The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm glad Russ got home safely and that his first night went as well as it did. I bet he feels better just being home. I am hoping his pain subsides quickly and that you both get through this easily.

    I spent pretty much the whole day watching HGTV - I haven't done that in a long time. A reno show called Home Town. It was pretty good. I liked that the budgets were more realistic in my opinion. Anywhere from 75,000 to 200,000. I get so annoyed at the shows where the people are like, "we only have a 1.2 million budget." Bwahaha.

    Onto another week.

    Good healing wishes!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hometown is our favorite HGTV show. I love Erin's design style and her husband is such a talented woodworker. Houses are cheap in that town so people seem to get them for a steal. Erin's designs are individualized to the buyer's tastes and don't look cookie cutter. I use to love Fixer Upper but after awhile the houses became more expensive and they all were looking pretty similar on the inside. I still like the show but Hometown trumps it for me.

    Another good night and day so far. I went and worked out with Laurie this morning. She changed up our work out and I am going to be sore! We really worked our arms and abs. Sweaty and stinky ending with a fruit smoothie. I'm going to take over smoothie supplies when I meet with her next so she isn't spending her protein powder, rice milk and frozen fruit on me all the time. I bought some lavender scented Epsom Salts to soak in the bathtub tomorrow. Charlie and I took a walk through the orchard this afternoon. Luckily I didn't encounter any wild life (snakes, porcupines, etc.) that I didn't want to see.

    Russ and I decided we are having ice cream sundaes for dinner. I bought the ice cream and toppings and we can make our own. I was going to make a ham, salami and cheese stromboli but then we decided to be decadent and simple.

    I'm glad you lazed on the couch watching tv all day. You deserve it. Any news on Wayne State and classes going online?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    The folks Bennington house went on the market Friday and apparently received an above list price offer in cash yesterday. Unbelievable. That house is in such poor shape, But, I am happy for them and pray everything goes through so that will be done with. My sister has been down there repeatedly scrubbing and pruning and sprucing for many hours over the past month (not telling me, because I would have helped, but didn't know, feh) so she as usual had a huge hand in getting the folks moved along. But this will definitely help them with the bills from the accident. It's a shame it won't be just a nice boost to their retirement, but bills are bills - and this should cover a good portion.

    Yay for a good night and day. Here's hoping for more!

    I had my annual wellness visit yesterday to go over annual labs. Everything was pretty good. My glucose was just a bit high (106), he didn't seem worried, but I told him I worry about diabetes because of my family, so we are going to test again in six months. Hopefully I can get my food under control. That number is in my control. If I can control my food. So hard.

    The weekly dashboard for numbers posted yesterday and it wasn't as bad as that work person was spouting. It went up to like 65, with 28 active - a bigger percentage in the recovered. Not great, but not the 140 something she was running on about.

    Caleb said he is going to start requesting Wednesday nights off so he can go to youth group. I think that's great. He wouldn't go the last two years apparently because I would have had to drop him off. Now he can drive himself. (Shakes head.)

    I wonder if choir will be re-starting?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Yay for your parents getting the cash to pay off most of the bills. What a relief for you and your sister too.

    My hair appointment for tomorrow was cancelled. My stylist/salon owner called and said she has to close for the week because a client from a week ago found out she was exposed to Covid. She is closing to clean the salon thoroughly and opening up again next week.

    Russ isn't feeling well today. His intestines are still sluggish so his stomach hurts. I wish this was over!

    My sister came to visit and we sat on the deck and chatted for a couple of hours. She picked up milk for me at the store. It's nice to be near family again. Pop in for visits, be a part of family occasions, help when we need it or they do...

    Well I need to get dinner for Russ and I. We decided on ice cream again. So bad but we don't feel like anything else.

    I will work out again tomorrow morning. Soaking in Epsom Salts was a relief to my aching muscles. I'll get in 3 work outs this week in addition to one walk with Charlie per day. Pretty good for me.

    Well stay well. Wonderful for C to drive himself and glad numbers at Wayne are not as high as the lady said.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    great job on your new work out plan. I am doing a consistent job getting on my machine three to five days a week, just failing miserably at keeping my eating under control. We just have to keep trying.

    Caleb went to Robotics club Monday and then out for ice cream with the group. So normal! Lots of homework and tests and they get ready for the quarter to close, a bummer, but normal too. The homecoming football game is Friday, but the dance has been pushed back to November I think. Don't know if the kid is going, so not a big deal either way.

    Zach plans to come home to get his haircut Saturday. It is silly to drive all the way home for a haircut. We need to find someone up there so he doesn't have to drive three hours for a trim.

    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Good job getting on your machine so frequently. My eating is not under control either. At least I'm lifting weights, doing crunches, etc. I came home after the work out today and cleaned all the bugs and webs out of the basement room my brother and I are going to paint and fix up. He comes tomorrow to begin spackling and sanding. I'll be glad when it's painted so I can decide what goes in there for beds, etc.

    After I cleaned I soaked in Epsom Salts again. It felt great! I'm sore and achy but hope tomorrow will feel better since I did that. I buzzed to Traverse City to find a Walgreens to pick up new readers for Russ, Qtips, lotion, more Epsom Salts, etc. The color is changing daily here. More bright red maples today along my drive and from our front porch. I look forward to our view at peak color.

    Russ isn't hungry and can't taste food well due to the meds. No plans to cook if he's not going to eat it. I heated soup for him at lunch and I had a grilled cheese sandwich. Breakfast was berry smoothies with protein powder. I don't know what my dinner will be. Maybe soup or toast...

    I didn't walk Charlie today. I hope the neighbor texts and says she will take him. If not, I'll make myself get out there. Poor little guy. He loves a good walk and run.

    80 degrees here today but expect 50's again next week. Up and down...

    My boys use to come home for hair cuts too. They liked their person and that was who could cut their hair. Nice that C has some normal activities. Many states have rising numbers! When is this going to get under control?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Way to go eating light right along with Russ. That is going to pay off for you too.

    I had a super bad moment with the scale this morning. Thought I had been at least just maintaining, nope, a jump in the wrong direction. I went passed the "do not go past" number. *&^(*&(*. Sigh.

    Caleb woke up with a stiff neck and said he needed to stay home. I was already at work and really have to take his word for if he feels unable to attend. I don't think it is COVID, more likely too much school work and and work work and not getting enough rest. I worry about him missing this early in the year, and in a year like we are in... But, he RARELY misses - so unless this starts happening often, I am going to try to just let it go and let him run with it.

    Why can't I be a person who stress eats broccoli? Or who loses their appetite when upset?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Maybe your muscles are just holding water since you've been exercising. Don't get discouraged. Your working out doing cardio and that pays off for burning fat in the long run. I'm not using the scale but once in awhile. I know since I'm doing weights and building muscle the scale won't move. I am eating way too many sweets and need to stop.

    My brother and I started the basement room today. Ugh! So filthy down there. I had to scrub bug poo and who knows what else off some of the tiles on the floor. I sanded the walls and the baseboards. He patched and fixed sheet rock. Tomorrow he is caulking windows and baseboards and beginning to prime the trim around windows and baseboards. When he is done with that he will paint the trim and cut out the wall paint around the ceiling, baseboards and windows. I will roll the wall paint on the walls. Then I have some serious scrubbing to do on the floor, sanding on the door and new varnish. When Russ is healed he will replace the lighting and ceiling tiles. Hopefully this winter.

    I hope C is ok and it's not COVID. Will you take him in for testing if it persists? Are there any cases at his school?

    Poor Charlie wants to walk and my knees are hurting too much to take him. I hope the neighbor calls to walk him. Possibly not since her daughter is getting her senior pictures done right now. The dog will live but will drive me crazy.

    Workout #3 tomorrow morning. I hope I can do it and walk out of there to make it home. Eventually I hope I turn the corner and just feel stronger.

    Well stay well and try not to worry too much. I'm a stress eater too and I go straight for bread, salty snacks or sweets.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh, I definitely would take him for testing if he needed it. I am pretty sure this was/is a musculo/skeletal issue. I am guessing he pinched something in his neck or shoulder. The Advil, warm packs and stretching helped him and he was pretty much ok last night. Still moving a bit cautiously, but he said he felt ok this morning. Unfortunately, I wasn't at home to lay my eyes on him but he's pretty honest. The big issue for now will be not getting that nerve/muscle pinched again at his next work shifts.

    You are just a working machine! Everything will be so nice.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    after six months of being mask optional at work, they are changing on Monday to mask mandatory. That freakin' pisses me off - they aren't going to do on the floor, but in the office - and when I am at my desk there is (generally) no one within six feet. And it's somehow magically ok for the last six months, including today, and then on Monday not safe without a mask.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I feel bad for you about the masks. I can't stand wearing mine to shop at the grocery. It's so hot. I rip it off on the way to the car. I wonder what made them change it now and not take it seriously before? Any ideas? Everyone should have to do it. What's the point if only certain people do?

    I worked out this morning and then went to the grocery to pick up stuff Russ may be able to eat. Then I ran to Costco to get him protein drinks and probiotic. I picked up some stuff for me that I like so I can have easy normal meals. Expensive day! Tired of running around. I told him I'm not shopping again for him for several days so he needs to eat what we have. We have way too much food in this house for two people and one that is not eating.

    My brother slaved away on the room and started priming the wood work this afternoon. We will be painting by Monday or Tuesday I think.

    I'm feeling good from these work outs even though I'm sore. It feels good to sweat and get endorphins going. Hopefully I will feel stronger and less achy eventually. I got on the scale this morning and it was down 3 pounds since the last time I weighed. I go up and down all the time. I've been drinking more water so that helps me.

    I bought these Happy Feet socks to see if they help with my foot pain. I just got them and have high hopes they will make my feet feel better in the evening and when I sleep. The idea is that there are parts that go between your toes to re align the bones in your feet and straighten the toes. This supposedly reduces pain. I have arthritis in both feet so I'm hoping I get some relief after I'm on them all day.

    Well time to poke the potatoes I have in the oven. I am putting toppings on mine and Russ is eating his with butter only. I will steam broccoli, cut up tomato, green onion, and maybe put in some turkey sausage crumbles or ham bits.

    Have a nice night.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Russ actually ate his whole baked potato and did not get sick later on. Progress! He has started the probiotic and I am praying it helps his stomach. Last night he had a lot of nerve pain in his foot. He asked me to kill him and put him out of his misery. It must be bad for him to want an escape. He walked on the sidewalk again yesterday so I wonder if that has something to do with his pain. Even though he doesn't bear weight, the exertion and using other muscles may trigger it.

    It is storming today. Very dark out, downpour and marble size hail in some regions of the county but not at our house luckily. Russ' truck is in the driveway and the pole barn has too much stuff inside the door for me to move and then put his truck in there. I'll have to work on that in case we get snow early. He won't be driving for awhile.

    My brother should be over soon although I think he should take a day for himself to relax. I'm showered, changed sheets on bed, doing laundry, vacuumed, and am watching Pioneer Woman on Food Network. Still enjoying my coffee.

    I noticed the neighbor's sons are here for hunting. He has about 3-4 barns and one has a loft for sleeping. When the boys and their friends come up to hunt they bunk out there and have a good time. I will be cautious with where I walk Charlie in the next few days.

    I turned the AC on this morning due to the humidity! It is feeling better in here now. I don't like sweating when I'm not exercising.

    Well happy Saturday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    you definitely have plenty going on! Unfortunately, I'm sure there will be a bit of discomfort in Russ' next few weeks. Hopefully not full out pain. It will be a hard battle to get the correct amount of therapy type activity, but not overdue it. It's still pretty soon after his surgery, so I'm guessing it should be more rest, less movement.

    Boy, we could use a storm here. Almost 12-inches for the year UNDER on precipitation. Hot too. Over 90. Should cool off next week though. I am looking forward to cooler temps. Hopefully this crazy year doesn't mean crazy snow/ice or some such stuff that seems to be standard for the year.

    Zach made it and had his haircut this morning. He seems to be in a great mood. Had a few nice brief chats.

    I don't know why I feel so unreasonable angry - and yes I am pretty sure it is anger - about having to go to mandatory masks at work. I mean I support the schools doing it and the businesses that have been doing it. I guess it is because back when everything was terrifying with the start work made the stance about masks optional - and now SIX months later its suddenly time for them to make things safer. Now. So, for six months I have shown up everyday and been in danger? Or the six people in my office yesterday moving cubicle walls and desks because of the stupid remodel and none of them had masks on. But it was ok yesterday and not ok tomorrow? Feh. I know I am being unreasonable, I just am trying to get through it. Or, maybe it's time for me to get it and get my two to three week paid vacation at home. (I know I shouldn't joke about it), but I'm honestly not sure I can handle wearing a mask all day.

    I love a good baked potato. (Potatoes kept me alive in college ;>)) Haven't had one in awhile, maybe this weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Russ has pain where his stitches are healing the incision. He can't get comfortable. Hopefully the stitches come out this coming Friday. Yesterday he used the scooter to go to the pole barn. He wanted to measure his work shop so he can design what he wants in there. Right now it is a mess. Russ doesn't have the same degree of cleanliness for his space as I do.

    It was so humid yesterday. I turned on AC as I said yesterday, and it did help. Today is cool and windy so I was able to open some windows and turn off AC. We had half a day of rain yesterday so that helped break the weather. I managed to walk to the mail box out on the highway with Charlie. My knees were hurting so it was slow. I have to leash him when we get close to the highway because he just doesn't get cars. Last night the neighbors took him out with their dog. They were out for a long time. Charlie was so energetic that he took off on his own path and they couldn't find him. We have a GPS on his collar so we can see where he is if he gets away from us. I could see that he was in the pine grove on the other side of our pole barn. I thought they were with him. When I went outside he was in the driveway alone wondering where everyone was. I could here the neighbors calling for him so I yelled he was home. They came back and said they thought he had crossed the highway because they couldn't find him. Charlie looked pretty guilty for taking off. It was funny.

    My brother is taking a day off from working downstairs and I'm glad for that. Russ and I are relaxing and I will walk Charlie as soon as my hair dries from my shower. Russ' appetite seems to be better and he is not nauseous. He continues to take the probiotic. I made Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast and he ate two rolls and his eggs. His legs are so skinny right now.

    Well I hope work goes ok tomorrow with mask wearing. You may have to step outside and take breaks to get some relief. If you aren't talking to others much why wear it?

    Good luck!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Another day of healing.

    Temp dropped like 35 degrees from Saturday's 90's. I prefer the cooler.

    Probably past time to update my resume.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    What? Are you thinking of applying to other jobs? Change can be rejuvenating... How did it go today with wearing a mask? Ugh! I can't imagine. I saw a picture on FB of two former coworkers wearing masks and shields to work directly with a child who was having an in person session. They looked like Star Wars soldiers.

    Busy day! I worked out with Laurie. We focused on legs and abs with some arm and cardio enmeshed in the workout. I sweated buckets and enjoyed my smoothie. I walked Charlie when I got home and then downloaded a walking app so I can see the distance/steps I take when I do go out with him.

    I had a hair cut today and got home around 6pm. We ate sundaes again for dinner, Russ' choice! Not a lot of nutrition happening here right now.

    Are you going to watch the debate tomorrow night? I don't know if I can stand to watch. It's always so disheartening and never new information or definite plans on what they will do and how they will pay for it.

    Cool here. I'm thinking about turning on the fireplace and drinking hot tea. Rainy week with temps in the 50's. Heat is not on but may have to be turned on. We thought we would try the fireplace first.

    Well I hope work wasn't too bad. Hang in there.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    It doesn't start until today because they didn't get the communication out until yesterday afternoon. I am just so pissed off about it. I keep hearing management saying they are doing this to follow CDC etc - CDC made those recommendations back in April. We've been working without the entire and now it's a problem? The increase in cases are due to what people are doing outside of work. In the beginning, the only things people could do was go to work and maybe the store. That's it. Pretty much everything is open now, so more interaction more cases. Wearing it at work won't stop people from missing work. Here(work) has made it very desirable to get it and miss. Or just stay home with people quarantining. They are giving short term disability even if you are just at home because some in your home has to stay home. So of course people are taking advantage of it. Why not get 2/3 your income to stay home, keep your benefits, etc. Eff it. I will be the sheep and wear it when walking around, but I am not wearing it at my desk. For now anyways. There has already been a lot of yelling by a certain president who is basically a hammer and everyone is a nail. I don't deal well with that sort of leadership. So, while I don't want to move, because 10 years and I am comfortable, but I am pissed off. Update resume is a small way to take a little control back while I hopefully calm down.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I won't watch the debate. It's just all too ridiculously stupid. There will just be a lot of finger-pointing and yelling. I get that at work.

    I will probably have to flip back to heat soon. It's not cold by any means, but just a little uncomfortable first thing in the morning.

    Another day of healing!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    You're right, the debates are usually stupid. They don't really give a person the info they need to vote.

    We turned fireplace on last night. Now I know how to do it. The knob is inside the fireplace because it was wood burning and was converted by previous owner at some point. It gave some warmth in the living room but I don't see it heating up the main level at all. It's nice to sit by.

    I'm home today. Charlie and I are going to walk the property and scatter some old apples for the deer. I also need to go through more boxes and start finding some of my things. My brother is still working on prep in the basement. He is a perfectionist! I appreciate his hard work.

    Did your governor give an executive order for masks inside that was only a recommendation before? That may account for your work's decision along with rising numbers. Many of the red states that ignored masks, social distancing, closing businesses, etc. are seeing high percentages of COVID now. I heard North Dakota is at 30% of the population which probably includes college students. Not sure if that is true.

    Well hope you have a nice day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    no order from the governor - it is left to local officials.

    Not much nice, just another day. Sometimes that's just the way it is, isn't it.

    I remember why it's been 10 years since I have updated my resume. Such a painful task. Even more so now. Even though I have been doing this work for 10 years trying to put it into words is so freakin' hard. I made a dent in it yesterday. Just keeping it in thought, because even though it's unlikely I do anything, having it updated is a huge win. Making myself do something hard and that I don't want to do.