Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 21 degrees with a wind chill in a nearby city of 8. The rain Yesterday started and stopped on schedule and never turned o snow here, Other areas of NJ had 5 inches of snow. When I looked outside this morning it looked OK, so I went walking, We were lucky where I am.

    Mini Review. I liked the new NS Four Cheese Manicotti , 250 Calories 35g Carbohydrates. It was tasty, however it tasted a lot like the old Whole Wheat Ricotta Crepes. I will be ordering more of these in the future.

    Cops: Thief Got Less Than He Bargained For
    Suspect thought he swiped opioids, but got laxatives

    Italy Starts Handing Out Free Money

    Read more at: https://www.bloombergquint.com/view/italy-s-populists-hand-out-some-free-money#gs.okk81ADh
    Italy Starts Handing Out Free Money

    A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one
    “We believe we will offer in a year's time a complete cure for cancer."

    Here in NJ Clinton Schools closed for a couple of days too
    Flu outbreak shuts four Alabama schools, spreads to 36 states

    Survey: Half Of Doctors Considering Leaving Medicine — Because Of Health Insurance Headaches
    Poll of 600 physicians shows frustration over insurer policies and delays that doctors say could be leaving patients in prolonged pain.

    Chickens genetically modified to lay eggs containing CANCER drugs in latest breakthrough
    Researchers from the University of Edinburgh's Roslin Institute believe the technique could offer a cost-effective way of producing drugs in the near future.

    Expert Says Common Heating Practices In Cold Weather Can Cause Your Furnace To Malfunction

    People robbed of Canada Goose coats at gunpoint in Chicago

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 8C/47F with an expected early high of 9C/48F and then cooling temperatures down into the freezing by mid evening, with 90% chance of precipitation for the day, but predicted for the morning hours so I don't anticipate any major weather related issues from it.

    Need to me fed, and get the felines fed and try to get a nap in. Might get out this morning if it's not TOO cold and rainy...
    Hello Ed
    Where I am we did dodge a bullet with the rain ending before it turned to snow. I will not be walking tomorrow considering that the wind chill today of 8 degrees was bad enough and that tomorrow will much colder. There is a chance of a brief snow this afternoon.
    The real reason Sbarro is disappearing? Well, without watching yet, I would think it's because they sell overpriced, mediocre pizza?
    I can not comment as to their food is something I never tried. The Video will be interesting to watch. I will say that the slice shown in the preview looks OK.
    Supposedly false facts people allegedly believe about McDonald's. You see I got two grains of salt into that description. :)
    That would not surprise me that there are people that believe false facts. Likely due to their success selling many things and their size. I could also be wrong :smiley:
    POWER smokeless grill. We haven't had a review from this guy in a while!
    Smokeless ? I guess the way I would handle the design is a fan and filter. However I wonder how You would clean both of those.
    Why Subway's $5 footlong had to go away.
    My best guess is Franchisee complaints that they were either not making much profit if any and that it was not really driving additional business.
    Unboxing $150 MYSTERY FRUIT BOX - Help Me Identify My Fruity Fruits
    That sounds a lot like a fruit version of Your Box vegetables ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    I think I've recovered from yesterdays marathon outing! Good heavens. Left home shortly after 10 a.m...home around 5. In that time went back to the hospital and got the x-ray and CT scan, left there went to Lil Doc's office and were really quickly seen by her...she spent time looking at my leg, asking questions, and giving me some heads up about what to expect: possible more bruising, needed ace bandage my leg to inhibit the swelling, more time elevated leg, etc. Another x-ray in a week to second check for fractures, which sometimes do not present on initial, and immediate x-rays. (that makes sense)...etc. Then home, had short time to 'inhale' a PB&J and an orange, and on to see Chiro...Dr. Pat, oh my. She had to fix my entire skeleton almost!! No lower back, but hips, up, ending with back and neck. I sure felt much better. She said the repeat x-ray should be 2-3 weeks instead of one...but I'm not getting into an argument between the two of them.....!!!!!
    Well, Ted left to pick up some items from Kroger, and just texted me from Whole Foods if I wanted/needed anything from there...bet there's a story there. I know he's making tabouli later today...hmmmm & Yumm!!!
    Hi Valerie
    Wow, Long day out of the house. I am glad to hear that You ended the day felling better.
    I will say that I am feeling some better today, but it's morning...seems to get worse with the day. Also my shoulder is still quite sore. (that was a new symptom when I woke yesterday, and not a good one)..
    Enough of this...

    I did watch the tofu SOS video. The bowl with broc. and what looked like chicken fried Tofu, (and isn't quite, but looks very good)...looks a lot like my dinner last night. I had left over Sesame Tofu from VeGreen with rice, and some perfectly steamed chopped broc. florets that Ted steamed for me. It was a great dinner.
    The feeling worse as the day goes on matches my experiences when feeling sick, so no surprise.
    Roger I can't wait to read a couple of your articles...looks like 'food for thought'! I kinda got tickled at your comment about the picture of the meat balls in sauce from Dollar store. Made me remember my 8 or so months living in Marlton NJ. My next door neighbors appeared to be 'ghosts' that fall when we moved in... Someone would show up on Wednesdays bring in bags of groceries, hang laundry on the clothes line, cut the grass and disappear again for a week.?????? I decided there must be an elderly shut-in in the house, and someone came once a week to help. Couldn't have been more wrong!!! LOL!...Ralph and Marie turned out to be wonderful and delightful neighbors. He ran a fishing boat at the Jersey Shore...and took parties out during the week ...in the late fall they came home to stay over the winter. Both were from Italy. In their late years...like 70's near 80+..could remember some things about living in Italy as children, etc. Loved the local wineries. And their afternoon wines. Gosh, I couldn't go over there in the afternoon. You HAD to have a little wine, and by the time my hubs came home I was 'happy' as all get out! Poor kids had been home (next door) alone for hours, etc. Marie had 3 older sisters, the eldest in her 90's...and she was a trip!!! They would all go grocery shopping together, I'd sometimes see them there. They'd laugh cuz I'd talk to myself while going up and down the isles, (from having a kid in the basket for years) and I'd get a good chuckle at some of the things the eldest sister would say...bawdy ole gal! Never knew what was about to come out of her mouth!! OMG I loved those gals... Marie tried her best to teach me how to make 'real' Italian Red Sauce. Unfortunately it didn't 'take'...hers was delicious...mine not so much. My kids, after I'd spent the entire afternoon stirring etc the sauce would take one bite and suggest quite vocally that next time I should just buy a jar or Ragu!!! LOL!! No wonder I don't like red spaghetti sauce! :) Some day I'll tell you about the most memorable Christmas Eve I ever spent with Ralph, Marie, the sisters, and about 40 others all related adults, kids, etc. It was wonderful.
    Your Ghost neighbors remind me of a couple of our neighbors :wink:
    I see Take out food deliveries and a Lot of UPS, FedEx and Amazon deliveries.

    Actually I sort of liked Ragu sauce, I did tend to add a lot of Loose Ground Beef, or Thin Cut Pork Chops or Italian Sauages or all of the above. The traditional method of making Tomato Gravy is / was to let it simmer on the stove all day with Braciole often made with Pork Skin, Beef Neckbones, Pork Neckbones, Italian Sausages etc.

    I not have all that time used Ragu :wink:
    Ted, on his way home...I should end this before he shows up with the groceries he's purchased. There will be questions of where should I put this- that...dog and cat underfoot...I understand that this morning Maya let Tom E. know she didn't appreciate him eating her food!!! OOPS! I slept thru that...bet it was 'interesting'.

    You likely needed the sleep if You slept through the noise that must have made.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,145 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I got the garbage and recycles out to the curb last night before it got TOO terribly cold. J said they closed schools yesterday (in an overabundance of caution) despite the forecast having changed so that it was just rain in the morning and nothing to indicate any road problems until possibly late last night, with leftover puddles freezing in sheltered areas that might not have dried out. I think they're still remembering school kids and families trapped on the interstates all night from before and making sure NEVER AGAIN!

    -6C/21F with an expected high of 5C/41F and 0% chance of precipitation today. Sounds like it might be fairly nice for a minute by early afternoon and then temperatures will be falling again. We're finally getting a little bit of winter here, but I don't think we're going to get enough to cut the bug population for the summer.

    I need to get laundry done, and maybe get out to the store for a few things. But first I need to get me and the felines fed. As always, a nap would be nice too.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    feeling even a bit better again today. Slow process. It's Karma making me learn patience!

    Loved so much of today's posts, and still have several of Ed's video's to watch.

    Ted is in the kitchen stir-frying a big batch of tofu and vegetables, which will then get some really nice Teriyaki sauce. Will be enough for dinner tonite and leftovers for tomorrow!
    Yesterday while he was at Whole Foods he found a box mix of white 'cheddar' with vegetables and it was surprisingly good. Ate what I wanted, and finished it and some left over peas, and some leftover chopped broccoli for lunch today. Good ole cook once, eat twice!
    Dinner is sounding good!

    Did I know, or did I tell you that they did total my car. Called me later in the afternoon. I will call them tomorrow to accept, as both the boys and myself seem to think its a good offer. Car hunting will begin over the weekend, and hopefully I will have a new ride by the end of next week or sooner. I'm sorta excited about that! Not about the car payments...though I can probably pay it off pretty quickly. But, you know...new car, some nice upgrades to the Fit's since my first one 6 years ago!

    Started my morning on a happy note. My Chiro called about 9 a.m. just thinking about me, and wanting to know that I was doing well, etc. How about that! Nice. Of course I've been her patient on and off for over 25 years. :)

    Ok, dinner is sounding and smelling really good...think I should prepare to eat.

    Ed said that our cancellations here were because everyone remembers the god awful mess 5? years ago. Jack couldn't get home...did manage to get to his brother inlaws to spend the night. My nephew by marriage never made it home until the next day. A good samaritan offered him and several others on the interstate a vacant house he owned a place to stay to be warm, etc. No furniture, etc. but trust me they were grateful just to be out of their cars, and warm! My neice and her two little ones, had to walk over a mile to get home...hilly subdivision..icy roads. Nick was too young to walk, and Soph was in kindergarten. Surprised the little got that far. So, that's just the personal side...so many were stranded, kids, school buses, people on interstates, etc. It was horrendous. It will be a long time before Atlanta forgets...........


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,145 Member
    Dinner on this chilly night was true comfort food. Mom's meatloaf! Plenty of leftovers too.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member







  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not go walking due to the reported windchill and thus once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 3 degrees with a wind chill in in the -15 area. Depending on tonight's forecast I will or will not go walking tomorrow.

    A minor point I missed about the new NS Four Cheese Manicotti. The Tomato sauce was different and was better.

    Generation of child web addicts: Youngsters are becoming so obsessed with the internet they spend more time on YouTube than with friends as parents struggle to keep control of their online usage

    After 5 Months Stuck In A Drainage Ditch, Rescuers Save Coco The Dog

    Hospital let woman pull the plug on wrong man, lawsuit claims

    White gold: the unstoppable rise of alternative milks
    How wellness upstarts spoiled milk’s healthy reputation – and built a billion-dollar industry from juicing oats and nuts.

    Some Chicago Links

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I got the garbage and recycles out to the curb last night before it got TOO terribly cold. J said they closed schools yesterday (in an overabundance of caution) despite the forecast having changed so that it was just rain in the morning and nothing to indicate any road problems until possibly late last night, with leftover puddles freezing in sheltered areas that might not have dried out. I think they're still remembering school kids and families trapped on the interstates all night from before and making sure NEVER AGAIN!

    -6C/21F with an expected high of 5C/41F and 0% chance of precipitation today. Sounds like it might be fairly nice for a minute by early afternoon and then temperatures will be falling again. We're finally getting a little bit of winter here, but I don't think we're going to get enough to cut the bug population for the summer.

    I need to get laundry done, and maybe get out to the store for a few things. But first I need to get me and the felines fed. As always, a nap would be nice too.
    Hi Ed
    Our Governor here in NJ has been over reacting since the November Snowstorm had a similar effect on commuters and Some Schoolkids being trapped in their schools overnight too.

    You are having better temperatures than we are, 3 degrees, Yuck !
    Interesting, I will be watching this one in a little while as I try and keep warm, this room is down to 65 degrees being a corner room with original windows and the Kitchen which usually runs colder is 69 degrees. The kitchen only has one short wall on the outside of the house which is likely why. Yesterday I drove around a while since the car had not been used in over a week and picked up the largest McDonalds Coffee which is only a $1 and here I am when not typing with my hand wrapped around it to warm my fingers :)
    Game Day Sheet-Pan Appetizers
    That was my guess when I saw the preview picture.
    Irish People Try Mexican Snacks
    I am undecided as to whether or not to watch this one.
    Americans Try Weird British Food for the First Time
    definitely interested in this one :smile:
    3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe | LOW CARB and Great For KETO
    Can You get Erythritol at the grocery store, This one interests me. I love PB Cookies and being Low carb makes them a probable winner. And they even have what I consider the proper pattern from a fork on top :smiley:
    Dinner on this chilly night was true comfort food. Mom's meatloaf! Plenty of leftovers too.
    That looks so good. I love everything You put on that plate.

    I will say that when I saw Mom's Meatloaf in Your post my mind flashed to the Joe's Meat Market menu item
    Momma's Meat Loaf $14 described as Real Italian Style Meat Loaf with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy :wink:
    Likely not as good as Yours and Yours has Peas too :smiley: My mind makes strange associations sometimes.
    Just Think You saved most of $14 by making Your own and I am sure You have plenty of leftovers too.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    feeling even a bit better again today. Slow process. It's Karma making me learn patience!

    Loved so much of today's posts, and still have several of Ed's video's to watch.

    Ted is in the kitchen stir-frying a big batch of tofu and vegetables, which will then get some really nice Teriyaki sauce. Will be enough for dinner tonite and leftovers for tomorrow!
    Yesterday while he was at Whole Foods he found a box mix of white 'cheddar' with vegetables and it was surprisingly good. Ate what I wanted, and finished it and some left over peas, and some leftover chopped broccoli for lunch today. Good ole cook once, eat twice!
    Dinner is sounding good!
    Hi Valerie
    Your dinner sounds good to me, The Teriyaki sauce likely ties the entire meal together.

    Vegan White Cheddar ? Leftovers are a family tradition in this house :wink:
    Did I know, or did I tell you that they did total my car. Called me later in the afternoon. I will call them tomorrow to accept, as both the boys and myself seem to think its a good offer. Car hunting will begin over the weekend, and hopefully I will have a new ride by the end of next week or sooner. I'm sorta excited about that! Not about the car payments...though I can probably pay it off pretty quickly. But, you know...new car, some nice upgrades to the Fit's since my first one 6 years ago!

    Started my morning on a happy note. My Chiro called about 9 a.m. just thinking about me, and wanting to know that I was doing well, etc. How about that! Nice. Of course I've been her patient on and off for over 25 years. :)
    You mentioned that You thought it was totaled and as far as I recollect did not mention that they totaled it, I could also be wrong. I would feel bad if my car got totaled for several reasons, One paying for a replacement, another being that it is still under 18K miles and third that it was from a family member so driving it is a connection.

    Are You thinking about a new car or a so called "Gently used off lease" model. If You went that route do You have a good trusted mechanic that can check it out ? I do not know if I would want car payments again.
    Ok, dinner is sounding and smelling really good...think I should prepare to eat.

    Ed said that our cancellations here were because everyone remembers the god awful mess 5? years ago. Jack couldn't get home...did manage to get to his brother inlaws to spend the night. My nephew by marriage never made it home until the next day. A good samaritan offered him and several others on the interstate a vacant house he owned a place to stay to be warm, etc. No furniture, etc. but trust me they were grateful just to be out of their cars, and warm! My neice and her two little ones, had to walk over a mile to get home...hilly subdivision..icy roads. Nick was too young to walk, and Soph was in kindergarten. Surprised the little got that far. So, that's just the personal side...so many were stranded, kids, school buses, people on interstates, etc. It was horrendous. It will be a long time before Atlanta forgets...........

    Our Governor is wasting money brining and pre-positioning road salting and plowing equipment if there is a hint of snow in the forecast since back in November when he was criticized for the mess when the snow was worse than forecast. He does not take criticism well.


    Murphy and top Dems gathered at a diner to champion N.J. minimum wage hike. Then the owner said some things they didn’t like.
    Updated January 29, 2019 at 5:26 PM; Posted January 29, 2019 at 11:24 AM
    So awkward, in fact, that Coughlin and his staff quickly met with Lutas in an attempt to remove the egg from the Democrats' faces.


    I have spent a night unable to get home, I could not even get the car out of the parking lot at work until they plowed the next afternoon :(
    Eventually people forget I have heard no mention for example of that 1990s Crippling Snow Storm or the Ice Storm that shut things down for day. I was lucky enough to be on vacation for the ice storm down in sunny Florida for that one.

    Before I forget a liitle before 3PM Wednesday we had a Brief but heavy visibilty reducing Snow Squall come through, By 3:15 it was out of here.

    Have A Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    BTW, Here is a tongue in cheek faux news article

    BY JOHNNY MO | JANUARY 27, 2018

    CHICAGO — Climatologists are blaming record-low temperatures for the steep decline in Year-Round Shorts-Guy populations, resulting in a massive shortage of exposed, hairy, mid-winter calves, according to a new study released today.

    “An increasing number of well-calved men are buying full-length pants for the first time since high school. This is incredibly dangerous, as their own family members may not recognize them and reject them,” said study author Janet Baker, as she adjusted the leggings she regularly wears to work, dinner, and bed. “This particular strain of men are known to typically ‘run hot.’ Their decline could single-handedly end the entire cargo short industry.”

    “Guys who only own shorts are fully clothing themselves because of unprecedented, rapid shifts in temperature. Most of these guys have already known for years that their favorite college bands were lackluster,” said Gutierrez. We could be facing an extinction-level event, where these men are forced to become ‘socks-with-sandals’ guys.”

    Scrambling to save the critically endangered men, a handful of privately funded chimera research labs are racing to hybridize Year-Round Shorts-Guys with Jeans-at-the-Gym-Guys.

    “It is our last chance to save this species of American man.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,145 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! -3C/27F with an expected high of 8C/48F and 0% chance of precipitation.

    Need to get the last of yesterday's laundry folded and put away, and need to feed the felines. I had leftover meatloaf for my breakfast, with mashed potatoes, gravy, and green peas.

    And, of course, I need to clean up yesterday's food bowls. I might get out to Kroger or Ingles this morning for a few things. Or maybe Aldi. Probably not all three though. I'll likely pick one (probably Kroger, as I might decide it's time to buy gas and they have that) and stick with it, though Aldi, being so close to home, could always be a stop in on the way back.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,145 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I did not go walking due to the reported windchill and thus once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 3 degrees with a wind chill in in the -15 area. Depending on tonight's forecast I will or will not go walking tomorrow.

    Have a Great Thursday

    Did you look under the sofa cushions? :wink: