Any Shorties Out There?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Good morning, looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.
    Back to the gym today, body flow class....I'm getting really tired of the gym! But I know it's good for me. oh, well.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Is there a way to change up with different locations of the Gym for a little variety?

    Beating the same ole, same ole is why I try to walk a different route each day.

    Have a Really nice day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, that's the closest of that brand gym....I'm down to 2 days a week for now, so Wednesdays are ok, Fridays are fun. Maybe after this pottery class is over (mid July), I'll find something different to do on Mondays, maybe swimming. I was just complaining this morning...I'm not an exercise lover to begin with! :smiley: I'll walk or do PT exercise on the days I'm not going to the gym, just so I don't turn into a couch potato/sitter.
    The other day, I reversed my walking route, so I know what you mean...sometimes we do that in the park too, or take a different trail.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Just curious do You have a Y nearby with a indoor swimming pool. Tomorrows route is sort of preordained as I need to stop at the bank that is near one of the walks and refill my Billfold :)

    Have a nice evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    There is a Y with a pool, but it's farther away.
    Have a good night. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I used to go to the Y swimming pool back when I was in 5th grade, Yup that long ago :) It's a shame Yours is not closer.

    Have a Great Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Our gym has a pool. Just lazy and don't like changing clothes that much! Haha. But still, I have the option if I don't like the replacement class.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Since the weather has turned cooler the green(ish) Bananas are not turning quick enough for me. I may need to buy another ripe one tomorrow. That is a bit of a shame as I have 5 that are to green to be edible :)
    What brings that to mind is that it sort of forces my route when walking. I can either buy at the Convenience store for 99 cents each or go to the Produce store or the Grocery Store and pay 39 cents a pound. Isn't competition great? They are both in the same strip mall so where their products overlap prices are competitive!

    Everyone needs a hobby, mine is being more efficient, some would call it laziness :)

    Have a Nice Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Haha. I feel like I deserve a break every so often. :) Worked really hard most of my life.
    I need to stop by the store tomorrow, get some fresh veggies, out of fresh ginger and avocados, and always need more salad vegetables.
    I appreciate bananas more now that I only have them once in a while. I really like them frozen and blended into the protein shakes....sweet and delicious, just like a milkshake. :) I always like a bargain's sort of a challenge to get the best price. :smiley:
    Have a good night! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    I started working back when I was still in High School handing out equipment for the Night School classes and I have worked since then and that was back in the early 60s.

    I like a bargain too, that is why I try and do my heaviest shopping at the Grocery Store when I walk on a Wednesday. They give a 10% Senior Discount on Wednesdays :)

    I like blending a ripe leaning towards overripe banana into the protein shakes too, So sweet and that makes it nice and thick too. I use a Immersion Blender as it is a easy cleanup.

    Have a Great Friday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Yep, love my immersion blender! :)
    Me too on the working since high school, through college, etc, and 39 years at my last job.....time to relax
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Yep, love my immersion blender! :)
    Me too on the working since high school, through college, etc, and 39 years at my last job.....time to relax

    Hi Vix
    You have me beat, The Longest Two jobs I worked were 14 years and 16 years, that would be the last two jobs I had leading up to retirement.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Well, I actually had 6 or 7 different jobs over the 39 years...all for the same agency. Feeling tired just thinking about it! haha.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    39 years is a long time. I was tired of the longest ones I had and they did not run nearly as long. I also took inventory of the different types of work I did and I came up with at least 5 different trades in my lifetime.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Vix
    I hope You and everybody are having a Great Weekend
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Hi Roger, it was nice to spend some time with family. MIL is still doing well at 101! :) She was really happy with the gluten free brownies I made....funny. She usually sends things like that back home with us, but made sure we knew she wanted to keep those. :)
    I'm really tired, so very happy to be home again.
    Have a good night.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Good morning.
    First day of summer and full moon....I'm not a big fan of summer, but at least we don't have to shovel snow. ;)
    Pottery wheel class today.
    Have a good day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    It sounds as if those Brownies were a rousing success.

    God Bless Your MIL doing well at 101.

    Snow? I'm happy not to deal with that right now.
    Unfortunately the lawn need to be dealt with, the grass is OK, however there are some weeds sticking up making it look ragged. My Brothers turn so he is thinking of trying this.
    True Temper 1942600 Serrated Grass Whip
    If that doesn't do it then running out the extension cord and using the Weed Whacker.

    Enjoy the Pottery Class
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Ha! We used to have those....I used to call them weed golf clubs for weeds. I didn't know they still made those, not that I'd want one....I'm sure the weed whacker will be easier and not as hard on one's back.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Weed Clubs is a good description for them. Actually I tried it before we went to Lowes yesterday and TBH it was not that hard to use. Both items have their uses. Since Our Weed whacker needs a extension cord it is a nuisance to use and for what was done yesterday the manual tool worked well. However for getting around fence posts and along walls You really do need a Weed Whacker.

    Have a Great Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    Ah, glad it worked for you, Roger. I remember my brother and I playing with those when we were was kind of fun, and I'm sure it helped my Dad out, whacking around the edges of the garden.
    Have a happy day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Those Darn Seed heads are popping up out the grass already, Why they are growing is sort of hard to understand TBH. The grass is turning a nice dormant color from the lack of rain. I know it will green up once the rains return however. One summer we had a mini drought and I did not have to mow for a couple of months, I was not heartbroken by that :)

    Enjoy The Middle of the week AKA Wednesday.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    We had a ton of rain yesterday....t-storms on and off.
    The bunny built another tunnel under the walkway to our house. My husband is trying to figure out how to put an end to it. He filled the last one up with rocks, but they just came back and built right next to it. He's talking pieces of metal! Who knows...he'll probably think of something.
    We're supposed to get lots of rain here this week...maybe some will move up your way.
    Hope you have a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    We had a ton of rain yesterday....t-storms on and off.
    The bunny built another tunnel under the walkway to our house. My husband is trying to figure out how to put an end to it. He filled the last one up with rocks, but they just came back and built right next to it. He's talking pieces of metal! Who knows...he'll probably think of something.
    We're supposed to get lots of rain here this week...maybe some will move up your way.
    Hope you have a good day.

    Hi Vix
    I saw on the News where south NJ and points further south had bad weather yesterday, by me nothing, not even a drizzle.

    We have something that keeps digging under our shed in the back Yard, We have been filling in the holes with bricks and large stones and Patio stones. Whatever it is, it is a persistent cuss :)

    We put a trail cam and it is not catching whatever it is so I need to relocate that.

    I hope You have better luck stopping the critter than we are.

    Cheers, I'm off to have Breakfast now :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    In our old house we had groundhogs building under our shed. We caught one in a catch and release trap, and were able to relocate him to a forest. Trying to catch the second one didn't work so well. We caught a bunny and let him go, then a raccoon, which was a big problem. The raccoon was angry. Our son helped with that...he's more mechanical, so figured out how to release the trap from a few feet away, and he runs faster than we do! After that we got rid of the trap and hubs filled up the hole with rocks several times. Looking online for ways to get rid of them was interesting, but not really helpful... some people are violently insane. So...longwinded as that was....I hope it's not groundhogs!
    Have a good evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    I hope so too, according to my brother he believes it is illegal to catch and relocate pesky critters. We do have two sizes of Live catch traps from years ago. Not to mention a Racoon can deliver a heck of a wound. You were lucky Your Son figured a safe way to do that.

    Over the years we have had Skunks under the shed too. Not this time however, The nose would know. Several years ago we could see a Skunk family on the front lawn, and last year I saw a Deer run across the front lawn too. They can be a destructive critter and You do not want to know the damage that can happen to Your car if You hit one while driving. I have seen the damage caused to other people.

    The Garden center by where I worked had to fence off their plants every night or they would be eaten up by the Deer.

    I hope it's not Groundhogs Too!

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    I don't think we have that law there are lots of public lands, not really developed, sort of a safe haven for the critters.
    A deer ran into the side of my son's car several years ago.....the kids were lucky, they were ok...the deer was able to run off, but there was a big dent in the side of the car. I don't thinkg we have deer near our house, but plenty of bunnies!
    Have a good nightl :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    You're lucky not to have Deer in Your neighborhood, they can decimate landscaping. My Sister planted a bunch of landscaping out in Washington State one year and the Deer pretty much ate all of it leaving bare branches and stems.

    They seem to be tough critters that was. I saw one last year that had a funny gait, I suspect it had a argument with a car.

    I See Rabbits year round in my neighborhood.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,617 Member
    We had deer at our old house...they loved to eat the tiger lillies. We had a ton of them but barely saw them bloom because of deer munchies. My husband just dug rabbit fencing (I'm not sure what you call it, like chicken wire) into the ground around our front walkway. The bunnies keep digging tunnels under there. Lots of bunnies in our neighborhood. And the birds love the feeder. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    I gave up on one feeder since it was feeding the squirrels more than the birds. Those rascals are creative at getting to the bird feed. The one I ended up using closes off the openings when I squirrel tries due to the weight pulling a outer shell down and birds are light enough not to have problems. With that feeder I noticed that the squirrels gave up and do not even try :)

    The Rabbits do not seem to be causing a problem around here, what are they doing that You are trying to fence them away?

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