report

    War on Choice: UK Government Sets ‘Calorie Cap’ for Pizzas, Burgers… Even Soup

    Twin Cities Woman Undergoes Arm Surgery After Flu Shot

    Hundreds of Dietary Supplements Are Tainted with Prescription Drugs
    Less than half of the products were recalled, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration analysis found

    40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! 54 with an expected high of 73 and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Never did get any laundry started yesterday. Maybe today.

    Need to get yesterday's cat bowls cleaned up and feed the cats in a while.

    The diagnosis for the car was that the intake valve was dripping oil onto the generator and causing it to short circuit. They wanted to replace the (just replaced) generator along with fixing the valve and replacing the intake manifold but I nixed that idea and said to just clean up the oil on the generator. I ran it for a LONG time with the old generator and for a month or so on the new one, with this problem happening, and it still seemed to generate pretty well most of the time. If they do what they said on the other replacements I think it will fix the issue and I think the generator will probably be fine. Darned if I'm gonna pay another $600+ for another new generator when I just did that. At least not without trying it out first without replacing it.
    Hi Ed
    We have gone from above normal temperatures for a while to below normal for the upcoming week :(
    I turned on the heat before leaving the house for my walk to take the chill off of the house as it was 61 degrees.

    Good Luck getting the Laundry done before it becomes critical.

    Intake Valve, The Only Intake Valves that I know of are in the Cylinder head(s) and they are covered. If the gasket on that cover leaks oil it generally runs down onto the exhaust and burns off there.
    I do not blame You for not wanting to spend another $600+. From what they are saying it sounds as if what they are saying is that the oil gets into the Alternator and gets between the brushes and the rings they rub against. Were You having to add oil ?
    Some Oktoberfest recipes.
    Interesting, I plan to watch this one first.
    Hispanic recipes.
    Spicy ? I will know when I watch it.
    Meatloaf burgers sound interesting.
    Hmm. I wonder if they used slices of meatloaf crisped up in a skillet or meatloaf mix shaped into burgers and fried.

    Thanks for the Videos
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    HI! Saturday afternoon.
    Spent the day doing very little so far. No laundry needs to be done, and I ran the dishwasher this morning, and have also unloaded and put away all the dishes later this morning.. also spent 2 hours chatting with my brother on the phone this morning! We discussed every thing from his cows, politics, to weather, and his weekend retreat...he and my SIL have enjoyed being with a group of friends, etc. Always fun to talk to him! This bro is 14 years younger than I.

    I haven't watched today's video's yet...but made a couple notes as I read today....are you ready?
    No to the bats for mosquito's. I'd love to put up a bat house, but I'm afraid it would freak out my neighborhood. Poor bats have a bad reputation! And here's the rub...mosquito's sleep at night...so they're not around to feed the bats...they may catch a few at dusk and dawn...but bats need more 'filling' foods that those lousy little mosquito's....they would catch night flying moths, etc. This was a lively discussion during my Master Gardener class. :) Also the cushioned rug in the kitchen did not help my poor left foot at all, or at least not much...And
    sorry if I gave you the wrong impression...I've had my set of Maytags for well over 20 years. The 10 years is about how long I expect to be in this house. :)
    Hi Valerie
    Nothing wrong with spending the day talking to family.

    Poor Bats do have a bad reputation, agreed.

    Sorry to hear that the foot is still bothering You :(

    I wondered about that. How long a Washer or dryer lasts is based on Quality and how much use.
    Ed, if that vegan (or any vegan Fast Food Joint) shows up in ATL...I'll take you and J to lunch!!! It would be such a nice thing.. V Green is about dinners, lunches. They will take walk in or call in orders for you to pick up..etc. And RThomas has a really nice vegan burger...but that's a bit of a trip for y'all! Etc.

    Now, about that grain video...grains are really good for you, and they do not (DO NOT) make you fat. Not even the apparently the dreaded white rice! Japanese, Chinese, etc..Asian...people were quite thin eating primarily white rice until about 1980 when they adopted our western diet. There is a rice diet from Duke University and they treated really obese people with very high blood pressure and/or kidney disease...which they had to revise to include some white sugar, because the people were losing weight too fast. It was white rice. Is brown rice better...yes, in my opinion because of the bran/fiber that you get from the brown rice. But, as Ed said...take that video with a grain of salt!! (cute pun Ed!!)
    Vegan fast food, I just wonder how long the food can be held as IMO it has to be cooked ahead to be served fast :smiley:

    As for the Grain video, one thing to remember is that anyone can easily appear to be an expert on the internet.

    I worked with a couple of Chinese and they always brought lunch from home that included White Rice and I agree they they stayed slim.
    Ok, so I don't see that I posted yesterday...hmmm. It was 'a' day. Dr. appointment went well, all my chems were in line, blood pressure did its usual 'show' for her....166! YIKES, and by end of visit was well in to the lower 150's and falling...she know. She was concerned about my foot...gave me a script to get it X-rayed. First I went to Publix, came home and ate, as it was already nearly 3p. Then I went to East Side for the x-ray...home again. Next meal...and finally went to bed. Hospital said they'd send results to my Doc.... would take 2 business days....meaning the radiologist doesn't work on weekends???? I really don't think its broken, but it should have been showing signs of improvement...which hasn't happened.
    I think that is about all I know. Going to get an earlier start tomorrow, and get my veggies roasted. That was a 'fail' for today. But, the cooler weather is somewhat of a problem, and somewhat of a blessing! Meaning the A/C didn't kick on all night....:) and the A/C didn't kick in and help dry the air in the house. :( . Yeah, thats the issues.
    I wonder if You did what I have done in the past and clicked on the preview button instead of the Post button ?

    Up to this morning I have been able in general to avoid running the AC and have not run the furnace since last spring except for a few seconds earlier in Late September to be sure it lit off when needed.

    Since the foot is still bothering You a X-Ray make sense. I wonder if You cracked a bone rather than a clean break. Two days to get a X-Ray reading. When they did the Cat-scan at the hospital they had it read in an hour. I can not believe that a Hospital would not have someone to read any tests since Emergency Rooms need fast results.

    Worse things can happen than a fail roasting the vegetables.
    Tom's hungrier than usual, I'm guessing the wild animal part of him is trying to bulk up for cold weather...
    Oh, another thought, I've been doing a 'modified' rice diet, and I've lost 8 pounds since I started it (and that made Little Doc very happy....about a pound a week. Not the fast loss like the folks got at Duke...but..then i'm not being 100% rice either. Always having veggies daily beans, etc. with my lunch and dinner rice bowls, along with about 40k (half cup) of soup. Enjoying Imagine's Green Soup, and also their Mushroom Soup. (in tetra packs etc.) So, I guess you can say I'm doing the 'slow loss rice diet'!!!

    Ok, I know you have other things to do besides reading this!! Go!!!

    One pound a week of loss is not too bad. When I eat Rice or other food that have a lot of Carbs I feel overly warm and can be sweating even in a room with temperatures in the 60s.

    Actually I do not have much else on my To Do list, Actually there is one thing left and that shall be accomplished shortly.

    Have a Nice Day