Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!
    Marie...glad you are not hurt and glad you are growing to like your sodium-free diet.

    I just returned from my training and Aquazumba. Now I need to prep food for tomorrow and get the dog out for a walk. Lots of sun and warm temps today...a far cry from last weekend. Hope you all have a great day.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-So glad you'really okay and the fall did not hurt you. I cooked 2 casseroles yesterday, because I made alot of rotini noodles I needed to use. They turned out good.

    Esther-That's is wonderful you feel like you have a new lease on life and feel like doing so much more. Even better with your friends, saying you look 10 years younger.

    Connie-Your weather sounds nice, it has been rainy alot this week. But it wasnt cold, until today. You must be getting excited with the baby coming soon. I hope the baby shower, brings them alot of nice things.

    Shirley and Nancy-I hope your knees are doing better.
    My husband's 1st cousin died Tuesday, so tonight, we are going to the funeral home, and the funeral tomorrow. I did not know him, but I did know of him. My husband use to stay at his aunt house some on weekends, they had three sons, to play with, also they lived down the street from them. Besides at his house were 4 sisters, his aunts house was full of boys.
    Have a good weekend everyone. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Folks
    Have a great day
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Afternoon, misfits!
    The baby shower was wonderful, and my son and wife loved it! I clocked in 15,000+ steps so I got my exercise in. I was too busy to eat much and was glad to send stuff home with guests.

    Yesterday was my husband's 70th b-day which was fun but was overshadowed by my son getting a text from their vet. Their dog has been in the hospital this past week, was thought to be recovering nicely but took a turn for the worse Sunday morning. He was diagnosed with Cushings a. They are putting him to sleep today. It just breaks my heart. He is 12 and was a gift from her parents. She and my son had been a dating for a year before she got him so he was truly a big part of their lives. So sad.

    Make it a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2017
    Connie, <3
    glad the party went great
    Happy Birthday to your husband
    Sorry about your son dog. Our pets means so much to us
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT...yes, our pets mean so much to us. They are faithful and love us unconditionally.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2017
    and Missy Marie is showing more love to Jerry and I every day. think she is Beginning to trust us.we have certain fell in love with her. We will ha to go off and leave her alone to go to the store, Walmart. i have started to order some things on line like my paper products Should get an order in Thursday, My father had a grocer store when I was a kid. and he had delivery service. Back in those days the wife did not have a car.I can order anything online from fresh veggies to to anything in the grocery section. I am just getting started in it. Gonna love it
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :'(Connie, I am so sorry about your son's dog. That is so heartbreaking.

    :)Marie, good news about Missy warming up to you and Jerry.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!
    Hope all of you are doing well and on plan. I am back on track after several days of crazy eating. It's strange that I could not eat during the shower but after it, I felt like I was starving! It's good I did not have any of the really salty, sugary stuff left. I made a big pot of veggie soup from leftover veggies from the tray so that will be my meals for the next couple of days. I think most of the eating was emotional, though, and I have still not learned not to eat in response to high stress.

    Marie..glad you are ordering your groceries and that Missy is responding!

    The weather is crazy here...will be in the high 70s today.

    Make it a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am baking some apples in my oi less fryer I been having some nearly everyday. While at Walmart yesterday i loaded up on apples. They must have had a bumper crop on apples for Walmart this year for Walmart had Bags and bags of them. They make such good snacks.Our weather stinks it is cloudy and cool has been for several days now. I guess spring is drawing near. Dandelions will be blooming very soon.
    I am having a rice bowl for dinner tonight.

    Have a good one today.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!
    Hope all of you are doing well and will make it a great, healthy day! Marie, your apples sound delicious.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Losers,

    Marie - Glad to hear Missy is finally bonding with you and Jerry. Just takes time. I hope you are doing better after your fall.

    Connie - It sounds like the baby shower was a success!! Not to worry about the treats this too shall pass. Emotional eating is my problem to and trying to get a handle on it. Sorry for your son losing his family pet, always hard to get over.

    Janice - Sorry to hear about your family's loss, sometimes its easier going to funeral's of people we don't know that well, the emotion is not as prevalent.

    Our weather has been gloomy and gray for days now and raining everyday. Our temperatures will be in the 40's F. later this week. Dinner tonight with some sailing friends at a chinese restaurant, so tomorrow will be a day of getting rid of sodium. Lots of water. I have a chiropractor apt. this morning.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Did get my hair cut yesterday.
    Today is my baby girl 60th Birthday. Will be going to her party her husband is hosting Saturday.
    Alice husband Jim has been down with the cold for over a week now , Hope she does not get it.

    Missy says bring on the long lost Sunshine. She loves to romp in the back yard. When the sun is out. NOT so much with cloudy and misty rain.
    Do have a wonderful day Nancy, Janice and all the misfits. I love Connie posting every day. And always so nice to keep up with my dear friend Shirley she lives such an interesting life always on the go.

    Love Marie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    It's a gloomy day in Mississippi and will be for the rest of the week!!!

    Connie, Glad your baby shower went well and sorry about your son losing his fur baby. It's so
    hard to lose your pet!!!!

    Marie, I am glad Missy is warming up to you. She will show so much love when she settles in.

    No plans for today as it's not a good day to get out if not necessary.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning misfits what new today
    I see Mississippi had We have some morning pretty rough weather last night, Nancy are you alright? We are enjoying beautiful sunshine this morning. About time. We will be going to he grocer store this morning.
    Have a wonderful day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I just finished aqua fit classes and still need to shower and then back to watching the inauguration.

    Gloomy and rainy day again and temperatures rising.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, All the bad weather was south of us. We just had lots of rain. Another round of bad weather tonight and tomorrow.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, misfits!
    It's foggy but warm here. I'm not sure what I will do today. Planning the baby shower was a great project that kept me busy and now I need something else. Thinking about volunteer work but hate to be committed to any time frame...too much like having a job! ;) Guess I will have to start working in my coloring book. Yep, I ordered one and have used it once. Anything is better than mindless eating even if what your're eating is healthy.

    Make it a good one, losers! I hope all of you are doing well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Morning folks. Well i am up and being unproductive as usally I certainly need to get involed in my sewing. My problems now is I can't thread a needle anymore. I guess I need to get Jerry to move my embroidery machine in front of the window for it has an automatic threader.
    Had my oatmeal this morning no baked apple yet. Yesterday I put 1/4 of teaspoon Of all fruit apricot preserve in the center hole and really baked up nicely in my no oil fryer. also cook up some chunk of veggies and bake them, or roasted I guess. with some rice. good eating too. That fryer is becoming my go to. for my meals very handy.
    Be productive Misfits. in these dead of winter days.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Morning misfits,

    All is well at our house but more bad weather south of us. Tornado early this morning with at least 4 fatalities.

    Connie, I am with you on needing something to do but like you said I don't want to have commitments that I have to work around. Too much like a job!!!

    No plans for today.
