Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, misfits! Happy Sunday!

    Very cold but sunny this beautiful morning. This is some crazy weather...will be in the high 60s later in the week. All a part of climate change??

    Nancy...I feel your pain! Ice and heat helped me out along with extra strength Tylenol for arthritis.

    Make it a great day, losers.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Connie - that is my go to right now for my knee, Voltaren rub, Tylenol for arthritis and ice and heat.
    Yesterday I did a lot of walking because I was shopping for a bathing suit. No luck, will try again this week at another mall.

    We are also getting temps in the 60's this week. It was just in the teens, no wonder people are getting sick.

    We saw the new Stars Wars movie Friday night and I loved it, but I have seen all of them anyway. Our jerk chicken dinner was really good and was the movie popcorn.

    Today I did some cleaning and picked up my MIL's car because her battery died yesterday. It is still under warranty so hope our mechanic can get it to work again.

    Have a good evening,


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!

    Shirley..I bought a lot of my swimwear online. Currently I wear swim capris and a top the zips up the front. I have used Amazon and swimsuitsforall.com In the beginning I wore a unitard which I loved because it covered my thighs. Changed to capris cause they are warm.

    Cold here but with beautiful sunshine. Getting out to run errands today.
    Hope everyone is well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am doing great on my low salt plan. I can eat Oatmeal without any salt added to it. In fact my breakfast is completely salt free. Going for a salt free lunch Hope I have good luck on my beans without salt. That is the only veggies i have not enjoy without salt the frozen veggies Roasted in oven is just fine for me. Coffee creamer do not have any sodium So used a little in my oatmeal, coffee all fruits are sodium free and even Canned fruit pack in fruit juice is sodium free So I am trying real hard to cut the salt out. I did not think I could do it but it is getting easier every day

    its going to take some planning But we can do it.
    I am leaving off all bread for the time being no pickies. no TV dinners I have a bunny ice cream sandwich at night for 160 calories and 100 sodium ,,,, my rewards for doing my best for the day ,,,,,,,

    Brand new year Lets go.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT...yes, let's finish what we started! We can do this!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning misfits,

    It's warming some today and that's a good thing. I am back trying to stay around 1200 calls/day. I will tweak
    as I need to. I guess I will not do any exercise for a few more days hoping the knee will feel better soon.

    Are we starting Year 3 as the Misfits???

    Hope everyone will have a great start for the New Year.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I went to aqua fit this morning at the "Y" and we had a different instructor, a young girl, and she really worked us. I wish we could have her all the time but they change their instructors all the time.

    I went to pick up my daughter's picture we brought back from New York and had it framed and it looks great! I hope she likes it. We plan on seeing her and Isaac next Monday and Tuesday for a visit.

    Its sunny day but cold and our temperatures will be getting warmer this week. :D

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, It was warmer today, the rest of the week, we are suppose to have rain off and on.
    I am watching calories and trying to get my steps in. I want to fit in some smaller clothes, I purchased. It's a new year and a new start. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Looks like we are all motivated and ready to meet our goals for the new year. I figure if it has taken two years to lose 40+ pounds, then I can count on losing another 20 in 2017. I have grown used to the very slow loss so any change on the scale is a suprise! I get on knowing the number will be the same or more and when it's lower, I am totally surprised! ;)

    Make it a good and productive day, friends!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2017
    In the motninhYou are doing fantastic Connie. Love your determnation
    iI am sort the dumps fhis morning. I have almost cut my sodium way out but stiil no weight lost. . And wih thi way i do like my new doctorBut brings when I
    docter to give it my best and see what the month bring Feb 2 my nrext appoinment

    Missy still is not bonding with me as good as i would like . She is coming to get her treat ot of my hand takes it to her bed i guess she is still grivig for her forner owners she still stays in her bed going to close having too much with this I Pa
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Marie...are you drinking any water? Give Missy time...dogs are selfish...they get the treat then do what they want to do after! We sometimes have to bribe Cooper with a treat to get him out to pee in the evening! Try rolling a ball toward her next time she gets a treat. Maybe she will play.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Been a long day sitting with Ben for his treatment.

    Marie, Don't give up on Missy!!! I bet she will become more friendly with time. Connie had a good idea of
    rolling a ball to her!!! She will want to play before long.

    Really getting tired of the knee problem because it limits what I can do and I am not happy with that.
    It's hard enough to lose weight when you exercise!!!! But I know this too shall pass!!!

    Nice and warm today.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Nancy....I feel your pain. I hope you get relief soon.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Thanks
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Nancy........ believe me I also feel your pain and know the frustrations that go with it. That is how most of my life has been. I have had bad knees all my life. Now that I have gotten my new knee I have found a new lease on life.

    We have had a cold winter this year. We were due for on anyway. Last October we had below 32 degrees for most of the month which is very unusual. November was rainy. December we have been under 32 degrees for most of the month and we had about 4 inches of snow 2 different times. In years past I would be almost house bound in this kind of weather. But now I can get out and about. My center of gravity has been shifted back to where it should be. When the knee was so bad my center of gravity shifted and my balance was all messed up. I have seen a few friends that I haven't seen in most of a year and they all commented that I look 10 years younger now. I have had other friends ask me why I am so hyper now too. I told them it's because I have the physical ability to keep going and no more frustration because the pain was so intense. I can hike. Ride bikes. Watch football games in the stadium. I more wishing I could just more doing now!!!!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!
    Lots of sun here this morning with temps predicted to get in the 70s. I am going out to run errands in a few minutes and then will continue to prepare for the baby shower. Doing a little each day as not to get overwhelmed.
    I hope all of you are doing well, eating well, and dedicated to getting and staying as healthy as possible. I have been treading lightly this week so I can enjoy myself Saturday.
    Nancy and Shirley...I hope your knee pain is better.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had my chiro apt. this morning and she is massaging the front of my knee now, trying some different things. It is so painful, but she did the same with the back of my knee and it is much better now with hardly any pain when massaged. It is a process and I have a long while yet before the MRI and still need an apt with ortho doctor. I only have one apt. for next week because we are going to see our grandson Monday and Tuesday next week.

    I am not doing well with trying to keep a 1200 calorie count for the diet clinic. My calories are usually 1400-1500. I have gained some weight over the holidays so still trying to take that off. I might be
    quitting this clinic as of March, my next apt. with my doctor, I have not learned anything new.

    I plan on restorative yoga tonight and then relaxing. I still have ice my knee.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley sorry you are still having problems with your knee.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2017
    I had a fall last night Did not hurt me but could not get up. And Jerry could not get me up he had to get a neighbor to help him get me up thanks goodness for good neighbors

    Missy Marie is still not warming up to me but she is making progress. When i say outside she comes to backdoor to go out to Potty.

    I am cooking chicks peas today in my slow cooker. I cook them on high for 5 hours then I will freeze them for used Later making difference dishes
    I am doing fairly well on my low sodium plan

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Don't give up on Missy, it might take her a while to warm up. She has been to a lot of other owners by what you told us, so she might think she might be moving again somewhere else. Patience.
    So sorry to hear about your fall, I fell down our stairs at home in December, and all I could think of was my knee. But no worse, knee didn't get worse but I was bruised all up the left side of my arm.
    Please be careful you might want to talk to Alice about "Life Line" you wear it around your neck in case you fall and you press a button and the ambulance will come and get you or the paramedics. Something to think about.

    I had aqua fit today and now for some ironing. Dave and Dennis, our neighbor, just picked up the
    fallen fence in our yard due to the wind storm last week. A new fence will have to constructed in the Spring or Summer.
