


  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    So when I posted this, my SO and I were having difficulties. He left on Saturday. I'm understandably devastated. And it's making me want to eat everything bad! I caved and had a chicken wrap and fruit pot yesterday for lunch...and spent the day feeling rough. That on it's own hasn't stopped me wanting to eat the world's supply of chocolate though......

    I know I need to be my own cheerleader but any encouragement would be helpful and appreciated. (And maybe a kick up the butt too!)
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    Now is the time to pick yourself up and do what you need to do for you. People will come and go but you have to wake up and live in the same body every day.

    No more pity is just an excuse to get unhealthier. Not worth it!!! Life can really stink sometimes....I have been there and we will all cycle through different tough times more than once. You've had a few days to process things. Now take care of you.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you @5marshallsstrong that's pretty much exactly what I needed to hear! Though a pity party is easier than being strong and getting on!!
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    Please know that I am not being mean. I wasted years of my life overeating based on emotions and others actions.....rather than knowing they are fleeting and WILL pass. It is not worth it. I don't want anyone going down the same path I did. I wish one of my friends had screamed all of that in my face like a drill sergeant! Maybe i wouldnt be where i am at 40. :)
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    I get it. And it's exactly what I need. It is so easy to just give in and eat the carbs, telling myself that it's ok because I'm going through some crap yada yada yada. But tough love is definitely what I need. So thank you :smile: And if you have any other little tips that may help please feel free to share! I'd forgotten how hard it is to go through a break up..
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    If you have the money, go get a spa day. A massage and/or facial and/or mani/pedi would do you some good without derailing your diet. It sounds like you could use some self care like that right now.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Unfortunately @Dragonwolf I'm a single mother to a 5 year old...who uses up every last penny I have! Would be nice though. On the notion of self care - I had a really good run yesterday! Not quite the same I know...
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    That's great that you could go for a run, probably made you feel good. You could consider that self care. Pretend you are at the well and according to your goals....have a soak in the bubblebath, listen to your favorite music, take time to read a book or watch a favorite movie. Tell yourself that you are worth all the above. Self care can be luxurious pampering, but can also mean taking care of your basic needs for good food, a good sleep, and getting some exercise.

    Here's what I do when I am on the treadmill before work. I repeat affirmations to myself as I walk. Right now, it is " I am beautiful, I am strong, I am valuable", and this gives me strength to value myself.

    Maybe you can think of other things that make you feel good that are not expensive but for whatever reason, might not get around to it, because after all we are busy Moms who don't take enough time for ourselves...but we should ! Take care.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Options is ever convinced when I suggest this, but I've found a really helpful book to be Byron Katie's book "I need your that true" to be a fantastic book for helping to put all kind of relationships into perspective. Just a thought, but it has helped me tonnes. Big hugs, sorry you are feeling so down.
  • 35in90
    35in90 Posts: 98 Member
    oh, that stinks. but make sure you do what's best for you. One of my very favorite comfort foods is chicken wings (or drumettes) broiled in Buffalo sauce dipped in blue cheese dressing. Very decadent--and very low carb. if you make a big batch, they freeze pretty well. Also a couple of teaspoons of cream whipped with unsweetened cocoa powder is delicious in coffee...
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys. Nights are the worst. I'm struggling to focus on my studies (I'm at uni part time) and find myself just staring at the bloody wall! And of course, craving carb laden food. Not productive.

    Will have to look up that book @totaloblivia, thanks.

    @Kitnthecat I think I'd feel a bit daft saying that kinda stuff to myself!

    @35in90 I'm not a huge fan of chicken wings (far too fussy for my own good, unless it's full of carbs!) but I like the coffee idea, thanks!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Try very hard to not allow anyone to have that kind of power over your health. It's yours, not theirs. Use it for your good. Once you cave in the result of it makes you feel worse about everything then can set up a vicious cycle! Hang in there and don't forget to love yourself, because you deserve it!! :smile:
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    It's odd - I've never seen it that way before - as giving them power over my health. I can see that I'm going to have to make a conscious decision not to allow it to happen - probably every 5 minutes for a while. Thanks for the different perspective @Karlottap :smile:
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    My advice is to stop with carbs all together. Give it a couple of weeks with very very low to no carbs. No frankenfoods. That will help get your cravings under control. If you are anything like me, even a diet soda can crank up my cravings, stay away from anything "sweet".

    Even when i attempt to add back certain veggies , like cauliflower, I stop losing immediately and start craving chocolate and chips! Thankfully I have had a steel resolve (for the first time in my life) to stay away from those delicious triggers when i am craving.

    I have been at this just over 3 months and have lost the bulk of my weight with a virtually zero carb diet.

    I am not saying thats what you have to do forever but for me at this point it is all that keeps me from the back and forth cycle. You may be able to add back carbs after the initial "break in" period and not have an issue. I sure wish i was built that way!

    I am excited to see your progress. I know you can do this.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Try to eat more fats. I ate homemade buttermints and peanut butter yesterday. The peanut butter is a bit higher carb than you want for keto, but it is still better than the Fritos and bean dip my brain was telling me I wanted (I'm focusing on not eating things that are bad for me instead of keto at the moment).

    Buttermints: (you can make them with artificial sweeteners instead of honey)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning... My favorite mantra at this time is to nourish my body not comfort my soul. Good foods nourish my body, Carbs comfort my soul. My soul doesn't need to be comforted if my body starts to fail due to bad choices. Maybe looking at it like this will help you out some. Big Hugs to you!!
  • tishball
    tishball Posts: 155 Member
    Big hugs to you, I am sorry that it ended, However it is better to be over and you know where you are in life rather than have a relationship go on and on when it was only making you miserable. I can understand you wanting to tuck into comfort foods now, but in reality they will only feel good while you eat them, then you feel guilty, get fatter and a spiral of self loathing is started. So while it is hard now, think of food as just that, FOOD. It's similar to giving up smoking you take one day at a time, and say each time you fancy a carb leaden item, nope not this time , and take something else instead. Perhaps don't try to keep your carb macros too low for the next week, and have some stuff with carbs but it would be better if it was from fruit and veg. Try and find snacks like pepperoni / chorizo, etc sliced and microwaved until they become crisps, then you can dunk them in cream cheese and feel soooooo bold eating them. I hear you on missing chips, nothing like a good bag of salt and vinegar, and ditto with chip shop chips swimming in vinegar. Odd though when you get your carbs in control it is easy enough to just not have them. Good luck, and when you have a new figure and get all dressed up you will feel a million , so just concentrate on that.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    @5marshallsstrong I'm not sure I can get to zero carb! I'm usually under 20g a day though. I need to stop allowing myself the odd thing here and there because times are rough. I know I'm using it as an excuse. Needs to stop. For me, diet soda just helps me feel full. I'm drinking a ton of fluid right now - diet coke, powerade zero and of course bottles and bottles of water, all of which help me to feel full. But zero carb? That's seriously hardcore! Thanks for the encouragement :smile:

    @Twibbly I do struggle to get fat in my diet - seems it mostly came from carb laden foods before and I'm not a fan of cream at all. The buttermints sound pretty good though - thanks!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    I save the bacon grease when I cook bacon and use it to cook veggies, meat, and whatever else I'm eating, then pour it on the top. I eat my steak with butter (it sounds odd if you haven't done it, but it tastes awesome). Cook with lots of butter/lard/tallow/bacon grease and don't drain the fat off your meat. I have problems falling off every few days as well (probably when I'm just starting to actually get into seriously burning fat - my brain suddenly wants Fritos and bean dip every time). I'm trying to stave it off this time with higher fat and more salt.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @InADarkRoom, I learned that a couple of years ago from the psychologist I was seeing. That realization has helped me steadily lose weight (68 pounds total since then). I had given power over my health to perfect strangers! Being fat has always been my insulation against being admired by others, but no more! That was an amazing lightbulb moment for me! It did take a little while to brand that way of thinking into my brain, but I love the change in me. Holding on to that power keeps me in a good place. Hugs dear!