The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    It must always be in the air. This is not new behavior for Russ. We are speaking more now but I'm careful about what I say. It's not worth it to listen to his lectures. I'm really tired today. I slept so not sure why.

    Why do men leave house stuff to women? I'm grateful Russ grocery shops. He use to make the bed if he woke up last but now rarely does that. He use to clean the bathroom but now I have to ask. He never vacuums now that we live here unless I ask.

    We portaled with Jeff and Karah last night. She is 37 weeks now. Miles is moving all the time and she can see hands, elbows, heels protruding. Her belly is itchy so she is dousing herself with lotion and Shea butter. Karah is short and petite. I doubt Miles is very comfortable and she definitely is not comfortable. Two months and we will visit to see him.

    Russ has an appt for his first vaccine next Thursday. He will have had both by the time we travel. I have not been contacted but I'm two years younger.

    I have to decide between a nap and baking my Texas Sheet Cake bites.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    It's completely normal and absolutely soul-crushing constant behavior for Bernie. I have learned to live with it for the most part, but it occasionally bursts out of me. It is what it is.

    So close to g-baby 2 being here. Wow! I'm glad you guys are closer to getting your shots. Your will probably be sooner than later. It seems like things are picking up speed. I suppose I should get on a list. I have been dilly-dallying because I have lots of uncertainties because it was so rushed. But I guess I'll just try to think of it like the flu shot - which I get every year. The flu shot also doesn't keep you from getting the flu, but tries to keep you from getting super sick. Sort of like this vaccine sounds. It's goal is so that you don't die. I don't like the annecdotal data the those people who have had COVID seem to have stronger reactions to the shots. That would be me, and I'm not sure I can handle another 'reaction.' I am still struggling with the aftermath. Meh.

    Enjoying my Z kid in the house. He helped me get the border of a puzzle I have been wanting to start forever, yesterday. Although, I am stunned at myself I couldn't have gotten the border without him. I had a bunch of pieces put together wrong and couldn't figure out why I couldn't find the missing pieces. Nope, had all the border, just put together wrong. Yikes. I'm usually a pretty decent puzzle put-togetherer. Sigh. Doesn't bode well for this one getting finished unless Zach takes pity and helps with the whole thing!

    Headache today - boo. Hopefully it doesn't linger.

    Happy Sunday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Is your headache one of the lingering symptoms of having COVID? My friend's husband never had headaches until he had COVID. Now he gets them daily.

    It's nice you have both boys home. I love doing crossword puzzles but need a place I can keep them set up until finished. I don't have a card table. Once I finish Jeff's album, I'll do one at that end of the table.

    It's a beautiful warm day with sun! It is suppose to get to 50. High of 62 on Wednesday and rain. Wow!

    I am having an EMG on my legs this afternoon to see if my leg pain/tingling is due to pressure on nerves in my spine or unrelated. I didn't like the EMG I had on my hands in 2019 so I'm nervous. It is very uncomfortable and takes awhile. Ugh!

    I'm beginning to clean and straighten up the house for my brother's arrival on Wednesday. He is coming to visit our oldest brother and spend time with him before he can't. So sad! They are very close so it will be hard on Brad to see Steve like this and no it is the last time he will probably see him. They talk every day on the phone and during Sunday football when it's the season. Both are Detroit Lions fans (not sure why).

    Well I have some vacuuming to do and magazines to recycle. Russ took Charlie and went to do errands so I have the house to myself.

    Have a nice Monday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I have had migraines since my early twenties. Probably can't blame this one on COVID.

    I hope your EMG went ok.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My EMG was normal and slightly uncomfortable. Not as painful as the one I had on my hands and arms when I was looking at carpal tunnel 2 years ago.

    A little cleaning today and off to Costco with Russ. We are speaking again. My brother arrives tomorrow so his room and the bathroom are ready for him. I will vacuum the rest of the house tomorrow to eliminate dog hair as much as possible. No reason to do it a day early since Charlie ejects hair constantly.

    My cousin from Mpls is in town staying at my sister's. I went over there last night to visit with her. She is looking at finding a lot to buy and possibly build a house on it. She is off with my realtor sister right now walking properties. She and her siblings have a lake cottage nearby that they inherited from their mother. But now the niece and nephews all have babies and the house gets crowded in the summer when they are here for vacations. She may build her own small place so she can come year round as she chooses and have some peace, but go over to the cottage to use the lake. She may even move her year round in a few years but is not sure she wants to leave Mpls for good. She has been there over 40 years.

    It is a beautiful day here, sunny and in the 50's. Love it!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My brother arrived around noon today. He said he drove 800 miles per day and then came up from south Chicago this morning. He stuck around for lunch and then went to visit our brother later afternoon.

    I made my Texas Sheet Cake Bites. I won't make them again. Those mini muffin cakes are too difficult to get out of the pans. I sprayed them like crazy but it didn't help. Easier to make the big sheet cake and cut into small pieces.

    Rainy today! The snow is going fast. I know we will get more but it smells like spring with the rain.

    I guess the siblings are celebrating my 60th birthday on Saturday with dinner at my sisters. I can't believe I will turn 60 tomorrow. Where did the time go?


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Mmmmm - cake.

    Glad your brother made it safe. Even though it is for a sad reason.

    You may also want to start calling area pharmacies about getting on their lists for vaccinations. It seems our Walmart is doing them and they are not the same list as the site (vaccination nebraska thing). I have heard of several at work getting the last dose from the vials because they were able to get to a pharmacy within twenty minutes because of no-shows or what not. Although Behlen is moving up in priority because we are now in 1b priority and we are part of food supply chain being Ag manufacturers. But still, I think if you are willing to put in the time to contact multiple places you might get your vaccine sooner. Just a thought.

    We still haven't heard an official confirmation from school of mines. I have tried reaching out a couple of times, and now I am worried about hearing about this big storm moving into CO and SD - they could get up to four FEET of snow. I'm not driving in that! Plus, I'm just annoyed there hasn't been any communication from the school. When we would be doing these visits for Zach, the schools would be in close contact. They wanted you to feel wanted. I'm not feeling that at all.

    Have a great visit!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I am on Walgreen's and Hometown Pharmacy's list. CVS is not giving vaccines in MI. I called Rite Aid and went on their website but it said no appointments available. I should hear from one of my places soon.

    I wonder why you have not heard from the school. When was your planned visit?

    Driving through a snowstorm wouldn't be good. Reschedule if you can.

    Very windy with dropping temps today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    cold front moved through here too. Finally heard back from the School of Mines. I guess we'll leave the visit date (it's for next Thursday) and see if the storm has moved out and been cleaned up in time. We can always cancel. He really wants to go. I'm not sure I can at this point. On top of my already high anxiety (hello having to plan, organize, research always on me) - just found out Michele is getting sent to Florida again next week. She said I shouldn't worry about going, but I am. I know how it goes. It's hard enough for her when I'm gone, but she's at least there (in Columbus), but if she's in Florida and I'm gone - no one will be able to run reports and send her what she needs, and people will talk about no one being available to help manufacturing. Meh. Maybe I just stay back and let the boys go since I am having such anxiety about everything.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Sometimes we create more stress on ourselves when we take time off but do you want to miss the college visits with C? You don't get to participate in those again once he starts school and it's nice to see and ask questions so you can be a valuable part of the decision process. Women think to ask questions that men wouldn't think of. Sometimes they ask nothing...

    Our snow is gone! 30's and 40's this next week so I doubt snow will come for now. I need to call the bike store today and make arrangements to pick up my bike soon. They need to get that battery key or put a new lock on it for me.

    My brothers are enjoying spending time together. Steve has been more perky and awake all day with Brad visiting. He was so eager to see him so it's nice he is staying awhile. Yesterday Brad took him for a drive around the county (it's beautiful and surrounded by Lake Michigan). They drove to the beach and through all the small towns. Steve hadn't been out in awhile and enjoyed himself. Nice weather to go out now.

    Well I hope you can get away for the visit. It seems there should be someone that can back you up on your duties so you can be gone when needed.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Well Caleb wasn't able to secure the days off from his job for the visit. Honestly, it's a relief. I have been stressing about that storm out there, me taking off, finding someone else to take care of the cat (because that was also supposed to be Michele), etc. I'm such a head case. But, also, the School could have gotten their confirmation out more than six days before we wanted to be there and Caleb would have put in for his days off then. But, I'm glad.

    Glad your brothers visit is going so well. I bet that is a happy (albeit bittersweet) for everyone. But still - glad for the chance for some good times.

    Enjoy that bike!

    Watching a bunch of basketball (high school state tourney) with Zach. Just low key good times.

    Happy Saturday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    It's unfortunate his employer wouldn't work with him for a college visit but it sounds like it gave you relief. Will you reschedule and tell them you need advanced notice so he can get time off? Or he could request time off and tell school that is when you can come?

    Windy and sunny so Charlie and I hiked around our property. The snow is gone so he has a lot of sniffing to do. He puts his nose to the ground and runs off following the scents.

    It's funny being around my family. My brother who is ill is constantly misplacing or losing things. At least once a week something major is missing (phone, check book, etc.) and we all help search for it. The brother staying with us lost his wallet and it turns out it was in the washer with the load he was washing. He bought some beef jerky from a local place on his way here and he has misplaced the whole bag, $20's worth. Of course he thinks we through it away but I'm sure he will find it some weird place or we will at some point. He has also been lecturing me on getting my vaccine scheduled. AZ does it differently than MI. I've done all I can do and registered every where. It will happen but he tells me to call every day searching for an appointment. Places require a person to sign up on line and wait for your turn to be scheduled for an appt. They don't take phone calls regarding the vaccine. I want to scream "butt out!"

    In a little while we will go to my sister's for my birthday dinner. Should be an interesting evening, LOL! We are having walleye, wild rice pilaf, coleslaw and rasperry topped cheesecake. My sister's chose the menu and told Russ to bring a rice or potato dish. He decided what he would make.

    Enjoy your basketball with Z!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Zach is getting ready to head back to Wayne. Can't believe his 10 days is up! It went so fast.

    I think if we try for school of mines again it will have to be with the note to them for more notice on getting us confirmed. There is no reason it should have taken them three weeks to confirm the date and 'create the itinerary.' The itinerary that consisted of - arrive, see financial aid, go on tour. Man - I hope they are more impressive in person.

    Lots of rain coming down overnight and all morning so far. Just something for me to worry about Zach driving home in.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    The bday dinner was very nice. The walleye was amazing. I was given a beautiful fresh flower arrangement and a potted plant for my house. It came from one of my sister's plants that I've admired.

    Lazy today. I talked on the phone to a friend I haven't seen since Fall. I've been reading my book study book, Caste.

    My brother bought us woodfire pizzas for dinner from a new place in the next town over. We are full and relaxing now.

    Z's 1st year of college is almost over! Is C a senior next year?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My first vaccine is scheduled this Friday afternoon. I'm relieved. The notice mentioned first dose so I assume it will be the Phizer vaccine but it may just be a prewritten email that goes out to all being scheduled. They may have the J & J by now too. I'm getting it through the county health department at the school in our town.

    I went to a really cool shop yesterday I had not been in yet. They make items out of second hand wool items (sweaters, etc.). They have jackets, purses, tote bags, mittens, fingerless gloves, ski/head bands, hats, etc. I bought each of my daughter in laws a cute wool ski band for their birthday and myself a cross over bag/purse. Cute colors and prints, mine has herringbone, plaid, solids...

    Snowed last night so looks like winter again. We had some nice sunny days and I was hoping to ride my bike and try it out. Not now...

    Did you get the big snow storm?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm glad you are moving along and getting close to your vaccination. You could also be getting Moderna - I believe they are also two doses. My brother-in-law had his first shot Monday. All of Ag and Manufacturing are eligible. I am still waiting a bit. Scared of stories I hear about people who have stronger reaction because they had COVID. I'll get over it, just taking me a bit.

    A gal at work just had a baby last weekend and they had to take the baby to Children's hospital in Omaha immediately. Something is wrong with maybe his liver? His blood isn't clotting right. Poor little babe. Poor momma!

    This weather is crazy isn't it. We had that terrible cold stretch, then a nice weather stretch, and then this torrential rain. Columbus ended up with over five inches of rain over the weekend. My sister got a ton of water in her basement. They tore up the carpet and a wall out. Water started coming in Caleb's room last night. Hoping it's minor. But it makes me worry about mold. Even if we only see a little, how much moisture is behind the walls.

    Did you get a treasure from that cute store?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I received an email that I will get the Moderna. I hope I don't get too many side effects. I'll let you know on Saturday if I have any.

    Wow 5" of rain? That's a lot. I would be worried about mold too. I'm not sure what the steps are when water enters a basement in terms of clean up. I remember our house in Indiana use to get a few inches of rain in the basement when it rained hard. I don't know what my parents did to clean it up. I'm just glad I don't live in the south and have flood issues. I just imagine snakes and all sorts of slimy things wash into the house with the flood. What will your sister do to clean it up?

    We had some snow a few days ago but it has gotten warmer again and the sun is out today. I really want to ride my bike but haven't been told it is ready to be picked up yet. The trail isn't bare enough yet either.

    My brother is still here staying with us. He leaves every day about 11am to go spend time with my brother and other siblings. He is taking us out to dinner at a local restaurant tonight.

    My grandson is due a week from tomorrow. Karah says he has dropped and she can feel pressure in her pelvic floor. She has an appointment today with her doctor and I hope she contacts me tonight.

    The sun is out! I will walk Charlie today. This will be my 4th day taking a walk with him and I've been able to increase my distance each time. It's a good knee week with less pain.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I need to get back on this and keeping track at what I eat. I need to be eating better. I need to stop eating so much junk food. I need to work out. I need to get back running. I feel overweight and out of shape. I've been buying larger size clothing, including running clothes. I've been running for 6 1/2 years and have always been a size small in my running clothes. Not right now. I weighed in this morning at 146.5. (At one time I was 117) I need to loose weight. I need to get back in shape. Help me my MFP friends! Help me stay motivated to get myself back in shape!

    (I fully blame the pandemic and how it's been impacting me mentally)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Hi Ang - sorry you are feeling out of it. It is a tough time. Good luck getting after it!

    Thinking good thoughts for that next baby Gramma J!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Or is it going to Mimi? Nana? Oma? :>)