The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    You have had a really productive day!

    Good luck with your meeting your new doc.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I found a chiropractor and went to see her yesterday. My whole right side, arms and leg, has been stiff, sore and tingly. She did an assessment and adjustment. I will be sore from that for a few days too. I liked her a lot. She's not in my insurance network but hopefully they will cover out of network 60%. I don't want to go to Traverse City just for adjustments when I need them. They also have an acupuncturist on staff so I may schedule with her at some point. Really helps arthritis.

    I just ordered a new baby pack n play and sheets for our house. I unpacked my 30 year old one and it is not functioning and probably not to code. We talked with Jeff and Karah last night and she is 22 weeks! She must have been 20 to 21 when they told us, not 17-18. Well her pregnancy won't seem so long since she found out later than typical.

    Beautiful sunny, cold day here today. Tomorrow I meet my doctor.
    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    How exciting! All the fun stuff to start perusing and shopping for. I still get all weirdly gooey when I see cute little onesies and sleepers. And the smell of baby shampoo! I think that stuff must be programmed into our dna to make us want babies. ;>)

    Zach texted me late Friday night/early Saturday morning. He was so excited about his networking class that he had gotten all 100's all semester long, plus extra credit so he was over 100 percent. So proud of that kid. He is really finding himself. Friday afternoon he had texted he was selling finals emergency kits (baggies of snacks) for a fundraiser for his ACM club (computer sci). After so long of so much heart ache. He has finals Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then will head home later Wednesday and be done with the semester. Crazy! He had originally planned on working like he did over the summer for IT at Behlen, but not sure if that will possible with all the bad stuff going on. Not that there isn't work, but it's not normal by any means. If he can't IT, I'm going to ask if Michele can bring him on. I can easily teach him the screens to help with data entry. If we can get another computer.

    May not have to work on Thanksgiving, but we'll definitely have to work all the other days unless something magical happens. Any bit of production we have to manually enter by hand, so we'll have to do Wednesday night stuff and all of Friday and Saturday production. Sigh. Trying to stay positive. But it's hard. It's only been a week, but feels longer. I am struggling. Some people will make comments like, well healthcare workers work like this all the time. I'm like, and I'm not a healthcare worker. They make a good bit more than a data entry person. The ironic thing is, I'm not doing this for the company. I am pissed as heck at the company. Their poor security and no desire to invest in getting the resources to get back up quickly. But doing this for my sister and the others who are killing themselves to try to keep things somewhat kept up. It would be nice if the presidents would even come over and say thank you. Or throw some pizzas at us. Sigh. Whatever. It's tough all over.

    Hope your chiro visit helps. It's good to be finding the resources.

    I finally slept and slept last night. I was awake at 4 am yesterday (not needing to be up until 6) so that was discouraging. Hopefully I will talk myself into getting on my exercise machine for a few minutes today. Just something to move my body a little.

    Have a good Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I got so pizzed off at the B the last few days. I am barely hanging on to my sanity (hello anxiety and depression train) and there has been no food in the house (that can be grabbed and go) and yesterday as I was up getting ready to leave there was dirty dishes out and the counters were all crusty. So I slammed around in the kitchen at 6 am for about 20 minutes and then sent a pizzy text to B about "do we need a work instruction on how to clean up after ourselves". He did at least go grocery shopping. Honestly it probably wouldn't matter what he did or didn't do, he's going to be my pissed off target. But seriously, could you keep bananas on the counter for me? Don't eat my last yogurt? Wipe the crusty cheese off the counter. Pick up a pizza for crying out loud.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    It all feels so stressful doesn't it? COVID, the spread, shutdowns,'s old but states are increasing in numbers and hospitals at capacity. It's just too much. I hear ya about clean up. Russ is a great cook but his clean up is less than stellar. He tries but never cleans the stove top and all the oil that splatters to microwave, counters, etc. I just come in behind him and do it and he gets annoyed. I can't stand dirty counter tops and sinks in any room. Unfortunately, some guys just need direct requests such as "wipe the counters please", "do the dishes please", or "go to the grocery". Is Bernie one who needs to know what is expected rather than figuring it out just to help out? Russ is in the middle somewhere.

    Are you still gathering for Thanksgiving? Who is cooking? Whose house? I hope not yours. You have enough on your plate.

    I really liked my new doctor so far. She has a nice bedside manner and is easy to talk to. She even shared about her family and moving up here from downstate years ago. I'm guessing she is in her 40's which is fine with me. The clinic was really strict with their set up for COVID. I liked that too. I've seen the chiropractor twice. I'm using Russ' walker when needed to get around the house. My muscles are so tight in the back of my knee it is difficult and painful to walk. I think the adjustments are working but if they don't, the doctor said she would refer me to PT, and she prescribed a muscle relaxant for bed time. I soaked in Epsom salts last night, and used a Magnesium lotion on my muscles this morning. I'm also putting Collagen in my coffee to see if that helps my overall joint pain. There have been moments I would welcome an endless supply of pain killers and put myself in to a delerious state.

    I don't need to go anywhere until I see Chiro on Saturday again. Reading, napping, watching Hallmark, and sleeping are on my schedule.

    I'm glad Z will be home for awhile and you will all be together. I need to figure out Christmas and make lists for stocking stuffers, gifts, etc. I don't go overboard but like to do stocking stuffers. I also want to get more for the babies!

    Happy Thanksgiving and have a restful day, hopefully.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member

    Wednesday is over. I'm home, Z kid is home, C kid is home. Bliss. I got home and Zach was just so fired to chatter about how his Discrete Math final went and how excited he was by his Networking grade. He wanted to show me his computer he built and is just so proud of it. He chattered like a little kid for about an hour and now is passed out on the couch with the cat on his lap. They are both happy.

    It seems we are still having dinner with the folks tomorrow at my sisters house. Whatever. We'll go for a little bit.

    I'm sorry you are so sore still. Have you ever tried cosequin or something like that? I think I remember my sister saying that my brother in law uses it and it has helped his knees.

    I'm glad you are pleased with your new doc. What a relief.

    I think I may get the holidays off after all. The branches finally got a couple sessions of our ECCCO program and have been able to take over doing some of their own entry. What a relief. Things are still crazy and not in good shape. But it is a step in the right direction. IT finally took my CPU to do a complete wipe on it and hopefully I will have a regular system back next week. I have using what they call a rasberry pie (a super tiny computer, that has only the one program). It has kept me keying, but very limited.

    I hope you have a wonderful day and start feeling relief from your adjustments.

    Later dear J!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    wow - two full days off - it's crazy how fast Thursday and Friday went. Yesterday was..... o.k. I still am not overall happy about getting together, but I guess if I was really against it I should have just kept us home. I just know I am not strong enough to withstand that family pressure. I also had the weird experience of feeling like it was the worst dinner we've ever had. My sister insisted everything was taken care of with her doing the turkey and potatoes and mom doing salads, stuffing and pies. I should just bring fruit. Which we did. But man. The turkey and potatoes were ok (never my favorite thing). But the stuff mom made was... gross. Our family standby, the layered lettuce salad. I don't know, maybe she didn't put the sugar in the mayo for the dressing? Because of dad's diabetes? But then just don't put the topping on it and make it a plain salad that we can each dress on our own. The dressing was gross too. I also have years and years of remembering each time I would bring a healthier contribution to dinners and getting jokes about what healthy stuff was I torturing them with? I never messed with the standards. Meh. Feelings. Family.

    Zach is getting together with his high school music ministry group 1T412 and they are going to sing at their former music directors new church in Omaha on Sunday. So excited. Those kids are so musically blessed and I have missed those God moments of having them serve us special music that just zips right to your soul.

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend. It's going way too fast for me!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I forgot to ask - how is your workout friend who got COVID? Is she feeling any better yet?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi Marla. My right arm and leg have been so sore and tight I've avoided the computer over the holiday weekend. I've been to the chiro 3 times and it is helping. My leg is much more loose but my rt elbow is still swollen and sore. Hot showers, magnesium lotion, and Sombra (pain relief gel) have helped. The muscle relaxant at night is a necessary med. Chiro says my alignment has improved. I will see her Tuesday again.

    Our restaurant take out dinner was pretty good. It was traditional and the pumpkin pie was one of the best I've had. I'm sorry yours wasn't as good. Do you think your taste is off from having had COVID or was the food just not good?

    I'm glad Z gets to sing with his former group. Reunions are always fun and they get to catch up on what everyone is doing.

    How are you and Bernie feeling? Do you have your strength back? I haven't talked to my friend in over a week but last we talked she and her husband were beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I need to make contact and check in with her.

    Beautiful day here today. I may try to walk with Charlie in the driveway. I shouldn't be sitting so much because it isn't good for my spine to do so. Maybe a short walk will help loosen the muscles some more.

    It sounds like your work is lightening up a little bit. I hope it continues to do so.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I don't know. It could very well be a leftover thing from the COVID, but it feels like most other foods I eat seem to taste normal. But, it's probably better to put it in the light of a Covid effect.

    The thing I was so excited for didn't happen. Just as I was talking to Zach about reminding him to leave for practice Bernie gets all upset and adamant that by having him do this Zach will get sick and stupid I am being for supporting it. Obviously, when confronted with the direct question from Bernie, "do you want to get sick Zach" he said of course I don't. So that was over. It makes me so upset. Bernie knew this was in the works. He could have put his foot down way earlier so I wouldn't have made the arrangments and been looking forward to it. It just felt so embarassing and made me feel like he was trying to make me look like an azz for encouraging Zach to do something 'dangerous.' This wouldn't have been any more risky than anything he had been doing at school, but whatever. It's just usually not worth the fight. I'm just so tired of it though.

    I'm sorry your pain is so much worse. I keep hoping it is getting better for you.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    So Z didn't get to go to Omaha? That's too bad if he didn't. You are right that he is probably more likely to get sick at school. I can imagine how bad you felt when Bernie questioned you in front of Z and countered your decision. Not good!

    I've been watching Hallmark movies all day while my house is filling up with dog hair from Charlie shedding. My ankle feels tingly and numb and my elbow is swollen. I am so sick of pain in my joints, bones and muscles. It's been way too many years. I seem to have flare ups once in awhile and this is a doozy.

    We chose names for Christmas and I got Rory our youngest. Russ just suggested Weather Tech mats for his car. We have a $50 limit but I'm going to go over a little bit ($54) and get mats for the driver and passenger side in the front.

    Well it's dinner time in front of the TV tonight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I wish we would draw names. The kids are all old enough to be handle not getting a 'pile' of presents. We all have too much. I love the weather tech idea. The vehicle Caleb is driving (an 04 Highlander) for some doesn't have cup holders. So weird.

    Caleb was sharing how much his grades have taken a hit from his quarantine time. He is still struggling. He doesn't think he will be able to get at least two of them back into the 'a' range - his normal. It makes me so mad. For him. So much for making sure he gets caught up. Well, he is caught up, but his grades were lower than normal because he missed class! Grrrrr.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I don't understand why the teachers are not helping him. He couldn't help being sick and he is interested in bringing his grades up. The ideal student! Extra credit assignments or something should be an option.

    Does the Highlander have a center storage that opens up? Sometimes there are cup holders in there. Poor design too.

    I am still giving the other kids/spouse/fiance something to open. I told them that is my right as the mother. However, my physical condition is limiting my shopping so it may not happen.

    I had another chiro appt yesterday. I'm making progress with less pain and increased mobility but I'm frustrated that my muscles in my hip and legs are still tight. I try to stretch as often as I can. It seems the more I walk around, the tighter they get. I think they should loosen up but they don't.

    I'm reading a lot of books as I lounge. Russ put our new bookshelves together so I just need the boxes of books to unpack. Waiting for some bookends to arrive that I ordered on Amazon. Shelves are open ended so the bookends are a must so they stay in place. It will be interesting to open the boxes to see what books we kept. I remember giving many to Savers that we didn't need. We kept our favorite cookbooks, some classics, favorite stories, etc.

    Well I need some lunch so I'll sign off. Another beautiful day with sun and no snow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    As per usual, when one of the boys is struggling the other seems to be soaring. Caleb is having a rough patch, with feeling bad about his grades and inability to get back to where he was. And Zach comes home from his compressed semester and is flying high, great mood from his hard work and last night his last final posted. An 'a' in his hardest class discrete math. He ended up with 2 a's, 2 b+'s and 1 b. Final gpa 3.5. WOOOOOOOT. His best gpa in many moons. And a college gpa? Drop the mic. So proud and happy for Zach. He is just blossoming. And so sad for my Mr. C. He has done all the right things and just struggling. I know, I know - part of life, there are worse things, etc - but I'm still so sad for him.

    This also seems to happen all the time. When one is doing great, the other is not. Of course it was usually the other way around, but still. My momma heart. So happy, so conflicted.

    I'm sorry you are still so sore! Darn it.

    We have another week of predicted great weather. Good deal.

    Had a color and trim today. Finally my bangs out of my eyes. ;>)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    In some ways, C getting less of a grade may help him continue to excel in the future. He seems to set standards for himself and this will continue to motivate him. Also, has he problem solved how to talk to his teachers about what he can do to raise his grades while reminding them he missed school due to an illness? It stinks but sometimes there is a life lesson to find. So happy Z is doing well in school. That GPA is wonderful!!!!! Proud Mama and son!

    No appointments today! Nothing on the calendar at all. Russ put up some shades on the windows in the diningroom. When the morning sun comes in there it is pretty bright and will eventually turn the floor and table/chairs a different color. Orangy/Brown... we don't want that.

    It's nice to get a haircut these days isn't it? My appointment is next Tuesday but I decided not to do another foil to blend gray at this time. I'm not going anywhere and the gray is not coming in as fast as I thought.

    I need to make holiday lists today for baking my coffee cakes, some cookies, gifts, stocking stuffers...

    Have a great day,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Sounds like Russ is getting around better and starting to help with projects again. I bet that is a big relief.

    Boy did I need that trim and color. Sometimes I don't enjoy it because it takes so long. But it had been so long (for me anyway) and my hair was such a mess.

    Zach also got his haircut yesterday and dentist. So he's all caught up for now.

    I have been so hungry today.

    Work is still insane and LOUD (construction continues), but at least I am back to more normal-ish hours. And, for that I am grateful. Even if I abhore the construction frenzy, insane noise, dusty and dirt.

    I should be doing Christmas cards already. But I have no picture or anything done. I am feeling more than a little grinchy it seems. Maybe this weekend I'll conquer it.

    Have a great night.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I think I will do a Happy New Year letter in January after the kids leave. I'm struggling to get around and have nothing done for Christmas. Feeling the stress and pressure to accomplish something.

    Being hungry is probably a good sign, isn't it? Do you feel more like yourself now? I talked to Laurie and her husband Chris is back at work but fatigued. She has a horrible cough and talking triggers it. She is also very tired. She described many of the same symptoms that you had. I've heard of others that have the intestinal symptoms and it leads to dehydration. I really don't want to get COVID!

    I had a chiro appt today. It is helping. She wants to see me back in a week. Russ and I checked out the town bakery today. We haven't gone in any of the stores since we moved here. We really wanted a donut so we stopped in. So friendly compared to the metro stores in MN. We are so happy to be in a small town community. Slower pace, less people and noise...

    Tomorrow I will meet my sisters at my brother's house to continue to sort, pack and toss. He gets discharged on Tuesday and will go to my sister's house until we determine what happens next. I will attend his appt with his oncologist on Monday to ask questions and gain info.

    I need to buy wrapping paper, shop for stocking stuffers and something for Jeff, Karah, Chantrelle and David. Rory's weather tech mats arrived so at least that is done.

    We don't have any snow but we may get flurries tomorrow. It will be a short winter if we don't get snow soon. Typically we would have it by middle to end of November although there have been years that are warm at Christmas with melting snow.

    I'm glad your schedule is getting back to normal at work. Did your company have to pay a ransom?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Work did not pay the ransom, I heard it was like 2.5 million. I bet we have spent and lost close to that in lost work and extra work. Whatever. It's still not normal, but slowly getting better. Sort of. Eh. Winter build orders hit for my business unit - over 4 million in orders. Good grief. We are still making summer stock tanks that are past due and here are the 3 point orders (tillers, cutters, cultivators, bale feeders, etc) and massive tubular (gates) for spring. Groan. I mean, woo, more work.

    Unfortunately, my appetite came back quickly, and so did all the water and weight I lost. I'd say I am mostly 'back to normal', though I do think I am still getting tired more easily and agitated more easily. But, then again, I have always easily tired and easily anxious. But, it is the pits for some. Hopefully your friend gets back to her 'normal' quickly. It really does seem to vary wildly person to person.

    Glad you got out and enjoyed a local donut. Sounds yummy.

    Oh thank goodness it's Friyay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I guess lots of business is good for your company even though it puts stress on the employees. At least they aren't going under and you are out of a job.

    My sister's, Russ and my niece's husband went to my brother's house today to do more sorting and tossing. I wore my mask the entire time unless I was sipping my coffee from my insulated mug. My middle sister wore her mask but no one else did. One of my sisters and I got a headache and this happens whenever we are in his house for some time. We don't think he has changed his furnace filter recently and maybe not at all for a long, long time, if ever. No carbon monoxide detector but I would guess that is the problem.

    I emptied his dresser which had at least 20 pairs of worn out underwear and possibly 30+ pairs of socks, many with holes in the heel. Into the garbage bag they went. I managed to grab a few pairs of underwear and pairs of socks in case he needs them.

    Steve, my brother with cancer, called my sister this morning to tell her he was back in the hospital and having back surgery this afternoon! My other brother talked to him to get details. Steve had been refusing pain meds/narcotics at nursing home. His pain got so bad last night and his use of his legs had decreased in the past 2 days. They did an MRI early this morning. The neurosurgeon consulted with Steve and recommended surgery to remove the tumors from his spine, fuse the vertebra and put in a plate to take pressure off nerves and release pain. If they didn't do surgery today he would lose use of his legs. So he agreed to surgery. It is at least a 2-3 month recovery for a healthy person. How is he going to recover from this in his condition? We know nothing about the details of his condition or how long he has to live. Steve always says he doesn't know anything or hasn't been told. This is all just so crazy! After recovery in the hospital he goes back to the nursing home for rehab again. No discharge this Tuesday and maybe never depending on how this goes. He can't have visitors nor do I want to enter a hospital full of people with COVID.

    I'm watching The Crown on Netflix. It has me hooked and I'm still in season 1.

    Have a nice Sunday.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Things sound really rough with your brother. Sending you good wishes for just being able to support him and that you can find some sort of peace with the situation.

    Once again I had big thoughts for getting lots done this weekend and as usual I didn't do much at all. I love my house, but sometimes I wonder if there is a force field around it that turns me into a slug. ;/ I know, it's just my real personality coming out. I hit my 'oh shiz' do not go over this weight again. Sigh. Such a constant struggle.

    Our mortgage got sold again to another company and the terrible online statements of this place have me freaked out. I had decided recently to really focus on getting it paid off in the next year or so, but am feeling really worried about this company. I don't want to send piles of extra money to them without feeling confident they will appy it correctly. I have been trying for a week to get the online account set up and it won't process and of course I can't through on the phone. I guess we could try and refinance and it would change hands again, but there is obviously a cost with that as well. Drama.

    Oh Sunday, you are kind of a depressing day. I just watch the clock all day watching it wind down to another week. Boo.