Quarterly Posts Ending June 30, 2015.



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited June 2015
    Maryanne--I agree about the NS refugees board. I'm a member of the NS group here at MFP and it has far more activity despite having a far lower number of people. When I get back, I might message the members of this site to remind them of the link as there is no search function for groups. I did message 6 of them but will do the remainder later. They can find what groups they joined at their MFP page but the reality is that most will not check that. The BYOB group of NS here at MFP is also pretty active. This is the link to the NS group which is organized similar to the old NS site with different discussion threads:

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    I've managed to check in 27 days in a row. That's much more consistent for me that other sites I've tried. I have 2 events this week that I'll have to work around. The first is a fashion show luncheon that I was going to with a friend. After I bought the ticket, she was called out of state because her sister is terminally ill. I'll know other people there but I'm not really enthused about going without her. I have no idea what's for lunch as a committee selects a single entree each month. I have a library cocktail party fundraiser to go to Thursday. I'll just have to do the ebst I can.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    We're getting a steady rain today. I'm taking DH to the eye doctor and I'll throw in some errands while I'm out. I hope you all have a good Monday.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    Back from the gym and doing laundry now. What an exciting life I lead, lol! DH is cutting down some overgrown shrubs today so I may bake his favorite cookies today. They are not my favorites, so they don't tempt me too much.

    I went to see "Spy" yesterday with a friend. It was pretty good, but a little too much blood for my taste. Very funny and it looks like it would lend itself well to sequels.

    Jean, I hope your procedure goes well. Please check in when you can and let us know how you're doing.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I am on a 55 day streak of checking in.

    Helene--I'm sure you will do your best at the luncheon.

    Pam--Good job on treating your DH with cookies that are not your favorite.

    I'll not take long as I need to hit the bed and rest as I have a headache and my pulse is racing at 160. I took Midnight to the vet for boarding this morning and decided to window shop Lowes as I hadn't been in there for several weeks. I left with a nice Lucky Bamboo, which I thought might be luck for me, a very nice birdfeeder on sale, and black oil birdseed. I picked up my work check on my return and deposited it.

    I leave early tomorrow morning, at which time I'll drop my car off at the local body shop so they can take care of the deep gashes on my bumper thanks to whoever did not leave a note.

    Thankk you for all your thoughts and prayers!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Jean - the very best of good thoughts headed your way!!!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    For a lunch that I didn't choose, I think it worked out okay. Lunch was a chicken breast stuffed with probably a Boursin type cheese. It came with about a quarter cup of rice pilaf and a few asparagus. I had a small dinner roll with butter. Dessert was a small piece of strawberry cheese cake. I left a very small piece of the chicken but finished the rice and asparagus. I ate about half the top layer of the cheese cake plus the few strawberries that were on it. I could have easily eaten the whole cheese cake but since I was satisfied already, I left the rest on the plate. So I didn't have that bloated, why did I eat the whole thing feeling you get when you finish food just because it's there. I stuck to water as my beverage. I just finished logging it and it came in just under 500 calories. That's not bad for a compete restaurant meal. I had eaten a light breakfast so I still have just short of 800 calories for the rest of my day. I find I'm much more aware of portion control when I log it.

    Jean..Good luck tomorrow.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Thinking about you, Jean!!

    Helene - good job on the meal!

    I think I need a grand gesture to get me back on track (never let it be said I don't have drama queen tendencies).

    I ordered a week of NS. Next week I plan to eat nothing but what's in that box and add-ons. Because the NS breakfasts are not enough to hold me, I now have a blender, and it's hot as blazes around here, I found someone on ebay who's selling an assortment of all the flavors of NS shakes and smoothies, one of each. I'll use those as add-ons.

    So all I need for next week is salad stuff, dinner vegetables and tuna packets!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Good luck Maryanne. You tend to do well with those box days/weeks. And nothing like a taste of success to get your juices flowing again.

    Today I logged in for my 30th straight day. That must be a record for me.

    jean...I hope things went well for you yesterday.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    The procedure went well and I feel great.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Excellent! We were out for doctor's appointments and errands. We went to Friendly's for lunch so DH could order something without gluten. I ordered an ultimate grilled cheese sandwich/tomato soup combo. O logged it when I got home and to my horrow, it had 980 calories. I expected half that. I won't be ordering that again. I probably would have done less damage with a burger and a few fires.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Jean - that is the most excellent news!!!! :)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Well, I won't be eating out of the NS box next week because Fed Ex left it out in the rain, without plastic, and it got soaked! Luckily the insides are fine so I put into two bankers boxes and I'm ready for next week except for buying stuff like salad. DH says we'll be drowning in green beans in the next few days. Since I much prefer the fresh ones you steam from the grocery store all I can say is "oh joy".

    The vet called and said our Jessicat did fine with her dental. Not even an extraction. I've NEVER had a 13-year old cat with no serious medical issues so sometimes I just puzzle over her. But I know it's a good thing!

    Tomorrow morning I take one of our fosters to the dentist. She had a cleft palate repair at the volunteer's regular vet and she may need a second surgery. Apparently that's not unusual. The dentist has strange business practices. I had to fight for an appointment as "late as" 9 am. The cat is at the vet and they don't open until 8. I could have picked her up today and held her but why? I don't want to bring her here and fall in love!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    I survived a fund raising cocktail party for the library. I was pretty careful on the appetizers and limited myself to one glass of wine. It was lovely to see many old friends from my work days. My biggest problem was what to wear. I don't have many dressy items left since that's not my lifestyle. I was able to pull together black pant, a black tank top and a fancy patchwork jacket over that. I'd better not have another function like that or I'll have to go clothes shopping.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    Helene, I always have the same issue whenever I have an "event" to attend. My last job of 8 years had a very casual dress code and since I retired I haven't needed anything very dressy. Add to that the ups and downs of my weight, and even though I have a closet full of clothes, I often feel that I have nothing to wear. It can be very frustrating. And once I figure out an outfit, then trying to find shoes that work with the outfit without crippling me is a whole new problem!

    I had a busy day at the library today. My partner still is not back and at this point, I'm wondering if she will ever be able to return. I hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.

    I have cakes and cupcakes to bake this weekend, so I'll be busy. I've been very good this week with three trips to the gym and I plan to go tomorrow as well. I did not go yesterday morning as we had torrential rains from Tropical Storm Bill and the low barometric pressure had given me a very bad headache. Luckily now that the storm has cleared out my headache is gone. Although my immediate area did not flood, parts of my city that are near the lake are experiencing flooding and road closures.

    Jean, I'm glad to hear that your procedure went well and you are feeling so good afterwards. Was this supposed to help your Afib?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    I gave away all my work clothes after I knew for sure I wasn't going back to the office. Donated to one of those groups that provides clothes for women looking for work. Pam - I know what you mean about having tons of clothes but nothing to wear. I find myself reaching for the same knit black pants and a couple twin sets. All the rest of the stuff (in I won't admit how many closets) is just sitting there.

    This morning I'm off to the vet to pick up one of our rescues and take her to the dentist. She had a cleft palate repair but there are still two holes that the vet thinks should be looked at.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning. Looking favorable for me to go home today.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Maryanne..what a nice thing to do with your former work clothes. we had a more casual dress code like Pam but I donated many of those items to Goodwill and Salvation Army. I tend to wear capri pants and a nice top with them these days. That's not exactly cocktail wear but it's perfect for my day to day life. I like the capris because I don't have to hem them like I do with long pants.

    The scale didn't move this week and I'm sure it was that grilled cheese sandwich. AT least there was no gain. I'm back on track for next week so we'll see what happens.

    Jean...Are you home yet?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Helene - I tend to buy lands' end tall pants because they have a longer rise - then I either wash them until they shorten a little or get them hemmed. If I buy "regulars" after just a few washings they LOOK like crop pants. I think I'm just an in-between inseam size.

    Popcorn is having surgery right this minute. They are fixing the cleft palate repair that and also repairing the spot where apparently a tooth fell out unbeknownst to any of the vets (at least it's not marked on the record of any of the vets who saw her as something needing attention).

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Rather than trying to pull off getting Popcorn last evening (Baltimore Friday evening traffic that direction is unreal) and getting her back to the vet before they closed (which is earlier on Friday than other days) I inquired about getting her this morning. First they said $60. Well worth it! Then they came back and said $180. Borderline but I said okay - I figured having someone watch her there was a good idea compared to the vet where there wouldn't be anyone there over night. Then they called me at 9 pm and it was suddenly $480! No one could explain why I was told something else earlier. I imagine it was still worth it to have her watched carefully but I'm a little miffed.

    I need to eat breakfast and then go and get her.