Daily Goals vs The Gremlins



  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    Too cute!
  • TravelinGal7147
    TravelinGal7147 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Tomorrow Makes One Week on MFP so I want to join this strand.
    So here are my daily goals:

    1. Stay at or under my calorie goal.
    2. Log every day - even Gremlin attacks.
    3. Make more friends on MFP.
    4. No more than three planned snacks a day.
    5. One after dinner snack between 9 & 10 PM.
    6. Earn at least 7000 steps on my Misfit at least 6 days of week.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Welcome TravelinGal! You have some great goals there.
    I look forward to motivating each other.

    June 2

    Me: 30*
    Gremlins: 3
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    June 2 and 3

    Me 2
    Gremlins 6

    It has been rough sledding the past couple of days. Very anxious. Tomorrow I have a stress test and I am, of course, expecting them to yank me off the treadmill and wheel me in for a triple bypass. I am, essentially, going for a baseline test. one of those "at your age" moments at the doctor. But, of course, the hypochondriac nutcase in me has risen to the surface. Will be glad when it is over.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    Hope all goes well Nikki, try not to stress over the stress test.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Nikki - A few deep breathes, this too shall pass.

    June 3

    Me: 3
    Gremlins: 0

    I had both lunch and dinner business meetings yesterday followed up by a victorious Blackhawks finals game. I pre-logged everything and stayed well within my calories, actually one of the better nutritional days I've had. WhoHoo! Take that gremlins.
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    I had both lunch and dinner business meetings yesterday followed up by a victorious Blackhawks finals game. I pre-logged everything and stayed well within my calories, actually one of the better nutritional days I've had. WhoHoo! Take that gremlins.

    Excellent self control! Starve those darn gremlins to death!! :smile:
  • TravelinGal7147
    TravelinGal7147 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. gremelins got me last night but almost conscously. I knew I was facing clear liquids all day today because of a colonoscopy tomorrow si I decide to overindulge last night. Still not sure it was the best decision but sometimes the Gremilins win. So far I am winning to day. Did my aquaaerobics this AM but my misfit does not want to work today but based on other days I probabaly will earn about 224 exercise calories. I should be in a calorie deficit today because there is no way I am taking in 1500 calories of clear fluids!
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    marekdds wrote: »
    Hope all goes well Nikki, try not to stress over the stress test.

    It went great. Made it all the way til they called time. The doctors said that everything looked great and I should keep on doing what I am doing. Thanks, Jen.

    Bill, I am glad it is over. I have to say you are so good at eating out. I usually get derailed despite my best intentions. Good thing I hardly eat out these days. It seems like prelogging really works for these occasions. What tends to get me messed up is when I am out unexpectedly. Then I fall to pieces. Afterwards I see the better choices I could have made. How long did it take you to get your impulses under control when you started your weight loss plan and still had to go to these lunches and dinners? Was it easy for you or did you have to wrassle with yourself at times?
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    It went great. Made it all the way til they called time. The doctors said that everything looked great and I should keep on doing what I am doing. Thanks, Jen.

    Bill, I am glad it is over. I have to say you are so good at eating out. I usually get derailed despite my best intentions. Good thing I hardly eat out these days. It seems like prelogging really works for these occasions. What tends to get me messed up is when I am out unexpectedly. Then I fall to pieces. Afterwards I see the better choices I could have made. How long did it take you to get your impulses under control when you started your weight loss plan and still had to go to these lunches and dinners? Was it easy for you or did you have to wrassle with yourself at times?

    So glad to hear it went well for you!
    I'm am by nature very stubborn, so sometimes in life it works in my favor. If I make my mind up to do something, I generally have very good willpower.
    Prelogging is certainly a big help. I'm in sales so I end up eating out at least 2-3 times a week. Before going to a new restaurant, I will pull up their menu. Some have the nutritional information readily available. Others you will need to calculate. I find that with most restaurants, I can find at least a half of dozen options that will fit within my calories. Often it requires requesting substitutions, like salad or veggies instead of french fries, low calorie dressing on the side, etc..
    Now that I've been doing it a while, I've found the restaurants to be very accommodating and those that I've been to before, I'll already know my options. Knowing in advance seems to also make the food taste better to me, so I don't focus on the things I can't order. I really enjoy the meal.
    It's definitely the toughest when it's unexpected. Then I won't even drool over the pictures of huge juicy burgers, I'll just go right to the salads or see if they have a low calorie section on their menu.
    It isn't ever easy for anyone. I 'wrassle' with myself everyday.
    It does get easier over time, in part because it becomes a habit. Your taste buds will also start craving fresh fruit & veggies the more you eat them. It is strange for me to say it, but I will now willing choose a good salad over french fries, it truly looks more appetizing to me. I will choose a thin crust veggie pizza now over a deep dish sausage & pepperoni like I ate for 50 years.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Bill, it is still hard for me to not drool over the burger but what has been helping is the fact that I just know I don't have the strength to lose the same fool pounds yet again. This is it.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    June 4

    Me: 3
    Gremlins: 1

    A good day, actually.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    Bill, it is still hard for me to not drool over the burger but what has been helping is the fact that I just know I don't have the strength to lose the same fool pounds yet again. This is it.

    Hang on to that attitude.The mental game is the toughest part of this whole thing.

    June 4

    Me: 4
    Gremlins: 0 - zip
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    Well the gremlins had me trapped in their lair for several days, but I am free again thanks to this site :smile:
    me: 2 days
    gremlins: 0
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,209 Member
    Welcome out of the dark side.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    June 5

    Me 4
    Gremlins 0

    They were quiet today!
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    June 6

    Me 4
    Gremlins 0

    I did ok today.
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    June 6
    Me 3
    Gremlins 0
    Not a bad day!
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    nikkib0103 wrote: »
    June 6

    Me 4
    Gremlins 0

    I did ok today.
    This was your same score yesterday. Was today a tie or should it be 5:0?
    Just wondering!