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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited December 2018
    How to make Jaffa cakes. Vegan Christmas, edible gifts. I occasionally like Jaffa cakes but have never tried to make them.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Part 3 of the ridiculously expensive holiday potluck.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Well, the dentist has referred me to an endodontist for that probably root canal. We are 99% sure on which tooth, and I'm hoping that we can save the crown and re-use it rather than have to make a new one.

    Dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a prescription for pain. I took a Lortab just before my lunch a few minutes ago and will need to lie down shortly. Hopefully I'll be able to get a nice LONG nap in.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Its been a good day, busy, but enjoyable. I slept for Ed...I finally woke at nearly 10 a.m.! Needless to say, that made for a somewhat ? shorter day, and being Tues...Jack calls at 4 p.m...more shortness!
    Went to the gym, got re-schooled on how to use the Row Machine., and we messed with the hand bicycle, and the other thing doesn't have a name...and we're not quite sure what its purpose is!!!! But, we've got it! LOL!
    Then I did some rowing for about 3 minutes and stopped...the row machine properly used, works you entire back and I for sure didn't want to over do...then I beat it to Walmart for Tom E.'s stock of canned and dry food to get 'us' thru til January! I also found this fuzzy, weird coat like thing, in night wear area...it was a whole 12 bucks, and I have been so, so warm!!!! This is going to be great! My hands are warm!!!! WooHoo! Talked with Jack..we talked about O not being able to read cursive. Jack said he was shocked too. Hope he does something about that. While talking with Jack, I realized I was really hungry..it was about 5:30 and the only thing I'd eaten all day was my morning banana!!!! Needless to say, after we hung up a meal was fixed...and eaten!

    Ed, I am so sorry about your tooth. That's a terrible bummer. Like 'Merry Christmas from the Grinch?' Hope they can reuse the crown for you too.

    Roger, yikes it was cold at your house, well outside your house this morning. Hopefully it warmed up quite a bit as the day progressed.

    Enjoyed the Emmy video's, and the Jaffa Cake, which I'd never heard of....nice mix of flavors, no doubt they are good. Pretty much shows you can Veganize most anything!!

    I'm tired, believe it or not...Tom's eaten, kitchen is cleaned and I'm heading for my room and some sleep.


    Oh, oh oh...Roger....the pictures of the delivered packages are on my phone...text messages. That's why you don't have them on your computer.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 23 degrees. On the Other Hand there was no breeze blowing thus despite being 10 degrees colder it was comfortable while walking.

    Burnout, stress lead more companies to try a four-day work week

    'Bambi' as punishment? Sentence in SW Missouri poaching case includes mandated viewings

    Chick-fil-A on track to become No. 3 fast-food chain in US

    Study predicts SHOCK end of humanity: Mankind will FAIL to mate 'like anti-social mice'
    HUMANITY will go extinct if overcrowding and extreme violence leads future generations to completely lose interest in sex — in a chilling model predicted in mice.

    You can't make these up
    Florida Man, 23, Nabbed After Trying To Swap Pot For McDonald's Drive-Thru Chow

    Study finds chronic fatigue clues in overactive immune response

    Weird One IMO
    Washington Post as They’re Going After the Enquirer?
    Imagine that a federal prosecutor had gone after The Washington Post Company back in the 1990s on the theory that the reluctance of its magazine, Newsweek, to publish an article about a sex scandal involving Bill Clinton constituted an illegal campaign contribution to the Clinton campaign.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 4C/40F with an expected high of 15C/59F and 0% chance of precipitation.

    I've given Lilo her Tuesday shot, but still need to feed the cats and clean up yesterday's cat bowls. And I need to call the dentist as I need to have at least one tooth looked at. I can already say that it will either need a large filling or possibly a root canal. If it needs a root canal, I'm hoping that they can re-use the existing crown. This, of course, assumes I have the right tooth in mind as sometimes the pain seems to be one place but is originating somewhere else.

    I'm hoping they can fit me in today. I may have managed 2 hours or so of poor sleep during the night as being horizontal magnified the pain to un-sleepable proportions for the majority of the night, despite what pain relief I was able to apply. There were some short periods where I managed to not feel the pain for a while and snooze fitfully. Since I was pretty aware of a problem fairly early in the evening, dinner last night was Farfalle a la Vodka, using vodka sauce from a jar. It was pretty good, and may inspire Eduardo to try making a vodka sauce from scratch, though I know there are difficulties with getting cream and tomato sauce to live happily together without either too much heat or too much acid (or both) causing some curdling. Eduardo may have to just forego such efforts.
    Hi Ed
    Ouch, If You are like me You could not sleep sitting up or in a recliner either. I need to be Horizontal or sleep eludes me.

    Vodka Sauce is that hard to make, I never thought about it nor do I recall ever having had it on Pasta or any dish.
    If I get out to the dentist, may pick up a few grocery items on the way home. Our dentist is right across the street from our Kroger. :)

    And I have yesterday's laundry to fold and put away. The first load is sitting on the machines in the laundry room and the second is in the dryer, drying.


    I have a dentist appointment now at 11:00 this morning. Yay?
    Yay, That is a good question that I think I would come down on the side of the pain relief :wink:

    More Laundry in addition ? When I am in pain pretty much nothing gets done.
    36 dishes in 36 hours challenge. Surely some of these will be vegetarian or vegan.
    I will know for sure if this is eating or cooking and eating, I'll know after I watch the video later :smiley:
    The worst recipe ever?
    Well it doesn't look that good before watching either.
    How to make Jaffa cakes. Vegan Christmas, edible gifts. I occasionally like Jaffa cakes but have never tried to make them.
    They do not ring a bell in my mind, May not have ever heard of them, Hmm...
    OK, I googled them, Interesting.
    Part 3 of the ridiculously expensive holiday potluck.
    I like a Roast Prime Rib, End Cut naturally since I like the crispy crunchy texture, However there is no way I'm paying that price :wink:
    Well, the dentist has referred me to an endodontist for that probably root canal. We are 99% sure on which tooth, and I'm hoping that we can save the crown and re-use it rather than have to make a new one.

    Dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics and a prescription for pain. I took a Lortab just before my lunch a few minutes ago and will need to lie down shortly. Hopefully I'll be able to get a nice LONG nap in.
    Tough Luck that the dentist had to refer You, I hope that happens real soon.

    Good Luck Sleeping
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Its been a good day, busy, but enjoyable. I slept for Ed...I finally woke at nearly 10 a.m.! Needless to say, that made for a somewhat ? shorter day, and being Tues...Jack calls at 4 p.m...more shortness!
    Went to the gym, got re-schooled on how to use the Row Machine., and we messed with the hand bicycle, and the other thing doesn't have a name...and we're not quite sure what its purpose is!!!! But, we've got it! LOL!
    Then I did some rowing for about 3 minutes and stopped...the row machine properly used, works you entire back and I for sure didn't want to over do...then I beat it to Walmart for Tom E.'s stock of canned and dry food to get 'us' thru til January! I also found this fuzzy, weird coat like thing, in night wear area...it was a whole 12 bucks, and I have been so, so warm!!!! This is going to be great! My hands are warm!!!! WooHoo! Talked with Jack..we talked about O not being able to read cursive. Jack said he was shocked too. Hope he does something about that. While talking with Jack, I realized I was really hungry..it was about 5:30 and the only thing I'd eaten all day was my morning banana!!!! Needless to say, after we hung up a meal was fixed...and eaten!
    Hi Valerie
    You are so lucky, I wish I could sleep in like that. I seem to keep waking up a little earlier each week and having trouble falling back to sleep :(

    If it works the back 3 minutes is likely more than enough. Still no name for the one machine, They do not know what it is called despite it being installed in their location ? No Packing list or manual that could ID it ?

    If I said warm is good, Congratulations on finding a economical night wear. Is it worth going for a spare for when the one needs to be washed ?

    This year with prodding from his nutritionist my brother has added some fruits to his diet, Bananas and Apple, she told him to cut back on the Bananas and add in other fruits, Not Mr. Stubborn. He is also being pushed to eat more vegetables. Most of the ones he eats are fried onions and or Mushrooms at breakfast. Most of the ones he will eat are on the proscribed list due to interactions with Meds.
    Ed, I am so sorry about your tooth. That's a terrible bummer. Like 'Merry Christmas from the Grinch?' Hope they can reuse the crown for you too.

    Roger, yikes it was cold at your house, well outside your house this morning. Hopefully it warmed up quite a bit as the day progressed.

    Enjoyed the Emmy video's, and the Jaffa Cake, which I'd never heard of....nice mix of flavors, no doubt they are good. Pretty much shows you can Veganize most anything!!

    I'm tired, believe it or not...Tom's eaten, kitchen is cleaned and I'm heading for my room and some sleep.


    Oh, oh oh...Roger....the pictures of the delivered packages are on my phone...text messages. That's why you don't have them on your computer.
    I am less than happy when it is cold and windy, Yikes fits :smiley: The wind never really dies down until around Sundown.

    That would explain why I never see them. So many companies seem to think everybody has a smart phone, Things like Amazon and Offers that sound good but that with my Dumb Phone and no texting either will not happen for me.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 4C/40F with an expected high of 13C/56F and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to feed the felines and clean up yesterday's cat bowls. Then maybe a short nap before heading to the endodontist this afternoon. Maybe stop for a grocery item or two on the way home.

    I didn't stop anywhere but Walgreens yesterday on the way home, because I seriously wanted a pain pill and a nap. When the pharmacy tech asked if I was dropping off, I replied that no, I was waiting because had been up all night and "I need a Lortab NOW!" and about 20 minutes later I was heading home with my prescriptions. A (generic) Lortab, antibiotic, and light lunch later and I was down for the count.

    I slept better last night and even managed to get through the night without having to take another pain pill in the wee hours, though I did wake up from some pain, at about the time I could have taken another, and considered it. Why can't they make these things time released or something so that they last longer than 4 to 6 hours, which just isn't quite enough to get a good night's sleep?

    Oh well, got one more mug of tea to brew and by then J may be up. I can feed the felines and, after checking my after breakfast blood glucose, take that short nap.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I like clams. But I can answer this for all three of us I think. Clams do not belong on pizza. Let's have mushrooms instead?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited December 2018
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    The try guys make a pie. Without a recipe.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...this has to be short...I need to be at Costco right this very second!
    Roger, good if your bro learns to eat vegetables and fruit! Will do wonders for his health, and it's so easy to do!
    And this ever so warm thing that I bought..I haven't been this warm since maybe last July! I have given serious thought to going back for another one...in a smaller size this time. I wanted something really large so I could comfortably wear it over my sweat shirt...but this thing, warm as it is, envelopes me!!! The X Lg, really is what it ways. Side, note....Tom E. came to mess with me, and got one of his claws stuck in all my 'fluffiness'. It was not a good thing, and he has avoided me ever since! (did I find a cat repellent? ) Oh, my...

    Ok, I will come back later and read Ed's post, and watch the video's read some of Rogers newsy links, etc. Right now I'l already 34 minutes LATE getting to Costco...So its gonna be a bear to park, and navigate in the store as well as the parking lot! Wish me luck!!


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, forgot to include this screen shot....be sitting down, and be brave. Its shocking!
    I thnk I need to spend a bit of time filing these doc's, and the occasional pix. I have folders... I can do this...no I MUST do this. (I can't find anything)...LOL!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Back from the endodontist. I am now a rootless person. At least in that one molar.

    I do have to go back tomorrow to my regular dentist so they can re-seal the entry port on the crown properly.

    That was the most comfortable (or least uncomfortable?) root canal I ever had. If this office has a YELP rating page they are getting 5 stars.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed glad you had a good experience at the dentist. Do a Google search for that dentist, or dental group, and they may very well have a place for comments. For anyone looking for a dentist, or anything really, peoples comments mean a lot!

    I went out to shop Costco, which at 12:30 was surprisingly easy. Got my Udon noodles with teriyaki sauce...2 bags. 8 dinners! That should get me thru not only the holidays, but well into Feb! :). Shopped Kroger til I thought I'd drop...came home at a frozen Amys dinner, (it was 4:30 and my morning banana had worn off for sure)..did a Google search for Nate's STEAM card, and it said Walmart had them. (Jenn had seen them at Kroger, but my Kroger had none. :( ).. So, off I went to Walmart. Didn't find them, and the lines were long, so I went to self check, and as I was scanning I found two more towers of cards...and on the second tower, there it was. Actually all three denomination's. They had the $50 one..but I was so tired at that point, I was so tired I'd have bought the $100 one and would have been happy to do it!!!
    So I am home, have all the Christmas gifts, and tomorrow I rap...er, wrap!
    I see on the news that you know who didn't listen to his advisors, generals, etc, etc...and is pulling troops out of Syria. That reads Merry Christmas ISIS. What a mess.

    Right now, all I want to do is crawl into bed. And I already have my jammies on!!! You may see a mid night posting! :)

    Rain coming tomorrow...if that's all that's coming we will all be thankful here in ATL!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 26 degrees. I am not liking the forecast for later today and Friday. Rain is supposed to move in this afternoon and be heavy through tomorrow and linger into early Saturday. Hopefully that forecast which I saw yesterday is wrong and the rain is not as bad as forecast.

    To understand life expectancy fall, start in West Virginia

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    Ex-Marlins President Brags About Fleecing Fans, Taxpayers in $1.2 Billion Team Sale

    Saturn is losing its rings quicker than expected, NASA warns

    Have a Great Thursday