Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well yesterday and today my shoulder has been hurting . I go back Monday for pt so hopefully it will feel better I am sure it is going to take time. Annie vet appointment the vet feels she has a growth on her paw by her nails she licks her paws a lot a so he put her on meds for 10 days to see if it goes away, if not he will operate but the problem is she would need to stop licking wish me luck. Today is Annie's 13th birthday. It was really windy on our walk today. Vix it sounds like you are going to be a little busy with the wedding. Hi Jo and Roger
    Hi Irene
    Aw, What a shame, nobody should have to live with pain, I had hoped the relief would last longer :(

    The wind was a real nuisance, I really need to get a windbreaker that can fit over the hoodie and sweatshirt if the sweatshirt is needed. The Question is what size I do not want it hanging loosely. Spring and fall might be easier to size.

    I hope the Meds do the job, if not can they put some sort of a covering to keep her from licking the paw after the operation ?

    Good Luck with Annie

    Hello Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,183 Member
    Good morning.
    Good luck with Annie, and your shoulder Irene.
    Have fun shopping for a windbreaker, Roger. I actually don't like shopping very much. Hard to get things to fit right. Always makes me wish I was taller!
    It's warmer today...already 45 and going up to low 60s. The sun is shining and all is well.
    Hi Jo!
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,127 Member
    good morning, just got back from going to breakfast we pretty much goes every Sunday now. It keeps us full almost all day I get a veggie omelet with swiss cheese it is so good. Roger if I could stop her from licking maybe it would heal on its own I am hoping it is just from her licking if not we will have to take her to the dog hospital for ecko of her heart she has a fib vet has no idea what causes it but before they operate they would need it. So you can see why I hope away not only that but yesterday was her birthday and she has turned 13 years old a little scary even though she is really healthy .wow you want to get a wind breaker I know LLBean has them and the quality of there clothes is very good but they are a little pricy but worth it . hi jo and vix
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor will be posted shortly

    I'm back home from walking two pennies were found as I walked across a parking lot. The Temperature out the door was showing 53 degrees and at 5:13 AM a time and temperature was showing 53 degrees also. It was nice walking outside for walking, I was somewhat overdressed in the hoodie and ended up with it unzipped to let some cooler air in.
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    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Good luck with Annie, and your shoulder Irene.
    Have fun shopping for a windbreaker, Roger. I actually don't like shopping very much. Hard to get things to fit right. Always makes me wish I was taller!
    It's warmer today...already 45 and going up to low 60s. The sun is shining and all is well.
    Hi Jo!
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    It was warm enough yesterday that I turned the heat off around 1PM and back on at 10PM on the way to bed. The big problem is buy one to fit over everything I wear in the Spring and Fall or one for summer or both, Decisions, Decisions :wink:

    I really dislike shopping so that makes it tougher, I could look at Amazon I suppose, Even there You have to take the ratings with a grain of salt.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, just got back from going to breakfast we pretty much goes every Sunday now. It keeps us full almost all day I get a veggie omelet with swiss cheese it is so good. Roger if I could stop her from licking maybe it would heal on its own I am hoping it is just from her licking if not we will have to take her to the dog hospital for ecko of her heart she has a fib vet has no idea what causes it but before they operate they would need it. So you can see why I hope away not only that but yesterday was her birthday and she has turned 13 years old a little scary even though she is really healthy .wow you want to get a wind breaker I know LLBean has them and the quality of there clothes is very good but they are a little pricy but worth it . hi jo and vix
    Hi Irene
    I have a suspicion that I might not like a Veggie Omelet due to suspecting that it has Peppers in it and maybe Onions that are not well done before being used. I like Sauteed Onions, Onion Rings and do not like fresh Onions that are crunchy.

    Can You get some sort of Boot to go over her paw ? Something like some people use in the winter when they walk the dog in really cold climates.

    That sounds like a moderately expensive trip to the dog hospital. I hope You can skip doing that.

    I had though about Cabellas (Online shopping) and a trip to Walmart and had completely overlooked LL Bean, I know they have really good customer service from having to exchange Moccasins that were a gift and did not fit.

    Thank You for that suggestion
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,127 Member
    good morning, well I tried putting a sock on Annie and it lasted for about a minute not sure what we are going to do. We took a ride yesterday we went threw a forest it was really nice the road was dirt road so now my jeep is dirty. We walked it was nice it was like 47 I can deal with that. I have pt appointment this morning. take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,183 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, I imagine there are dog booties that don't come off easily, or maybe you could put a piece of tape (or a rubber band) around the top of the sock to make it tighter on top. I love walking in a forest. :)
    Roger, it's 49 here at the moment, with an expected high of 55 today, and rain expected in the afternoon. You might want 2 bigger so you can fit everything under it, and a smaller lighter weight one for summer. I've never bothered with one. If it's windy, it just whips right through! My packable coat sort of acts as a's really comfortable.
    Hi Jo.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted shortly, That poor Cat

    I'm back home from walking and nothing was found. Yesterday I neglected to mention that in addition to the pennies I found I found a unused 1 cent stamp on the Post Office floor as I was mailing off the payments for the Gas & Electric and Credit Card bills. The Temperature out the door was showing 35 degrees

    We had good news yesterday, The legislation to pass Legalized Marijuana was withdrawn by the Governor. My guess is that happened when he could not get enough votes to pass it and he hates losing or criticism so he can avoid a loss.

    My brother should be picking up the free ham earned by spending $400 in a defined time period on Wednesday. We were less that $3 from that goal Sunday :smiley: After last year he wants to get it right away as somehow someone redeemed the free ham in south NJ last year and he had to spend some time at the Courtesy Counter to get one for us.

    Seems a bit strange to me
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    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well I tried putting a sock on Annie and it lasted for about a minute not sure what we are going to do. We took a ride yesterday we went threw a forest it was really nice the road was dirt road so now my jeep is dirty. We walked it was nice it was like 47 I can deal with that. I have pt appointment this morning. take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Well You tried, Good Luck with the foot.

    My Brother was trying to decide whether to take the Truck to the car wash or wait since every year the Cars turn green from the Tree Pollen.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, I imagine there are dog booties that don't come off easily, or maybe you could put a piece of tape (or a rubber band) around the top of the sock to make it tighter on top. I love walking in a forest. :)
    Roger, it's 49 here at the moment, with an expected high of 55 today, and rain expected in the afternoon. You might want 2 bigger so you can fit everything under it, and a smaller lighter weight one for summer. I've never bothered with one. If it's windy, it just whips right through! My packable coat sort of acts as a's really comfortable.
    Hi Jo.
    Happy Monday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    That was sort of what I was thinking, OTOH Annie could have just chewed the sock off which is what I thought Irene was saying.

    We were Lucky, No Rain and decent temperatures with clouds blocking the sun. Today's temperatures are a result of a predicted cold front moving in. There was a mild breeze when I was walking also.

    It is my impression that a good windbreaker should stop the wind from getting through. I have used a ersatz windbreaker on occasion, That would be the Frog Toggs Rain jacket :wink:

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,127 Member
    good morning, well it does look like her paw is getting better or maybe it is wishful thinking. I know they have booties for dogs just hate to do it to her. It looks like our weather is getting nicer. It was chilly when we walked this morning but it looks like it is going to be a nice day. take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I already posted more humor FWIW

    I'm back home from walking and nothing was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 32 degrees. As I was sitting in the Living room finishing my coffee I noticed several walking appetites AKA Deer meandering down the street through the yards on both sides.
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    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well it does look like her paw is getting better or maybe it is wishful thinking. I know they have booties for dogs just hate to do it to her. It looks like our weather is getting nicer. It was chilly when we walked this morning but it looks like it is going to be a nice day. take care everyone
    Hello Irene
    That's good news, I hope it is happening, Good Luck with the Paw.

    It was even Chillier this morning IMO than Tuesday Morning. Not a lot colder but some and a big change from Monday's overnight temperatures.

    I need to get out and prune back the Blackberry Bush and the Raspberry bushes, I will wait for a warm day though.

    I hope the early start to the allergy season that the weather forecasts were talking about have no effect on You.

    Have a Good Day

    Hello Joanne and Vix
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,127 Member
    good morning, well I caught Annie licking her paw twice this morning need to find something that will work. I have to go to the hospital today for the sick and than later on to pt take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,183 Member
    Good morning.
    27 with a high of 52 today, partly cloudy.
    Yesterday was busy. Stained glass, clay, and spending time with my daughter and grandson.
    I have an accupuncture appt this afternoon and a girls' night out tonight.
    Irene, hope Annie's paw is better.
    Roger, funny that it's a few degrees warmer where you are. Skimmed the article on the vegans...they were probably not doing it right! There are ways to get protein and fat on a vegan diet.
    Hi Jo, hope it's starting to warm up for you.
    We've got crocuses and some daffodils blooming, despite the occasional freezing weather.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning;
    Just finished catching up on everything.
    Irene-I hope Annie's paw is getting better. What about a cone? I know they are uncomfortable, but maybe she will not be able to reach her paw to lick it.
    Roger-We bought windbreakers from Amazon a few years ago. I believe they were Columbia brand.
    Vix-I haven't seen any signs of blooming flowers. Our temp is getting warmer, by Sat we will be up in the 60's.
    Last week I found 26 cents, first find in a very long time.
    Today I don't start work until 10am. I have been busy this morning, washing the kitchen and bathroom floors, dusting, dusting moping and vacuuming. I am trying to get all my housework done, so I can enjoy my 3days off from work, Sat, Sun and Mon.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor will be posted shortly

    I'm back home from walking and nothing was found. The Temperature out the door was showing 32 degrees. There was a hazy ring around the moon.
    I have enough coffee left that I will only need to heat it before going walking.
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    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well I caught Annie licking her paw twice this morning need to find something that will work. I have to go to the hospital today for the sick and than later on to pt take care
    Hi Irene
    What a shame, I hope You come up with something to stop the licking by Annie.
    You are so kind to do the hospital visits.

    Good Luck at PT
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    27 with a high of 52 today, partly cloudy.
    Yesterday was busy. Stained glass, clay, and spending time with my daughter and grandson.
    I have an accupuncture appt this afternoon and a girls' night out tonight.
    Irene, hope Annie's paw is better.
    Roger, funny that it's a few degrees warmer where you are. Skimmed the article on the vegans...they were probably not doing it right! There are ways to get protein and fat on a vegan diet.
    Hi Jo, hope it's starting to warm up for you.
    We've got crocuses and some daffodils blooming, despite the occasional freezing weather.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    You keep busier than I do and probably busier than I could do these days, OTOH with some rest between activities Maybe I could do it.

    The weather is just strange this spring. I would not be surprised if they were winging it as Vegans rather than having guidance from a nutritionist.

    The Snow Drops are fading and the Miniature Daffodils are in bloom. The Crocuses have disappeared over the years and are no more :(

    Have a Good Day