

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Hello all!
    I'm back after a long break, and am enjoying your posts and energy. I'm up in Canada (Quebec) and have been wearing long sleeves for a few days - today looks like it might get good and hot though. Our poor vegetable garden could sure use the sun and some hot weather. Anyone needs rain - I'll try to send all of ours your way...

    I am finding myself slipping into lethargic ways, so I am back to logging and participating to get some inspiration. I work in a university and our insane times start pretty soon, so I think it is partly just dread of the stress and difficult schedule coming up. I am getting close to retirement and find it hard to leave my beautiful garden, playing with my horses (they live at my daughter's, so I don't even have to do all the hard work!), and generally having time to relax. OK, so I'm relaxing way too much. Seriously.

    In any case, thanks for being there! I look forward to feeling my muscles working hard again. I have not stopped exercise altogether (thank goodness), but have not really been challenging myself at all. It feels so good once it gets going, I don't know why I stop!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Hello to those returning and those joining in. In a couple of days we get the rental while they repair the car after the sideswipe. Then off to Cody, Wyoming for dh's reunion and visits to the family's old ranches. AND meeting up with SIL, who is so fabulous! On way back to Gig Harbor, will go through Glacier park. Trust the fires will be out.
    Keeping fingers crossed for you, Reba and Cris.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Welcome to Batlady49 and welcome back Jugar.

    Reba good job on handling those munchies.

    Sharon, nice area of Wyoming.
    We hope to make it out to Glacier soon. We are waiting for better news about the area fires.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    For all of you Christian prayer warriors would you please pray for our minister's 1 year old son as he had a seizure earlier this morning. As he was being transported by ambulance to the closest hospital he became unresponsive at one point.
    I would appreciate all of your prayers. Thanks o:)
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Rebamae wrote: »
    For all of you Christian prayer warriors would you please pray for our minister's 1 year old son as he had a seizure earlier this morning. As he was being transported by ambulance to the closest hospital he became unresponsive at one point.
    I would appreciate all of your prayers. Thanks o:)

    Will do!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Thinking about your trip to Wyoming, Sharon. Love those old ranches, being a horse person myself! And I have nothing but appaloosas in my life at the moment, so that part of the world is where they became the wonderful beasts that they are. And as you're visiting your fabulous SIL, my fabulous BIL just arrived for a few days. Enjoy!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Prayer list amended, Reba. Poor little guy.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Thank you, @jugar . DH says the fires in glacier are cleared so we can do the main road. Haven't heard back from one of the old family ranches, but he has a great itinerary planned to see the others.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @Rebamae I will send my thoughts that way.

    I have been struggling this summer and tired of losing the same 5 pounds over and over again; but; maybe I have finally got a handle on it again. Got two gifts yesterday from people I deal with at work. Two fresh glazed donuts in the morning. I gave them away. This was very hard as I'm not a huge sweets lover, but I do love sweets for breakfast and glazed donuts with a cup of coffee are my favorite! In the afternoon, I was given fresh tomatoes out of the garden, I kept those! BLT and salads for next couple of days!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    @Rebamae I will send my thoughts that way.

    I have been struggling this summer and tired of losing the same 5 pounds over and over again; but; maybe I have finally got a handle on it again. Got two gifts yesterday from people I deal with at work. Two fresh glazed donuts in the morning. I gave them away. This was very hard as I'm not a huge sweets lover, but I do love sweets for breakfast and glazed donuts with a cup of coffee are my favorite! In the afternoon, I was given fresh tomatoes out of the garden, I kept those! BLT and salads for next couple of days!

    Did the gifter of the donuts belong to a competing team in your work challenge? :)

    Obviously the other person really knows you and yummmoh to the BLT.

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I thought I would check in today as I have some time AND wifi. It has been a lovely and hectic month so far. We got to Saskatoon to celebrate my birthday and then 2 days later we celebrated my mother's 90th birthday with a day long get together and immediate family for dinner...36 out of about 52 came. Here's my mom's stats: 10 children, ~17 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren. She is doing so well. She still drives and lives in her condo on her own. She can hear better than I can, see better than I can and walk faster than I can....and has never been overweight! Then 2 days later the people in her condo had a bd party for her too.
    Then we went to Calgary and were able to only see a few friends before the weekend partying started. Saturday was a birthday party for a friend and then Sunday afternoon we had a party at their house for all our friends we had not had a chance to see.
    Now we are in Birlington ON where DH is working for a week and I am having some down time. We are staying right on the lake and I have had a couple of good walks. It is so much easier to walk when it is flat and the pavement even. I also had a nice long swim in the hotel pool today. Lots of exercise today and I now need to rest as we have dinner out tonight with friends. Out tomorrow night too with other friends.
    I have not been logging my food while traveling. This is the first time I have gone so long without logging but I am finding it rather nice. I may not be still on maintenance when I get back. Lol.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi ladies (& gents?) I've been here on MFP off and on over the years and have been a member of this group but haven't participated much. I've lost a lot of weight and gained even more several times. Isn't that what they call yo-yo dieting? :wink: Well, it has become clear to me lately that I don't just need a diet, I need a complete life overhaul. I'm depressed, angry and fat. I sit most days just playing games and cruising the internet and then get disgusted with myself for what a lazy loafer I am, so I eat to soothe my angry beast. I have had enough of this and am ready to rewrite my story.

    I never have been very good at creating structure for myself or making a plan, so that is the first thing I've done. I have three books I'm using to guide my re-creation. You can read more on my MFP blog. I've asked my sister to be my coach/accountant (someone to whom I am accountable.) I've created a daily schedule that I think is structured but loose enough for some flexibility. It includes time for meditation, exercise and mental stimulation. I am very hopeful now. I feel like I finally have a grown up in charge and my vision for my future is one of health and wellness instead of dementia and diapers.

    I'm 63 years old, 5'3" tall and nearly 220#. My husband and I live in our RV and work in campgrounds as hosts. Right now we are in Washington State.

    It sure feels good to be back!!!

    Jan M.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Welcome back!! I'm 65
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Welcome back!! I'm 65
    I'm having trouble with reply!!! Not displaying whole message!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Welcome Jan. You might want to join our monthly self challenge, you decide what your challenge is and work towards it reporting your progress in the thread. There are several threads in our announcements area (stickies in MFP talk), you might want to read through those for some added inspiration.

    I checked out your blog, since you have some exercise issues because of a foot condition, you might want to search on for sit and be fit exercises. Does your dr. think you will be over this anytime soon? As walking is so easy especially with your current living situation. A pedometer might be in your feature? Our interesting reads have good links to other resources that you might find useful.

    Join in any chat threads that sound interesting to you. We are a supportive and hopefully inspiring group :).

    Good luck on finding what will permanently work for you.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited August 2015
    My diabetes meds are being adjusted again. I have been totally out of whack, numbers spiking. Doesn't matter what I eat or don't eat. And I have been feeling crummy; tired, cranky, and sluggish.
    The pharmacistdoc at my doc's office said that with this adjustment, it's possible that I won't lose more weight. :/
    He said that it's most important for me to eat to keep my blood sugar levels stable, because a lot of up and down is actually more dangerous than being overweight.

    Anyway. I'll still be plugging away,going to the gym and logging my food.. but for awhile it's going to be more like maintenance while my body adjusts, again, to new medication.

    Better Living Through Chemistry.


  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    My diabetes meds are being adjusted again. I have been totally out of whack, numbers spiking. Doesn't matter what I eat or don't eat. And I have been feeling crummy; tired, cranky, and sluggish.
    The pharmacistdoc at my doc's office said that with this adjustment, it's possible that I won't lose more weight. :/
    He said that it's most important for me to eat to keep my blood sugar levels stable, because a lot of up and down is actually more dangerous than being overweight.

    Anyway. I'll still be plugging away,going to the gym and logging my food.. but for awhile it's going to be more like maintenance while my body adjusts, again, to new medication.

    Better Living Through Chemistry.


    Beautiful, what are they?? Be healthy, be safe
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited August 2015
    Cris, you've got the right idea, just maintain your balance and focus on the things like those beautiful flowers.

    Jan welcome! I'm 62 and also 5'3" ... when I started out I was over 230 ... I've lost over 60 pounds in the past year. I like the way you describe the journey ... "I'm ready to rewrite my story." I had to reach that place too. This group has been a big support along the way.

    Wanda, sounds like a great trip! I've found it hard logging everything in my travels, too... it was a good break.

    ~ Kathy
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Kathy, you give me hope! How wonderful that must feel to lose all that weight. Congratulations!! And happyretired, thanks for all the tips and encouragement.