100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    So glad they fixed your A/C quickly and no charge!
    I had a great day today. Hiking with the ladies (ran into a wonderful former boss while hiking), then breakfast with the ladies, then walked the mall with Em and had frozen yogurt. Then swimming with Em. I’m emotionally starting vacation now (even though I still have one week of work left).
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    So happy about you getting out!! Great pic! It is amazing what change can make happen!! I am all for you starting that vacation early!! No one is more deserving considering the hours you put in...of quality work I might add!

    Church today..May May is being lazy and did not spend much time outdoors..so May need to skip my class as the rest of church will be a bit. I love the people in class, so I hate to miss that part. My birthday is Monday, so I know there is a chocolate cake for me from small group..can not miss that part...

    Mu daughter surprised me with 12 homemade frozen gourmet dinners for my present! Everything from East Indian food to Mexican, French, Moroccan and Southern cooking! I will not have to cook or buy for almost 2 weeks! Best gift ever!!!

    <3 Miss you Roger! <3
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy Birthday Jan! I’m so glad that you were born; I’m honored to be your friend. Enjoy your day with friends and chocolate cake too. That’s a wonderful present from your daughter! Delicious and practical too.
    My ladies hiking group went to see Aladdin yesterday. It was really nice. I couldn’t go out to eat after because right before the movie I received an urgent request for work. There are only two of us that can do that task...sobif I didn’t, it would fall on my best work-friend who is often even busier than me.
    Today I drop Boudreaux at the vet...anesthetizing fir stitch removal. And I’m heading to the office.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hope you had a super birthday.
    Boudreaux got his stitches out today. He gets anxious when he’s away from me. Does well at home because he’s learning that I come back. But at the vet, he was scared. Since I’ll be away for two weeks, I’m worried that he’ll feel like I left him. So with the vets recommendation ive started him on CBD oil twice daily. I don’t want him to be sad. My young adults will spend more time with the furballs when we’re away.
    I went to the office today. I got compliments that i look happier and more relaxed (I feel it too).
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I just can't believe how much happier and relaxed you seem!!! All these changes turned out to be such a positive step!! Who knew just a few short weeks ago having such stress from the rescuing would end up leaving such room for positive changes, growth and more personal happiness! I love when life does that!!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!! I am honored by your post..things like that are the best gifts ever!! <3
    I had a quiet day with a friend, just having lunch and then talking for hours. That is why I am up late..Just kind of unwinding..lol...and I fell asleep for about 20 minutes around 930 pm...So, I am up for a bit! :# Just a good day with lots of well wishes by phone and texts..all within about a 15 minute period of chaos this morning..that was pretty funny!

    Glad that Boudreaux did well with his stitches and is home. That oil will help I am sure! That is the worst thing about vacations..when you have to leave the furbabies!! Your vacation will probably go too fast and you will be busy..that always helps. He will be fine and will love the reunion!! No doubt that will leave a great impression!! ;)
    Practically vacation day!!!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. Not much happening here. Lots of work but that’s okay. Trying to pack and make sure my paperwork is together.
    Hope you have a happy Wednesday!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wheww..The last few days do seem like whirlwinds! Any packing is nerve wracking as I remember, though I rarely forget something.. just the idea and that time before you go!! Excited for you!!!

    <3 Thank you so much for my birthday card!! <3 It was absolutely adorable!! :# I chugged my way to the mailbox and there it was!!! I do not go every day..and that is my bad!!! It was probably there earlier...But today was the perfect day and I needed it!! I joke our family has a birthday week, because we all can not seem to hit one day!!

    I am a little behind as my daughter is writing a book. Or should I say four. She has been writing it off and on, but has really fleshed it out the last year and a half. Anyway, she finished book three so we went to celebrate by having lunch. I was reading the whole thing yesterday afternoon and part of this morning..And she sent me the first 2 chapters of book 4. It is historical romance/mystery with a time travel twist. The books 2,3, and 4 tell backdrops of book one, each involving a different character from the first book in overlapses, yet each story is also complete. Book four will tie everyone from all the books and totally complete the whole mystery. I am biased of course, but think it is pretty good. Ever finding a publisher is a whole other matter! Editors tend to not want to know about series books, yet her concept is unique. I thought the books got better as she wrote, not always the case. I liked her first one alot..I have read many not as good..of course, we have similar tastes!! I would be really excited for someone to pick it up! She has not pushed for a publisher for the first book really, as she figured she better have the rest pretty well done. Probably way more than you might want to know!! :D But that is where I have been!!

    Again, thank you so much for the card!!! Best ever !!! :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Our family does birthday month! I’m glad it arrived and brought you a smile. 💙
    That book series sounds neat! My hat is off to her. I’m a technical writer and have close to zero creative writing ability.
    I don’t have cable anymore but i hear a hurricane is heading for Louisiana...is that going to affect your area at all?
    I’m actually getting a little nervous about my trip. But that’s probably because I don’t get out much. You know I’ll miss my dogs.
    Long day at work, not bad, just long.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Last I heard New Orleans was flooding from it offshore. Not sure if texas might get any. Then it is a guess to its direction. Our rain went up to 50-50, but we will get more, or less on the tract it takes. At least we should get some. Parts of Al. need it pretty badly! I could not do your technical writing..I wouldn't even know where to start.
    Being nervous is way normal!! My daughter travels a lot, and still gets that way some.. I gets better once you make your flight, too!! :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I did Meals on Wheels today. I went with 2 other friends from church. We had a good time doing it. We do it again on Friday!! I was beat when I got home. :D I just woke up and did not realize I had been napping. Hope I can get to sleep so I can wake up!! :#

    I will leave off writing on the column some when you go, but check in.. Do not feel you need to if you get rushed or pressed for time. I will write on Vix's a little more... Hope the weather from Barry does not give you all any trouble. Al. needed the rain more than poor La. does. Rescues there scrambling with no where to put outside dogs. Heartbreaking.... :/

    Stay safe!! Almost there for vacation!!! <3 Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I posted about Lucy’s seizure yesterday on Vix’s page. I was fundamentally upset by it. Horrible to watch and feel helpless. She continues to be perfectly fine! I’ve had a peach tree in my yard for 8 years. Yesterday I learned that the pits can be deadly to dogs. I have no idea if that has anything to do with Lucy’s problem but yesterday I removed a 20- foot tree with my little handsaw! My neighbors noticed and the man told his wife “Val wouldn’t do that without a reason; something must have happened!” So they cane to check on me and I told them. They’re my favorite neighbors (my other favorites moved away and now there are new renters). I always use my phone to log in. I haven’t tried yet to find MFP on my computer so that I can stay in touch during my trip.
    In my spare time, I’m going to the doctor today because I have a sinus infection. Lovely. Well, Better now than next week!
    So proud of you doing Meals on Wheels. I’ve thought of getting involved but my work schedule is too unpredictable.
    Take care, val ❤️
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Val, wrote about Lucy on Vix's posts. Hope you were able to get your antibiotics and start to feel better soon!! Hard to tell about those peach pits. May May is like that. Sometimes I can not really tell if she gets into something she normally ignores.I hope you have a wonderful time!! Vacations are for getting away and time with Em..No sweat on keeping up with the computers and posting..Use your rest!!! <3
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Have a great vacation!! <3 Val!!!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Thanks Jan. I’m all packed and ready to go.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Did not know whether to whooo or huggg!!! Glad to hear!! Safe travels!!!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Nice Lyft ride to airport. Em and I had Greek salads. Waiting for our flight.
    I miss my doggos. But I couldn’t provide them with a better arrangement. They are all together with their own bed, A/C, and a yard....and people, food, bones, toys, and water.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I will be waiting for your return!!! :)
    I decided to use this 2 weeks to pray for Roger in the post he created for us.. I think he would like that!! <3

    Day #1
    Heavenly Father- You are so good to us. You watch over us always as your special children. And we thank you for that. I ask that you send special angels to be at Rogers side. I would like them to provide a healing miracle for him and his family. Give them strength, peace, and remove pain and fear. Watch him closely as we, his friends would like him to return to us. We know his health is serious. But we also know You are a worker of the miraculous. I ask this in Jesus name. Thanking you. Amen. o:)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Day #2
    Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence- Psalm 42:5 7/16/19
    I will cover you in righteousness and walk down the path of Life.
    You are with me, Whom shall I fear?
    I would ask a special Blessing for Roger, who means so much to us. Heal him Lord so he could read how much we miss him and pray for healing that he may return to us, despite any odds. In your Name I (we) pray. Amen. o:)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Day #3
    Bless Roger today with faith, energy and healing! You are faithful! Amen. o:)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Day #4
    Bless this day those who care for Roger and all his Doctors. Grant them insight and wisdom and a gift of healing! Amen. o:)