100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor

    Currently It is 51 degrees outside. The predicted high for Wednesday is in the mid 80s.
    My Pension check arrived in the mail around 3:30 PM to late to run to the bank. Today my to do list is simple. Bank, Post Office, Call NS and see if they can suspend the account since I will not be able to handle the delivery weight for 2 plus months or I'll have to cancel.

    India heatwave temperatures pass 50 Celsius
    50 Celsius equals 122 Fahrenheit, now that's hot.

    You have to be kidding me, Pogo Sticks ?https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2019/05/31/swedish-startup-to-bring-pogo-sticks-to-s-f-as-e-scooter-alternative/
    Swedish Startup to Bring Pogo Sticks to S.F. as E-Scooter Alternative

    California’s jails are so bad some inmates beg to go to prison instead

    PC insanity may mean the end of American universities

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Work is making me pay for having taken a weekend off. Horrid day.
    Seeing my GP tomorrow...last saw him 35# ago!
    Still working. Take care!
    Hello Val
    I'm sorry to hear that, I hope the rest of the week goes better at work.

    Good Luck at the GP and Congratulations on You loss.

    hope4change_val 21 hours ago
    lost 1.2 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 38.6 lbs so far.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Val, your Dr is going to love you are down 35 lbs! Congratulations!! They should not make you pay when you put in so many hours! That is criminal... :/

    My whole house seems to be holding extra things! :#

    Hot here with a promise of rain to come!! I hope so!! We have drought again.

    Boy, all of South America seems to be in a downward spiral....

    Hang in there all! ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    I agree, Doctors love weight loss in their patients.

    I did a quick clean yesterday, I did not realize I had so many Amazon shipping bags waiting to be de-labeled and discarded :( My fault I kept putting doing them off.

    Good Luck with the rain

    Venezuela should serve as a warning to socialist everywhere. I feel sorry for the countries bordering it that have to deal with the people fleeing the lack of basic necessities.

    Lucky us, Our Governor is at it again.
    Want a $125 NJ tax credit? Phil Murphy offers one in deal for tax increase on millionaires

    About two million New Jersey taxpayers could receive a one-time $125 tax credit on their income tax returns next year if the Legislature agrees to raise taxes on millionaires, according to details Gov. Phil Murphy announced Monday.
    A one time credit but the tax is forever.

    In general a millionaires tax pushes anyone that can to get out of the state and in the long term is counterproductive IMO. About two million New Jersey taxpayers could receive a one-time $125 tax credit on their income tax returns next year if the Legislature agrees to raise taxes on millionaires, according to details Gov. Phil Murphy announced Monday.

    Bad news about the Quest Data Breach, I think that is where my GP sends my blood-work :(

    Have a Nice Day

    Buttons61 6 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 6/04/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    NSV off of blood pressure meds! 108/68.
    Doc pleased nit only with weight loss but the clarity of how, why, what. I thanked him repeatedly for his patience and encouragement.
    Worked until 11:30pm but got a lot done.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, glad your GP appt went well! I can not believe your blood pressure is so good considering how stressful your work is! How amazing!! <3

    I hate when I get behind when I let something go.And I do that far too often! :#

    Okay..I can not imagine 120 deg. or hotter. I have been in like 110 with no humidity like in Arizona, but had A/C to escape. I am thinking India does not have a lot of A/C and isn't it pretty humid?

    Shoulder pain is healing but I am only taking the steroid at nite along with the muscle relaxer. I get too nauseated and sleepy respectively otherwise. Bummer...

    Expecting a shower around 6 am...hope we get it. Supposed to have several days of rain and looking forward to it! And a week of the 80's. The weather went crazy and posted a weather alert for coates and wrapping our pipes, lol...it was pretty funny!! :)

    I think I have used Quest in the past..Hope not!! :s I have not seen how extensive it is...but not good news..

    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Currently It is 64 degrees outside. The predicted high for Today is in the upper 80s, with the next 7 days forecasting highs in the 80s and overnight lows in the upper 60s :(

    I need to call NS and ask them to suspend the account for two or three months since I will have a 5 to 10 pound weight lifting restriction. That may be a problem since I already delayed it to July for the same reason and if they say no then I have no choice but to cancel and ask how long before I can take advantage of new customer offers.

    FDA: Sampling finds toxic nonstick compounds in some food

    Family dogs save 4-year-old boy knocked down by mountain lion at

    Want to improve your life? Just learn to say no
    We are used to saying yes to please others but it can be harmful not to be more assertive. And imagine what you can do with all that free time

    The number of Americans working in their 70s is skyrocketing

    Your Wake-Up Call On Data-Collecting Smart Beds And Sleep Apps

    The vote-by-phone tech trend is scaring the life out of security experts

    Most violent weekend in Chicago this year: At least 52 shot, 8 fatally

    Dole fruit trucks burned in Honduras as protests spread

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    NSV off of blood pressure meds! 108/68.
    Doc pleased nit only with weight loss but the clarity of how, why, what. I thanked him repeatedly for his patience and encouragement.
    Worked until 11:30pm but got a lot done.
    Hello Val
    Congratulations on the Non Scale Victory ! I am sure the doctor appreciated Your thanks too.

    IMO the fewer meds the better.

    Those hours are way to long, I hope You end up where You can get paid extra either in money or comp time.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, glad your GP appt went well! I can not believe your blood pressure is so good considering how stressful your work is! How amazing!! <3

    I hate when I get behind when I let something go.And I do that far too often! :#

    Okay..I can not imagine 120 deg. or hotter. I have been in like 110 with no humidity like in Arizona, but had A/C to escape. I am thinking India does not have a lot of A/C and isn't it pretty humid?

    Shoulder pain is healing but I am only taking the steroid at nite along with the muscle relaxer. I get too nauseated and sleepy respectively otherwise. Bummer...

    Expecting a shower around 6 am...hope we get it. Supposed to have several days of rain and looking forward to it! And a week of the 80's. The weather went crazy and posted a weather alert for coats and wrapping our pipes, lol...it was pretty funny!! :)

    I think I have used Quest in the past..Hope not!! :s I have not seen how extensive it is...but not good news..

    Take care all!! ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    I had not thought of the stress from Val's work but that is amazing taking into consideration the pressures from there.

    Behind ? I'm still doing things that should have been done month ago, don't feel bad, we all do it. Procrastination rules :wink:

    I am not happy when it hits 90, AC in India probably depends on where in India at a guess. They do have some big tech support centers that are likely cooled for example.

    I'm sorry to hear the Shoulder is still healing, I had Hoped that would be healed by now.

    Good Luck with the Rain, Weird weather alert indeed. It sounds like someone pushed the wrong button.

    I wonder if the people that mainly need to worry about having used quest are the ones that went to their locations Vs the doctors sending in the material to be tested ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I worked all day in the yard and seemed to accomplish so little. :D It is so humid, but cooler. We did get a little rain but not much, just light drizzle. It was kinda nice though!

    I went to post this morning and had written quite a bit...and lost it. Lord knows what I hit! So I am posting late...just could not face it...lol...

    I had not thought about the NS deliveries being so heavy after your surgery. Bummer! NS seems pretty good about working with you. If not, there are plenty of comeback offers offered frequently it seems, so maybe you will be okay.

    Nerve damage often takes 4 to 6 mos. to heal. It is feeling better and while the yard work hurt some, it also loosened up the muscles well. I am feeling more optimistic!

    The weather man here, one of them, is a pretty young guy. He has a weird sense of humor, and posted it on the channels facebook and blog about our "cold front" of 79 deg. He is a really good weather guy and is a self proclaimed nerd who loves to do extra graphs and postings which are really interesting. He is probably the best weatherman in the city, as the long term one left and does radio and his own posts for a network. Trust me, we all knew he was kidding...although...after the high 90's..it does feel like a cold front! :#

    Good observation about the Quest problem. It will be interesting to see how it plays out...Hope it will be okay for you!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor already

    Currently It is 71 degrees outside. The predicted high for today is for the 80s :(
    Our streets are still drying off from the overnight rain, That would be the rain that my brother predicted we would not get :wink:

    I have Pre-admission testing on the 11th and surgery is scheduled for the 21st. What seems strange to me is that I will be called on the 20th and given a time and location for the surgery.

    Today's To Do list, Call NS and see about a extra 2 or 3 month delay, resign as moderator or see about Emeritus status at a forum and drop off the keys while they are open and the car later on at the Car repair facility we use. The car is due for its every 2 year inspection, an oil change based on time not mileage, Lube the driver door hinges, Fix the Drivers side window switch (Change ?) and repair the speed control on the fan, the lower three speeds have died :(

    On the weird news items this one is included
    Man Arrested For Domestic Ketchup Battery
    Beau covered sleeping victim with condiment

    Just sad that there are people like that walking the streets.
    Woman, 21, Busted For McChicken Rage
    Pregnant McDonald's manager attacked by customer, cops say

    Satellite data shows Amazon deforestation rising under Brazil's Bolsonaro

    The sun has ‘reached solar minimum’ and its surface is ominously calm

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I worked all day in the yard and seemed to accomplish so little. :D It is so humid, but cooler. We did get a little rain but not much, just light drizzle. It was kinda nice though!

    I went to post this morning and had written quite a bit...and lost it. Lord knows what I hit! So I am posting late...just could not face it...lol...

    I had not thought about the NS deliveries being so heavy after your surgery. Bummer! NS seems pretty good about working with you. If not, there are plenty of comeback offers offered frequently it seems, so maybe you will be okay.
    Good Morning Jan
    It sounds as if the rain only raised the humidity, sorry.

    I have been know to do that, In fact I closed a long reply a few minutes ago, Luckily when I used the Firefox History tab and reopened the page the reply was also there.
    When that happens have You tried Ctrl-Z which is undo ? I find that to be a helpful keyboard command.

    I did think about it since my frozen order can be a 50 pound box some of the time depending on what I order.

    I hope they do, OTOH if I have to cancel and rejoin later, I'll be OK with that too. Maybe I could take advantage of a new member deal that is better. I saw a Advert for 50% off with free shipping with Autodelivery. That deal is better than mine :(
    Nerve damage often takes 4 to 6 mos. to heal. It is feeling better and while the yard work hurt some, it also loosened up the muscles well. I am feeling more optimistic!

    The weather man here, one of them, is a pretty young guy. He has a weird sense of humor, and posted it on the channels facebook and blog about our "cold front" of 79 deg. He is a really good weather guy and is a self proclaimed nerd who loves to do extra graphs and postings which are really interesting. He is probably the best weatherman in the city, as the long term one left and does radio and his own posts for a network. Trust me, we all knew he was kidding...although...after the high 90's..it does feel like a cold front! :#

    Good observation about the Quest problem. It will be interesting to see how it plays out...Hope it will be okay for you!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
    I hope the nerve damage heals quicker than that, Good Luck

    When I try and load or refresh the home page all I get is this error message "Sorry, we couldn't complete your request. Please try again." Why I do not know.

    I hope he doesn't humor himself into trouble with his bosses, some of them have no sense of humor.

    Last but not least, I'll link to this in tomorrows post but Labcorp was also breached when they used the same payment processor. Hopefully that means only people that paid are at risk.

    Have a Good Day

    Hello Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Looks like i missed a day. They blur together working 5am to 11:00pm. Today I found out the leader of this project (different company Joint Venture) had complained to my management about me BEFORE I was ever told that i was working on this assignment. Sigh.
    We just had a big storm roll through. Boudreaux must have been outside when the first thunder hit...he was full-speed (greyhound) tearing through the house. Poor dude.
    I just watched “Children of the Decree” on YouTube. Frightening that that might happen in the US.
    Yesterday i went totally off keto...ate cookies , chips, and a bagel. 😖 back on keto today.
    I get bloodwork at Quest. 🤨
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted

    Currently It is 66 degrees outside. The predicted high for today is for the 80s :(

    We had a really short rain yesterday, however due to the previous days rain no watering will be needed until Saturday or Sunday and then more rain at some point Monday and/or Tuesday.

    Today We meet friends at Brunch Time AKA 10 AM.

    Yesterday I had a phone call from the surgery scheduling person that due to schedule changes by the surgeon that my surgery was being moved from the 21st to the 14th. Since I still do not know what time I may or not be posting next Friday. I will ask my brother to use the email list to update You with the results once he has them.

    Humans consume 'tens of thousands' of plastic pieces each year

    Shack On San Francisco’s Potrero Hill Hits Market For $2.5 Million

    Taco Bell customer calls cops after eatery runs out of taco shells

    Rent reforms will be too damn costly, New York landlords warn state

    Hi-tech gadget will be used to relieve severe headaches under raft of new NHS treatments

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Looks like i missed a day. They blur together working 5am to 11:00pm. Today I found out the leader of this project (different company Joint Venture) had complained to my management about me BEFORE I was ever told that i was working on this assignment. Sigh.
    We just had a big storm roll through. Boudreaux must have been outside when the first thunder hit...he was full-speed (greyhound) tearing through the house. Poor dude.
    I just watched “Children of the Decree” on YouTube. Frightening that that might happen in the US.
    Yesterday i went totally off keto...ate cookies , chips, and a bagel. 😖 back on keto today.
    I get bloodwork at Quest. 🤨
    Hello Val
    That sounds like that leader is covering himself/herself just in case thing go awry.

    Too bad about the storm, was it a sudden thing and I hope nothing was damaged when Boudreaux went racing around the house.

    Children of the decree is a new one on me, I think I'll go look it up right now.
    That is a scary thing and with the falling birthrate I hope not.

    Off diet yesterday myself. Pizza and a Italian Hot Dog :blush:

    Hopefully You were in the payment system and were covered by insurance at Quest. I suspect that the impacted people are the ones that pay for the test out of pocket.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hello Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Great news on their moving your surgery date up. Hoping all the best!
    Quest is paid directly by my employer for their annual health metrics.
    My house is very dog-centric...nothing much to damage. But it reminded me of my friend ‘s greyhound (retired racing greyhounds)...during a thunderstorm they were frightened and bolted through the sliding glass door to the yard. Luckily they only had minor cuts. Big mess!!! After that, she would shut them in the interior bathroom during storms. With their speed...i can see that they could run into things without noticing.
    I’ve been happy about losing Weight. Feeling proud. Um, well, tried on bathing suits today. OH MY! Let’s just say, I have a very very long way to go.
    Another dog adoption event tomorrow. Then I have TONS of work that must be done this weekend.
    It’s 99 degrees here now. Dublin is in the low 50s.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    We had some storms move through yesterday with just heavy rain. I lost my cable around 7 pm so I did not get to post for Thursday. We had heavy rain at times today and a few rumbles but Montgomery, 20 miles away had lots of huge old trees down.

    I had to stop taking my Naproxen. I was feeling so bad even just taking it at nite was too much. My blood pressure rose to 188/80 and I was having chest pain. Not sure as the anxiety about it did not help. I had to drink six cups of
    strong chamomile tea which for me works as well as clonidine they give you in the ER. ( for me, better). It brought my B/P down to 150/70 and I could sleep with the flexeril and a good dose of melatonin. I had to cancel plans today as I felt like #### and actually slept a good part of the day. My B/P was 146/68 today. Although I missed Indian food with my daughter, I also missed the big storm as we would have been headed into Montgomery. :|

    So glad your timetable was moved up too, Roger. I hope all goes smoothly!! <3

    Hope the doggie adoption goes well, Val! Storms are bad on some dogs. I heard those Thundershirts work well on many dogs with storm and firework anxiety. Dream'in of Dublin, are ye lass? :)

    Take care!!! Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Congrats on 300 pages of posting here, Roger!!! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted the Humor earlier than usual, I could not get back to sleep, therefore.

    Currently It is 65 degrees outside. The predicted high for today is once again in the 80s :(

    I called NS yesterday and the person I spoke to adjusted the order as follows. Processing On: 09/05/2019

    I got the car back $402.60, Considering the List I had not that bad
    1. State Inspection
    2. Oil change and filter using Synthetic Oil.
    3. Lubed the Door hinges, the noise was atrocious.
    4. Replace failed fan speed resistor, I only had the top two noisy speeds left.
    5. Replace the Driver side power window switch.

    I should be hitting 17,000 miles on the car soon, I already filled the gas tank once this year :smiley: I suspect that a lot of the repairs were due to really short trips with the car since it was new in 1999 :wink:

    Scary stuff
    Stanford engineers make editing video as easy as editing text
    A new algorithm allows video editors to modify talking head videos as if they were editing text – copying, pasting, or adding and deleting words.

    Soldiers In U.S. Army Have Worse Heart Health Than Civilians, Surprising Study Shows

    U.S. home flippers are cashing out before profits get slimmer

    Stressed out? Your dog may feel it too, study suggests

    TSA allowing illegal migrants to fly without proper documents

    Boom in electric scooters leads to more injuries, fatalities

    Irregular sleep routine linked to higher health risks, study finds
    Having an erratic sleep schedule can do a number on your health.

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2019
    Great news on their moving your surgery date up. Hoping all the best!
    Quest is paid directly by my employer for their annual health metrics.
    My house is very dog-centric...nothing much to damage. But it reminded me of my friend ‘s greyhound (retired racing greyhounds)...during a thunderstorm they were frightened and bolted through the sliding glass door to the yard. Luckily they only had minor cuts. Big mess!!! After that, she would shut them in the interior bathroom during storms. With their speed...i can see that they could run into things without noticing.
    I’ve been happy about losing Weight. Feeling proud. Um, well, tried on bathing suits today. OH MY! Let’s just say, I have a very very long way to go.
    Another dog adoption event tomorrow. Then I have TONS of work that must be done this weekend.
    It’s 99 degrees here now. Dublin is in the low 50s.
    Hello Val
    I am hoping and planning things as if it goes well.

    If the employer paid I would not be to worried about the data breech. I have resigned myself to that sort of thing happening sooner or later.

    I could see where greyhounds could be to fast when scared. Minor cuts but the repair to the door and hopefully no rain got in.

    You should be glad about Your weight loss. I keep my old belt around from when I started NS for comparison, Lets just day it is huge :(

    Good Luck at the Adoption Dog today

    Keep Cool
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    We had some storms move through yesterday with just heavy rain. I lost my cable around 7 pm so I did not get to post for Thursday. We had heavy rain at times today and a few rumbles but Montgomery, 20 miles away had lots of huge old trees down.

    I had to stop taking my Naproxen. I was feeling so bad even just taking it at nite was too much. My blood pressure rose to 188/80 and I was having chest pain. Not sure as the anxiety about it did not help. I had to drink six cups of
    strong chamomile tea which for me works as well as clonidine they give you in the ER. ( for me, better). It brought my B/P down to 150/70 and I could sleep with the flexeril and a good dose of melatonin. I had to cancel plans today as I felt like #### and actually slept a good part of the day. My B/P was 146/68 today. Although I missed Indian food with my daughter, I also missed the big storm as we would have been headed into Montgomery. :|
    Hello Jan
    I can guess that something took down a pole carrying the cable, either a Traffic Accident or a fallen tree or some such event.

    I try and stay as Medicine free as possible. That reminds me I need more Melatonin, I have enough for today and none for Sunday.

    Driving through a big storm can be dangerous, I'm sure Your daughter understands.
    So glad your timetable was moved up too, Roger. I hope all goes smoothly!! <3

    Hope the doggie adoption goes well, Val! Storms are bad on some dogs. I heard those Thundershirts work well on many dogs with storm and firework anxiety. Dream'in of Dublin, are ye lass? :)

    Take care!!! Jan
    I hope it goes smoothly too.
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Congrats on 300 pages of posting here, Roger!!! :)

    Now three thousand would be a huge accomplishment :wink:

    I see You were under Your calorie goal the last to reports, Congratulations