Any Shorties Out There?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Hi Roger. Sometimes the pickup schedules get moved around holidays. Was drizzling on and off all day. Mostly watching tv and reading. Putting ice on and off the ankle. It's ok. Feeling sort of knocked out anyway.
    Have a Happy 4th of July weekend. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all.

    Roger, both of mine usually come at the same time. NS says they don't ship that way but ....

    E, I'm glad it's minimal pain. I'm reading more than usual too. Not much else to do. Floors need sweeping, garbage needs taken to the curb, etc. but can't do it on one and a half feet. Just learned how to walk on two feet. :/ When I can use two again I'll catch back up with it. May even get a friend to go grocery shopping for me.

    Don't think we had rain today. First time in about a week.

    Have a good day.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning!
    Looks like it's going to be a pretty nice day.
    Lynmar, it's good you have someone to shop for you. I think Pete's going to take me out to get a cane today. I'm too off to drive, but it'll be nice to get out for a few minutes. Have to keep the foot elevated for another few days. I have to leave the dressing on til I go back to the doc in 2 weeks. Hard keeping it dry! Hope you heal quickly. :)
    Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone. (I'll probably stay home, but can see the fireworks from our yard.)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, wish I could ship my cane to you. I love it but have to use the walker except in the house right now. Here's a link to it: Isn't it a bother to bathe/shower now? Didn't appreciate it until I couldn't do it. :(

    Have a good 4th!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Hi Lynmar, yeah, it was hard to take a shower. The dressing didn't stay completely dry...I tried. I got a cane at CVS. Pretty nice, adjusts for height, and has a design with flowers on it. The handle looks like yours (comfort fit handle). Its nice and soft. I can get my flipflops on. :) Fireworks will probably start in about an hour. Happy 4th everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Happy Independence Day!
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, cane sounds pretty.
    I took shower today because my dogs were almost out of food. I used a cast protector I got at Walgreen's and my foot stayed dry until I stepped on the bathtub rim. :( Just got it wet on the bottom so no problem. :)

    Enjoy the fireworks.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Looks like a pretty nice day today, a little hazy, but have to get out for a while.
    Got the foot in a bag thing worked out, kept it completely dry this morning in my shower. Yay! Only another week and a half to go.
    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Hi Lynmar-I love your cat picture. Is is your cat?
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, glad your bag worked. I'm hoping when he takes the stitches out tomorrow I can shower again. No external pin this time so will have to talk to him about that.

    Hi Joanne. Yes He's my JJ. I took that shot back when my diabetic cat was alive and I was doing a lot of computer research.

    Have a good week.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Hi Jo.
    Lynmar, sorry about your cat.
    Good luck with your doc tomorrow. I don't go back til next week, 7/15.
    Have a good night.
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    just peeking in and letting everyone know i'm still alive. got most of the stuff done we wanted at moms but managed to bring home a pretty good case of poison ivy. both arms are pretty much covered on the inner softer skin, spot on my chest and above my eye. went to the drs today. lots of steriods. haven't been able to wear my fitbit or watch the last few days and honestly been spending as much as i can sleeping as i can ignore the urge to claw myself bloody for an hour or so that way :)

    dr says it should start improving a teeny bit in about 12 hours from the shot but probly at least another 3 -4 days before real improvement. living on benedryl and advil every four hours but im alive :smiley:

    omg make the itches stop! lol hope everyone's doing well. i just glanced very quickly through since being on the pc makes my arms itchy. E glad you got most of the metal out. hopefully i'll be back more normal mid weekish when they finally start clearing up :)

    non contaminating huggs :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Kel, glad you're back, but yikes! That's a lot of poison ivy! Did doc recommend any creams/lotions/Aveeno oatmeal bath? Are you using Benedryl lotion or calamine? They're usually pretty good for the itches as long as you keep putting more on. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs to you...avoiding the itchy spots!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Another beautiful looking day, Humid however.
    Have a Great Week
    just peeking in and letting everyone know i'm still alive. got most of the stuff done we wanted at moms but managed to bring home a pretty good case of poison ivy. both arms are pretty much covered on the inner softer skin, spot on my chest and above my eye. went to the drs today. lots of steriods. haven't been able to wear my fitbit or watch the last few days and honestly been spending as much as i can sleeping as i can ignore the urge to claw myself bloody for an hour or so that way :)

    dr says it should start improving a teeny bit in about 12 hours from the shot but probly at least another 3 -4 days before real improvement. living on benedryl and advil every four hours but im alive :smiley:

    omg make the itches stop! lol hope everyone's doing well. i just glanced very quickly through since being on the pc makes my arms itchy. E glad you got most of the metal out. hopefully i'll be back more normal mid weekish when they finally start clearing up :)

    non contaminating huggs :)


    Hi Kel
    You have my Sympathy for the itchiness. I scratched myself pretty badly from a bad itch on the lower legs. I ended up putting a cream on them and then wrapping that in Saran Wrap so the pants did not wipe the cream off or make the itch worse. The cream said not to do that, but desperate times require desperate measures :)
    We had a little poison ivy in the front Flower bed, But I used Round Up on it last year and that seems to have done the job.

    Good Luck
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, thank you. He was a great cat.

    Kel, welcome back but so sorry to hear the news! Get well soon!

    Roger, sorry about the legs.

    Got my stitches out. Now when I walk my foot itches a *lot*. Maybe sympathy for Kel and Roger?

    Only one of my dogs panicked last night. Nothing like having an 80 lb dog lying on top of you and panting like crazy. :o

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Lynmar, was the panic from a thunderstorm? Have you seen the jackets they have for pets?
    Glad you got your stitches out. I think they are itchy when healing. I get mine out on the 15th. :)
    All is well. Going to clay class today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, shows you how messed up I am. I meant "night before last: 4th of July".
    They have Thundershirts or something like that. I'm not convinced he would be comforted by it because does not like to be held closely. He's an independent breed. Affectionate in his own way.
    Enjoy clay class.

    Have a good day.
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Kel, glad you're back, but yikes! That's a lot of poison ivy! Did doc recommend any creams/lotions/Aveeno oatmeal bath? Are you using Benedryl lotion or calamine? They're usually pretty good for the itches as long as you keep putting more on. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs to you...avoiding the itchy spots!

    yup have creams too, one prescription steroid, one otc cortizone and then the benedryl lotions. my son just picked up some Ivarest for me which is supposed to be really good for this stuff too. i think i'm finally starting to see a vague glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel... slightly less munching of benedryl pills and less itching, just still plenty of burning lol

    have some new spots cropping up... i'm hoping these are the last spots. thankfully these ones don't appear to be blistering as well, just the nasty itchy burning red rash.

    glad to hear everyone is recouping from their surgeries :) hopefully i'll be able to get back on track starting this weekend. just hurt too damn much to try to plan and cook right now since there aren't many of the foods i like (and are filling enough) without some extra cooking :)

    lots of huggs :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Lynmar...I think those were what I was thinking of. Clay class was fun. I accidentally broke what I made last week, so just did some glazing and tried a new way to make a cup. Everything I do is an experiment. :)
    Kel, sounds like you're covered...literally. Glad you're starting to feel better. Should be healing up as long as the oozing has stopped. Do Not Scratch! Wear oven mitts if you have to. Also good to keep cool if you can, so good idea not to cook.
    Sleep well and feel better, everyone. We are some crew!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Overcast today. Nothing planned, just going to keep my foot up for a while.
    Have a happy day. :)