Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Oh, Ed. I am so sorry about GardenKat. I didn't know. Hugs.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Ed, Alex added us both on as group leaders.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! It should be a little warmer today, though it's rather cold now. Clouds will start creeping in during the afternoon, with some chance of overnight rain with somewhat warmer overnight temperatures.

    Not a lot on the required agenda today, though a nap would be lovely.

    Day 19 in the Advent calendars presented with Pinot Noir and Gouda. The cheese looks rather desiccated though, and feels hard, like Parmesan, rather than Gouda. Well, it does NOT look moldy, so if it is hard, I will just grate it onto my dinner salad and enjoy it that way. The Pinot Noir would pair beautifully with the country style pork ribs I have planned for dinner tonight anyway, so can be started with the salad course.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning,
    A balmy 19 degrees here this a.m. :smirk: A mix of clouds and sun this morning, cloudy later with a high of 36 expected. Luckily, the sun melts some of the snow away even when it's cold. I'll take my car for a ride later, when it warms up a bit.
    Watered the plants, and filled my vitamin box for the week. I always have things to do around the house and time just flies by. Seems like a good day to make soup.
    Ed, the wine and cheese looks good...I read this week that red wine and cheese are good for your cognitive health. :smiley: Sometimes I actually like a small piece of hard cheese, and let it melt in my mouth. Yum.
    Have a good day, everyone. Stay warm and healthy.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member

    This year's commemorative Christmas ornament!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited December 2020
    Well I took my van for a longer run today to keep the battery conditioned, as I took J's mini-SUV yesterday. I got 3 pounds of seedless tangerines to add to the seasonal food goodies, and at least I can feel good about that, as they are a healthy food goody.

    I also picked up the ghee and the olive oil that I had on my list. The tangerines were a last minute add-on as I saw them when I entered the store.

    It wasn't too busy, though busier than I would have liked, and I got in and out pretty quickly, using the U-Scan.

    And home made, sweet, tangy, spicy barbecue is started.




    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Baked beans started. To go with the pork. Not sure about potato salad, but will ponder that idea.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Chilly here as well!! Ed has my weather so here we are. Storms for Christmas Eve and possible snow flakes for parts of Al. for Christmas. Unless it changes, of course!!

    Ed, so sorry about your friend. I sure miss Roger too. ( sigh)...All your pictures have got me hungry. Love your ornament also!! Vix, love your new picture too. I meant to tell you when you changed it. My short term memory is getting worse. I believe I need wine and cheese for cognitive healing! I must look into that!! If I don't forget!!

    Blessedly staying home this whole weekend. Drivers and traffic is just crazy!! My daughter is doing several days virtually as her county shut down school attendance due to teacher student ratios in some schools. Her school was actually good, but I do not think she will mind being home and quilting while teaching virtually, lol. My son is already on break as he seems to get an extra few days teaching in a private school. More people I hear are coming down with covid that my friends know, but my friends I have not yet been sick. Thank goodness. They are homebodies, luckily. Of course Al. had to send back a few shipments of vaccine as it got too cold and ineffective. One of 2 states. That is Al.

    I talked with Val. She had an operation a while back for hernia repair, and they nicked her bladder. A rough year but safe from covid so far. She has not got much appetite, and has actually gotten down to 160 lbs. About a 100 lbs weight loss, but a hard way to have to do it. She also had to put down her oldest Great Dane as the dogs mental status was effected by panic attacks. She had just come back from the vet when I had emailed her. Her job is still intact and she has kept up well. Rough year, though!

    Hi! Jo and Irene!!! Gosh! Everyone sounds too cold!! Take care all!!! <3
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    edited December 2020
    Jan,I'm glad you're doing well, and glad your son and daughter are getting some extra time at home. I'll send a note to Val. Thanks for the update.
    Enjoy your meal, Ed.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
    Stay warm and safe.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! It's overcast, and expected to remain so through the afternoon, turning to partly cloudy in the evening and overnight. It is, again, a bit warm for December, but that's the way it goes here in Georgia.

    Yesterday's cheese selection was good, though I am not sure that it was actually Gouda. It was very salty. It would have been great grated over a salad, but I just ate it with a small slice of multigrain bread. Day 20 in the Advent calendars presents a red wine blend and, again, a festive, but almost disturbingly green, Cheddar with sage.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Ed, wasn't there a previous green cheese? Great Christmas colors!
    Cloudy with a high of 41 today. I didn't make soup yesterday so maybe I'll do that today. I ended up uninstalling, downloading, and installing a Norton subscription. Comcast/Xfinity used to supply it to us for free, but that's ending as of January 1. Of course, there were issues. It was having difficulty getting rid of an old version on my computer, so it took way longer than it should have. All good on my virus protection again now.
    It's currently 31 and cloudy with a high of 41 expected today.
    I'm trying to revise my diet a little to get more protein/less fat. I usually mostly eat good fat (nuts, avocado,etc), but it's more than it should be. I'll see how that goes.
    Have a good Sunday, everyone.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    eku0 wrote: »

    Ed, wasn't there a previous green cheese? Great Christmas colors!

    It was the same. They have two each of the cheeses, but not delivered in any particular pattern. One assumes they are actually making some attempt to pair them well with the wines, though in my opinion most, but not all, cheeses go well with any wine really. Or I could say that most, but not all, wines go with any cheese?


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    happy Sunday everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    edited December 2020
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! We're starting off with a few clouds but it should be sunny and fairly pleasant today and overnight. I have the dishwasher running now, and plan to do laundry later.

    And I got the Christmas ham out of the deep freeze and into the refrigerator.

    The Advent calendars for today present sweet rosé wine and Edam cheese. The wine will probably be too sweet for my taste, so I am glad it's just a small amount.


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Ed, I tend to like sweet wine, but a little is plenty. I'm just going to run out and stop at the PO to mail a bill, pick up a book at the library, and a prescription at Walmart. After that, I'm free.
    It's currently 33 and cloudy with a high of 43 expected for today. It was so foggy this morning when I got up, that I had to take a closer look to see that it was not snowing (we still have snow on the ground from last week.)
    Wishing everyone a happy holiday week.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon,
    I haven't checked in for a while, time just got away from me.
    Ed-I see you are still enjoying your wine and cheese. I hope Lilo gets better soon. I am sorry to hear about your friend.
    Irene-nice to hear from you. How is Sammie doing?
    Vix-I liked the last chapter of your book. Your grandson is too cute! No plans for the holiday, just a quiet day at home, me, hubby and daughter.
    Jan-sorry to hear about Val, but glad she is doing better.
    We got about a foot of snow last Wed. into Thurs. Some of our streets are still a mess.
    It was too snowy for our usual hike yesterday, so we made cookies instead.
    We baked for about 8 hours yesterday. Today I made one more batch of cookies, some candied orange peel and apricot jam. I am done baking for the holiday. I give most of the cookies as gifts.
    My son and daughter-in-law are in tier 4 lockdown again.
    Enjoy your evening! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    It should be quite warm today, with sunny skies and partly cloudy and cool overnight. Lilo has been doing splendidly since her vet visit. I have two more days of giving her a morning pill and then, for a Christmas present, she gets to go back to just her normal "torture" schedule.

    My Christmas ham looks like it is coming right along in the thawing, so it should be ready to go. I may make the big Christmas meal for Christmas Eve, as J and I both had it that way growing up, and opened gifts on Christmas Eve as well.

    In fact, at our house, we got to open one family gift right after lunch on Christmas Eve, though the rest had to wait until we got back from the grandparents house. We got to open grandparent gifts after dinner at their house, and, of course, brought gifts there as well. One year Santa even showed up to hand out the gifts! It was always fun.

    Opening all the gifts on Christmas Eve was possibly a clever ploy to let Mom and Dad sleep in on Christmas day. LOL.

    Somehow, while we kids were waiting in the car for Mom and Dad to get ready, it always took them a long time, and the excuse was that Mom couldn't get through to Grandma to let her know we were on the way. It never occurred to us to wonder why she was calling, as we usually didn't, and had not done so on Thanksgiving, and those grandparents only lived three minutes away.

    And, somehow, Santa Claus always managed to deliver our gifts while we were at Grandma's house, having dinner with all the relatives on that side of the family!

    Then, on Christmas day, we would go the our paternal grandparents house for another Christmas dinner. She had so many kids, and so many grandchildren that she did it in batches.

    Relatives dropped by all day long, and you may be sure there was plenty of food. If you didn't eat at least three platefuls Grandma got a sad look and said she guessed she didn't do it right that year. She knew how to play us on that. Of course we had more gifts after that meal, and brought our gifts for her and Grandpa. It was at her house that I developed my love for cornbread dressing, as my mother and her mother made light bread dressing. I like both well enough, but prefer the cornbread dressing.

    Well, today I need to get yesterday's laundry folded, and possibly get out to buy a few grocery items. I don't want to get caught up in Thursday's mad Christmas Eve rush at the grocery stores, for sure!

    For day 22 the Advent calendars present Pinot Grigio and Gouda with herbs.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    edited December 2020
    Good morning.
    Jo, good to see you here! Sorry your snow was a big mess. We had some rain last night and most of ours is gone, some still left on the lawns. Your baking and jam sound delicious. Does your son live close to London? I have a friend in London who moved there with her husband to take care of her MIL who has dementia. They also both work, so it's quite a handful. I just read this morning that Europe is closing down borders from England due to the surge in the virus. It will be so good when this is less of a worry. I am so glad that grocery workers will be getting the vaccine soon. We are all grateful that you all continued working through this mess.
    Ed, your family sounds wonderful. What great memories! We had a much smaller family. I was one of the youngest of the cousins and as the older ones grew up, we saw less and less of the families. I only ever knew one set of grandparents who passed away when I was 6. I keep in touch with a couple of cousins, and feel close to one who lives in New Mexico. We visited a couple of years was one of my best vacations. So we ended up making all new traditions with our little family, and as they are making their own families the traditions continue to grow.
    Hi Irene and Jan!
    Cloudy and a little rainy this morning with a high of 44 expected today, may clear up a bit later.
    I'm thinking about making a pumpkin bread.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,325 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! It's clear and sunny this morning, but we are expecting clouds to roll in for the afternoon, with increasing chances of evening showers and even greater chances of overnight showers, with warming temperatures. It looks like it will be a wet Christmas Eve, but Christmas day is looking pretty good n the forecast, with much colder temperatures, then warming back up over the weekend.

    I got all the laundry folded and put away, and there isn't much on today's agenda that is critical.

    Day 23 in the Advent calendars presents Cabernet Sauvignon with Mild Cheddar.


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Ed, I guess you're coming to the end of your wine and cheese pairings. There's a winery near here that occasionally does wine and food's about a bite of 10 somethings, each with a tasting of wine, but not expensive so fun to do.
    Our weather sounds similar to yours. Currently 36 going up to 46, mixed clouds and sun. Rain expected overnight and all day tomorrow, with flash flood warnings. Up to 58 tomorrow then dropping to highs in the low 30s for Friday and Saturday.
    I ended up making chicken soup instead of pumpkin bread yesterday...I had a case of the munchies and ate too many goodies, and didn't want to add temptation to that!
    Have a good day, everyone.