The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    OMFG. Bernie is telling me and Caleb tonight that he is unhappy at Vishay. His bosses boss has it out for him. Didn’t I hear this story last year. Jeezus. Sure. Lose/leave this job. There’s like two places in this town you haven’t worked. I’ll once again be the only person working. What’s that song,”it’s you!!!!” FFS. Whatever. You know I’ve never been “happy “ at Behlen. It’s a job. Sigh. Whatever Bernie. It’s my fault for not letting him bail from Vishay after two weeks when he got an offer from BD. Maybe they’ll talk to him again
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    It seems like Bernie is in a midlife crisis and doesn't know what makes him happy. As women, we accept that we have a responsibility to bills, putting food on the table, etc. and can't just hop from job to job, unfortunately. Someone has to maintain stability or things go south. Is he saying he is looking for another job? He won't quit without one will he?

    Is it nice having C home? Is he staying until tomorrow night?

    We woke up to a white world of snow. The ground is covered but it has also been raining lightly. Lovely, ugh!

    I measured my body parts and compared to the measurements I had recorded a year ago. I have lost 25 lbs since 2/2/20 and 6.25 inches in this past year. I'll take it. Slow loser but at least it is in the right direction. Hope that biking and continuing at the Y helps me to stay in the right direction. If I don't continue to lose on WW's I may switch to the GoLo Plan in July. It is eating balanced and taking an herbal supplement with each meal which overcomes insulin resistance (which I am sure I have). But I will continue with WW's since I am committed through 6/30 and re-evaluate my status.

    I hope your Easter meal is enjoyable. I am sorry that Bernie dropped his news on you when C is home and you want to enjoy time with him. Hang in there!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    That’s so fantastic that you are down 25lbs! You got it going on .

    Yeah Bernie brought it up when Caleb asked him how it was going. It once again reinforces that when I am giving Bernie a hard time he responds with failing at life. He needs help so bad and refuses to admit it. This will be me having to back to acting like the happy wife and pretending that what he does is right. He better stay employed until he finds something “better “ but I won’t hold my breath. Caleb kind of didn’t help because he took the stand of it’s not worth your mental health to be miserable. I’m like he needs to work steady for at least fifteen years and he needs stay put. At our age ageism is going to start being an issue. And I’m just over it. I’m sick of being the rock. But I also know I won’t leave. So I guess I’m not over it. Sigh.

    Off to Michele’s tomorrow. I bought a “hard” mocha latte drink. So good. Soooo many points.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Mammogram day.

    Up three pounds today. I’m sure too much wine and hash brown casserole. Hopefully it releases soon. I was so excited last week seeing a low number I hadn’t seen in five years. Gotta press on
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We need to live our lives and enjoy things we like. If it results in a few pounds we just need to forgive ourselves and continue on. Let it go and all will be well. You saw a scale number that you haven't seen in awhile. Success!

    Will Bernie just walk out of the job without talking it thru with you? Is there a job that would make him happy?

    I didn't count points on Easter but I didn't do horrible with eating, just kept to single portions but ate what I wanted. I indulged in a few jelly beans and malted eggs but did not over eat.

    I volunteered at Power Books for 2 hours today and then worked on my jigsaw puzzle this afternoon. Russ cleaned out the garage (looks great) and didn't want to cook tonight. Of course, I didn't plan anything either. We went to the local pub and had dinner. I was craving their crispy chicken salad.

    I am going to aqua fit tomorrow morning and then volunteering tomorrow afternoon.

    Our weather is in the 60's and possibly 70's tomorrow. I may take my bike for a spin on Wednesday afternoon if weather is nice. It is ready to go.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I was hoping the bounce up would only be for a day, but since it was still up today I am going to have use that as my weight post. Sigh. The main thing I have to not let it become a banana peel. Intellectually I know I didn't eat 10,000 calories. I just don't have a very good stick-to-it. Just keep plugging.

    I don't think Bernie will just walk out of Vishay, but the last times he made the "I'm not happy, my boss (or bosses boss) has a problem with me" it was only a short time after that he would be termed. I have no freaking idea what would make him happy. Honestly, he has to make himself happy. No job is going to make him happy. I have literally never been happy here, but we have to work. We don't get financially supported by anyone else. The thing that keeps me so terrified, is I know there is doom coming where I work. But there is Bernie once again doing what he does or doesn't do. You know, pretty much everyone looks and sees that this nice life we have is because Bernie has provided it. Bernie has the 'real' job(s). He has been employed in engineering roles (without being a degreed engineer) for the majority of time. But making those happen, getting him there, keeping him, getting him to the next one - is usually off my back. Starting way back as a barely couple in college. He was not really doing classes well, (yes academic probation), but by graduation he had a 3.4. Yes - he did the work, but something about being with me (who encouraged good behaviors) prompted that. When he would not work (i.e. the co-op job he started and lost, the cow milking job he started and ended almost immediately) I was there to keep him afloat. That's continued for 30 years. Yes, he has a better paying jobs, but because I save, save, save and can squeeze a buck and have a knack for writing resumes, cover letters and contacts, etc - that get's things done. I lock down what I am going through, or my desires to prop him back up. Maybe that's been wrong. Maybe he won't ever self-regulate because I have done too much. I felt like that was my job. So my actual jobs aren't of the same 'caliber' - but that's also not what I have wanted. We're probably way too co-dependent but I'm not sure how to 'fix' that at this point.

    It's going to be in the 80's this week. That's crazy.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    and here comes more of the doom -

    so my brother-in-law bid on a different job (remember him being told he will be reporting to someone he basically refuses to work for) so this job is in Omaha - and plenty of people commute. Omaha is about an hour away. Not ideal, but for a few years they've done it before. And basically everyone hired recently lives elsewhere and remotes. He wouldn't remote, just commute. He got told he would have to move. Because that position requires being close. Literally no one gets told that. I don't get it. Dan and Michele have given so much to this place and they continue to treat them so poorly. (Dan's folks are getting in poor health and live way closer to Columbus than Omaha - and Omaha puts him farther away from the farm). Even if they do move. Then what about Michele. She has to commute from Omaha back to Columbus? Fine for her to commute? It's like they want both of them to quit. Which would throw this place into turmoil. Or, they both move and then our team gets what divvied out to other teams? That's the end of us. Sigh. So much yuck.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    A lot of stress and uncertainties in your life right now. How does your sister feel about the potential move and her commuting back to Columbus? It seems like both of your families may be dealing with change in one way or another. I hope all works out for all of you.

    Russ got an email from his doctor today. He had an echo cardiogram a week or so ago and hadn't heard about the results. Well he has a bicuspid aortic valve (suppose to be tri-cuspid) and they are known to degrade over time because of two openings rather than three. He was born this way but didn't know he had this issue until now. He is developing aortic stenosis and is being referred to a cardiologist for evaluation and recommendations. He could end up with surgery to replace the valve if recommended. He is at risk for a heart attack I guess. I know he is worried and scared. I am too. I hope they arrange the cardiology appt soon. I imagine they are scheduling months out.

    I went to my aqua fit this morning. The substitute teacher is really good and I worked myself as hard as I could. I ate a sandwich for lunch because I was starving and then went to Power Books to volunteer. 71 degrees so we sat outside and stamped postcards to be sent out for the 7th birthday celebration of the non profit.

    We are having either a veggie omelette or popcorn for dinner. My treat!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    so Dan is accepting the job in Omaha and they will move. Michele will commute for now (of course she has to travel all the time anyway to other branches so that won't change). I don't we'll see. I hope it works out for them. They've worked hard and sacrificed a lot. Selfishly, I hope it works out for me too. It's an even worse time for me to have to consider not being able to stay stable with Bernie looking to hop jobs. Trying to find some calm. Oh and the alternate route I had found gets closed tomorrow because they are going to start working on it too. So. Much. Change. PAIN.

    I'm sorry Russ is having a health scare. I hope you are able to find a good doc soon and get hopeful answers.

    It's going to be almost 90 today. My a/c went on last night.

    I was hoping my weight would bounce down after pushing water and having on track days. Not yet. Trying not to let it get into my brain. This is not a banana peel. I mean to gain four pounds in one week would mean eating an extra 14000 cals and I know I didn't. I know I didn't.

    Sigh. Change. Pain. Hump day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    If you are feeling stressed your cortisol levels may be high and maybe that affects how your body functions. Just an uneducated guess. Read it somewhere, sometime...

    I woke up with vertigo. This happens to me sometimes. In the last few months I've had some sharp pains in my frontal lobe area of my head. They are brief and I usually blow them off. I debated on whether I should pick up my cousin for aqua fit and didn't plan to go if the vertigo persisted. It lessened and I did pick her up and we went. In class I got one of those sharp pains in my head and then began to feel really nauseous. It was all I could do to get through class, take her home and get home myself. The vertigo is back, my brain is foggy, and I am very nauseous. I am in the recliner resting and feeling like I want to vomit but don't want to make it happen. Of course it is a beautiful day and I wanted to take a quick ride this afternoon, but not happening.

    Russ got a call from the nurse at his doctors. They asked if he wanted to see a cardiologist. What? Why ask, just refer. He said yes and they said many people refuse to go to that step of seeing one for evaluation. Crazy! They are referring him to the heart clinic in Traverse City. I checked the cardiologist's name on our insurance list and he is in network so I told him to go ahead and schedule an appt. He gave his notice at his assembly job this morning. He will be done this Friday. I'm glad he isn't going to work anymore. I'm worried enough about him working in the yard. He has spent a lot of time thinking about his heart valve and has reflected on his history. He was born with it and now looking back and knowing about it has him identifying situations where it was probably an issue for him. He has always gotten winded easily and has had poor endurance.

    Wow, your sister is moving. How does that affect your position and work environment? She will still work there but commute from Omaha. Does it have a direct influence on your position?

    Winter and road construction are the two seasons...hang in there.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Your vertigo sounds unpleasant to say the least. Do these times come as a precursor to getting other sick? Like you get a bout of vertigo before a migraine or a bad sinus infection?

    Here's hoping for a relatively short wait for the appointment and a doctor you feel comfortable with.

    Feel better dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The vertigo is usually its own thing. Not a precursor to getting sick. Today I have a mild case. Went to the chiropractor for my adjustment. Driving was ok. Then I decided to clean out the cupboard where we keep Charlie's food. Up high and lots of unused old treats, etc. thrown in there. I was using a step ladder and had to go up two steps to reach items in back of shelf. I forgot I was up two steps twice! I fell backwards to the floor one time and once banged in to the counter behind me. I will be bruised on my hips by tonight. Stupid of me to tackle that when I am still light headed. My fault!

    I took Charlie with me for a car ride when I went to the chiro. On the way home I stopped at his vet to weigh him. He is losing weight and eating very lightly in the past two weeks. He has lost 2 pounds and his collar needs to be tightened. The vet tech talked to me and read his chart from when he was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She said the vet wants to seem him again if he doesn't improve (he told us that), and they would do a chest xray and ultrasound to look further. $$$$$!! He had a chest x-ray when we got home from FL. He was clear then. If they found something that would cost a ton of money to treat with no guarantees, we would opt to keep him comfortable and let nature takes it course. Ugh! I need to talk to Russ. He is at work, his last day.

    It is going to get to 80 today. I have the windows and doors open to get some fresh air in the house. I also put on the ceiling fans to get some circulation.

    I lost 2.2 pounds when I weighed myself this morning. 12.2 pounds loss since starting WW's on Jan 3rd. Slow but I'll take it.

    Have a nice day. Almost the weekend again...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    12.2 since January is definitely not that slow. I am under 10 (since my bounce back) and that this is since November. You are doing so great!

    Ouch. I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse from your misstep.

    It's so warm and horribly windy here. ANOTHER red flag day.

    At least it's Friyay-eve.

    Oh, I got stuck in the construction for over 20 minutes yesterday. I am going to try it one more time today, and if it happens again I guess I am going to look at doing the 10 mile drive on gravel. I hate driving gravel, but sitting trapped on all sides without moving for over twenty minutes made me feel like I was going to come out of skin. And then when I did finally move I made some very questionable choices.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I fell a third time. What a dunce! The cupboard is cleaned out and washed and items have been put back in. Then I discovered a leak under the kitchen sink. It's our faucet which we hate so we are going to buy a new one tomorrow and Russ is going to try to do it himself. Down the road, we want to replace the sink, counter tops, back splash, cabinet hardware, and paint the cabinets. Then repaint the kitchen. A year out for all that I think.

    Charlie has been sleeping all day since we got home. Russ came home early and is done with his job. I told him Happy Retirement #2. There were a couple of young workers there that liked him quite a bit. He was fatherly toward them and always encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Unskilled labor stuck in low paying job and not always encouraged by their own families to excel in skills or education. One girl wants to be a welder and he kept telling her to go for it. The local college has a welding program and her boyfriend has a welding business. Now he doesn't have to get up at 4:30/5am 3 days per week. I'm glad...

    Windy and hot here today. We have a fire ban due to how dry it is. Cold weather and possible snow coming after the weekend though. My bulbs are all coming up and the bushes and trees are budding.

    Lets keep plugging away at our weight. We can do this no matter how slow it happens. We will both feel better about ourselves.

    Have you heard from Z? How is the end of the year wrap-up going?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Zach is really stressed out. If I get him to answer any texts he just says he is tired. I am just hoping he can hang in there for three more weeks. Send him good thoughts.

    The world needs more welders. We (and every business in town) ALWAYS need welders. Some companies even train inexperienced people (i.e. get paid and learn to weld) if she doesn't think she wants/can go the welding program way.

    Quit getting up in the air with vertigo! No more falling.

    I have been super on plan all week - I never lost my 'up' - but hopefully it will come back off. It will make me sad if it takes a month or more (what it took to lose originally), but I am going to keep plugging.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Poor Z. Wrapping up a year let alone the whole college experience takes a lot. Then there are the added pressures of getting employment and all you have to do with resumes, interviews, etc. These days they don't get a face to face unless their resume makes the cuts. So unfortunate...I'm glad I had my career when I did. Lately, I miss just having a rotary or push button phone and only land line. It feels like a phone with data takes over your life even though they are so convenient and so much info at our fingertips. I look at it way too much, checking texts, emails, playing Wordle and Woodoku, Facebook, etc.

    You saw my post on FB about Charlie. Yesterday was the end of a stressful week and very sad, unexpected decision to be made about Charlie. Between Russ' congenital heart issue he just found out about, possible hardening of his aortic valve (potential surgery), Charlie's vet observation and results, it's a little much for now. We are having Charlie cremated and will get his ashes to spread with our dog, Maggie, that we had to euthanize in 2019. Maggie never made it to our acreage in MI but we will spread her here. She would have loved the freedom to roam here but the two of them would have been like that pair on Homeward Bound that go on a journey and don't return for a long time. Charlie would follow Maggie anywhere and she was lead by her nose. Russ went for his morning walk alone and is struggling without his buddy.

    It is suppose to be low 80's today. If it does get warm I will take a spin on my bike. I'm not feeling social so a bike ride without my sister would be fine with me. Tomorrow I go back to the theater for a concession shift and then to my sister's for dinner.

    We picked out a new faucett for kitchen sink and laundry sink. Russ will start replacing today. Hope it is in his skill set.

    Stick to your plan. It will happen.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I’m so sorry about your loss.

    Take care of yourself and hopefully Russ can get an appointment soon too

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Russ got an appointment for mid June. Hopefully he will get some answers and does not need surgery to replace the valve.

    I rode 16 miles yesterday. I was able to wear shorts and a short sleeve shirt, it was low 80's. There were several people on the trail walking and riding bikes. Not too crowded this early in the season. Snow and rain predicted all week and temps will plummet. We had rain in the night which we need badly. Sun is out now so maybe this will be
    our last nice day for awhile. Hope not...

    I am going to do more organizing and cleaning today. It keeps my mind off Charlie and they are tasks I have put off doing. I wish I knew how to hang curtain rods but I don't know how to use the electric drill, etc. I am at Russ' mercy when I want a specific task done that is out of my wheel house. I asked if we could hang my curtain rods in the guest room today and he said that was not in his plan for today. What???? I had asked him last weekend to help me and he never did. If I don't remind him, which gives him the opportunity to say no, he doesn't come up with it on his own unless it is a task he chose to put on his to do list. Frustrated!

    I volunteer at the theater tonight. Haven't been there since mid March for the St. Patrick's Day Irish concert. I had delayed my shifts until I returned from Mexico but then never went on the trip.

    There is a Robin constantly slamming against our windows. He sees his reflection and it must be mating season. Russ covered the two basement windows and now he/she is banging against the den window. One would think that when he hits the glass the reflection he sees is not real. Bird brain!

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Oh, that evil scale. I was just sure that my pop up would fall down this week. I was super on plan all week last. The only day I was over was yesterday and that was only like by 10 or 12 - I still had over 40 weeklies - and I am up again today. Sigh. I am hoping it is just a re-setting period. I remember when I first restarted back in November and usually the first week we all have nice big losses and I gained that first week. So annoying.

    I got the invitations for my niece's bridal shower addressed this weekend and will put them in the mailbox tomorrow. Her list grew a bit from the first one she gave. Now I'm not sure I can do it in the main of my house. I know not all will show up, but now I'm feeling like I may be to set up the garage because I don't want there to be not enough space for comfortable seating. Not that I want to be in the garage, but you know. I'm going to have to see if I can figure out exactly how many chairs I can fit in my house. I had already planned to remove all the furniture and just have a serving table/s and then chairs circling the room - I guess I'll get out a measuring tape and try to figure it out.

    the only response I am getting back from Zach when I try to text him is 'tired'. Getting a bit worried. It never goes away.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Z is almost done. He can home and you can cook for him and give him lots of time. Something to look forward to for you.

    How many people are being invited to the shower? Sounds huge. Do you have a theme (kitchen and bath, etc.) or people buy whatever kind of presents they want to give?

    I have been doing some emotional eating this weekend. Russ and I went out for a comfort meal on Saturday eve, fish and chips. Last night I was at my sister's for dinner (Russ chose not to go). We had grilled lamb chops, oven roasted potato chunks, and salad. I had seconds on lamb chop and potatoes, then a brownie for dessert. Back on track today...but scale was up 1.8 lbs this morning. My fault...

    Cold with light snow falling today. Nothing is sticking on the ground, luckily.

    I thought I was going to volunteer today but they are doing a big volunteer day in Traverse City for people who volunteer there. I could have attended but didn't feel like it. I also could have worked by myself at the office in our town, but decided to stay home and be lazy.

    Maybe you should take your measurements and guage success that way for a bit. I feel the older we get, the scale is not our friend. Hormones, etc...Our bodies gain easily and lose slowly. Every pound fought for over and over again. I think it has something to do with Estrogen but don't remember if too little as we age or what.

    How is work? What is Bernie's status? When is your sister and husband moving?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I can't remember if I told you I was going to try GoLo for weight loss. I decided to do it simultaneously with WW's. The kit arrived last night and I started this morning. The eating plan is basically a diabetic diet, which I do somewhat, and eating balanced meals with 2 proteins, 1 carb, 2 veggies, and a fat. No snacking unless going longer than 6 hours between meals then get a bonus food to add on to a meal or two, or a protein and carb snack in between. The supplement which helps get metabolism back on track and control blood sugar spikes (plant based), is taken during the meal or right after, not on an empty stomach. So supplement 3 times per day with 3 meals per day. I am also tracking points on WW's so it all pretty much goes together. We will see if this helps me make some progress. It isn't too much of a change from what I was doing with exception of hitting all the food groups. GoLo aims for clean eating, so no deli meats, processed/packaged foods, no labeled low fat/low sugar foods or diet sodas/sugary drinks. They claim a person loses 1-2 pounds per week but could vary, gets better sleep and has more energy.

    This morning I went to the 9am and 10am aqua fit classes. The 9am is in the shallow therapy pool (4ft deep) with a combination of cardio, core and strengthening exercises. The 10 am was in the lap pool (deep water wearing life belts). 40-45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of core and strengthening. Whew!

    Cold here with wind and intermittent snowing. Some on the ground but not much. I am under a blanket on the couch trying to stay warm while reading and on the computer.

    I hope all is ok with you at home and work.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I'll be interested to hear how GOLO works for you. I obviously see it on tv all the time. As I am obsessing over where I could have 'gone wrong' last week with my eating - the only thing I did different from the weeks I had been losing was I had grapes as my fruit last week. I had a big bowl of fruit left over from Easter and it was mostly grapes with a few strawberries and I put those in a cup to take to work for my snack instead of my apple(s). I mean the calories aren't significantly different, but I know grapes have more sugar and they did allow me to go without needing my 'just in case' bar. So overall I should have been on the low end of my points. I really NEED to see that reflection of the scale going down when (at least as far as I can tell) I did the work. DEEP BREATH. I just have to continue. I just have to continue. Eventually I'll gather enough data to 'fix' and lose. Just have to continue.

    So the shower will be a kitchen/misc type shower as far as I know. When Michele decided/indicated that I could help out with it and have it here in Columbus I had asked if she thought my house was big enough to host it. I think she didn't realize how the list would grow and grow. The first list I saw was 56 with at least 20 I wouldn't have to 'worry' about - i.e. out of state etc. No worries - I can get 35 in my house. This last list had 69 on it. Even with 20 not coming that's a potential of 50. That's going to be really uncomfortable I think inside my house. And with having the invitations printed it's not like I can change locations. I don't care about size - just kind of frustrated that she didn't think that through when I had asked about me hosting at my house. So the more I consider - I think the garage is going to be my best bet. It will suck because I'll have to argue with Bernie about getting it cleaned up again and since the date is June 4 it could be hot. I don't know. I'll keep thinking about it. I had the boys' confirmations inside - but I know there wasn't that many - I'll have to dig out my notebook and refresh my memory on how people I had seated inside. Maybe I can do it.

    I kind of yelled at Bernie on Sunday. I asked him when he was going to discuss what he was doing to me with his 'not happy and going to get another job thing' again. He just looks confused like what he's doing doesn't affect me at all. I yelled at him - do you I've ever been happy since starting Behlen - when does it get to be about me???? It wasn't productive of course, he just shut down because 'I don't understand.' Yeah - I don't understand about working for people who have it out you. That's every job. Meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Day 1 of GoLo is done. I have eaten 3 balanced meals including the various food groups, appropriate serving sizes, no snacks, lots of exercise and drinking water. I took 3 Release Capsules for the insulin resistance and blood sugar deal and feel pretty good. I am merging the GoLo principles with WW's. Here are some thoughts to ponder that may help you or not(per GoLo Info):

    -Eat 3 balanced meals per day. This includes 2 proteins, 1 carb, 2 veggies, and 1 fat (2-1-2-1). Protein servings are 3 oz/meat, 1 egg, 2 oz raw nuts, etc., 1/2 cup serving for veggies and fruit, starchy veggies are 1/4 cup, healthy fats include butter (1 tsp), olive, avocado or coconut oil 1tsp - 1 Tblsp, home made dressing 2 Tblsp, 8 olives, 1/4 cup avocado, 3 Tblsp unsweetened coconut flakes.

    -they stress there is a fine line between eating too little and unbalanced and eating too much. Eating too little and not balanced leads to stalled metabolism, insulin spikes that deplete energy and turn food/sugars into fat rather than digest, therefore, weight gain or no progress. Eating too much leads to poor digestion and weight gain.

    -they stress clean eating as much as possible. Shop the outside of the grocery aisles but frozen veggies and fruits are good. Plain yogurt (not nonfat or low fat) and whole milk are good. I will not drink whole milk but am willing to drink and use 2%. I like my Dannon Light n Fit Yogurt Vanilla and will stick to it.

    -My balanced meals today fell within my points range on WW's. Basically, Go Lo is eating like the diabetic diet but without snacks between meals.

    -they say it is good for the body to rest in between meals. Same concept as intermittent fasting but they don't have you skipping meals and going longer than 5-6 hours without eating except when sleeping.

    -they have me measure my waist and weigh when I start. Check these weekly. If scale doesn't move fast, celebrate the inches, better sleep, and increased energy and good digestion.

    Your shower sounds stressful with all those guests. I'm not much for hosting or entertaining if I can avoid it so that many people would be stressful. Do you serve a meal buffet style or is it just cake and coffee?

    When is the wedding?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    The wedding is July 8. I really wasn't worried about doing this shower until I got that last list and there were even a few more names that they indicated they were leaning towards inviting (another 10 of 'probably should invite'). After Michele gets back from vacation next week I am going to have to ask her to go through the list and give me what she thinks for the number of who will likely attend. And that I am not inviting any more. When it was talked about with me it seemed like I was mainly having the old-timey type shower we had just for the Broekemeier side and our mom and an aunt. The Broekemeier's have a huge family which is fine, but then suddenly it was all the Hall (his huge family) and all those aunts and cousins and her girl posse- which they should do their own shower but since not that should have been decided and then I would have gotten the fellowship hall at church. I'll figure it out- girl posse may have to sit on the floor.

    I looked through the history on the home laptop last night looking at where Bernie has been applying. He has also put in at a couple places in Wayne. I don't know what he is thinking. That is an hour and a quarter each way. Does he really think he is going to commute that? In his truck that would be around $40 a day just in gas. I hate this so much. And I am beating myself up so much as well. A year ago when he got the offer at Vishay and was so excited to just get back to work (and was happy to go to Vishay) he had started then two weeks later got an offer at BD. It was more money and he acted like he was going to dump out of Vishay to go BD - just because of more money. I did a lot of talking about burning bridges and basically did my best to talk him out of it. And now he probably won't be able to get another offer from BD. Sigh. He makes me nuts, but no, I don't want him miserable. And I don't want to establish another home in another town and somebody have to commute 12 hours a week. I guess I could 'punish' him and tell him he has to live my folks, but that's just mean. Bleh. Stress.

    Michele is on vacation this week (actual out of the country and no contact for the first time four year) vacation, and of course lots of things are popping off. So work is 'fun'. Fun, fun, everywhere.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I've got to stop stressing about things that are making me anxious.

    I am going to try to focus on why I wanted to do this in this first place. To make a pretty, fun, memory for my best niece. I was just thinking about Caleb's men's group from last year (Bakers Dozen) and how they sang that Wedding Singer song Grow Old With You - I just texted him if a quartet could pull it off. It would be a cool entertainment piece. It could be Zach, Caleb, Alex and if they could pull in one of the Bass II for the low. How fun that could be.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    It sounds like you have some great ideas for the shower. Can you still get the fellowship hall at your church? That may be the least stressfull. Could you have it catered, simple food with a cake, and take off even more stress? I am at a point in life where paying a little more to relieve stress or save on time is my thing.

    Interesting that Bernie would consider the commute to Wayne and back. Maybe he could stay at your parents during the week and come home on weekends? You would have your alone time.

    We purchased concert tickets to see Jason Isbel and the 400 Unit in Ann Arbor, MI on 6/25. I am looking at hotels for two nights since it is about 5 hours from us. I have always wanted to explore Ann Arbor. That is where the University of MI campus is and the concert is on campus in the auditorium.

    I measured my waist and weighed myself this morning to have a starting point for Golo and guage how it works for me. I have lost another 1/2" on my waist and almost an inch on my hips! This is before Golo so I am hopeful. I have lost the emotional eating pound I ate last weekend when we had to euthanize Charlie. I am back on track and doing ok.

    I was tired this morning and did not get up to go to the Y. I don't know if I will get there again this week unless I go to a late afternoon class tomorrow. I drop a friend at the airport at 2:45 and then will go to Cosco. If time works out maybe I will go to the 5pm deep water core class. We will see. Otherwise, I need to get walking.

    I made that 2 ingredient dough with self rising flour, plain greek yogurt and salt. I made flat bread (pitas). I haven't tried them yet. Maybe tomorrow for breakfast.

    Well I hope all settles down for you soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I like the two ingredient dough too. I should make some more. I am sad - did a mid-week check in and my weight still hasn't adjusted down at all. That means all those ups are not just bounces. Sigh. I, again, have been super on plan and should be seeing steady downs. My brain says just give up and eat everything because eating on plan isn't working. I have to fight that. I just have to keep sticking to it.

    The food shouldn't be too big of issue. Her Aunt Kim (Broekemeier) is going to do the sweets (cookies, brownies), Aung Elizabeth (Broekemeier) will do some of the breakfast casseroles. I am going to buy bagels to make a bagel bite platter and order mini cinnamon rolls from one of the sweet shops. I could make the rolls, but this will be less stressful. Then coffee, and I saw a recipe for a pitcher of a sweet coffee drink (I think something the younger ones might like) and some mimosas. If fruit has a decent price and looks good I may do a bowl of that.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Are you in menopause? With your issues with hormones you may have difficulty with weight loss. It is harder as we age and I have read that estrogen levels (not sure up or down) make us gain easily and lose very slowly if at all. Could you talk to your doctor, see a nutritionist,...

    I am liking the GoLo. I am down 1.6 pounds since Tuesday when I began the program. I feel good eating balanced meals, am not hungry and no weird effects from the release capsule that aids metabolism. I am eating so healthy now. I measured again and have lost more inches with exercise and the weight. Would you consider giving GoLo a try? You may want to talk to doctor first though. They may have a better idea of what is going on.

    Your shower food and touches sound lovely. I am sure your niece will love it and be so appreciative.

    It's really getting green here, leaves are opening, bulbs are up and blooming in the woods but temps are cool and precipitation alternates rain and snow.

    Hang in there and continue to make good eating choices. The other effect could be stress/higher cortisol levels. You have a lot of worries with Bernie's job hopping, the shower, your sister moving, work, C and Z... Stress is our enemy when trying to lose weight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I am in menopause, yep. I have always struggled to lose weight. Always. I have to expect it's going to be even harder. I just don't like it. I will consider the GoLo - the not snacking thing will be an issue for me. I am a snacker.

    Happy to see another work week come to a close.

    Zach texted last night he is coming home tonight. For some reason that is making me anxious. I have this bad feeling it might be uncomfortable news (not graduating). Stay tuned to tomorrow's episode of, "as the cookie crumbles...."

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Oh no! I hope you are wrong about Z. Try to stay calm and just give support. I would guess he is upset already. I hope that is not the news he is going to give you. Maybe he just needs a home cooked meal and some love before finishing up.

    I had my last hurrah for a bit. Russ and I went and got our snow tires off and regular tires put on. We went to dinner and I had chicken wings. They were yummy but tomorrow I won't cheat and will make healthier choices. I have done well at meals but tonight was planned since we would be in the city.

    I hope your weekend goes well.