retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
Since no one else has I thought I would start the general chat group for the month.

I'll put a link to this in last month's thread.

It was cool today so I did my Body Flex class at the fitness center and just walked home, usually DH will pick me up. So it is a active day so far for me.

Hope everyone is making good choices and enjoying their summer.



  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    There is something about August that feels like the beginning of Fall to me. Maybe its the fact that I am not really a summer person (especially in Florida. ok, well there is the ripe fruit and I never get enough of the cantaloupe!). Maybe its the fact that football is FINALLY returning!! Mainly, its just that I love the Fall! Always have, always will. So I love to see the August chat arrive!!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    There is something about August that feels like the beginning of Fall to me.

    I agree. It's always been like that for me. The shortening days, the angle of the sun... a few yellow leaves here and there..

    We were gone a couple of days last week and I had some other scheduling conflicts.. so didn't get to the gym as many days as usual. It's hard when it's hot; even tho the place is air-conditioned, after 30 minutes I am so drenched in sweat I just don't care anymore. :o Can't make up for 50 years of unfitness in just a month or two, I guess.

    Meanwhile, the crepe myrtle trees are blooming..


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Beautiful picture, Cris, thanks for sharing that!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Cris when I was doing home health in Mobile, Alabama I used to say that if I have an accident and am killed I will know when I come to that I am in Hell if I see the Crepe Myrtles blooming. lol Nearly everything else is burnt out by now and then we will have the Fall flowers, but those Crepe Myrtles just keep on blooming right in the midst of all this heat! I have two in my yard here.

    Personally I love the impending Fall. From the first football game until the beginning of the New Year, this is my time! I am loving this increased energy that I suddenly have, something about the Fall stirs my creative energies and I am looking at not one but three painting projects - including an armoire in my art studio and a 48"x60" canvas that is sitting in my garage and I do not believe I managed to drag down here when we moved. I have the picture in mind for it, still debating on the armoire, and going to do a small painting first to clear the cobwebs out of my creative drive! I can't wait!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Cris, lovely picture, crepe myrtles are one of the few things I enjoy about the South, those, okra, the Gulf islands and New Orleans >:)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn, I love the colors and temps of fall, always was my favorite too. Only thing I don't like about fall is the football crazies. But I did learn that golf courses are almost empty when the games are on, so I found a way to enjoy the fact that it was football season. I haven't golfed in years, I should get back to that activity this fall.

    I hated summertime growing up in NE Texas, too hot and humid to do anything. I only began to enjoy summers after moving to Colorado, if it gets too hot, just go up to the mountains and dangle your toes in the creek, that will cool you right down.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Until 2 1/2 years ago, I was in California, where Fall doesn't really happen. Some communities do plant trees that burst into fall colors, but it didn't always happen.

    I have mixed feelings about fall. Fall has always made me melancholy.

    But, it's beautiful...and especially here, where we're surrounded by trees.

    Here's how our drive looked last year in mid-November:


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I went out with friends for lunch today.
    I thought I'd done pretty good... afterwards I went shopping for awhile.
    It was HOT; 96-97 degrees.

    I'd had water with my meal but at the end, the waiter asked if anybody wanted a "to go" drink, and it didn't have to be water. So I asked for a diet coke. I thought it tasted weird, but everything tastes weird to me now. I figured, it wasn't coke, it was probably Pepsi. ((shrug))

    Now I think I was given regular sugary coke, because when I got home, I measured my blood sugar and it was 360.
    :# WTH

    I'd gone to the gym this morning, I had a Ruben sandwich for lunch. I didn't eat all the bread, didn't put dressing on my salad.

    However, after lunch, I was in the fabric store I walked past a display of candy. :o

    I didn't buy any, but that must've done it. :p *weak laugh*

    I am very annoyed: it had to be the drink. (I don't drink much diet soda. Maybe 1-2 a week)

    Then I go to make dinner.. grab a pan, cut up the chicken, start sauteeing the chicken and oh look!!!
    There are little black flecks on the chicken that are not pepper: they are dead ants that had been exploring the pan. I didn't see them because the non-stick inside is black.. Yes I washed them off, washed the pan.

    Somehow I just wasn't very hungry. :D

    It's just one wild and crazy adventure after another!!!!

    And.. here's how our drive looks now..although this is facing the opposite direction. B)


  • Indygirl316
    Indygirl316 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all..I'm new to MFP and just joined this group tonight. Looking for friends so feel free to add me. I love reading these posts, and your all very motivated. Good luck.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Welcome, I'm somewhat new too. I'm 65, married 41 yrs, n have 200 to lose. Please add me to your list. Great group of people!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    Until 2 1/2 years ago, I was in California, where Fall doesn't really happen. Some communities do plant trees that burst into fall colors, but it didn't always happen.

    I have mixed feelings about fall. Fall has always made me melancholy.

    But, it's beautiful...and especially here, where we're surrounded by trees.

    Here's how our drive looked last year in mid-November:


    Just beautiful!!!! Fall here means snow soon! Gayle Minneapolis
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Welcome Indygirl316. Be sure to check out our group's stickies. Join in the chats and if you're up for it, join the monthly self challenge. You decide what your challenge will be for the month and report on your progress.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I REALLY cut carbs today, since my blood sugar numbers have been ridiculous.
    So MFP tells me that I'm not eating enough.


    Just another day at the zoo! B)
  • lew0017
    lew0017 Posts: 127 Member
    so excited, dropped another lb this week and my waist is down 1 inch. :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Lew0017, great results.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    I went out with friends for lunch today.
    I thought I'd done pretty good... afterwards I went shopping for awhile.
    It was HOT; 96-97 degrees.

    I'd had water with my meal but at the end, the waiter asked if anybody wanted a "to go" drink, and it didn't have to be water. So I asked for a diet coke. I thought it tasted weird, but everything tastes weird to me now. I figured, it wasn't coke, it was probably Pepsi. ((shrug))

    Now I think I was given regular sugary coke, because when I got home, I measured my blood sugar and it was 360.
    :# WTH

    I'd gone to the gym this morning, I had a Ruben sandwich for lunch. I didn't eat all the bread, didn't put dressing on my salad.

    However, after lunch, I was in the fabric store I walked past a display of candy. :o

    I didn't buy any, but that must've done it. :p *weak laugh*

    I am very annoyed: it had to be the drink. (I don't drink much diet soda. Maybe 1-2 a week)

    Then I go to make dinner.. grab a pan, cut up the chicken, start sauteeing the chicken and oh look!!!
    There are little black flecks on the chicken that are not pepper: they are dead ants that had been exploring the pan. I didn't see them because the non-stick inside is black.. Yes I washed them off, washed the pan.

    Somehow I just wasn't very hungry. :D

    It's just one wild and crazy adventure after another!!!!

    Cris, what a day. The story about the ants made me laugh out loud.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Finally group search ability is back in MFP. You have to be on the MY GROUPS page but there it is on the right hand corner, by your current groups Group Options and there is a search field w/button. Why they took it away in the first place has always been a mystery to me.
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    Hello. 66 yrs old and retired and on the track to better health. Those are gorgeous pictures, I live in Washington State we get beautiful falls too, except we still have a lot of green evergreen trees!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Wow I love the pictures!! @CrisEBTrue thanks for posting. They really make me homesick for NC. Our oldest son and family live in NC, also. From the R-D airport it is 1 1/2 hours to their driveway. I truly love NC as such beauty in that state which we do not have in Kansas. :o

    Welcome to all of the newbies:
    @ Batlady49
    I hope I haven't left anyone out.
    So glad you found us and I hope you have great success on your weight journey. :)

    It is 12:30 a.m. here and I can't sleep :s so thought I might get caught up on my visiting.

    Hubby ran out of ink for the big printer and of course not one store in our area carries it. So we will drive 1.15 hours one way to get it. I'm just a tad upset w/ him that he did not let me know until it was empty. Oh, yea, we can order it on line!! HMMMM OK that is enough said!!

    I had a little bit of the munchies this evening, but stayed OUT of the kitchen. That is such a biggie for me. I guess I am not too old to learn new tricks. o:)

    I just e-mailed all of my family earlier this week proclaiming - I am ready for some FOOTBALL!! I, too, love fall but I also love football.

    Well, maybe my eye lids are getting a little droopy, so I will say Good Night!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    We're north of Raleigh; just outside the city limits, in Wake County. About 20 minutes from the airport. :)

    It's perfect, because it feels "rural" here, but shopping is conveniently close!