The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm still well and hope to stay that way. I worked out yesterday morning and visited my oldest sister today while she was babysitting Amy, her grand daughter. Tonight I zoomed with my MN knitting group and I did knit!

    We had large snow flakes falling this morning but then the sun came out and it was beautiful the rest of the day. No accumulation...luckily!

    I work out tomorrow morning and then I have to get the hoses in to the pole barn and dump my pots on my front porch. It is suppose to be nice tomorrow so it will be great being outside.

    I get snow tires put on my car on Thursday and then Russ and I are going to do major grocery shopping to stock up on essentials so we don't have to go to the store when weather is bad. Friday he has Dr appointment and hopefully gets his walking boot. Good bye walker and scooter...

    I called both of the primary physicians on top of my list and they are not taking new patients. I have a feeling that many aren't right now. I'm due for a mammogram, need updated prescriptions on my meds and also need some blood work done. Oh well... I don't want to settle for someone that doesn't have good reviews so I may just wait and call insurance and see what to do about the things I need done. Maybe a Dr from a walk in clinic can order the tests...

    I'm going to watch a little TV and relax. More tomorrow...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    went to bed super early last night - hopefully that topped off my tank for a couple of days.

    Wishing you luck for Russ to get his boot and that you will find a new doc.

    Not much new, just adjusting to being back at work and trying to continue regaining my strength.

    Have a great day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I stayed up until a little after 9:30 pm last night and it wasn't quite as much of a struggle to get up this morning. Progress!

    Bernie says 'they're dropping like flies' at his work. They don't have enough production workers to run the machines - sounds like Bernie is going to get to run machines shortly. Gotta do, what ya gotta do. It sucks, but everything about this year does for the most part.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Weather has been so wet that I still haven't finished my pots and hoses. Hoping for tomorrow...Cold and lightly snowing today but no accumulation.

    Glad you are feeling stronger and better. My part of MI has gone back to phase 4 for inside crowds. This means restaurants and gatherings inside public places can have no more than 50 people wearing masks and social distancing. Tables in restaurants can be no bigger than people. Russ and I just went to a bakery/veggie market. No more than 2 persons allowed inside at at time. I had to wait outside until one walked out. I told him when I got back in the car that I'm not going there any more this winter. He can go when he can drive. I'm not waiting out in the cold for a fruit croissant or loaf of sourdough bread. There baked goods are amazing but not going to to it.

    What is Bernie's normal job? Has his company worn masks all along or not?

    I can't wait until Tuesday is over. I'm so sick of ads, texts and phone calls from parties.

    I am wearing a pair of black jeans I have not been able to zip or button for at least 2 years! Win!

    Russ got a walking boot but they want him to see a wound care specialist so his incision heals faster and continue on an antibiotic. He has to see ortho next Friday again! I'm sick of this whole situation. Bad wife I know but when does this end? I'm the driver, sit in the car for an hour or more waiting, pharmacy runs which are painfully slow waiting in the pharmacy, and he can't take Charlie out if it's wet because of foot.

    Done venting!

    Take Care,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Congrats on the pants! That has to feel amazing. I'm glad Russ got his boot, hopefully this means the end is near - especially for you. I think caretaking is so hard on a person. Always feel free to vent. Sometimes it just has to come out.

    Bernie is the Facilities/Engineering Manager at FlexCon Columbus plant. They manufacture pressure sensitive material - think industrial stickers - which has become part of the critical infrastructure of the pandemic. Labels on medications, distancing stickers and many other 'essential' applications. They have been extremely busy this entire time taking on capacity from their East Coast operations who had been part of the original main cases, and stayed busy - but now they are seeing their surge. Just like in all of Nebraska. Flexcon was very strict the entire time. They were ahead of the curve in implementing decisive and forward looking safe-guards. They have been wearing masks since March, distancing, plexi-glass, major cleanings, as much PPE as they can source, no outside contractors not cleared, etc. But, unfortunately, just like other places in the state - it's what people are doing outside of work. In March, you basically could only go to work and maybe the store. But people are back at the bars, having weddings, parties, etc. In my opinion that's driving the spread. But it is affecting the work places majorly.

    Today is the day before our fiscal year end. The auditors have been here since 7 a.m. They picked 30 numbers to count (most years they only pick 20) with five of those being buildings and nearly the rest Behlen Country. Which are extremely difficult to count. They seem to have thought a building which shows as '1' would just be one piece. Mmmmm - its hundreds of items spread the plant and outside - that unless it happens to be on a trailer you have to print its packing list and then run around and located each different piece. Behlen Country items are also all over the outside and inside. Some getting loaded, some coming of the lines, some out in the fields. The draw they did was tough. Plus no carts allowed this year. So the auditors are mad they have to walk all over. Good times.

    My washing machine decided to puke out most of the water in the tub last night, which not only flooded the laundry room, but also then leaked into the basement. That stunk. Bernie got to take a vacation day to deal with and hopefully locate a new machine. I told him what I wanted (because it has been having problems for months - he just didn't want to deal with). We'll see.

    Have a great day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Yesterday was sunny and nice so I dumped my pots, put away the hoses, broke down boxes and put them in the pole barn and went to my sisters to pick up a coffee table she is giving me for my basement room. I have 3 pieces of furniture to paint and one or two end tables to hunt for at consignment shops or garage sales in the spring.

    Today we have gale force winds, snow, white out conditions and it feels like 21 degrees outside according to my weather app. I've taken Charlie out twice and he has been a trooper. Smart dog surprisingly...he knows to go into the pine grove to escape the wind. I pulled out my long warm coat, hat, gloves and hood. I need to get my winter boots from the basement.

    I agree as people are out and about, eating in restaurants, going to bars, relaxing about distance and masks, has increased COVID for all. I'm grateful I'm not working and can stay home and choose what I do and where I go. It helps me cope.

    It sounds like you are all feeling much better. I'm glad you came through COVID and can resume your life. I hope neither of you have any long term complications with your health.

    I'm eagerly anticipating Tuesday being over so we don't see any more ads, etc. I'm tired of texts and phone calls that I ignore from political people asking for votes, help and money. I just hope this week does not get ugly with over zealous citizens not handling emotions from either side.

    Well stay warm and healthy!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Laurie, the woman I work out with, has a volleyball player on her team whose mother may have COVID. If her test is positive then the player or whole team may need to quarantine. Laurie canceled our workout today until the mother's COVID test results come back. Laurie and players wear masks at practice and games but they aren't distanced. Neither of us wanted to take a chance in case Laurie has been exposed. She's had one COVID test before her season began to make sure she wasn't a carrier. It was negative at that time.

    We had quite the storm yesterday. Gale force winds, blowing snow and about 20 degrees. We didn't lose power but others within 1-3 miles did. Our driveway was a sheet of ice when I took the garbage can down to the end of the driveway this morning. We didn't lose any trees.

    Since I'm not working out I will begin prepping for painting my furniture today. I need to pick up a large gift bag and birthday card this week for my sister's 70th bday dinner next Sunday. I think I will need to get them in Traverse City. There isn't any shop or grocery out here that carries that kind of thing. Cards yes, gift bags no. Weird!

    Temps are suppose to reach 60 this week! Opposite ends of the weather continuum in just a few days.

    Well have a nice day and I hope you are feeling so much better.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    That sounds like quite a system that blew in up there. We are looking at maybe upper-60's this week after that bout of snow last week.

    I hope your friends test comes back negative. Things sure sound like they are surging many places. Yuck.

    Zach came home this weekend. It was wonderful to see him and just be around him. I pray there wasn't some stray pathogen around for him to pick up - or to pick up from his brother or vice/versa - because it would be great if those two could finish their semesters with no more drama.

    I worked a bit Saturday morning. It was tough getting up, my body was obviously not cool with it, and made me pay by needing to do nothing the rest of the day. I am getting better, but there is still some recovery to go.

    So I got a new washer and dryer Friday - Bernie got that taken care of, and he got the ones I wanted (Speed Queens). Hopefully they do well and we are both happy. But then he discovered a puddle of coolant under my car. So, more drama. The dealer says they are backed up until Thanksgiving. What the ever-loving-what? Covid? Cut backs? I hate having car problems. Of course, it is just out of warranty too. Perfect.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Glad you got the washer and dryer you wanted.

    I've heard that MI may be shutting down again after Thanksgiving. My haircut will be canceled, stores will have difficulty with inventory like before I would guess, and winter will be long and somewhat lonely.

    I knitted my first pair of baby booties last night. Not as cute as I hoped but my first try. I want to tackle a small sweater and hat for age 18 months and up. Gives me longer to get it done!

    Beautiful here today in the low to mid 60's. I need to get dressed and take Charlie out for a walk.

    Laurie and I are not going to work out for awhile due to the status of her team parents and waiting on test results for players. We had such momentum and poof, it's done!

    Russ applied for social security today. He turns 62 in January. Hopefully it will continue to exist as we go forward in our later years.

    Well I should accomplish something but not sure what today. Enjoy your nice weather!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh my the construction noise at work is so loud today.

    One of the guys at work said yesterday he was running out to get his haircut because they were closing down again. I checked local news sites and some facebook ones, but didn't see anything announced about that happening, maybe it is just his place? I'm sure there will be a 'worse before it gets better' stage. I just pray it's not too horrid. It's all getting tough to deal with.

    I'm sorry you are off your workout plan for awhile. I haven't been on my machine in over a month! Even though am recovering I haven't reached the point of having energy for exercise. Still so tired. I know I will have to push that soon, even if just for a few minutes. Bleh, everything is so hard.

    I switched back to the a/c. ;>)

    Still driving Bernie's car, which I hate because I don't know where the buttons are and I drive in the dark every morning, it makes an annoying start to the day. And the last couple of days I have been extra/extra annoyed just by everything. It's probably mostly PMS, but exacerbated by feeling puny from being sick.

    At least it's Wednesday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Non productive today. I drove Russ around in his truck since it had not been driven since August. A mechanic told him that the brakes can acquire rust if not driven. Beautiful day for a drive.

    I went to a friend's house and we sat out on the deck with masks on and socially distanced chatting for about 3 hours. It was warm until the sun started going down so I was cold and headed home.

    We had baked potatoes with our own toppings again tonight. Always an easy, tasty meal. Tomorrow I will do some ab work in the morning and take a walk at some point in the day. I don't want to lose the muscles I began to develop in my abdomen. They've been dormant a long time!

    Charlie got to walk with his girlfriend tonight. So nice of the neighbor to come get him. Lucky dog!

    Well I've heard fatigue lasts months after COVID so pace yourself.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I am feeling extremely stabby today. The noise, the fatigue, hormones. It's all making me more than a little unsettled. Sigh. One more day. One more day. Then hopefully I can get re-charged. I have been laying down for bed really early the last two nights, but it hasn't helped much. Come on weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I did not do any exercises this morning. My sister called so I went furniture shopping with her in the city. It's fun spending someone else's money for them! She bought a really pretty cabinet for the new TV she is going to buy. She needed taller and longer because she is upsizing her TV. Her husband was in a wheel chair for several years before he died and bashed into everything they owned. She's being sprucing up her house since he died. She has expensive taste so it's interesting to see what she likes and will spend. We are not in the same spending patterns but it's fun to be able to help pick out a nice quality piece of custom furniture without spending my own money.

    Beautiful weather here today in the 60s-70s. It is suppose to last through Sunday. It's so nice to be done with all the rain for now. This was a wet Fall.

    Russ has a doctor appt tomorrow to check his incision and see if it is continuing to heal. He grocery shopped online from the grocery that is large and much cheaper than others and we will pick up the order when we are in the city. I've been trying for a few years to get him to agree to ordering online and doing pick up for groceries or going with one of those services that delivers. Living rural now he finally sees the benefit and the what a time saver it is to order and have someone shop for us and put in our car. We will see how we like it. I would just be glad to not have to shop so often or shop at all. He use to do all the grocery shopping because he enjoyed it. The stores were on his way home from work or close by to go early on a Saturday or Sunday. Not the case here. We have a small grocery in town but we wouldn't want to do major shopping there. Too expensive! It is good for deli, dairy and odds and ends.

    Sorry you aren't feeling like yourself. I'm glad you are going to bed early so you get the rest you need. Put your feet up this weekend and watch movies, read, etc.

    I knitted my first pair of baby booties and have the knitting bug again. I just need to find my pattern books and dig through my box of unfinished projects and see what I can complete.

    TGIF for tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    So Caleb missed getting signed up for the dual-credit in his Electronics class because he was home on quarantine when it got announced. He was talking about it this weekend, and I made the statement the school better make it right (obviously a pretty extenuating circumstance). Well, of course we emailed his guidance person (I am frankly to the point that they don't deserve to be called anything positive like counselor or anything ANYTHING nice). Once again just got the, oh, there's nothing we can do. We're too busy, etc. B.S. Contacted the college directly and they sent the form right out and got him in for the dual credit. Huh. Look at that. Something could be done. I mean of course the college would want to be amenable to it - it means money for them. It just would have meant a few minutes of effort by the high school and phhsssttt, that's not going to happen. If we would have taken their word for it, it wouldn't have happened. Just like when I asked for help for Zach and got crickets. Gah. No not going back to that. It's past. Just have to focus on the now and try to find that balance of getting the right things done for Caleb without going over the 'line' that could cause him problems. Stupid CHS.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    You have had some unfortunate dealings with C's high school. Why are they so unwilling to work for students?

    COVID is rising here and local hospital is almost at capacity for COVID patients. I really don't want to get it after hearing your experience and a couple of others descriptions of their symptoms and how they felt. Very similar to yours.

    We went to Russ' doctor today. Incision is looking better and he will still see wound specialist next Tuesday. He has to go back to the ortho again next Friday for him to see it. Why, if he is going to see a wound specialist? This is so drawn out! 3 weeks until ortho will cut him loose and he can walk and not have appointments. Fingers crossed nothing else happens to either of us since hospital has gone to orange level with the whole COVID thing.

    Beautiful weather and quite warm, 70, today. Busy day and just now relaxing. Tomorrow I need to bake for my sister's birthday dinner and Sunday morning I have to help sister hosting dinner set up her table, etc. I'm going to start wearing my mask at family gatherings unless I'm eating. We may not even gather for Christmas with the way things are going.

    Well I need to shop for a new stick vacuum. Charlie's shedding is driving me nuts!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh man - the cases in Nebraska are going crazy! Our health district (four counties) all red. Douglas and Lancaster (largest populated counties) red. Red, red, red, red. It makes me worried. I mean we have no assurances that we can't get it again. Plus so many I care about haven't had it and all we are hearing are how stressed the hospitals already. My fear level is getting back to where it was at the beginning. But it's like no one cares anymore. I care. A lot. But I don't know what the heck is going on. They need to close the freaking bars. I know they are businesses that support people and can't pay their people without being open, but IMO they are such spreaders.

    Super warm here too.

    I am concerned about the holidays too. We're only 10 all together, but still. Like my brother-in-laws family is huge and they are planning their Thanksgiving which will be probably 40-ish - I'm thinking we better have our side before they go to that one because I don't want to have us all exposed after sister and her family go to the big one. Sigh.

    I don't know what you are looking for in a vacuum, but my kohls ad that came the other day had one on it - some early black friday deal.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    What a day! I am overwhelmed with life right now.

    Today I made my chocolate mint patties and the triple lemon cake for my sister's 70th bday dinner tomorrow night. In the middle of this, my bday sister calls and tells me my oldest brother is in the hospital and drove himself to the emergency room last night. This is my brother with prostate cancer who chose to treat it through a cancer diet on his own and refuse treatments. The cancer has metasticized throughout his body and has attacked his spine. He hasn't told us anything until today but has had trouble walking and not felt well in the past week. He fell last night and couldn't walk because he couldn't feel his hips or make his legs work. He didn't call any of us to drive him to the ER but drove himself! I don't know how he did it and thank God he didn't get in an accident or kill anyone on the way. He's never told me he has cancer so I've never been able to talk with him about it. He can have one visitor per day due to COVID levels in hospital. I'm going tomorrow afternoon for awhile. I heard he is stage IV but don't know details as of yet. I also heard the doctor told him he will live out his days in bed and will need care. We don't know how long he has at this point. On the flip side a surgeon met with him and said he could remove the vertebra that have cancer to ease his back pain and walking issues. Why would they do back surgery if he is terminal? Wouldn't the recovery be hard and long? How does a cancer ridden body heal from that? I am so sad about it.

    Happy news...Jeff and Karah called and they got engaged today! They are in Ashville, NC for the weekend hiking. He met with her parents for lunch this past week and asked permission to marry Karah. He had her ring made at a local jeweler and then bent down on one knee on a mountain top during their hike and proposed. We are excited for them but what a bitter sweet day all around. They will plan a wedding for next year sometime when COVID settles down, hopefully.

    We have cancelled our Thanksgiving gathering with my siblings, niece and husband. Russ and I are going to order dinner from a restaurant and pick it up that morning. I am not going to have the whole family for Christmas either, just us and the kids.

    I have heard that states like ND are sending COVID patients to other states because hospitals are at capacity. MI is rising big time and the upper peninsula only has 750 beds total across the peninsula. ICU beds are at a minimum and COVID is rising like crazy up there too. Very scary every where. Stay safe, stay home when you can, and feel better soon.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh Jenny - I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I will pray for peace and comfort for him and your family.

    I am also so excited for your son's engagement! Congratulations. What fun.

    Feel better
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Bday dinner went well but too much talking. My ears are ringing. I visited my brother today and took him some reading material and clothes from his house. I brought his dirty laundry home to do so he has clean underwear, etc. He looked good and was very alert and talkative. I expected him to be at death's door so it was a pleasant surprise. My niece in Seattle is an oncology nurse so she has talked to his doctor and surgeon. They feel they can help him but probably won't do surgery. He is receiving some injections that inhibit testosterone production which helps reduce tumor growth for prostate cancer. If he agrees to continue with the treatments and take some pills they would prescribe (don't know what they are, possibly oral chemo), he could have two years to live. We will learn more this week and he will have some decisions to make about whether he will do the treatments or not. I hope he chooses treatments so we have him longer but he may decide differently.

    I am carrying my stress in my shoulders and neck. They are so tight and achy right now. I keep doing neck rolls and stretches but sometimes the muscles just tighten up and hurt. I need to calm down and relax. It's been a crazy two days. I want to hibernate!

    Russ ordered a lap top computer for my brother so he will have that to listen to music, do his research, watch movies and documentaries, etc. We will pick it up tomorrow and Russ will visit him on Tuesday and show him how to use it and access everything.

    I feel like I could sleep for a week. How are you feeling? Tomorrow's Monday so I know you have to go back to work, blah!

    Have a good Monday,