The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    30 years since you made lasagna? Whoa. I love lasagna. I make it every so often. One of my favorites.

    Tomorrow is hair day so we'll see what I end up doing. I don't really want to cut a bunch off. I just prefer my hair longer.

    Caleb is going to a robotics meet tomorrow. He is so excited to have something to do.

    Snow is coming here too this weekend. I hope not more than a dusting. Did you get enough to finally snow shoe?

    Not much on tap except for hair. Oh Hair! But, very happy to be through another week.

    Happy weekend!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Hair day done. No highlights because she feels they would be too harsh for current 'fragile' hair. She said the all over color is not so harsh. Unfortunately the all over is pretty dark - and that's why we do the highlights in addition too. So I feel super dark. Ick. She also just trimmed the ends - on my bangs where she usually has to trim, layer and thin - just a trim. Yikes. She recommended trying a biotin supplement, so I ordered a bottle - I don't have a lot of luck with supplements, they usually upset my stomach, but we'll try! Sigh. She's like, "you have a really good attitude about what's going on." I'm like, "don't worry, I'm crying on the inside." She was way more gentle on the shampoo and the blow dry which was the best part, because normally she is pretty rough on that. But just goes to show how noticeable it is if she went that far out of her way to not jar any more loose!

    Now just hanging out watching some food network and getting hungry.

    I love Saturday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My ex husband was an *kitten* in our short marriage. He was supposedly working 14-16 hour days but eventually he used that as a screen to go to the bar after work with young, unmarried coworkers, and eventually had an affair that started when he and she were drunk. They fell in love and our already fragile marriage broke up when the boys were babies. I had made lasagna one night when we were still married. I set the table, had the food ready and waited and waited but he did not come home until 10/11pm. I was so hurt and disappointed. He didn't have the decency to call me and say he wouldn't be home for dinner. At that point I stopped cooking because he only called me when he was coming home with only 20 minutes notice and didn't call when he wasn't. I've never made lasagna again with exception of a veggie lasagna using zucchini from our garden when I was dating Russ 30 years ago. So I made it for Russ' birthday dinner and he said it was the best he's had. Such a sweetie. I made him promise he would be home to eat it, haha!

    I'm sorry your hair is so fragile. It must be a long term symptom from COVID and what your body went through. Give it summer it will be growing back.

    I took my sisters lasagna and pie today and gave my brother pie too. He doesn't eat meat so he didn't get lasagna. My sister who he is living with is going out of her mind. He is very messy and irritable and takes his circumstances out on her. I'm going there tomorrow to help her change his sheets, clean the bathroom and hopefully clean up his junk that is accumulating. He has lost his check book and I'm going to ask if I can help look for it in his room. Hopefully he says yes. I will clean as I go.

    Tonight a fox ran across our back yard and around to the front porch. He was on our porch outside our bedroom door. Then he ran down the driveway. He was so pretty and not very old.

    The ticket for the big lottery jackpot was sold in MI. We did not buy a ticket nor win.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    That story would have put me off lasagna too. I'm glad you felt up to giving it a go again. Because it is delicious!

    We had a lot of freezing rain last night, and it happened after Caleb went to work. So I spent the night worrying about him. I wanted to pick him up, but Bernie said if Caleb wants to drive home he can. Of course he wanted to drive himself. Yikes - he did fine, but oh my heart. It's so different how Bernie is with the boys. With Zach he never would have allowed him to drive in it, but with Caleb he's cool with it. Ah well, he seems to handle it great, but momma will always worry, worry, worry.

    I don't think I ever answered the question about what kind of business Behlen is. Well it started years and years ago (1936) in the garage of the Behlen brothers. They made a variety of things - egg crates, safety shoe covers, and then gained a reputation for creating innovative farm products. In 1969 the brothers sold the company to the Wickes Corporation and brought in a Tony Raimondo as a GM around 1982. In 1984 TR (that is what everyone calls him to this day) led a management buy-out and returned Behlen to local ownership that stands today. So basically the Raimondo family owns and runs Behlen with a few others at the top in the board. But the top positions are held by Phil Raimondo who is the current President and CEO. He is a smart guy and overall someone who I can stand to look to. But there are a number of others in the family that have positions who are not smart enough for them and then others at the top with their family in many positions. It's a lot family dynamics to navigate. Some do a good job, some don't. I suppose typical of any place, but they aren't going to get rid of a family member and you better be willing to pick up the slack.

    They are calling for a big snow tomorrow. Boo.

    Have a cozy night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I helped my sister clean my brother's room and change the sheets on his bed. I went through his stuff and found his check book that he couldn't find. I gave my sister some unopened mail to smuggle in to her office so we can figure out what his assets are. We need to know if he can afford nursing care, funeral, etc. He won't talk about any of it. He can't go back to his house due to multi levels and he is now in a wheelchair. I have volunteered to discuss with him to give notice to end his lease or keep paying rent and utilities for a house he can't live in and never will. Am I crazy or what?

    Russ and I bought a beef brisket at the meat market the other day. He cooked it in the crockpot and we had some tonight. I love brisket and this one was wonderful!

    Snowed all day here.

    Family company and not public for stocks? Sounds like a big, long term employer in your area.

    My grandson's name has been chosen. When born he will be named Miles Finley Major. Finley was my paternal grandfather's middle name but they chose it because they like it. Now I can refer to him as Miles and not "BB".

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Tonight was brisket on a bun with coleslaw, pasta salad and baked beans. I could eat brisket 1-2 times per week. Russ spilled juice from the brisket on the rug in the kitchen last night. I spent my morning with the carpet cleaner I use for Charlie's accidents cleaning the rug. It's a bissell and does a nice job. I had to re apply the cleaning solution several times to get the stains out as much as I did.

    I have to get up early tomorrow morning and see if I can get a camp site at a state park by the Mackinac Bridge. They won't let us reserve more than 6 months ahead. I'm aiming for July 26th so hope I get a lake side site.

    Nothing else new here. Just hanging out.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    So.Much.Snow. Omaha and Lincoln had areas of 14 inches over the day Monday and then another one to two inches today. We were 'only' at 8 inches. But what a mess it's been. On the drive home Monday I got so scared. I wasn't worried when I took off because driving in a few inches is not usually a big deal, but they hadn't even made a pass on the highway or parkway. There wasn't even tracks for me to drive in and it was the worst drive I have had in years. I'm still not over it. Bernie got to bring the work truck home from Flexcon because he spent the day moving snow at his plant so he drove us both back to work Tuesday. I ventured out on my own today and it went ok. Caleb had two snow days and managed ok today - though it sounds like many in town were still getting stuck on their side streets.

    Your brisket sounds yummy.

    Hopefully you got your camping site.

    I like the baby's name!

    Should be thinking about going to see the folks this weekend since it is dad's b-day tomorrow - but sounds like more snow is coming. Good grief.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We have had a few more inches of snow. I'm going to try my snow shoes tomorrow on our acreage. I want to use them at least one time! I feel cheated. Wow, that is a lot of snow that NE got. 8" is more than we've seen in one storm this year. 14" is a lot! I wish we would get a good storm with a lot of snow. But then, I don't have to drive in it. Sorry your drive was so scary. I don't like driving on unplowed roads when you can't see where to be.

    Yesterday, Russ and I made home made egg rolls. It was so easy. Tasted way better than any frozen ones we have bought in the store. We need to get better at rolling them up tight and will tweak the amount of veggies and pork we put in them.

    Today I met my sisters at my brother's house. We had the land lords son help us by carrying out the heavy boxes of books and garbage bags to the garage. All that is left in the house is furniture, rugs and small boxes of CD's to go through and family mementos and financial papers to go through. My brother hasn't committed to giving his notice yet. He is paying rent and utilities on a house he is not living in and won't again. I tried to talk to him about it but he didn't want to. He is talking with Hospice about living options for the remainder of his time so he can move out of my sister's house. I would imagine he would need help as he deteriorates. This is all so awful.

    I got a camping site but not the one I wanted in a specific park. I had to go with plan B and got one in the upper peninsula on Whitefish Bay at an old state park. So far I have two camping trips planned, one in June and one in July. I'm hoping to book two trips in September and one in October but can't do so until 6 months to the day we want the sites. I don't want to start working the system like others do by booking more days and canceling later, but I may have to do so to get what I want. If we are lucky, we will have 5 trips between summer and Fall. We aren't booking for Spring because we need to get our garden planted and do some yard clean up, seeding, trimming etc. Also, David, Chantrelle and Halen plan to come for the month of August (I think) and I'm sure Jeff, Karah, Miles, and Rory will come up at some point. I don't want to be gone all the time. We are booking sites for Monday through Friday (4 nights) when we do camp.

    Well happy thursday and stay safe on the roads.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Mmmm egg rolls sound good - did you fry them? I wonder if it would work in the air fryer?

    I'm sorry about all the - well - just yuck with your brother - his illness and the stress of trying to help him even though he is reluctant to allow it. Just so sorry.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We fried them but want to try our air fryer next time.
    I just zoomed with some retirees from my old work place. Some have been retired for several years and one is not yet retired. It's so sad that none of us have much to talk about in our personal lives since we are laying low due to COVID.

    I'm going out to snow shoe in a few minutes. I need to get moving at least once a day but haven't been consistent.

    Have a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Charlie and I snow shoed up near the orchard. There was more powder snow so I was able to really see how my shoes worked. We probably were only out for 20 minutes or a little longer. I can feel it so I'm starting out with short bursts and building up to longer. Beautiful day here with the sun shining. Such a treat!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    What a day. What a week. So glad to see the back end of it. TGIF!!!

    Sounds like more snow coming - sigh.

    Still - TGIF!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Today I'm going to use the bundt pan I've had for 30 plus years for the first time I think. Maybe it was used in the late 80's, not sure. I am going to make a butterscotch cake. I love butterscotch so have high hopes it will be good if it comes out of the pan ok. I will give pieces to my siblings so we don't waste it or eat too much.

    I saw the storm that is coming on the news. It may just miss us and hit southern MI. I would like it to hit here so we have a real storm.

    Rory is coming to visit on 2/15 for two weeks. I'm so glad he is coming back. So far Jeff and Rory will have managed to visit us 3 times each since late August. I booked an airbnb in Roswell Georgia outside Atlanta for 5/7-5/15. We are planning to visit Jeff, Karah and Miles. He will probably be 4-7 weeks old by then. The place is dog friendly so Charlie is going too. I'm worried about the new strain of COVID and won't have had my vaccine, but we need to see these little ones and I'm tired of it all. Russ and I have decided to double mask when we are out and about and will continue to practice distancing and hand washing. This is getting old!

    I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Saturday was nice and quiet and went so fast.

    Your cake sounds delicious. I use my bundt occasionally when I make coffee cakes. When I little our birthday cakes were always those tunnel cakes - my sister's was always the tunnel of fudge and mine was always lemon.

    I so agree that this whole thing is beyond old. I just saw an article about how covid survivors have increased chances of brain issues - ptsd, depression, and others. Of course. The gift just keeps giving. Although realistically those issues are very prevalent any way. But still. Sigh.

    I am so glad you have a visit from Rory to look forward too and seeing one of those new babies. It must be so hurtful to your g-mama heart to not have cuddled up Halen yet.

    The high school presented it's musical this weekend. Live stream only. While I think that is smart - I don't necessarily understand since all the sports allow spectators. Whatever. It's just more of the hit and miss things that make people confused.

    Have a good Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    for some reason my pinterest feed is full of beef wellington recipes today. I have always been intrigued by it - have you ever made or eaten? It looks complicated, but might be fun for a special meal and I can see Caleb (budding foodie at the moment) getting a charge out of it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Funny you mentioned Beef Wellington. I have not made it but have been watching Nancy Fuller on Farm House Rules cooking show and she made one. I think it is on Pinterest. She made it look so easy to make. I've never eaten it either.

    We just portaled with Halen, Dave and Chantrelle. I feel teary because she is growing so fast and I haven't held her. The earliest we are going to see them if we don't fly out to AK is next November at Jeff and Karah's wedding. She will be 11 months old then. I told them that I'm considering flying out either early spring or summer. Dave would be out fishing so I wouldn't see him but at least I could see Chantrelle and Halen. I don't know what to do.

    My sister Becky and I went snow shoeing today out in the orchard. This is my fourth day in a row. I'm sore! We were out for at least an hour and it was a nice sunny day in the high 20's. Charlie had a blast running and tracking whatever he smelled out there.

    The cake was okay but not the best I've had. I love lemon and butterscotch as my go to flavors. Maybe I will try a lemon cake next. I do have a really good recipe for a very moist chocolate cake with coconut frosting. I haven't made it in years. It's best when it is 3 days old, very moist.

    My sister told me my brother is sleeping about 17 hours per day. I don't know if it is solely the progression of cancer or the narcotics he is taking for pain relief. Probably both.

    So many interesting rules with how schools, sports, communities open up. Just doesn't seem consistent to me.

    Well enjoy your evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    yeah - pinterest is full of the wellington recipes (for me) right now. Gordon Ramsey's seems to be the main one of the moment, but I'm sure if I searched it would give me four hundred others.

    I don't blame you for wanting to get on a plane to see that baby sooner. Maybe things will be decent this summer. It's evolving all the time for sure.

    I'm glad you finally got to to go snow-shoeing!

    I am sweating off and on so much the last few days. Menopause? More COVID long haul symptoms? Bleck.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I've been through menopause for several years but I still have hot flashes, mainly at night when sleeping, and the slightest activity (getting dressed) makes me sweat a lot. It drives me nuts! I often wonder if my body thermostat is shot or is it just my aging body. My ob/gyn told me 10% of women have hot flashes after menopause is over.

    Russ is starting on removing shower and tub caulk and drilling out grout on shower floor in master bath today. It's pretty bad and probably hasn't been done since it was built. I have a chiropractor appointment and a hair cut this morning.

    I went to the local bike shop yesterday to begin to learn about e-bikes. It was informative and I learned a lot. Tomorrow or Thursday I'm going to Traverse City to 4 different bike shops to ask questions and see their bike brands. I've decided I really want one if I can find one in my price range. Availability will be slim again this year due to COVID. Shops aren't receiving the inventory they have ordered for spring sales once again.

    It's sunny again today! Unbelievable! It's so noticeable because we have over cast winters.

    Well have a nice day. Are you going to make beef wellington?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I think at some point I want to make the wellington. Hopefully soon.

    Good luck on getting more info or availability for the bike.

    Today the weather was pretty great - 40 degrees. But another system moves in tonight. More snow coming and the bitter cold. Goody. Zach is planning on coming home, but if it ends up snowing a bunch that won't happen. Boo. Caleb is finally getting to take the ACT Saturday. This is only his first time since they have been canceled for so long. I know schools say they won't be looking at because of COVID- but I still want him to get it taken and try to get that decent score, because I believe it can help him for scholarships. He's not got all the sports to put on his 'resume' but hopefully the ACT will get him good looks. It got Zach his scholarship.

    What another crazy week. More and more orders. The backlog is up to 32 million, just in the Behlen Country business unit - overall units over 80 million backlog. We have over 88 open positions. Un.real. Bernie is complaining because they need to hire 16. I told him, good luck. There are so many jobs in this town. BD has hundreds open, and pretty much any place open has jobs to fill.

    I'm so tired. I haven't slept since Saturday - just keep waking up drenched in sweat and then by the time I cool off and settle back down I pop another sweat off. Yuck.

    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I don't know if you eat spicy foods but they tend to increase hot flashes for me. So does wine... I've read that linen or bamboo sheets help keep you cool when sleeping. Drink lots of water/fluids.

    Supposedly a storm is headed here tomorrow night but I don't know if we will see a lot of snow or get the edge of it. Hoping for a major storm.

    I went to Traverse City and visited 3 bike stores. Sticker shock!!!!!! I test rode two bikes while there. The last store I went to the guy was so nice. He took my name and number to text me when a bike he ordered comes in and I can test ride it. The problem is he ordered last July and has no idea when it will arrive. He offered me a discount on another bike which was so nice, but I needed to think about what I wanted to do. Today I went back to our town bike shop and test rode two bikes. They were both from their rental supply, I just wanted to see what they felt like. I liked both. The new ones for one model won't arrive until May and they don't know how many they will get. I liked that bike! The other one is a 2018 model (Fuji). It retailed for 2700.00 but due to being used as a rental for two years they would sell to me for more than half off. It has upgrades on it and has been tuned up due to being party of their rentals. It has a nice upgraded comfortable seat and the battery and motor are high end. I would be able to transfer my bike rack and bags to this bike and not need to buy new. I put $100 down to hold it for a week. I"m going back tomorrow to ride one more time and am planning to buy it if I still like it. None of the shops know if they will get what they ordered or when they will arrive. Supply is even lower than last year. I didn't think I would find used so this was unexpected. Nice that it is local and they can service my bike if needed. Stay tuned...

    I made waffles in my new waffle maker for dinner. They will get better with practice. I needed to cook them a few minutes longer so will do so next time.

    Lots of animals must be crossing our yard while we sleep. Every day we see new tracks going across the circle in the driveway and close to the house. Deer for sure...

    Hope you don't get hit too bad with weather. That's amazing your town has so many job openings. Wow!
