Any Shorties Out There?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    I like most cooked veggies, just hate cooking them. :(
    Salads make me too gassy. Pretty much stick with the V8Vand stuff like carrots and celery.

    E, I hope you feel better soon.

    Back to mid 80's this week. :(

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I find that Microwaving the frozen veges works for me and they taste good and have a
    decent texture.

    I like the bags of mixed frozen from Costco that have two kinds of carrots, Broccoli and
    Cauliflower in them. Otherwise I am just as likely to take fresh veges and using a
    really deep wok like skillet and some zero calorie spray fry them until crispy.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I started buying the Romaine when the iceberg didn't look so
    good. It's usually pretty good, and just recently I started buying baby arugula to add to the
    Romaine. It's a little tastier than plain iceberg.
    Lynmar, I seem to microwave a lot of veggies. It's not supposed to be as good for you,
    but it's just so much easier!
    I am starting to feel better. I will stick with the diet, and the PT is helping. Yay!
    Enjoy your day. :)

    Hi Vix
    So it isn't just us that were getting poor looking lettuce :)

    I tend to Microwave my veges for speed and easy cleanup.

    Good to hear that the Diet and PT is working
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Haha, I microwave just about everything!
    Got my 1st pneumonia shot today, go back in 8 weeks for the other one. I think that's it til next year's flu shot.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    I don't know my microwave well enough to nuke half a package of veggies and hate leftovers. Wish I could find the single serving ones the other board mentioned.

    E, I'm glad you're feeling better.

    My immune system fails to have titers to a pneumonia shot after about three weeks so unless I go in the hospital I don't get them any more. Dr won't let me get shingles shot because it has some live virus in it. Now I have the neuralgia you get after the shingles. We all have our own crosses to bear. I couldn't handle E's form of arthritis. I'm sure you have problems too Roger.

    Back to mid 80's again today.

    Have a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2015
    eku0 wrote: »
    Haha, I microwave just about everything!
    Got my 1st pneumonia shot today, go back in 8 weeks for the other one. I think that's it til next year's flu shot.

    Hi Vix
    Good news if You hate getting punctured as much as I do :)

    Not that I am a lazy cook :) I just have to little time as is to waste a lot of it preparing and then cooking meals. So the NS foods that get popped into the Microwave are very handy are saving me from the fast food calories.

    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    I don't know my microwave well enough to nuke half a package of veggies and hate leftovers. Wish I could find the single serving ones the other board mentioned.

    E, I'm glad you're feeling better.

    My immune system fails to have titers to a pneumonia shot after about three weeks so unless I go in the hospital I don't get them any more. Dr won't let me get shingles shot because it has some live virus in it. Now I have the neuralgia you get after the shingles. We all have our own crosses to bear. I couldn't handle E's form of arthritis. I'm sure you have problems too Roger.

    Back to mid 80's again today.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I will describe what I do, I read the bag for weight in grams and then divide that in half using the scale. Then in my case it is 170 grams AKA 6Ounces and in my 700 watt Microwave that = 4:35 seconds heating time. Conversion from 1100 to 700 watt as an example is that a 1:30 NS entree takes 2:22 in my Microwave.

    The Other option is to use the steam in bags where You do the entire bag in one go, open it when hot eat 1/2 more or less, Put the rest in the refrigerator and reheat it for the next meal.

    You are correct I do have some problems, non3 as severe as Yours or Vix's however AFAIK.

    Have a good day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Hi all.
    Lynmar, I never knew they checked that...learn something new everyday. I can't get live vaccines any more either. But I don't know of any reason I would need to.
    Roger, I wasn't so scientific with my microwaving. :smiley: I just figured out times by trial and error....would put something in for a couple of minutes, if still cold would put it in for 20 or 30 seconds more until it was the right hotness. I usually cook 1.5 to 2 cups of veggies at a time, 4 minutes usually does it.
    Had a nice day today. Went to clay class. Built a crazy bowl.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning.
    I had some sad news.
    In reconnecting with relatives, I learned that one of my cousin's daughters is struggling to recover from having both legs amputated below the knee. She has type 1 diabetes and RA, and is currently fighting infections. Prayers for Caryn would be appreciated. She is having a tough time of it. They also have a website. She has been making bead bracelets and contributing to the American Diabetes Society. If interested: Thanks.
    So, it's a gray and gloomy day here. The furniture we ordered is to be delivered this morning...a desk for me, a bedframe for our guest room and a table and chairs for the basement. I have a PT appt and a dentist appt this afternoon.
    Wishing everyone a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Lynmar, I never knew they checked that...learn something new everyday. I can't get live vaccines any more either. But I don't know of any reason I would need to.
    Roger, I wasn't so scientific with my microwaving. :smiley: I just figured out times by trial and error....would put something in for a couple of minutes, if still cold would put it in for 20 or 30 seconds more until it was the right hotness. I usually cook 1.5 to 2 cups of veggies at a time, 4 minutes usually does it.
    Had a nice day today. Went to clay class. Built a crazy bowl.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    I used to do that too, then figured out that I was wasting time and sometimes overdoing it with the trial and error method so I refined the process. Now I put the Veges in for 4:35 and while that bowl is heating I prepare the Entree to microwave and fix everything and then ear in a linear fashion. Veges, then Entree, followed by Fruit and ending with teh Light & Fit Greek Yogurt as desert.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I had some sad news.
    In reconnecting with relatives, I learned that one of my cousin's daughters is struggling to recover from having both legs amputated below the knee. She has type 1 diabetes and RA, and is currently fighting infections. Prayers for Caryn would be appreciated. She is having a tough time of it. They also have a website. She has been making bead bracelets and contributing to the American Diabetes Society. If interested: Thanks.
    So, it's a gray and gloomy day here. The furniture we ordered is to be delivered this morning...a desk for me, a bedframe for our guest room and a table and chairs for the basement. I have a PT appt and a dentist appt this afternoon.
    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Hi Vix
    I answered this in another post.

    That dam disease ran in one side of the family, fortunately not that bad. It was bad enough they had to prick a finger multiple times a day and use Insulin. That would be a big enough He**

    I tend to believe that the prevalence of sugars and corn syrup contribute to it.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Yes, and I know some things are genetically more likely to happen to some people rather than others. Funny, I remember when I was a kid, all the older folks would say, "the most important thing is your health", and being healthy, I would think "Really?" But of course, they were right!
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    *paddles above water* yes we'll come back, least i will :) sorry guys it's been so long. been a long couple of months and the weight hasn't been nice either lol. HOPEFULLY back on track today so i can get this dang weight back down.

    i'll try and catch up tonight but hope you've both been well and enjoying yourselves :) need to finish up some present wrapping tonite for the kid since he's home from school starting sat :)

    lots of hugs :smiley: missed you!!!

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Kel!!!!! Missed you too. Hope all is well. Sorry you've been so busy. It's a good time to start fresh. Important to take care of yourself.
    All is well with me. Bought a little rug to put under my desk chair so I don't wreck the wood floor. Still want to get some plexiglass for the top of the desk to protect that.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Yes, and I know some things are genetically more likely to happen to some people rather than others. Funny, I remember when I was a kid, all the older folks would say, "the most important thing is your health", and being healthy, I would think "Really?" But of course, they were right!

    Hi Vix
    When I was young I felt indestructible :)

    At least Diabetes is for many people treatable, The trick is knowing You have it before the damage is done. I worked for a man whose whole family had Heart Attacks in their 30s and nothing seemed to help them. Not the only person I know with that type of genetics. Some are predisposed to very high Cholesterol, I suspect I am lucky those do not run in the family.

    *paddles above water* yes we'll come back, least i will :) sorry guys it's been so long. been a long couple of months and the weight hasn't been nice either lol. HOPEFULLY back on track today so i can get this dang weight back down.

    i'll try and catch up tonight but hope you've both been well and enjoying yourselves :) need to finish up some present wrapping tonite for the kid since he's home from school starting sat :)

    lots of hugs :smiley: missed you!!!


    Hi Kel
    December is a bad month for many of us.

    I do think having others doing the NS thing helps all of us doing it. Damned NS closing the forums :(

    Then add in some of their reformulations that seem to raise the calorie count on more of the foods than they reduced and I am suspicious they are trying to slow the weight loss slightly.

    Lucky me all Christmas cards and Gifts are done.

    Have a Nice day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Kel!!!!! Missed you too. Hope all is well. Sorry you've been so busy. It's a good time to start fresh. Important to take care of yourself.
    All is well with me. Bought a little rug to put under my desk chair so I don't wreck the wood floor. Still want to get some plexiglass for the top of the desk to protect that.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Good idea with a separate floor covering. The Rug where I was working took a beating from my rolling back and forth on it.

    Here is a suggestion if You get Glass Or Plexiglass for the desktop. To protect the surface from being damaged by them get some of those little Felt peel and stick pads and stick to the glass (plexiglass) so that two hard surfaces are not hitting each other.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    That's a great idea, Roger. I use those little felt pads under my furniture legs too. It will be great under the plexiglass. :)
    I was doing so well avoiding the Christmas goodies until just now, my MIL and SIL sent us some Harry and David gluten free Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! They looked so good, I had half of one....yum. I'll leave the rest for hubs. I shouldn't really have any of the flours. Besides, he can afford the calories better than I can. :)
    Have a great day. :)
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    i was going to mention the felt thingies too but for a different reason my mom found out recently..... if the desk under the glass gets any sun over time it becomes brittle from the constant heating/cooling without airflow. she just had to replace hers as it cracked from one end to the other over the summer lol.

    my kidlet is now done, still need to do the "adoptee" ones but they aren't coming til after Christmas so i have a lil bit of time :)

    if i don't get back this weekend, i hope you both have a great one :)

    huggs :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Have a great weekend, Kel!
    You too Roger and Lynmar! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    That's a great idea, Roger. I use those little felt pads under my furniture legs too. It will be great under the plexiglass. :)
    I was doing so well avoiding the Christmas goodies until just now, my MIL and SIL sent us some Harry and David gluten free Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies! They looked so good, I had half of one....yum. I'll leave the rest for hubs. I shouldn't really have any of the flours. Besides, he can afford the calories better than I can. :)
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Vix
    That is why I pass the free donuts on to others too.

    Be strong. I am struggling with yesterdays delivery of Edible Arrangements, I am doing the best I can to work the fruits into the NS plan. They need to be eaten before the shaped peeled fruits spoil. Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Grapes, Honeydew melon slices, looks a lot like this one :)

    Good Luck
    i was going to mention the felt thingies too but for a different reason my mom found out recently..... if the desk under the glass gets any sun over time it becomes brittle from the constant heating/cooling without airflow. she just had to replace hers as it cracked from one end to the other over the summer lol.

    my kidlet is now done, still need to do the "adoptee" ones but they aren't coming til after Christmas so i have a lil bit of time :)

    if i don't get back this weekend, i hope you both have a great one :)

    huggs :)


    Hi Kel
    I had not thought about that happening. I think more of protecting the surface :)

  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, I'm sorry to hear about your relative.

    Kel, welcome back

    Hi Roger

    Took dog to the vet Thursday. He's in boarding now waiting for surgery Monday for a lump. Vet said he had never seen anything like it and wanted to remove it. Knew I couldn'T get him there before 8 am Monday so dropped him off today. Big problem will be keeping them separated until the wound heals.

    Take care.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning.
    Thanks. Sorry about your pooch, Lynmar. Hope he comes through ok.
    Roger, you can probably freeze some of that fruit, and use it later in smoothies and such. Looks yummy and much healthier than cookies! :)
    Kel, good luck getting your holiday prep/shopping done. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas this week (just in case you're not here much!)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi all

    E, I'm sorry to hear about your relative.

    Kel, welcome back

    Hi Roger

    Took dog to the vet Thursday. He's in boarding now waiting for surgery Monday for a lump. Vet said he had never seen anything like it and wanted to remove it. Knew I couldn'T get him there before 8 am Monday so dropped him off today. Big problem will be keeping them separated until the wound heals.

    Take care.

    Hi Lynmar
    Good Luck with the Dog, Hopefully it is benign.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Thanks. Sorry about your pooch, Lynmar. Hope he comes through ok.
    Roger, you can probably freeze some of that fruit, and use it later in smoothies and such. Looks yummy and much healthier than cookies! :)
    Kel, good luck getting your holiday prep/shopping done. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas this week (just in case you're not here much!)

    I did use up some Yesterday, I cut out the bruised parts and used two in a NS NutriFlakes Cereal. Nice and Sweet. Three left.

    My Brother makes baked goods at this time of Year for distribution to his friends.

    I should be here for the week, except maybe Tuesday.
