100% Challenge – Losing on a Jet Plane! August 3rd to September 13th



  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Stay safe CanyonDweller.

    Another day, another 100%

    8/29 100%
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yes, stay safe, CD. And, sorry that you may need another surgery.

    8/28 100%

    8/29 100%
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    edited August 2015
    Not 100% 8/27 or 8/28 I guess I have to ban popcorn from this house. I just can't stop eating it once I start. Out mowing the lawn today. Will WI tomorrow.
    Canyon dweller. Hope your situation changes for the better. Sorry you might need another surgery :( . Those are never fun.
    RogerToo.. glad you are starting to feel better.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    08/29/2015 Not 100%
    Weigh In was 2.5 pounds lost
    It seems that the extra walk to compensate for the not 100% worked

    Semi Long Story involving a New Asian Food Take Out & Brother :)

    Hi All
    Feeling somewhat better each day so far.

    In Addition to walking Yesterday Morning, After a Not 100% Day I decided to walk in the Evening too. So Saturday ended up being early Morning & Evening walks, each 2.75 miles. Then I walked this morning another 2.75 miles. The weather was warm last night and comfortable this morning. Since We seems to be heading into above average temperatures for today and the next 4 days I suspect that today was the last nice morning for a little while. I am officially tired now.

    Have a Really Good Sunday
    I'm still out here. Fires all around us. We were under evacuation level 2 for over a week and upgraded to level 1 now. Finally unpacked clothes, but high winds tonight and tomorrow so I may be repacking. Fires still burning and wind will make them whip up and run. The smoke has us in "hazardous" air quality and has been that way for weeks. Killer on my COPD and keeps me indoors with N95 respirator mask. Seeing surgeon Tue after CT of shoulder and may have to have a total reversal shoulder replacement. So you see, my life is upside down and out of my control in many ways. Will monitor when I can. If I have to have surgery,the recovery is extremely lengthy.

    Hi Canyon Dweller
    It sounds as if You have been having problems lately, Bad Air, Shoulder and then worries about fires.

    I hope things get better for You quickly
    Good Luck
    ginnywed wrote: »
    Not 100% 8/27 or 8/28 I guess I have to ban popcorn from this house. I just can't stop eating it once I start. Out mowing the lawn today. Will WI tomorrow.
    Canyon dweller. Hope your situation changes for the better. Sorry you might need another surgery :( . Those are never fun.
    RogerToo.. glad you are starting to feel better.

    Hi Ginny
    Not as Happy as I am :)
    At least You can ban Popcorn :) How Do You ban a brother that You share the house with?

    Have You tried the NS popcorn? Or would you open more than one bag at a time. I like the white cheddar somewhat better than the regular popcorn FWIW.

    Good Luck at WI
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    8/30 I will call it NOT 100%, I stayed under my calories, but I did have ice cream for a birthday celebration for my former MIL. At least I did not eat the chocolate indulgence cake.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Good job on the 2.5 pounds, Roger. :)

    100% 8/30 WEIGH IN: unchanged

    No loss/no gain again. Just can NOT shed that last 1 pound with my travels. Gracious.
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    W/I 201.4 gain of 1.4, not a happy camper
  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    8/28 through 8/30 - Not 100%
    WI = 235.5

    Red days are more like yellow and most with not enough water or vegetables, or too many calories of a good thing... Feeling exhausted on prednisone with 7 more days left... Can't wait to get off it; always makes me feel funky messing with my mood... But sure does get rid of arthritis symptoms with no back tightness/stiffness...

    100% Challenge - Losing on a Jet Plane Spreadsheet (8/3 thru 9/13)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    08/30/2015 100%

    Hi All
    I Walked again this morning 2.75 Miles & 25 cents, warm at 76 degrees, Dew Point in the 70s making it humid too.
    We worked on the Roto Tiller yesterday, New Fuel line, flushed the tank. Runs on a prime in the carburetor only. It looks like I need to order a rebuild kit for the Carb. Not totally unexpected, it sat for over 10 years with fuel in the tank, My brother forgot to run it dry when it was put away. Oh Well :)

    Have a Really Great Monday
    Good job on the 2.5 pounds, Roger. :)

    100% 8/30 WEIGH IN: unchanged

    No loss/no gain again. Just can NOT shed that last 1 pound with my travels. Gracious.

    Hi Flo
    Thank You for the kind words, the skeptic in me thinks that this weeks loss will be somewhere between Zero, Nil, None, Not at all and not much to compensate :)

    It sounds to me as if it could have been worse.

    Good Luck
    W/I 201.4 gain of 1.4, not a happy camper


    OTOH You stayed under on calories even with the Treat and avoided the cake.

    It is the start of the new week, Good Things will happen for all of us.

    Good Luck
    8/28 through 8/30 - Not 100%
    WI = 235.5

    Red days are more like yellow and most with not enough water or vegetables, or too many calories of a good thing... Feeling exhausted on prednisone with 7 more days left... Can't wait to get off it; always makes me feel funky messing with my mood... But sure does get rid of arthritis symptoms with no back tightness/stiffness...

    100% Challenge - Losing on a Jet Plane Spreadsheet (8/3 thru 9/13)



    Hi Mary
    I think we all have those not 100% days, Miss a snack or vegetables or water and realize too late to fix it.

    Good Luck
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    100% 8/29 and 8/30. WI 197. (-1.6) Guess popcorn isn't the worst thing you can cheat with. :)
  • rlshelor
    rlshelor Posts: 598 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/26 - 8/30 - 100%
    WI: 296.4 (-6.8)

    12 hour shifts all weekend kicked my butt. But it's over now and looking forward to a short work week this week with a 5-day weekend coming up.

    Ginny: Popcorn is an issue with me too. But you're right there are far worse things to cheat with.


    Goal: June 24, 2012




  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    8/31 - 100%

    It was a green food day and it feels good. Exhausted and headed to bed...

    100% Challenge - Losing on a Jet Plane Spreadsheet (8/3 thru 9/13)



  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Good job Ginnywed.

    8/31 100%
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    08/31/2015 100%

    Hi All
    I was out walking today, slightly better conditions than Yesterday for walking :)

    I pulled the next 5 days food from the cupboard and created menus for those days. I have a couple of frozen dinners and 8+ Frozen Lunches left that I am working on using up. My Order closed out Sunday at 6PM. I wonder if it will make it here before the Labor Day holiday. My NutriSystem orders have been processing slower than When I started with them.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Hi All
    I was thinking it might be time to solicit suggestions for the next Challenge. This one ends on the 13th :)

    Thank You

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Good job on the 2.5 pounds, Roger. :)

    100% 8/30 WEIGH IN: unchanged

    No loss/no gain again. Just can NOT shed that last 1 pound with my travels. Gracious.

    Hi Flo
    Thank You for the kind words, the skeptic in me thinks that this weeks loss will be somewhere between Zero, Nil, None, Not at all and not much to compensate :)

    It sounds to me as if it could have been worse.

    Good Luck

    LOL! That's how I feel, too, Roger. None, nil, zero, not at all. :)

    100% 8/31

  • rlshelor
    rlshelor Posts: 598 Member
    8/31 - NOT 100%

     I was having the same thought Roger. I have one suggestion, it's not original I borrowed it from FitBit.

     Back To Fit (back to school theme)






     Goal: June 24, 2012





  • mariska9664
    mariska9664 Posts: 233 Member
    9/1 - Not 100%

    And today, not so good... Moving on...

    Roger & RogerToo - Back to Fit sounds great to me...

    100% Challenge - Losing on a Jet Plane Spreadsheet (8/3 thru 9/13)



  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    9/1 100%
  • ginnywed
    ginnywed Posts: 327 Member
    100% 9/1