Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well we really didn't do much yard work I did get to plant some of my Easter plants the little leaves we have in our yard are still wet. George did open the pool but didn't put the heater on yet need to shock it a couple of times first it is just too cold for me yet even with the heater on. Tomorrow it is suppose to be 80 we will see. WE had a nice walk and then went out for breakfast . I did loose a pound last week so I am feeling pretty good I started to drink my protein shakes again it really gives me so much energy. Jo the flower shopping sounds fun. Jo I hope you are feeling better. Hey roger a little rain is OK . Hope everyone has a great Sunday
    Hello Irene
    The yard is too wet today to do anything beyond look out at it.
    I am not real happy with the forecast temperatures, I may have to put batteries in the remote for the AC, Yesterday it was cooler that the forecast for today and the living room high temperature was a bit warm at 77 degrees :(

    I have some Protein shakes I need to use up, I just need to decide where to use them.

    A little rain, yes not torrential downpours however.

    Congratulations on that pound You lost.
    good morning, well it rained on our walk this morning but it stopped now. Didn't get much yard work done this weekend. This morning I have pt take care everyone
    Hmm... Either You went out earlier than I or Your rain lasted longer than mine. I stuck a hand out the door at 4:15 and no rain so I got ready and went. The Puddle at the foot of the driveway was fairly large which tells me the rain had just stopped, now it is completely gone :smiley:

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Nice out so far today. It's cloudy and 65 with a high of 70 expected. Went out on the deck and saw a little chipmunk in the yard. Cute.
    No special plans for today, need to buy some cards.
    Wishing you all a good Sunday.
    Hi Vix
    Sunday we had high temps around 70 degrees, Today the Upper 70s or worse.

    Chipmunks are cute, however I have heard that they can be destructive digging away under paving stones for example. I have not seen one recently, I wonder if something happened to them around here.

    Cards, Thanks for the reminder I need to check and see if I have enough Easter cards or if I need to buy some.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Irene-thanks for the heads up on the Costco cards.
    I hit a curb yesterday and blew out my right front tire. I called AAA and they came and changed it in record time. I am going to get a new tire tomorrow.
    Vix-How fun shopping for flowers.
    Roger-I am not ready to do yard work yet either.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hello Joanne
    Do plan to go to CostCo or a tire store for the tire. So far, knock wood, I have not blown out a tire that way, when I was driving for a living I could not avoid something that had fallen on the road and took out a front tire, Eventually Penske leasing came and replaced it. I was lucky that it happened right by a service area on the NJ turnpike, The Vince Lombardi Service plaza so I could get to a phone and foods etc. while waiting.

    Hopefully Your tire is not one of those expensive ones that seem to be popular for some reason.

    Good Luck
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Looks like it rained a little overnight. Mostly cloudy and high in the upper 70s expected today and tomorrow then going back to normal 60s.
    I'm selling one of my paintings this morning, and I have an acupuncture appt this afternoon.
    Sorry about your tire, Jo, but at least you got good service.
    Good luck with your pt, Irene.
    Roger, I've only seen the one chipmunk, and he's definitely scared by the dogs next door.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    It is gloomy and raining here at present.
    Roger-I went to Sullivan Tire. It is about 1/2 mile from my house. They had to order me a tire and it will be in tomorrow at 10. I will not be able to get it until after work. They are matching the existing tires.
    Vix-It is nice that you are selling one of your paintings. Good luck with the acupuncture.
    Irene-Is the PT helping your shoulder?
    Happy Monday. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor has already been posted

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 47 degrees and rain is in the forecast and the forecast high is 55.

    I have a coupon for $1.99 a pound butter and a different grocery store has Grand Opening plastered on the front page of their circular even though we checked them out a couple of weeks ago. Sale items with a $15 purchase are 18 large eggs for $0.98, Kraft Mayo for $0.98, a 24 pack of 1 liter bottled water for $1.98 and a 30 ounce Maxwell House Coffee for $3.98, a free pizza with the purchase of another one, Pass on that. Bounty or Charmin 12 pack Essential Paper Towels. Sounds cheaper than the usual CostCo price, I need to check them out, the word essential makes me wonder.
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    Would you get a pizza shop’s logo tattooed for free food? These Des Moines residents did.

    Serendipity ?
    Suspected rhino poacher in South Africa killed by an elephant, eaten by a pack of lions

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Looks like it rained a little overnight. Mostly cloudy and high in the upper 70s expected today and tomorrow then going back to normal 60s.
    I'm selling one of my paintings this morning, and I have an acupuncture appt this afternoon.
    Sorry about your tire, Jo, but at least you got good service.
    Good luck with your pt, Irene.
    Roger, I've only seen the one chipmunk, and he's definitely scared by the dogs next door.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
    Hello Vix
    It had rained here too, and our temperatures appear to mirror yours for Monday and slightly lower Tuesday.

    Chipmunks are pretty much scared by anything. Around here I see lots of rabbits, they are so accustomed to people that until you get closer than around 6 foot from them they just sit there and watch :smiley:

    Congratulations on selling a painting

    Hello Irene
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2019
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It is gloomy and raining here at present.
    Roger-I went to Sullivan Tire. It is about 1/2 mile from my house. They had to order me a tire and it will be in tomorrow at 10. I will not be able to get it until after work. They are matching the existing tires.
    Vix-It is nice that you are selling one of your paintings. Good luck with the acupuncture.
    Irene-Is the PT helping your shoulder?
    Happy Monday. :)
    Hello Joanne
    I hope Your weather got better later.

    Matching the existing tires are the way to go and if that is not possible then replacing them in pairs is OK too as I understand it. Hopefully the tire arrives OK, does this mean You are driving on the spare ? FWIW I kept the best looking tire as a full size spare when I replaced all four on the car.

    That is a good question about the PT, I suspect it is even if it is not a permanent fix.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, Jo I think the pt is helping my shoulder and neck I can move it more with out pain. Roger we walk early at 3am that is why we got caught in the rain but we had our rain jackets on and that was fine. Congrats Vix on the selling of one of your pictures . Today I have a guy to come over to give me a price of removing some of our trees its a local company so I am hoping I can get a good price. take care everyone. good luck jo hope your new tire is in.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Hi all...busy day.
    Stained glass, clay, and baby. I finished my stained glass iris. I'll take a picture when I can get enough sun on it.
    Good night, everyone. Sleep well.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, on our walk this morning I found a penny . Today is a busy day first I have pt and then the hospital take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted some more humor, I liked the watch and the Sweet Caroline a lot of thinking went into those

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 48 degrees and the forecast high is 60.
    There is rain in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday.

    I like this version better than the original
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    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, Jo I think the pt is helping my shoulder and neck I can move it more with out pain. Roger we walk early at 3am that is why we got caught in the rain but we had our rain jackets on and that was fine. Congrats Vix on the selling of one of your pictures . Today I have a guy to come over to give me a price of removing some of our trees its a local company so I am hoping I can get a good price. take care everyone. good luck jo hope your new tire is in.
    Hello Irene
    Good News, losing pain is always good and if non surgery works even better.

    3AM, Even I do not make it up and out the door at that time, I was running early today when I went out the door at 4AM :(

    Good Luck with getting a good price. Free Estimate ?
    good morning, on our walk this morning I found a penny . Today is a busy day first I have pt and then the hospital take care everyone
    You and Vix both seem to keep busy, My main thing pushing me out the door today is now that SSI has arrived in the bank account is going there to cash a check so that I have more than $10 on hand :smiley:

    Congratulations on finding money
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all...busy day.
    Stained glass, clay, and baby. I finished my stained glass iris. I'll take a picture when I can get enough sun on it.
    Good night, everyone. Sleep well.
    Hello Vix
    You and Busy, Hard to separate them :wink: Where do You get the energy ?

    I look forward to seeing Your latest Stained Glass Project.

    Hello Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    A friend passed away and we will go to the funeral home tonight. Our daughters are best friends. I am planning to stay with the baby tomorrow while my daughter and son-in-law attend the funeral.
    Not sure yet what I'm doing the rest of the day. May go to the Sr. Ctr. and rearrange some paintings, and later spend some time with my daughter and grandson.
    Roger, I work on keeping busy....I know if I don't, I'm pretty much a couch potato, which is very unhealthy.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, I am so sorry vix for your loss of your friend. We had an nice hour walk this morning. Today is a busy morning 1st I am taking my jeep in it seems like every time I get gas my engine light comes on so I need to see what they say hopefully it is something small like a new gas tank cap. then we are having the tree guy to come back we are going to add 2 more trees to be cut down if the price is right take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted some humor

    I'm back home from walking and not a single solitary cent was found. The Temperature out the door was 39 Degrees.
    The rain in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday followed by Rain Sunday night into Monday. Has changed and it now appears that the rain previously forecast for Friday will be a no show.
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    Not even the dead are safe :(
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    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    A friend passed away and we will go to the funeral home tonight. Our daughters are best friends. I am planning to stay with the baby tomorrow while my daughter and son-in-law attend the funeral.
    Not sure yet what I'm doing the rest of the day. May go to the Sr. Ctr. and rearrange some paintings, and later spend some time with my daughter and grandson.
    Roger, I work on keeping busy....I know if I don't, I'm pretty much a couch potato, which is very unhealthy.
    Have a good day, everyone.
    Hi Vix
    I'm sorry to hear about Your friend, I hate death and do not deal with it well :(
    That is nice of You to take care of the baby so they can attend the funeral.

    I find no problem with Vege'ing out. As it is I spend a lot of time sitting, Time here for example and then time watching TV news and some TV shows, humor, cooking or Things like NCIS. And yes I know that too much sitting is bad for the legs for example.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, I am so sorry vix for your loss of your friend. We had an nice hour walk this morning. Today is a busy morning 1st I am taking my jeep in it seems like every time I get gas my engine light comes on so I need to see what they say hopefully it is something small like a new gas tank cap. then we are having the tree guy to come back we are going to add 2 more trees to be cut down if the price is right take care everyone
    Hello Irene
    Today was a bit chilly with the temperature and a light breeze when I set out. I was out from 4:30 to 6:20, Not all of that was walking since my nose was running. Due to that I end up finding a bench or something to sit on so I can pull out the Kleenex. Doing that while walking is a non starter, I need someplace to sit and put down the Coffee Cup and walking stick and Gloves.

    My brother has had that problem with his F150, A lot of the time it turns out that the person filling the tank left the gas cap loose, There is no self serve here in NJ, You have to have the gas station attendant pump You gas. I hope You come to a resolution for that problem, In the old days that never happened, Now it is tied to capturing and fuel vapors in the tank and feeding them to the engine rather that out into the air.

    Good Luck with the pricing for the trees

    Hello Joanne
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-Sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Irene-Glad the PT is helping and good luck with your car. I hope you get a good price on taking the trees down.
    Roger-I find myself sitting a lot when I am home. I am better off getting out of the house.
    My tire is all fixed. I didn't do too much driving, because I only had what my husband calls the donut tire on my car. It is advised not to drive over 50 mph on that tire.
    I found a quarter this morning. Does it count if I found it under my husband's dresser when I was mopping the floor. ;)
    Have a good day! :)