

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited August 2015
    The flowers are peonies; I took that photo last spring. They didn't do quite so well this year.
    Maybe next year will be better, hm?


    Re: my blood sugar. I've been eating right and doing all the right things. Everything was hunky-dory before my meds were switched. Some things work for some people, and some things don't.
    I just don't want you to think I've been living on donuts. :D
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Jan, you can do it! I'm not to goal yet, but I've lost 95 since Jan. 2014! This is a great group with lots of good encouragement and resources.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @retirehappy The donut guy was contractor whom I have dealt with over the phone at work, but meeting for the first time. Oh, besides, our last challenge is over and we won! Got a $25 gift card for Target!

    At the end of the month, our $100 wellness challenge should begin. This isn't a team thing, but an individual thing. You have a year to complete. I took mine in restaurant gift cards this past year. Love these perks.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Kathy, you give me hope! How wonderful that must feel to lose all that weight. Congratulations!! ...

    Jan, when I started in August 2014 I had knees that hurt, plantar fasciitis, and wobbled from side to side when I walked. I had also just broken through from pre-diabetes to diabetes. Now I no longer look like a Weeble when I walk, my plantar fasciitis is completely gone and my knees no longer hurt. My A1C test in the spring was just exactly on the normal border and my fasting blood sugar was completely normal.

    Another perk of being lighter and less encased in blubber is - I don't suffer from the heat the way I used to. Sure, when it gets really hot and humid, I stay in the A/C but I find I feel the heat much less. There are so many perks to this ... it is hard work, but so worth it. ~ Kathy

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited August 2015
    Charlie, great job collecting those gift cards! Since I am self-employed, I have had to find ways to reward myself.

    Tomorrow I am rewarding myself by collecting on one of my bigger "bucket list" items - I've chartered a private whale-watch boat ... just five of us and the captain, tracking down the whales off Gloucester. I've been on the big tour boats every year for the past several years and never tire of watching those majestic creatures. Last year we saw dolphins as well. We'll see what tomorrow brings - but I am excited! ~ Kathy
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Kathy - what a great reward! I would love to see whales! I often get to see dolphins when we are in Florida but I have only seen the tail of a whale when in Hawaii-LOL. I too must create my own rewards(lucky Charlie!), so I have promised myself an hour massage when 10#s are gone. Somehow visulalizing a smaller me is less motivating than imagining a massage! 3# down and 7 to go- wish me luck!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Somehow visulalizing a smaller me is less motivating than imagining a massage! 3# down and 7 to go- wish me luck!

    You'll make it! I agree, celebrating smaller victories helps move us towards the big goal.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Well, Kathy, I'm pretty much in the same place you were a year ago. Plantar fasciitis, hips and low back hurt and I'm sure I wobble too. Just getting out of a chair is sometimes a challenge! I feel like I'm in the right place here with all you folks. It appears we all have a lot in common.

    Now for the million dollar anyone who has lost a substantial amount of has your skin fared? I just don't want to have lots of loose skin. :s I know that's petty, but I'm kind of vain.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Wow, there are several people with ties to NC in here! I left Raleigh in June of last year after after 16 years there. I miss the NC climate. I grew up in upstate NY which of course is VERY cold and now am in the panhandle of Florida, which is HOT! I feel like the moderate climate in NC was JUST RIGHT! lol But I love Panama City more all the time so I am certainly not complaining.

    Charlie I am the queen of losing the same weight over and over! lol But at the moment I am feeling energetic and moving in the right direction so I am not going to look back. I believe it was Waylan Jennings who said (could have been another old country singer) "Never look back, something might be gaining on ya"

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Kathy: Love the whales, too! I've been one whale watches for Right Whales in the Atlantic from Maine. I've done a couple in the Pacific and Puget Sound. One for California Grays. One for Humpbacks and (my dream) Blues (saw 28 humpback that day and 10 Blues. Oh and an albatross which is rare!). And the Orcas in Puget Sound. I agree with you. It was on my "Bucket List" to see a Blue whale. Thought I would never know my place on this planet until I saw the largest of all animals. Was amazing to be out in open water in a 55 ft. boat next to 85 ft. whales. And then to witness the humpbacks and their beautiful dances and play...breathtaking. I hope you have a lovely, prolific day!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    re: Rewards: The gift cards at work are not for weight loss, but healthy life styles. I, too, give myself personal rewards. I usually do every 15 pounds or other goal to achieve:

    Started weight loss Jan 2014: 238
    Started at MFP Jan 2014: 230#
    Goal #1 Feb 2014: 215# - New Hairstyle
    Goal #2 March 2014: 200# - Swimsuit
    Goal #3 June 2014: 185# - B&B Getaway
    Goal #4 September 2014: 170# - Gourmet Dinner on Vacation QC, QC
    Goal #5 December 2014: 158.5# (moved out of "obese" BMI range!) - Massage
    Goal #6 February 2015: 148# - B&B getaway with visit to Mummy Exhibition in Cincinnati.

    The goals are getting closer together after a year and things down. I think a little wine tasting vacation if I ever get to 140.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @DreamON145 I have watched your progress. You are doing fine. Keep up the good work.

    @janmoulder2 When I started this, I decided to start a skin care regimen, too. Frankly, I had let my skin go. I haven't spent a lot on expensive products, but think it has done pretty good. I use CVS store brands (even cheaper if you buy them direct on-line). I use their Age Defying Wipes. Their Retinol Deep Wrinkle filler around my eyes, laugh lines, neck and forehead. And their Smoothing Lifting Cream all over my face, neck, and decolletage. I use them twice a day. I think it has helped. Take a look at my profile pics along the way to see the befores and current. But, I'm 64 and don't expect to look 34... :/

    I am not as good with the "firming" body creams and after losing 95 pounds, do I have loose skin. Yes, but not so much that it is awful. Maybe if I were more consistent with the body cream it would help. I use Jergen's Firming Lotion. Also, it does get better with time. In clothes, you can't tell the loose skin at all. I avoid short sleeves (always have as I think my elbows are ugly). I wear capris instead of shorts. And I wear "light" tummy control panties. In cold weather, turtlenecks are great!

    Finally, I guess you have to decide how you want to look... thin with some sagging skin or overweight with tight skin. To me, I can cover the sagging skin, I can't hide the extra pounds no matter what I wear.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    GMCharlie, I have seen several discussions about loose skin, most say after 1-2 yrs. it seems to tighten up a lot, not perfect but much better than when you first lose.

    I feel the same way, loose skin over tight is the way to go. I also love the long camisoles, keeps a smooth line from the bust area to the tummy. Haven't tried tummy control panties.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    GMCharlie: Thanks for the product recommendations. I totally agree that loose skin is better than fatness.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    edited August 2015
    I find I'm having a tough time eating enough calories. I eat until I'm full and I'm not experiencing any ravenous hunger just the normal before meal hunger. I'm trying to stay away from snacking and not eating anything after dinner to help get my hormones back in balance. I also avoid grains (I'm gluten intolerant). So at the end of the day I've only eaten 900-1100 calories and I'm not hungry. I'm thinking this is not good since I'm not eating enough to support my BMR. Any thoughts? I am losing weight but I'm just in my first week so that could all be water.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Just checked your diary, it looks like you are hitting around 1200 cals. what is your BMR? You should at least hit that number. Make sure you have things you enjoy eating to help you get to your BMR, low fat dairy instead of no fat, etc. I see you do greek yogurt full fat that is a good thing. Toss some fresh fruit into that or even chopped up dates or figs to get to your number.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I have started a thread to discuss intermittent fasting, since a few seem to be doing it and others are interested in learning more. If you are doing IF, please use that thread to educate the rest of us. Thanks.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Just checked your diary, it looks like you are hitting around 1200 cals. what is your BMR?

    My BMR is 1490 and I'm struggling to eat 1200. Now if I could eat ice cream and cookies I wouldn't have any trouble at all ;) but I'm working to control my blood sugar. I may need to look at my macro breakdown and increase my fat totals (I'm always going over them anyway.)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    1490 sounds more like NEAT (includes non exercise activiy) than BMR.
    BMR is like lying in bed all day, just breathing. How did you arrive at that high number?

    There are some nice grains that are not wheat/gluten related, they would be a nutritious way to up your cals. Quinoa is one of my favorites, and it is higher in protein than most grains so you feel fuller longer. Here is a good way to get introduced to the grain:

    Quinoa Egg Muffins
    Servings: 3 servings
    Serving Size: 2 muffins
    Nutritional Info: 185.2 calories, 6.9g of fat, 15.4g of carbohydrates, 2.2g of fiber, 15.7g of protein
    Weight Watchers® PointsPlus®: 5 *


    1 cup cooked quinoa
    1 cup diced veggies (zucchini, pepper, broccoli, your choice)
    1/2 cup reduced fat feta cheese
    2 eggs
    4 egg whites
    Salt and pepper
    Optional: Dash of hot sauce


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    Whisk the egg and egg whites together. Then combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix to combine.
    Line your muffin tin with six liners and spray with cooking spray. Divide the mixture evenly among the six muffins.
    Bake for 30 minutes or until cooked through and golden brown.

    Also if you shop at a Costco, they make a wonderful quinoa salad that is so good, just add roasted chicken to make a full meal.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited August 2015
    That looks like a good recipe, Joell - thanks! One thing I would check though is the nutrition info they give... from what I've seen, quinoa runs from 109 - 120 grams of carbs per cup, so even without the veggies this recipe would be 18 - 20 grams of carbs per MUFFIN. They show a serving as TWO muffins ... which would be high in my book. But, I could eat just one! May have to try this ...