


  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    amalik3511 wrote: »
    Add me to the list of back injury...slipped on treadmill ended with a disc running for next 2 weeks only light walks allowed...feeling real bad...

    I've almost fallen off my treadmill a couple times... always really scares me. I wish you a quick recovery as well.

    Thanks AMS....
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Well a week of no excersize and half assedly watching what I ate except for a couple indulgences here and there, I managed a meager 0.6 lb loss. Not really complaining I am happy it still went down and not up. Back at it double time this week lol.
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    Changed my weighing machine today...showed me a bump of around 10 lbs...I cant say thats wrong because last one month has been crazy with work and travel and wrong eating and back injury...time to get back on the tracks and correct eating
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    edited December 2015
    BT & Amalik- keep it up! I fell back twice but don't let it discourage you. The hardest bit is not caving for those 'indulgences'... if you can seriously do the water trick I swear it helps. Drink a whole glass of water before you eat a meal. Use less butter, 1% milk. Walk farther, move more- you can do it!!! >:)
  • amalik3511
    amalik3511 Posts: 104 Member
    BT & Amalik- keep it up! I fell back twice but don't let it discourage you. The hardest bit is not caving for those 'indulgences'... if you can seriously do the water trick I swear it helps. Drink a whole glass of water before you eat a meal. Use less butter, 1% milk. Walk farther, move more- you can do it!!! >:)

    Thanks AMS....
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    My biggest struggle right now is meeting my macros. Protein being the important one for me now that I am lifting.

    Also I keep having recurring bout of stomach issues, severe cramping, direaha (sp), and vomiting sometimes for weeks at a time. I think I have it figures to eggs, bananas and protein powder. Of course this was my primary source protein now looking for other sources.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Have you tried nuts and cereals high in protein, BT? That and chicken/fish, as well as that pasta that has the protein in it (like that hidden veggie pasta, but with protein) is where I get mine for the most part because I don't eat red meat. The high-protein cereals also make me feel full and regulates my stomach (fiber = :) ). I dunno if that would help you but I find if I don't eat this way regularly my intestines/stomach are NOT happy. :(
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Have you tried nuts and cereals high in protein, BT? That and chicken/fish, as well as that pasta that has the protein in it (like that hidden veggie pasta, but with protein) is where I get mine for the most part because I don't eat red meat. The high-protein cereals also make me feel full and regulates my stomach (fiber = :) ). I dunno if that would help you but I find if I don't eat this way regularly my intestines/stomach are NOT happy. :(

    I have been playing with my food on here and trying different combinations. I just bought Edge cereal with protein so that helps, and I am adding 2 cans of tuna a day as well and I am still low by about 50 grams. I don't want to crank up my calories over 1500 and that makes it tough lol
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Have you tried nuts and cereals high in protein, BT? That and chicken/fish, as well as that pasta that has the protein in it (like that hidden veggie pasta, but with protein) is where I get mine for the most part because I don't eat red meat. The high-protein cereals also make me feel full and regulates my stomach (fiber = :) ). I dunno if that would help you but I find if I don't eat this way regularly my intestines/stomach are NOT happy. :(

    I have been playing with my food on here and trying different combinations. I just bought Edge cereal with protein so that helps, and I am adding 2 cans of tuna a day as well and I am still low by about 50 grams. I don't want to crank up my calories over 1500 and that makes it tough lol

    I eat that special k protein cereal- it's pretty good. I guess adding fatty nuts for protein would up your calories- but almonds might be fine. What about beans? We mash up beans like black/pinto/red kidney and add them to wraps and such. :)
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Each the Edge cereal is good, lots of canned salmon and tuna and it seems to be working for me.
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Well Christmas did not hurt my losses. I still managed to squeak out a 1 lb drop. However looking back over the last 4 weeks my weight loss has slowed down considerably. I am thinking that my weightlifting is playing a role in this, however I think I solved that today by hurting my pecs on a bench press today. So I will at least take the rest of this week off of weightlifting and do strictly cardio.

    I need to figure something out to gain/maintain my lean muscle and still drop a ton of fat.

    I look in the mirror and even hold up my before picture to what I am seeing in the mirror and I see zero change. I see it in how my clothes fit and the numbers on the scale but that is all. I even measured across my belly button this morning and if all things are equal there is no change.

    I guess it is just one of those days
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Well Christmas did not hurt my losses. I still managed to squeak out a 1 lb drop. However looking back over the last 4 weeks my weight loss has slowed down considerably. I am thinking that my weightlifting is playing a role in this, however I think I solved that today by hurting my pecs on a bench press today. So I will at least take the rest of this week off of weightlifting and do strictly cardio.

    I need to figure something out to gain/maintain my lean muscle and still drop a ton of fat.

    I look in the mirror and even hold up my before picture to what I am seeing in the mirror and I see zero change. I see it in how my clothes fit and the numbers on the scale but that is all. I even measured across my belly button this morning and if all things are equal there is no change.

    I guess it is just one of those days

    Dude, BT, you've almost lost 50lbs since we started! Find something around the house that weighs 50 lbs and pick it up and you'll realize that is a lot to lose- you should be really proud of yourself. Everyone's body is different- you also see your own body every day- and don't forget all that weight isn't just going to come from your stomach, it's from all over your body. You might lose weight in other places first before you see loss there. I've heard that depending on age/gender it can be easier or harder to lose weight from certain areas of the body as well. Keep it up BT- you have definitely made progress!!
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Well Christmas did not hurt my losses. I still managed to squeak out a 1 lb drop. However looking back over the last 4 weeks my weight loss has slowed down considerably. I am thinking that my weightlifting is playing a role in this, however I think I solved that today by hurting my pecs on a bench press today. So I will at least take the rest of this week off of weightlifting and do strictly cardio.

    I need to figure something out to gain/maintain my lean muscle and still drop a ton of fat.

    I look in the mirror and even hold up my before picture to what I am seeing in the mirror and I see zero change. I see it in how my clothes fit and the numbers on the scale but that is all. I even measured across my belly button this morning and if all things are equal there is no change.

    I guess it is just one of those days

    Dude, BT, you've almost lost 50lbs since we started! Find something around the house that weighs 50 lbs and pick it up and you'll realize that is a lot to lose- you should be really proud of yourself. Everyone's body is different- you also see your own body every day- and don't forget all that weight isn't just going to come from your stomach, it's from all over your body. You might lose weight in other places first before you see loss there. I've heard that depending on age/gender it can be easier or harder to lose weight from certain areas of the body as well. Keep it up BT- you have definitely made progress!!

    Thanks Ams, I guess because have seen some nice strength gains and muscle gains and then I hurt my chest putting a end to that for a while I am just down on myself today. I know 50lbs is a huge accomplishment I just want to see more lol.
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Last couple weeks have been tough. Hurting my chest really put a damper on things, only 2 days of cardio, and let the food slide somewhat. I didn't go completely off track but did end up eating some poorer choices. I have also had issue with my guts again, even ended up in the ER for a few hours on doctors advise to go there next time. Have finally gained some traction to figure out the cause.

    It's a new week, 330am and I am getting ready for the gym.
  • Kiismyaces
    Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Last couple weeks have been tough. Hurting my chest really put a damper on things, only 2 days of cardio, and let the food slide somewhat. I didn't go completely off track but did end up eating some poorer choices. I have also had issue with my guts again, even ended up in the ER for a few hours on doctors advise to go there next time. Have finally gained some traction to figure out the cause.

    It's a new week, 330am and I am getting ready for the gym.

    Hope you're doing alright. Nice job. At 3:30 that's crazy good! Dedication right there
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Last couple weeks have been tough. Hurting my chest really put a damper on things, only 2 days of cardio, and let the food slide somewhat. I didn't go completely off track but did end up eating some poorer choices. I have also had issue with my guts again, even ended up in the ER for a few hours on doctors advise to go there next time. Have finally gained some traction to figure out the cause.

    It's a new week, 330am and I am getting ready for the gym.

    BT I hope your stomach is okay and you are able to stop the cause of the problems. I second Kiismyaces- 3:30am is dedication! Keep it going- we've got a little over a month left for this group's goal :).
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks you guys its 330 am everyday, weekend excluded the it is 430 or 500 lol.

    My stomach is bad again tonight, hoping it calms down don't want to go back to hospital tonight. It's tough not having a family doctor, so I always have to explain from square one every time I see a new doctor. Not to mention there really is no one to see any of my test results or to follow up with. I am really quite frustrated with this. The ER doc last week suspects one of three culprits, gall bladder, liver or pancreas. She order and I completed blood work last week but with no doctor I don't know what the results were. She also referred me go an ultra sound but have not heard about it yet either.

    A little worried about weigh in tomorrow morning hoping for the best.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Thanks you guys its 330 am everyday, weekend excluded the it is 430 or 500 lol.

    My stomach is bad again tonight, hoping it calms down don't want to go back to hospital tonight. It's tough not having a family doctor, so I always have to explain from square one every time I see a new doctor. Not to mention there really is no one to see any of my test results or to follow up with. I am really quite frustrated with this. The ER doc last week suspects one of three culprits, gall bladder, liver or pancreas. She order and I completed blood work last week but with no doctor I don't know what the results were. She also referred me go an ultra sound but have not heard about it yet either.

    A little worried about weigh in tomorrow morning hoping for the best.

    My family dr is 50 min away, so I usually go to a walk-in if I'm really sick so I get what your saying about seeing different drs all the time. It sucks. I recommend you get a family dr. for emergencies if possible- this would be a good reason to. Hope it's nothing serious!
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Was just told this morning that I am being laid off at the end of February, thanks to the price of oil. Typical me all I want to do today is stuff my face with fatty, unhealthy food........... Thankfully so far I have not given into this, but it is hard.
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Was just told this morning that I am being laid off at the end of February, thanks to the price of oil. Typical me all I want to do today is stuff my face with fatty, unhealthy food........... Thankfully so far I have not given into this, but it is hard.

    !!! I'm so sorry- that is the worst. :( If at all possible you should try to stuff your face with water, and exercise that frustration and anger out. I did that with running when I get depressed. Keep your head up BT- being laid off is a really hard hit- but I really believe everything happens for a reason. This just means there is a better job for you out there that you were meant to have instead. Get looking. :) Stay strong.