Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! I have been to Kroger but still need to get out to the vet to pick up Lilo's next bag of Ringer fluid, and may stop at Lidl while out again. I was at Kroger very early to avoid crowds, but the vet and Lidl aren't open that early.

    Good chance of rain today, and a little bit cooler, so sounds like it may be a good day for a nap!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    Went to Walmart this a.m. Not too bad at 7:15. Found everything on my list except for an ice pack. Even got a 6 pack of TP.
    Good job getting your shopping done early, Ed.
    Still hot and mostly sunny here, high of 91 expected today.
    Baked some nut pulp cookies before it's too hot out, won't want to put the oven on later.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Glad you are all doing well! And out so bright and early!! I guess that will never happen here!! :) Nut Pulp cookies sound interesting!! Are they like pecan horns, (or another nut?), or a different thing? Sounds yummy!! Pepperidge Farm has out a new bread, a lemon poppy seed loaf. The are small, though fairly thickly sliced at like $3.49 a loaf. I buy the rye/ pumpernickel for a treat sometimes, as the other types too. I splurged because I had a coupon for turkey meat, and figured it would be a good sandwich. It is one of the best things I have had since..well, I do not know when!! I am going to be carb-less for supper so I can accommodate these sandwiches!! I have tuna also, which I think would work well. I also see a cucumber sandwich in my future!!! I have not even tried toast yet!! Bliss...if you like lemon.

    We had 2 inches of rain here last nite in a tropical downpour. As much as I hate the ensuing humidity, the yard needed it! The heat is just frying stuff! Cooler this week..90 or a little less with storms. Hi Jo and Irene!!

    Take care all!! <3
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! It's already pretty warm out there, for this early in the morning, and a good chance of rain in the pm, but still a bit cooler for the daily high. I might get out for a bit of groceries this morning at Lidl.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, been super busy .Sammie had her first puppy training class she loved being with all the other puppies.Ed i am sorry about your friend take care all
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Lidl is not far, though a tad further than Aldi, and I made it to Lidl and back, in 20 minutes, getting there just after they opened at 8:00.

    My main goal was their veggie burgers (comparable to Garden Burger original) as I forgot them yesterday. It would have been less than 20 minutes if I hadn't forgotten where the veggie burgers were in the freezer section. I looked all up and down one aisle, twice, looking on both sides, and forget that they had another aisle with one side of frozen bins.

    Of course the veggie burgers were in the other aisle. I feel proud to have escaped having spent only $25 plus a bit of change. I got the veggie burgers, of course, and got pizza for tomorrow's "pizza and a show night out at home" and found a few other items that looked interesting, and not terribly expensive, in frozen foods. and think I have dinner tonight covered from today's shopping too.

    I saw one man with a cart pretty full. He must have the store memorized and know exactly what he wanted, to fill the cart that quickly. Fortunately, neither he, nor any of the other few shopper, were in line so there was no wait for my checkout.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    I went to TJMaxx this a.m. Our local one just opened and they have 9-10a.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Srs. I think I may have been the only customer in the store...I got there at 9:05.
    I picked up a lot of soap (I usually buy it there because they have a lot of natural soap), a couple of books for my grandson, and they didn't have the hair conditioner I usually buy there. They said they were just starting to get their stock in. Everyone was wearing masks and they wiped down the cart for me before giving it to me. It was so nice to go to a regular store!
    Little things can really make me happy.
    Irene, glad you are having fun with your new puppy.
    Ed, veggie burgers and pizza both sound good. I love that you do a pizza and show night.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fantastic Friday! And it's another fairly hot one, but not "fry an egg on the sidewalk" hot. As usual, a good chance of afternoon showers. If they aren't noisy showers, that makes a lovely afternoon for a nap.

    Yesterday we had lasagna, from Lidl, for supper. I was surprised to find that they make a vegetable lasagna similar to the Stouffers Alfredo veggie lasagna, so I was compelled to buy it. That was one of my impulse purchases yesterday, while searching for the veggie burgers.

    At least I won't need to search for the burgers again soon, as I got a family size box of 12 and we are a family of only 2 so it will last a while. J sometimes likes them crumbled and made into a hash with small diced potatoes, onions, and bell peppers; then stir in scrambled eggs and some shredded cheese to top it all off.

    For tonight's Friday night stay-at-home dinner-and-a-show "night out" it will be Lidl frozen pizza. It looks a lot like Tombstone, but an ounce heavier and a bit less expensive. We tried it once before but I think I need to bring the oven rack down one notch and see if that gets the crust a bit crispier. Or maybe just cook it a bit longer. It turned out good the last time, but I think I can get it better.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    This is an interesting article on reopening schools. There is a map where you can see the current risk in your own county depending on how many kids are in the school.
    Enjoy your show night, Ed.
    It's raining here and cooler today...high of 77 expected, that's a nice break!
    Have a good day. Happy Friday, everyone. Stay safe.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! A little cooler this morning but it is supposed to be creeping up to a hotter afternoon than we have been having. It's very sticky out now, but may dry up some later, if the humidity decreases.

    Our virtual night out (at home) went a bit late last night, but the cats let me sleep in for an extra half hour or so. Wasn't that generous of them?


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    Ed, I was inspired and tried to make a gluten free, yeast free pizza last night. was terrible! I ate some anyway and my scale was very angry this a.m. Won't do that again.
    It rained most of yesterday. Today we have mostly cloudy, high of 86, possible t-storms later.
    Have a good Saturday, everyone.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! Another hot one here, but not quite so sticky this morning. I might do some laundry today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    Did some cleaning yesterday and found a movie to watch last night. Will probably add a little color to my hair today, and see what else the day brings.
    Mostly cloudy with a high of 92 expected, maybe some passing t-storms this afternoon.
    Have a good Sunday, everyone. Stay healthy.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    It is hot and muggy this morning. My car is in the shop getting fixed, so I will be without it for a few days. Since I can't go anywhere I will be cleaning the house and maybe weeding my flower beds, if I can stand the humidity.
    Irene-glad you are enjoying your new puppy.
    Vix-the article about school openings is scary, especially for the south. It was nice that you were able to go to the store and feel relatively comfortable.
    Ed-you are very creative with your cooking.
    Jan-the lemon poppy seed loaf sounds yummy. I love lemon. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for it when I go grocery shopping.
    My daughter texted me on Friday morning to say she got me 2 earl gray tea scones. These are so good and I was looking forward to them. Around 6:30pm she texted and said she left them on her shelf in her office. :( She said she would buy me fresh ones this week. We can only get them from the coffee shop near her work.
    I am off to start my day.
    Have a good one and stay cool.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! It should be a bit cooler today and I am fine with that! It's also a little less humid, though possible afternoon storms may change the humidity if they happen.

    Dinner last night was a veggie burger hash that my inner Eduardo came up with, using some frozen potatoes O'Brien, crumbled veggie burgers, original Garden Burger style, a can of chili beans, and a light sprinkling of shredded cheese to finish, all seasoned with a little salt, pepper, and hot Hungarian paprika. I served with salsa on the side, but J commented after dinner that ketchup might have been better with it. I swear, J could put ketchup on pancakes. Well, maybe not, as I have never actually seen that, only butter and syrup, maybe whipped cream and fruit. LOL.

    Not a lot on the agenda today. My early voting for the August 11 run-offs has been taken care of.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    Ed, I used to love ketchup and would put it on most everything..haha. I stopped eating tomatoes (not supposed to have nightshades), although I have been having some sauce lately. When I stopped using ketchup, I started using a lot of mustard...doesn't taste as good. Sometimes plain food just needs an extra kick. Sometimes I hate my diet, and slip off a little. Don't know how much it matters.
    Jo, sorry your car is in the shop. I know you'll get a lot done at home...make sure you take a break too. That article was scary looking at the whole country right now. It is a bad time to be a teacher, and certainly many areas should not be reopening at this time. I was somewhat reassured about my grandson being at daycare (I know they are careful there, lots of cleaning, wearing masks, not letting anyone but children and teachers in). Currently in my county the risk is low in schools of less than 100 children. Honestly, it still makes me nervous, and I now always wear a mask when we see them. I hope you enjoy your time at home.
    My hair is now darker than it was yesterday, need to take my car for a drive, and I've scheduled a pickup at the library. Will see what else the day brings.
    It'll be a little cooler this the 80s, cloudy, and probably rain today, and much of the next 7 days.
    Wishing everyone a good new week.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I have really been lazy. I shopped once and for the last few days, I have to admit, I have talked myself out of doing most anything. I have had to water as it is still hot and humid and sticky, but no rain. That is okay. Few mosquitoes either. I have fed May and myself and done dishes , fed birds and that is about it. I have been reading and watching movies! Today I must work some.....I hope.

    I am so not excited about my daughter returning to work. No way will that school be safe. Lot of rednecks that pride themselves on doing what they want, or dysfunctional and may not care. Caring parents somewhat a minority there at times. Al. country school..I have about zero trust in the principle to be doing the right thing or taking care of things in a very timely manner. They have bought a ton of cleaning supplies thru the Care act. I guess that should help. Very interesting chart on your post Vix. My daughter will probably fall in a 500 school range. That is scary. My son and daughter in law teach at better schools. My son's classrooms are larger and the young adults will be better about being careful in class. (college) Not too sure about their social lives. My DIL's school will be as safe as possible. (a private school).

    My daughter has been making masks. She has about 70 made now to put in teachers mailboxes to start school. She has been quilting too. I have a lovely turquoise colored quilt that I got a sneak preview of that will be coming to me, so excited!!

    Well, Hope everyone continues to stay safe! Take care!! Time to do some work, lol.. :#
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Jan, I'm sorry. I hope the teachers in your family, and all teachers that have to return to classrooms remain safe. That's wonderful of your daughter to make masks for all the teachers, and a quilt for you. I wonder if they invested in hepa air filters for the classrooms...that is supposed to help. I surely hope the children wear masks. I don't understand how people can not care, but apparently and unfortunately there are plenty of them. If only people would fall in line for a while, this could be much better. I don't know what they are trying to prove, and to whom.
    Hugs and stay healthy.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, not much new here it's all about the puppy , she does walk good on our walks only go for 30 minutes don't want to push her . house breaking is going ok i guess it is just going to take awhile. We did have a storm last night and i gather today is suppose to be another bad day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Quite a bit cooler this morning, after yesterday's loud storms, but still getting up to 88 this afternoon. 100% humidity right now.

    We lost power for about half an hour last night, but it was well after the storms, and (thankfully) after we had eaten supper. When I checked the power company's web site, the projected restoration was about three hours! So we were pleasantly surprised when the power came back on so soon.

    I need to call the vet for a refill on Lilo's Adequan.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
