

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I am very lucky to have really terrific health insurance at work. I sometimes forget how great it is and all the "other" stuff it offers. If I go to the website and check under "other coverage," there is a long list of discounts. I have purchased my bp monitors this way, but, there are great discounts on everything from exercise equipment, fitness trackers (all the big names including jawbone, fitbit, etc), even cookware and kitchen equipment (Cuisinart products have really huge discounts!) I also get discounts on massages and other alternative treatments. Everytime I mention these things to my co-workers they don't even know it is available. So...I'm mentioning this here just in case you have something similar.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I am very lucky to have really terrific health insurance at work. I sometimes forget how great it is and all the "other" stuff it offers. If I go to the website and check under "other coverage," there is a long list of discounts. I have purchased my bp monitors this way, but, there are great discounts on everything from exercise equipment, fitness trackers (all the big names including jawbone, fitbit, etc), even cookware and kitchen equipment (Cuisinart products have really huge discounts!) I also get discounts on massages and other alternative treatments. Everytime I mention these things to my co-workers they don't even know it is available. So...I'm mentioning this here just in case you have something similar.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Oops, there was a glitch!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I keep seeing Jessica Smith's name in posts. I checked her out on youtube. I found this video to be very interesting, more standing core work. I will do anything to avoid old school crunches. :)

    Lose Your Love Handles! Full 26 Minute Standing Abs Workout | Core Cardio Exercises

    janmoulder2, I thought of you today when I saw how many youtube videos Jessica Smith has, she works out alone in a small space with her dog walking around. I have tried several of her workouts and I am really liking them. Above is a link to her standing core workout, but she covers everything from aerobics, core work, yoga, pilates, to walking.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks retirehappy! I will most certainly check them out.