Quarterly Posts Ending June 30, 2015.



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, I was finally released from the hospital in Charleston, WV yesterday evening. Its cardiac unit is one of the top 20 in the nation. I can only say that I've never received such great attention, and the food was actually good. I actually think I might have gained weight.

    I don't think I will regret the procedure. I knew what I had been told by the EP and also what I had read. They gave me enough twilight anesthesia to limit the pain when the catheter was inserted but lessened afterwards. I was able to watch much of the procedure on the screens. The EP was able to burn or zap 10 misbehaving areas. One he chose not to do as it was very close to a never that helped to control the diaphram.

    The worst part was having to lie flat on my back and not move my leg for six hours after the procedure. After that, I was transferred to a private room in the cardiac unit to monitor the effects of a new drug he is choosing to use, which he hopes will control the other types of rhythm problems as this one took care of one problem. If it doesn't, I will likely have to go back and have another ablation done but it will be a longer procedure as it is more challenging to do.

    A friend brought me home late last night and then took me to the city early this morning to pick up my beloved cat Midnight. After returing, I picked up my car which was having a body problem repaired where someone "caressed" it and left no note. I'm not supposed to drive for five days after the procedure but this was such a short distance that I drove the car home. I also can't lift more than ten pounds for a week. I have to go back on Wednesday for a check up. Oh, the new meds also cause weight gain.

    I do appreciate all the positive vibes. Right now, I'm heading to the bed to rest. I'm very sleepy but that also might be a result of the nasty rain we have had and more to come.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Wow, that change in pricing is incredible. It sounds a bit bait and switch to me. It wouldn't hurt to have a conversation with the billing department when you pick Popcorn up. They ought to be able to negotiate something between the $180 and $480. How much effort was it to watch over her? was it like intensive care or like being in a regular hospital room where the nurses come in and check vital signs a few times per shift. If it was the latter, $480 sounds excessive.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    edited June 2015
    Well, when I went to pick her up the bill was $184! Strange! Annoying to have both a charge and a credit (since the credit always takes much longer to process) but overall I guess it came out okay. Just not a warm and fuzzy feeling!

    Jean - I'm glad you were discharged and home! Positive vibes continue. Not good news that the new meds cause weight gain. Geesh!!! But your health is pantamount! I'm sure Midnight is thrilled to be home!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--That $480 charge was outrageous. I'm glad that the bill was only $184 but there should not have been the necessity of a credit to correct the overcharge. I'm about to accept my current weight as the accepted weight range. The meals at the hospital were delicious and I confess to eating all that was on the tray. They also know portion control as there were some items I could have had another...very tasty!! This is the first time I have ever had hospital food that was good.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    Jean, I'm so glad you're home and that the procedure went well. Weight gain from meds is a real nuisance, but controlling the underlying health issue is much more important. I think hospitals are really stepping up their game in the food department. When DH was in the hospital with his heart attack, he said the food was good and I had to admit that it looked and smelled good to me, too. And when we visited our new nephew last month in the hospital in Houston, the food she was served also looked great. A lot of hospitals are providing restaurant-style menus and when you are ready to eat, you just call dietary services and order what you want off the menu.

    Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had offered to bake cupcakes for a friend for her DH's Father's Day present. He loves coconut while she loathes it, so this is a treat all for him. Unfortunately, he is diabetic, so he has to limit his sweets consumption, so she plans to freeze them and dole them out over several weeks. I also had a request from the place where I recently began volunteering for a birthday cake for a little girl who was turning 8. She was very specific in her request as she wanted a marble cake with pink icing. I was able to bake and decorate the cake and get it to her by the deadline, but it was a bit of a rush. Hopefully, next time they will be able to give me more notice.

    Today I got my hair cut and colored. I was in the mood for a change, so I had almost 10 inches cut off. My hair is now hitting mid-jawline. It's the shortest that it's been in at least 15 years. So far I like it, but we will see how I feel about it the first time I try to style it!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to Lancaster PA today for father's day. DH has been fretting so much about the weather this week that he has me anxious.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Today is the first day I've felt truly good; sleep helps!!! I awakened at 5am which was too early to get up and went back to bed only to discover daylight again at 9am. I managed to gain a little over 2 pounds while in the hospital. I knew the food was good. :smile:

    I will take this opportunity to wish all fathers a Happy Father's Day whether still with us or are in Heaven.

    Maryanne--We had flash flood warnings for our area but I don't know if the rain actually ended up being as bad as expected for our area as it passed more to the east. Have a safe day! It is hard to decide what to do when the forecasts are so iffy.

    Pam--I had a choice from the cardiac menu, but it was still good. For some reason, I had a whopper of an appetite while there. Then I read that one of the side effects of the new drug is that it can increase appetite and weight gain. I think part of it was that the appetite might have been a product of boredom. There is nothing like a hair style change to make you feel like a new person. I am sure that it looks great and you will become adjusted to it.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I'm playing couch potato right now. Just took my blood pressure and pulse. I go back Wednesday for a check up. I'll drive almost two hours for something that will take no more than a half hour, and then two hours back. I have no need to shop but I might check out the mall. Chances are good, however, that I will come back without doing that. I then go to the "local" city an hour and a half away for the urologist appointment on Thursday to set a date for another cysto date checkup.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Jean...It's wonderful news that you're feeling pretty good after your procedure. I wouldn't worry about the 2 pounds. It's probably a side effect and if you can hold it there, it's a good trade off for better health. Maybe after you're fully recovered, you'd be able to resume some of the walking you used to do. That will help keen the weight gain in an acceptable range.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    After lunch, I went to bed to read with Midnight curled up beside me. I just awakened with Kindle in hand and cat still beside me. I now feel lousy.

    Helene--I certainly hope the 2 pounds will disappear. How can anyone gain weight on a cardiac diet in a hospital? Granted, the food was great and I ate everything so that factored into it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    It could also be retaining fluids. It will probably work it's way out in a few days. We leave for NJ for a few days. I may have intermittent Internet access. I hope I can log on MFP. I'd hate to break my streak for soothing like that.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited June 2015
    I started the day with the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal and coffee. Next task is to get in my water.

    Helene--I'm sure there will be a free Wi-Fi spot somewhere on the road. Many Mickey D's have free internet as do others, including hotels and coffee shops.

    I am on Day 63 of checking in.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Jean - I'm glad you're doing well post-procedure and I'm sure Midnight is thrilled to have you doing some resting!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I would be delighted if Midnight would quit waking me up at night more than the usual one time. I guess he wants to make sure I'm still with him.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    I'm on day 2 of my "re-commitment". So far so good.

    This week is NS. Next week I did a Diet Direct order. After that hopefully I can go back to using what's on my shelves but I need a more dramatic start!

    Really hot right now - I'm trying to be a good citizen and keep the electricity use sub par between 1 and 7 today as requested by the power company. Tuffy wants to cuddle - not fun - he's big and warm!

    My work is a little slow so I'm gratefully taking time to catch up on CROM stuff. I've been WAY behind.

    Spent time today trying to hook up an 11-year old Siamese dropped off at a vet for euthanasia (for no good reason) with a volunteer I know would love to take him. Also brainstorming ideas on how to "market" a cat that just doesn't seem to be clicking with anyone in the vet's adoption cage. Really sweet but not crazy about other cats and on a prescription diet which she really really needs to be on. No major medical issues. It's been so many years since we did anything much beyond those cages that I'm sure what we used to do is obsolete. So I sent out a broadcast idea to the troops to get ideas.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--You are off to a dedicated renewal again. Being a good citizen is difficult when it is so hot but that might be better than having rolling blackouts, etc. Good job on trying to find a home for the Siamese.

    I've just been getting things ready for hitting the road early tomorrow morning to make the two hour drive to the capital city and the follow up checkup.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I got back from my heart ablation checkup in the capital city shortly after noon. I am doing so well right now that they cancelled the August appointment and changed it to December. In the interim, I'll be seeing my regular cardiologist in PKB but also have been told to call or message them if I need to see them before December.

    This could be just the bloom on the rose as the problem I had came and went and sometimes would not be caught by an EKG. Time will tell but if this particular heart rhythm has been corrected, I will be most thankful as it was potentially serious. In the meantime, I still have two types that they hope will be controlled by meds.

    Needless to say, I am one happy person. I was sad to hear that the person who did my procedure is leaving to a position at Duke in August. He was fabulous and had such a great and warm personality, so unlike many specialists.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
    Jean - fantastic news!

    Saw the endocrinologist today. She made no comment about my weight. One of my thyroid cysts has grown enough in the last 12 months they want to do another biopsy. She didn't remember my needle phobia so I must have managed to act cool and calm on the outside. LOL! Even if still benign they might eventually need to take it out because as she said "there's only so much room in your throat".

    Had to make a quick lunch switch. My plan was to limit myself to the NS food in the one box - along with fresh stuff. The only lunch I ordered for the week was tuna salad. I figured that on a salad with a packet of tuna - easy peasy. Pulled out the bag of salad today and it was mush. Why does that happen sometimes? I can't figure out any warning sign to look for in the store. Always get the same brand and the same variety. Dole Very Veggie. Anyway I pulled a Lean Pocket from the freezer.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,596 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Sorry about the biopsy need but let's hope that all is good.

    I love that white cat!