Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning, misfits!
    Janice, you will have those pounds off in no time. I am still floundering between the same numbers but still under 200. I just need to go back to basics as I am not logging and paying attention to portions.
    Marie may still be posting on Senior Golden Smeakers...I'll check.

    Make it a good one! If not now, when?

    She posted on Sneakers yesterday so she's okay!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yes...Marie has just received a rescue dog and I am sure her hands are full right now. It is an older
    dog named Missy. She is doing fine, we talk on the Seniors group.

    Happy New Year again and my everyone have a HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am doing just fine. I am just so disgusted with my Typing on the post and so hard to go back to correct the typo. I is just easier to stay off the board . For that way I don't get disgusted with myself.But have been trying to read all of the posting from you gals.
    We got Missy Marie but she has not settle down to us yet. Gonna take a while.She has pick out her comfort spot. Behind Jerry relinner in a corner. But when I get up she comes out so she can see me.But not to me. She is so sweet and not had no accidents in the house so far. We have doggie doors to the back yard.But we are not letting her used them yet except to come back in the house. not a whine or bark out of her yet.She is eating good and drinking lots of water.It may takes a month or more before she clain us an her new home. Her previous owner had to go in a nursing home and I am sure Missy is grieving Se been push around now for a little over a month now. IN shelter, and 2 foster home Since the 12 of December. So she has been thru a lot. We did not take her out to our New year eve and Christmas dinner at Kathy house.Missy is so nervous she just shakes.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2017
    Marie...happy to hear about your new doggy! When we take Cooper to a strange place we take his doggy house (it's looks like a crate, but has soft sides and top). The small area makes him feel secure. Missy likes it behind the chair because it's kind of closed off from everything and she feels safe. Her eating/drinking is a good sign! I know you will enjoy her love and companionship!

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Happy new year everyone!!!!! I didn't do much yesterday except recoup from going out Saturday night. For the first time in 12 years I could go dancing!!! I was a little stiff yesterday but it was SOOO worth it. Had a complete blast. Glad everyone else is doing fine. I took the fall of from good eating habits. So now I am back to healthy choices. My hubby has finally decided to join me on the wagon. His doc has been after him for a few years to drop some weight. Luck be with us.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, So glad you are doing good. Your doggie will be so much fun and glad Missy has a good home now too.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited January 2017
    Dang, what's up with the sore knee!!! Just a week on the treadmill and my right knee is really sore!!!
    Tried recumbent bike today and it doesn't hurt when riding just when I get off and walk???
    Have appointment with Chiropractor Thursday will see if he can help the knee, he has done wonders with
    my neck and back.

    Going to get more serious about losing weight this year and I don't need distraction to get me off track (like knee pain).

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am beginning to think somewhere alone the way Missy must have been mistreated for she does not want us to touch her at all. Come Friday we will have her a week. We are going to be
    patient with her/ She is eating good and drinking lots of water.Still not a whin or bark out of her/ I bought her a little soft bed to put behind Jerry Chair. but so far she has not got in it. I decided not to get her a crate. We keep a pee pad down in front of the chair and during the night she came out and use it. A very smart doggie Jerry takes her out a lot during the day and she does her business. But when She comes in She goes and hide.I just hope I can keep Jerry from giving her table scraps She does not seems she has a tail if she does it is so small you can;t see it.

    I got me another plant base cookbook. I really do like it. It is fork over knifes. new cookbook. I made a batch of 16 beans soup that was really good. and for some reason It makes my blood sugar get real low. I had a bowl for lunch Waiting for my dinner to see how it turns out tonight.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning, losers!

    Nancy...knee pain is no fun, and I hope yours does not linger too long. Mine only bothers me when I eat sugar and starchy stuff. I had my share over the holidays, and boy did I feel it! I can understand distractions.

    Marie..Missy will come around. She just needs time. Doggy treats may work as well! I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives...lots of good info! I bet that cookbook has a great stuff in it!

    I am back on track with logging and feel in control. I think I need to come here every day again as that keeps me focused, too. I have not gained any weight and am still holding 194-196, but it is time to move on and get the rest off. Losing 25-30 more is the long term goal, but short term is 190 by spring.

    Getting ready for the baby shower Saturday. Just hope it does not snow as some predictions indicate. I have put a ton of time into the planning and am really looking forward to it.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2017
    Connie- How exciting, a baby shower, enjoy every minute of it.

    Nancy - I have a very good chiropractor too and she has helped me and my hubby over the years. I am going to her twice a week now and have seen some improvement in my knee until my MRI on February 14th.

    I got on the scale and I gained 3.2 lbs. over the Christmas holidays so I am officially the same weight as when I started MFP in 2010. Diets don't work because we always regain what we have lost and then more. I do have to do some kind of strategy to take weight off as my pants are becoming very snug these days.

    I have started logging food this week and I am back to yoga and doing aqua fit classes, so its a start.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Looks like we will be getting rain, snow, and sleet this Saturday so I will probably reschedule the baby shower for next Saturday as some guests have to travel a bit

    Shirley....2017 will be better for all of us!

    I am down a pound to 193 and will take it!

    Make it count today!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have an early doctor appointmen this morning so gotta run and get ready

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, it is snowing here today, for the first time this year. It is only suppose to be about 3 inches at the most.
    I have mainly been staying at my calorie goals. Not tracking exercise on here because it just makes me eat more, but I have been getting alot of steps in. I put my fit gear back on this week. I took it off when I was admitted to the hospital in late August, during my treatments.

    Connie-Sorry you have to change the day of the baby shower. You are probably getting the same weather system, we are getting today. Congrats on being down a pound.

    Shirley-So sorry you are still having knee problems, I hope it gets better soon.
    Marie-Glad you are doing good, if you can share a picture of your dog with us. Do you still have your cats?
    74 more days till Spring, it will be here before you know it. Gotta go. Janice
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I would say the last two days my knee has been improving. I am seeing the chiropractor twice week now until my MRI in February and she pretty much does what physiotherapy does with electrodes,
    ultra sound and massage and leg traction. When she massages I am feeling less pain than before.

    I have been back to yoga but slowly and doing what I can and still going to aqua fit so I get my cardio.
    Started back to logging food and being more mindful of my eating. My DH wants to lose weight so he made some homemade vegetable soup and its really good, in fact having some right now.

    Connie - Sorry to have to reschedule your shower, but better to have the guests safe.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Crazy weather going on in my neck of the woods.
    Don't know if we will get much winter weather or not.

    Knee felt good this morning but after all my walking it doesn't feel good right now.

    Connie, Sorry you had to reschedule your shower. I am sure you will have fun.

    Marie, Hope you had a good doctor visit. I bet your doggie will adjust to you soon.

    Janice, Stay safe!!! Glad you are able to keep up you steps!!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning, losers! Happy Friday!

    Things have a way of working out for good as demonstrated with the impending winter storm. My DIL's mother has a sinus infection and my hubs has gout and just got some meds for it yesterday. So rescheduling the baby shower for next Saturday is actually better than this Saturday.

    I must have experienced a long awaited whoosh as I am down 1.2 today bringing me to 191.8. Looks like I can maybe get under 190 sooner than I expected.
    Gym day for me then home to hunker down as the rain heads in.

    Marie...hope your doc appointment went well.
    Shirley...glad you knee is better.
    Nancy...hope you get relief on your knee.
    Janice...back to basics is always good.

    Make it a great day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Aqua fit this morning, and it is really cold out but sunny. B) We are getting more snow and now have a dusting on the ground.

    Good luck today with everyone who has knee problems. It is a day by day process.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie My doctor visit went well. I gain 8 pounds this past month. I was cold and I told tje doctor I had my winter cloths on made the scales goes up he shook his head and said no It was all the salt I had over the hoildays. So I go back in a months. he only check my blood hinner Once a month He said he will check my AC1 next month. I kind of like him. He is a lot difference than any other doctor I have had before. I miss About the Baby Shower will go back to see if I can find it

    Nancy a week without DAK Is going to be hard to take.

    Missy is staying in the house all day Did go out once to do her business. but no accident She udes her "wee -Wee" Pad every night Such a good girl We will be in the deep freeze till next Monday.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!

    Marie...the doc is right...water weight will come right off. I ate spicy wings yesterday and am up today, of course.
    Shirley...I love my water classes! I have them right after my personal training session. I've gone overboard with swimwear, but that's okay!

    Well, it's cold but no snow here in my immediate area. Made some veggie soup yesterday with no salt broth, carrots, celery, cabbage, onions, a can of beans (drained and rinsed), and a can of diced tomatoes. I think I will just keep this on hand to eat regularly. It's different, hot, and filling.

    Stay warm, losers!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    It is so cold!!! 18 with wind chill of 4!!! So cold they cancelled a very popular marathon run because of ice and cold!!! Interstate closed with people stranded and not going to get above freezing today.

    No plans today except trying to get knee feeling better.

    Good day to stay inside!!!

    Have a good weekend.
