100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    This item was spotted by my brother on the water shelf at the Local ShopRite This morning while we were shopping. :) That shopping trip is why I am up to 9500 steps so far for the day.

    It is a what the heck type of item.

    We had a very light rain in the 3PM hour at sometime, almost enough to wet the ground :)

    I did not do any Kitchen cleaning that I had planned to do today, beyond cleaning the screen in the sink drain today. Between my brother & I we cleaned the Living Room wall mounted AC & Filter and then I vacuumed the living room to finish the job. My Brother took the filter and cover out and cleaned them and I used a old Toothbrush to clean the metal fins behind the filter.

    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I am doing pretty good this week. I do not want to get up and drag my boot so I am eating less! Perhaps a trick for all the time, the old fashioned ball and chain!!

    The jokes are all appreciated. The bathroom one hit a little close to home as the first few days I could barely make it to the bathroom in time, lol! May May does bring presents but they are usually bugs and crickets, thank goodness! I can sure relate!! I love the Frank n Stein above, and wonder where it was taken! It also gives me a taste for a kosher dog, and a root beer float! ( with approved ingredients of course!)

    Rodger, are the critters still getting at your garden? Did you figure what it was?

    I think I walked 350 feet today. that's depressing! OTOH, I may beat that today!! The fitbit does not seem to get all the steps, though obviously I make as few as possible! Apparently gliding does not count too high! :)

    Watch the humidity, Roger, it can sure sneak up on you!

    Thinking of you Val and your get away! Wish I was going to Harry Potter camp! Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    I would be very surprised if it did register gliding. As a test I tried replicating the leg motion it must be sensing when I walk with it in my pocket with my hand and nothing. Nothing on the Recumbent bike either. OTOH it works very well clipped to my waistline or in my pants pockets at picking up the steps :)

    It would so appear. I forgot to pull the camera chip and see what it caught now that it has been relocated. Ooops.

    You should be able to use the 97% fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs 90 calories for two. I pair them by putting both in One Tumaros Honey Wheat or Whole Wheat Warp and a touch of condiments being careful to use the proper amount and type to be a Limited Extra.

    Enjoy the Night
    Minimal walking for me, but i Drove 780 miles today...all going the speed limit! Having dinner in our hotel room...a can of corn for me, and Lucky Charms for Em. We're not super fancy! The camp sent me an email asking me to print and email Em's health form because it got misplaced. Along with the kitchen sink, i brought the original with...so i just had the hotel fax it. One check mark for being prepared!

    Hi Val
    Congratulations, that is a fair mileage for one day. Be Prepared, I seem to have heard that Motto somewhere :)

    Cereal and a small container of fresh milk from a convenience store would work for me!

    For many years now I have been the person doing the speed limit using Cruise Control. On trips or in town. I have had CC equipped cars, All two of them, Since I bought my 1988 new. The CC works from 25 MPH up so I use it in town too.

    More than one day driving to work I would be doing 25MPH down the road in a 25MPH speed limit, watch a car come racing up behind me and tailgate me and then suddenly when the spotted the Police Radar drop way back quickly, hmmm...

    Have a Safe Trip
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    I was out walking, 6500 steps. Inside the Living room and outside were both the same temperature when I got going this morning, 79 Degrees and a Humidity reading in the Upper 80s. I turned on the Living Room AC before I left to cool down the house. Today it is supposed to be in the 90s, tomorrow which will be shopping day for Bananas and other fruit while walking should be a little cooler and lower humidity. That is a good thing as I will be wearing the backpack and carrying several pounds of fruit in it. The Bananas from my last trip are coming out of the refrigerator the night before and are good. I know if I had left them on the counter in the fruit dish they would be well over ripe by today, forget how the last one would be tomorrow morning.

    Some Pictures of the worst sidewalks in a older neighborhood :)


    Notice the Bright Sun in the upper corner

    Have a Good Friday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    Val, you have some endurance girl, driving that much mileage! I am thoroughly impressed. Your can of corn tickled me! I have been known to do the same thing with a can of peas. They are my favorite vegetable, even if they are a little starchy! I hope it feels good to get out! Changing one's routine always seems to change our perspective, and that is a good thing! Thank heaven for your packed health info- you were prepared and so worth it! Thinking of you on your drive with lots of prayers for fun and safety! :)

    Roger, like the pics of the sidewalks. they do make for hard walking! It is a shame so many places are built without them now. I wish we had some where I live. I miss sitting on the stoop watering the lawn for the evening. My dad and I used to do that, and talk for a long time. It was nice when I was old enough to hold the hose and water! I do have a porch, though I use it more in the winter than summer!

    Water in cartons seems strange! Funny picture! I have not seen those here! Great job on the number of steps! Sometimes I wait till the humidity drops before I go out. It is a little warmer but drier, at least as dry as Alabama gets. I think our state flower should be some fungus instead! LOL!

    Have a good day, too! Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    Val, you have some endurance girl, driving that much mileage! I am thoroughly impressed. Your can of corn tickled me! I have been known to do the same thing with a can of peas. They are my favorite vegetable, even if they are a little starchy! I hope it feels good to get out! Changing one's routine always seems to change our perspective, and that is a good thing! Thank heaven for your packed health info- you were prepared and so worth it! Thinking of you on your drive with lots of prayers for fun and safety! :)

    Roger, like the pics of the sidewalks. they do make for hard walking! It is a shame so many places are built without them now. I wish we had some where I live. I miss sitting on the stoop watering the lawn for the evening. My dad and I used to do that, and talk for a long time. It was nice when I was old enough to hold the hose and water! I do have a porch, though I use it more in the winter than summer!

    Water in cartons seems strange! Funny picture! I have not seen those here! Great job on the number of steps! Sometimes I wait till the humidity drops before I go out. It is a little warmer but drier, at least as dry as Alabama gets. I think our state flower should be some fungus instead! LOL!

    Have a good day, too! Jan
    Hi Jan
    I had never seen the water in a carton either So since my Brother had his camera with him he snapped a picture for me to use. I suspect he will use it somewhere too.

    Our Mold Spore reading are High. The other airborn allergens are down however.

    We have a Porch but the porch itself is enclosed which is handy as packages can be delivered to stay dry on rainy days. The steps are not at a comfortable height to sit on so for Last Halloween I put a lawn chair on the walk in front of the porch until it got too cold.

    Before I forget Congratulations on the One pound lost since Your last weigh In! I saw the good news on the MyHome page when I logged in if You were curious.

    Have a Good Upcoming Weekend
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hello from Michigan! Only 580 miles today, but the traffic was very heavy and aggressive for the last 100 or 200 miles, so not the cruise control relaxing type if drive. We are Safely at destinstion #1. Doing local fun and meeting Em's little sister for the first time all day tomorrow. I'm enjoying the change in routine and i love seeing new places (first time in Michigan). Plus really enjoying hanging out with Em! Out Target has had that boxed water for more than a year...Em loves it and her friends always chuckle when she brings it to school.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was slightly better out when I left to walk despite going out the door somewhat later than the last two days + 6200 steps. I left somewhat later due to planning to stop at the Supermarket AKA Grocery Store for Fruits.

    I picked up five Bananas one of which I left out for tomorrow and the other ones went in the Refrigerator along with four Red Delicious Apples at 79 Cents a pound, 2 Green Pears, and two Navel Oranges and what they charge as Mexican Bread which can actually be large Sugared Donuts, Different Colored Sweet breads or some flakey Pastries which is what I picked with a lemon looking fruit filling to be my Afternoon Snack.

    Have a Great Weekend
    Hello from Michigan! Only 580 miles today, but the traffic was very heavy and aggressive for the last 100 or 200 miles, so not the cruise control relaxing type if drive. We are Safely at destination #1. Doing local fun and meeting Em's little sister for the first time all day tomorrow. I'm enjoying the change in routine and i love seeing new places (first time in Michigan). Plus really enjoying hanging out with Em! Out Target has had that boxed water for more than a year...Em loves it and her friends always chuckle when she brings it to school.

    Beating the traffic going past Baltimore and Washington DC was the reason I left around 1 or 2 AM when driving to Florida when I went that way on Vacation. Driving in heavy traffic is no fun based on My experiences.

    That is good news that You have reached Your first stop. Interesting that Target sells boxed water, I wonder if the local Target nearby also sells it.

    Enjoy the Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited July 2016

    May May has been sleeping in lately, and I love it! I am more the get up at 7:30 type! I did stuff all day yesterday and my foot is kind of tired. It feels good to get around better. The essential oils I have did a great job on my foot, especially for the gout. I used peppermint oil mixed in a lotion base and the swelling was gone in 24 hours. I have frankincense and rosemary oil coming today. Mixing the 3 is the standard treatment. It feels wonderful rubbing it in. I am impressed!

    Val, it is great you are having such a good time! It must be fun to be meeting these relatives for the first time! I thought of you with the peppermint essential oil. If you get stiff driving or hurt some, it is wonderful to rub in. I found it at Walmart, but like mixing with a nice lotion rather than the almond oil carrier they have. Though, that is not a bad thing either! It is wonderful this gives you extra time with Em! Glad you checked in!

    I will have to check out Target for water boxes. They do have a wonderful food section here. They carry some different brands of Amy's soups. I like to use them occasionally, they are organic and good tasting. Still a little high in sodium, but not as high as most.

    I finally got used to my cruise control. It does keep my lead foot in check on the freeway! I thought driving at night would be good, but there are so many truckers on the road, and I can not see too well anymore, so I guess I am relegated to daylight traveling if I drive!

    Friends are planning a trip to New Orleans in March and invited me. I have never been there, so it should be fun! If I can walk and be over the "crud" which is slowly still hanging on. What a month! I thought I was eating well for immunity! LOL! Take care all, Jan <3 P.S. thanks for noting the 1 lb loss, I will take it, slow but there!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Beautiful weather here...low humidity and in 70s. This morning we took a tour at a chocolate factory (only had 2). Then drove in and around Notre Dame. Walked around the mall. Now waiting for ems relatives ...for lunch and then TBD (maybe zoo or a park).
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Walked 4 miles around the zoo. Had a lovely afternoon with Emily and her little sister, Michelle.fy8nv84imeei.jpeg
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    May May has been sleeping in lately, and I love it! I am more the get up at 7:30 type! I did stuff all day yesterday and my foot is kind of tired. It feels good to get around better. The essential oils I have did a great job on my foot, especially for the gout. I used peppermint oil mixed in a lotion base and the swelling was gone in 24 hours. I have frankincense and rosemary oil coming today. Mixing the 3 is the standard treatment. It feels wonderful rubbing it in. I am impressed!

    Val, it is great you are having such a good time! It must be fun to be meeting these relatives for the first time! I thought of you with the peppermint essential oil. If you get stiff driving or hurt some, it is wonderful to rub in. I found it at Walmart, but like mixing with a nice lotion rather than the almond oil carrier they have. Though, that is not a bad thing either! It is wonderful this gives you extra time with Em! Glad you checked in!

    I will have to check out Target for water boxes. They do have a wonderful food section here. They carry some different brands of Amy's soups. I like to use them occasionally, they are organic and good tasting. Still a little high in sodium, but not as high as most.

    I finally got used to my cruise control. It does keep my lead foot in check on the freeway! I thought driving at night would be good, but there are so many truckers on the road, and I can not see too well anymore, so I guess I am relegated to daylight traveling if I drive!

    Friends are planning a trip to New Orleans in March and invited me. I have never been there, so it should be fun! If I can walk and be over the "crud" which is slowly still hanging on. What a month! I thought I was eating well for immunity! LOL! Take care all, Jan <3 P.S. thanks for noting the 1 lb loss, I will take it, slow but there!

    Hi Jan
    I loved the Cruise Control once I had a car with it. Once I used it on a trip I said to myself where have You been all my life :)

    I Could have used Cruise Control one year when I damaged the engine in a car doing 110MPH through Pennsylvania heading west. FWIW I was much, Much Younger and stupider too. I was lucky it still ran enough to let me get off of I80 to a motel as it was winter. It was the 4 Carb Corsa model of a Corvair that had full instruments including a pyrometer. 110MPH was Red Line for that Engine, one down from their highest power model which had a Turbo charger.
    There's a little history for You :) having Driven for a while for a living I did not mind the truckers. The Biggest problem especially back then was that on a trip They could not hold the speed on hills so it was pass them on the uphill and be passed on the downhill.

    Beautiful weather here...low humidity and in 70s. This morning we took a tour at a chocolate factory (only had 2). Then drove in and around Notre Dame. Walked around the mall. Now waiting for ems relatives ...for lunch and then TBD (maybe zoo or a park).

    Hi Val
    You are so lucky with that weather. That Tour and Notre Dame sounds like fun too.
    Walked 4 miles around the zoo. Had a lovely afternoon with Emily and her little sister, Michelle.fy8nv84imeei.jpeg

    Hi Again
    I am guessing that the Blue mouth was from candy.

    It appears that so far the trip is going great. Nice Pictures and with the weather You had it must have been so Happy.

    Enjoy the Days
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The girls had just had blue popcicles! We've been very lucky with the weather so far. Today, we drive to Cincinnati to drop Em off at camp. Yes, mom is really going to miss her!!! And she said she'll miss me too. I checked the tire pressure, and added one pound.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was a little better out when I left to as I was up early for my walk + 4800 steps.
    The temperature dropped all the way to 75 degrees by 5AM :( Which is why When I woke up and looked at the Time and Temperature on the alarm clock I decided to go out earlier than yesterday.

    So far today is shaping up to be a lazy Sunday too. I Had 2/3s of my Banana on the way out the door, the other third is sitting in the measuring glass, a small Pyrex measuring glass that goes up to 5 ounces of liquid. I finished my first pass through the Hot Breakfasts from the recent NS Delivery yesterday so today I open the quart of milk I put in the refrigerator to chill and have 4 ounces on cereal with sweetener and the balance of the Banana sliced into it and I had the Protein shake that is the final component of my breakfast when I returned Home. The cereal will most likely be at 9AM and a Noon snack followed at 2:30 by a Lean Pocket Hot Melt of some kind. I am working them in as a part of my lunch plan. NS Snack at 5PM and Dinner at 7:30 and a Dessert around 9PM. That's the plan anyway :)

    Have a Great Sunday
    The girls had just had blue popcicles! We've been very lucky with the weather so far. Today, we drive to Cincinnati to drop Em off at camp. Yes, mom is really going to miss her!!! And she said she'll miss me too. I checked the tire pressure, and added one pound.

    Hi Val
    A Blue Popsicle would explain it. I was wonder what kind of candy and never considered those :)

    The One Girl looked a lot like You too.

    You have been very lucky, especially compared to further south, west and where I am. I hope You have continued good weather.

    Have a Safe Easy Trip
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Em is happily at camp. While we were in line to check in, the girl in front noticed Em's Harry Potter necklace...within seconds the two gitls were hugging and chattering non-stop about Harry Potter. The camp counselor asked how long they've known each other...her mon and i said about 10 seconds...everyone chuckled. They changdd Em's cabin so they could be together. Their yurt has air conditioning too.sujbtdxut0ca.jpeg

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Tomorrow i'll go through WV, PA, MD, and VA.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out walking + 5500 steps. I was running late with the start time as I must have been tired and got up late. I do not bother with an alarm clock these days :) The temperature out the door was OK at 74 degrees, according the weather forecast the humidity is high in this area and I can believe it. When I was in the Sunlight I could feel the heat from the sun. Later this week I do need to run to CostCo for several things. On my shopping list is Kleenex, TP, 3 or four bags of frozen veges as I have 2.5 days of veges left in the freezer, Maybe fruit depending on how it looks and price, a 18 pack Light & Fit Greek Yogurt etc.

    Have a Good Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Em is happily at camp. While we were in line to check in, the girl in front noticed Em's Harry Potter necklace...within seconds the two gitls were hugging and chattering non-stop about Harry Potter. The camp counselor asked how long they've known each other...her mon and i said about 10 seconds...everyone chuckled. They changed Em's cabin so they could be together. Their yurt has air conditioning too.sujbtdxut0ca.jpeg
    Hi Val
    I watch a show called How its made and one of the things they covered was the manufacturing and assembling of Yurts :)

    If I said my brother has that gift of making instant friends too.....

    BTW One of the images did not display, OTOH clicking on it where the attached images show below the message did display it. From the look of it that was taken inside the Yurt. I will have to take Your word for it that the necklace is a Harry Potter necklace. Just curious in what way it is if You have the time to answer that question.

    I suspect the Ac will come in handy. I also wonder if they take the Yurts down for the winter.
    Tomorrow i'll go through WV, PA, MD, and VA.

    Hi Again
    Well here is Your chance if You never had it to try a Pork Roll AKA Taylor Ham and Cheese on a Hard Roll AKA Kaiser Roll. It would be high in sodium from the cheese and Pork Roll. However IMO everybody should try that sandwich once in their life. BTW I always Like Shoney's when I travel for their Breakfast Buffet http://www.shoneys.com/our-menu/
    Legendary Breakfast Buffet®
    An appetite is a terrible thing to waste. Enjoy our Legendary Breakfast Buffet featuring eggs your way*, sizzling bacon, homestyle grits, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, fruit and more.

    You can actually eat on plan that way. Also at least once in a persons life they should try a White Castle. Some of their Breakfast Sandwiches will work on plan too, more or less. I have used a coupon to buy a Buy one get one free sandwich and then Threw away one of the buns and cored out the top bun to reduce the calories further. That works for most sandwiches on a Bun too. That way I believe You could get a Burger King Whopper, No mayo, eat the vegetables as a salad and Throw away the top or bottom bun and eat it as a open sandwich or pull out as much of the bun as possible and throw that part away.

    Anyway I envy You getting out and traveling
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Val. I have really enjoyed all your pictures! The girls resemble each other! You look like you are having a blast! I can not believe I missed the blue lips! Brings back memories! That Roger saw it somehow does not surprise me!! LOL!

    I envy your travels also! You are racking up those miles! I did not know yurts existed. I apparently lead a sheltered life, no pun intended. I am impressed they have the a/c at camp, how cool is that! Em looks so sweet, and I love the Alice t-shirt! Pretty sure you should have some seafood in Md. Oh, yeah, that pork roll sounds good!

    Shoney's breakfasts are great. We would often go after working nights, eat, then of course go to bed. I have to say it was not healthy for me! I do not have Roger's self control! I always had plenty of fruit, but it did not make up for all the bacon and french toast sticks that were my downfall! It is an occasional treat now. Most of them closed several years ago here, it was kind of sad. They did re-open one by us, though the service is terribly slow, the food is good. The people are sweet, but one order can take 45 min. They must not have experience with restaurants and fix one thing at a time, like you might be at home. We went one time as a group of seven, and we were the only people there. It took an hour and 15 min. to get our order and it was beautifully done. I thought we would die waiting of hunger and them apologizing! The deep South is a whole 'nother world!

    I got tickled you had a lead foot, Roger! I am surprised you made it that far with no trooper tailing you! Isn't it funny how our younger selves did all these crazy things. One cool thing about being old, lol, is the perspective you get from looking back decades! Jan o:)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Val. I have really enjoyed all your pictures! The girls resemble each other! You look like you are having a blast! I can not believe I missed the blue lips! Brings back memories! That Roger saw it somehow does not surprise me!! LOL!

    I envy your travels also! You are racking up those miles! I did not know yurts existed. I apparently lead a sheltered life, no pun intended. I am impressed they have the a/c at camp, how cool is that! Em looks so sweet, and I love the Alice t-shirt! Pretty sure you should have some seafood in Md. Oh, yeah, that pork roll sounds good!

    Shoney's breakfasts are great. We would often go after working nights, eat, then of course go to bed. I have to say it was not healthy for me! I do not have Roger's self control! I always had plenty of fruit, but it did not make up for all the bacon and french toast sticks that were my downfall! It is an occasional treat now. Most of them closed several years ago here, it was kind of sad. They did re-open one by us, though the service is terribly slow, the food is good. The people are sweet, but one order can take 45 min. They must not have experience with restaurants and fix one thing at a time, like you might be at home. We went one time as a group of seven, and we were the only people there. It took an hour and 15 min. to get our order and it was beautifully done. I thought we would die waiting of hunger and them apologizing! The deep South is a whole 'nother world!

    I got tickled you had a lead foot, Roger! I am surprised you made it that far with no trooper tailing you! Isn't it funny how our younger selves did all these crazy things. One cool thing about being old, lol, is the perspective you get from looking back decades! Jan o:)

    Hi Jan
    Back in the 80s I used to stop on the way to work and get a couple of pork roll & Cheese sandwiches to take to work for lunch when I had the night shift.
    I can get really good ones locally one from a place called Joes Meat market
    For Example
    Today’s Burger
    ~ The Infamous Jersey Burger – Juicy Grilled 1/2 Lb. Burger, Cooked To Perfection, Topped With Fried Pork Roll and Melted american Cheese Served On a Soft Round Roll $5.00
    Or the One Pound Burger
    OMG Burger
    4 1/4 lb., American, cheddar, Swiss, provolone cheese, bacon, lettuce tomato, onions, special sauce on garlic Texas toast served with a pickle and a side of jersey fries

    Free Delivery and since they are also a Butcher shop all really fresh.
    Or the Nearby Texas Weiner. Not just Hot Dogs either. Different Dinner specials each night, For example on Fridays one of them used to be a Roast Prime Rib dinner.

    back in the 90s when I used to stop at them all the time for traveling and have a heavy breakfast and then skip lunch, I loved the bacon too. We used to have two different eateries near up that are now gone. In the One I used to order what they called a Sizzling Steak that came on a heated metal plate that also had Mushrooms with it, It came to the table still sizzling and was delicious. The Other one I used to order a Large Rib Eye and their Hot & Cold Buffet, Sometimes only the Buffet :) They usually had Beef Short Ribs and chicken and more in the Hot section. The Cold area had Turkey breast that You could see was carved off of a real Turkey breast not the stuff You see in Delis so often these days. I would pair that with large slices of Rye bread and slather it with lots of mayo and heap on the Turkey. They also had lots of traditional Cold Salad items as well as Shrimp that You had to peel. And the Hot Meal also came with fresh baked Irish Soda Bread w/Raisins and lots of butter to use as desired.

    Is It any wonder I ended up here :)

    I was never impressed with the speed of the Shoney's Dinner menu TBH, However I never saw it as slow as You experienced.

    Well back then they did not patrol as heavily as they do now. I had a Olds88 that I used to take out on the Interstate after work at the gas station 11+PM and put the petal to the metal and bury the speedometer needle past the 120MPH mark. I was Young and stupid back then. If I had blown a tire on either car at those speeds I would likely have not survived especially as the section of Interstate back then was not really in use as it led nowhere back then. Now it runs From the east side of NJ into Pennsylvania.

    Oh well enough reminiscing.

    Have a Good Week
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everybody - I was just reading to catch up. Val sounds like she is having a lot of fun as a road warrior. Val - sorry that I am late to the party but how's the ankle? Roger - I was intrigued about the stuffed chocolate pie and received my order late last week. I was a little disappointed that the crust is so thick but this was my first exploration of any of the frozen pies. The stuffing is pretty darn good anyway! Thanks for the heads up on the Costco NS cards. Happy rest of your Monday all!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Bev. Jan is the one with the hurt ankle. I'm the hurt hip...which has been very manageable! Even after i walked four miles ar the zoo, it was only a little sore. I brought my TENS unit with just in case. Hugs, Val