The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Just the cousins thing. I filled two garbage cans today with crap from the basement. Definitely more to do but out of garbage space.

    Digging out old backpacks and suitcases for Caitlin. With her new work in the foster care area that is something they need often. Glad to send them somewhere useful.

    Reading one of my gifts. The last of a Nora roberts trilogy.

    Time off!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I am glad you are enjoying your time off. It is a gift when still working full time. I loved those days too.

    Yesterday I went to water yoga and then my mammogram. I should get the results by mid week. I made the egg bake and cut a fresh pineapple for dinner last night. I ate too much pineapple because my stomach didn't feel well after so much citrus later in the evening. It seems like I don't digest food well these days. I'm trying a probiotic but doesn't always help. I wonder if I should drink Metamucil? I sound old!

    Snow is almost gone except plow piles and drifts. The drifts have shrunk a lot!

    Tonight we go to my sister's for her home made ham and bean soup, bread and salad. I think she has a large cheese cake for dessert. She is cooking what she was planning to add to the food bar on Christmas Eve.

    Tomorrow I will start taking down the Christmas tree and put away decorations. I want to get it done so I can focus on FL and what we need to take. Our bikes are at the local bike shop getting tuned up. I'm not taking my ebike but my 21 speed Trek I've had for a lot of years. It's flat terrain in FL so I shouldn't need the ebike to ride around the neighborhood or to the beach.

    It is hard to believe how fast 2022 flew by. It will be 3 years in June that I retired and we moved to MI. A blink of an eye...

    Happy New Year!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    It doesn’t seem like three years already! I also have trouble with citrus.

    Almost Happy New Years!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Happy 2023! We had a nice evening at my sister's house. There were appetizers, soup, artisan bread and salad. Cheesecake with cherry topping for dessert. I ate way too much and am not hungry this morning as of yet.

    I am once again worried about my oldest sister, Lynn. She is the one that was so sick with kidney stones last year at the wedding in GA. It seems to be a pattern that she ignores symptoms and allows her body to become inflamed and then is incapacitated and needs a lot of help. She has been complaining of sciatic pain since end of September. My cousin and I encouraged her to go to a chiropractor or get an order for PT, but she didn't do it. She decided to wait for her physical appt in December! She has progressively gotten more debilitated and pain has increased. She went for her physical and the doctor ordered PT but she is in a bad state now. She can barely stand, sit or walk. Last night she was in a lot of pain and Russ had to help her to her car when we were leaving. This morning she texted my other sister to come find her walker in the garage because walking with a cane is too hard. I am worried her kidney stones could be growing larger but she is convinced she only has sciatic issues. She is spiraling downward with her health once again. We leave 1/22 and Becky is going to Costa Rica for 3 weeks in February on a group tour. Lynn's daughter just had a new baby but will have to be available to help her if she gets worse while we are gone. I think I will call my niece and let her know we will be gone along with Becky. She will need to be aware of her Mom's condition if it doesn't improve in the next weeks when she starts PT. It drives me nuts that she isn't proactive in taking care of herself.

    Today I'm going to start putting Christmas decor away. I am also going for a walk with Charlie to get moving after all that food last night.

    What are your plans today? How was your evening with your cousins?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I got most of my holiday stuff down. Just have to do the snowman plates. I’m ready to put it all away. Am feeling kind of low. Had a big fight with Bernie the other day. Then yesterday no one went with me to the dinner (not unexpected as Caleb was with friends and Zach was gaming) and Bernie still in his huff. But then the only thing people asked about was where my boys were. More than half a dozen times. Guess it wasn’t enough for me to be there. Or they could’ve just asked what they were up to. Just everything hit me wrong.

    I’m sorry your sister is struggling again. I hope she feels better soon
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Great. Another ice storm coming in and tomorrow a big payroll day and my follow up ekg. Feh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Sorry you and Bernie had an argument and no one accompanied you. Do you think your cousins don't really know what to talk about so they kept engaging by asking about the kids?

    Charlie had his surgery today. They removed a tumor from his paw. He has to be walked on a leash for two weeks, wear a cone, and doesn't get his sutures out until the 16th. He should be good to go to FL. We hope it is not cancerous. It cost less than half of what we thought it would, so big relief there. Russ and I dropped him off and then went to the Y. I did aqua jog and worked myself hard. When we got home, I put the Christmas decor in the boxes, then Russ took down the tree and carried tree and boxes down to the basement. I have some organizing to do down there. I will tackle that tomorrow.

    My sister stayed in bed all day yesterday and today. I called my niece and discussed it with her. I told her she will need to keep an eye on her when Becky and I are gone for Jan/Feb. She agreed that her Mom seems to have given up on her physical health and is not active at all. I vented a little so I may have freaked her out.

    I joined Weight Watcher's today for 6 months. I'm doing online Core Program for $10/month until 6/30. Russ and I were discussing eating more healthy and losing weight so I joined to get recipes, track my eating/exercise and he will cook according to the plan. Mainly I need a jump start to take off some pounds and feel better so this is how I'm going to do it. I was going to ask Lynn to join me but I don't think she could do online and would prefer a meeting to attend. She also isn't in any condition mentally or physically to do it in my opinion. I'm not even going to tell her I am doing it at this point.

    It is pretty warm here for January and rain is on the way.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    My sister Becky and I went over to Lynn's today to do some cleaning and organizing for her. She has obviously gotten behind on cleaning and picking up since she has this back and leg pain. She is normally a compulsively neat person and her house is pretty dusty, lots of cobwebs, dirty baseboards, toilet stains, and clutter. Very unlike her. I'm wondering if it is just from the recent pain or if her overall body weakness and possibly cognitive issues are causing a change in her habits? Whenever I talk to her on the phone she tells me she is cleaning and has so much to do. I'm not so sure she really is now that I looked more closely. My house needs dusting and vacuuming so I will focus on that this week.

    When I arrived at Lynn's, Becky was breaking down boxes and putting in her car to take to recycling. I took Christmas decor, wrapping paper and gift boxes to the store room in the basement and put away. Then I started vacuuming floors, rugs and base boards. I noticed her bedside end table hasn't been dusted in a long time but she didn't want us to dust. I imagine she doesn't want us to notice how bad it is. I asked Lynn if she had called the physical therapy clinic to schedule an appointment today. She has not called and told me she needs to drive there to schedule the appt. WTH! I told her she could call on the phone and her doctor's order should have been received there already. She then told me she could not driver herself to PT so why schedule it. I told her Becky and I would take turns getting her there and also pointed out that she has been complaining about the psiatic pain since September so that is why she is hurting so bad. She hasn't dealt with it. I told her to call before we left her house. She said she didn't want to talk to the clinic today. WTH! After we were done cleaning she said she would treat us to lunch when she is better. I told her I just wanted her to call for a PT appt. She said she would call today. I bet she doesn't do it. I think she is clinically depressed (no follow through on daily living, health, etc.) and her thought processes are wacky.

    Charlie is doing better today. He has eaten, drank water, and is walking better even with his bandage on. Tomorrow the bandage comes off so I went to Target and bought him baby socks. The vet said he needs to wear a sock outside while he still has the stitches. They don't want the sutures to get dirty and wet.

    Tracking points is a pain but helpful to know what I'm putting in my mouth. I bought some low point foods at Target and am trying to eat meals and measure the food. I have 15 points left today so I think I will make us beef n bean tostadas for dinner with lettuce and tomato on top. Russ is working so I am trying to make meals when he works a full day since he is tired when he gets home.

    Well I am rambling. I hope your audit went ok.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I’m sorry things are going this way with your sister. That has to be so frustrating.

    3am there was thunder sleet then more ice then snow. Roads were not great. I pressed Bernie to drive me again. Then had my follow up ekg. Still showing a number of svt so referred to cardio waiting for that call. Unfortunately I don’t have a relationship with one anymore since it’s been 30 years since I was seeing one. Hopefully I get one who gets the history of WPW and the ablation and how to address these issues. I really don’t want to do drugs. I don’t have a great history with processing meds.

    I’m starting to feel like Caleb is avoiding me. I mean I don’t really think he is but he seems to have his schedule so he is never around when I am. It’s bumming

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I hope you get some answers regarding your heart condition.
    I saw that my old school district called off school today due to weather. We had pouring rain last night. So weird for January.
    Charlie gets his bandage off this afternoon and then starts to wear the baby sock when he goes outside. If wet out, he will need the plastic bag on his foot too. He is tolerating the cone but has no spatial awareness and keeps bumping into door frames, etc.
    I am headed to aqua fit this morning and then to grocery to pick up some veggies to snack on. I thought we had them but we don't. Tonight I will make the tostadas. Last night we each did our own thing. I tried my Kodiak Power Protein Blueberry Toaster Waffles. Palatable...
    Rory and Hannah both have Covid. Mainly fever, body aches and congestion symptoms. How does one differentiate this from a flu? Is Covid just a bad strain of the flu?
    If you think C is avoiding you, your instincts are probably right. I think a mother knows. Of my 3 boys, David, the oldest, has always been more communicative and in touch. Jeff is getting better now that he is married and has the kids. Rory on the other hand goes quiet, doesn't respond to vmail or texts. I rely on his girlfriend to keep me informed. How does C think his grades were from last semester? Does he share that with you?
    Hang in there. From my experience, boys go through stages of not communicating, not wanting to be asked questions, getting defensive if asked, and wanting to be recognized as capable and independent from their Mom and Dad.
    I have to leave for class. Be careful on the roads.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I have been to aqua class 3 times this week and will go to water yoga tomorrow afternoon. I tried the Thursday morning aqua class today. I hadn't been and it was really different than the MW classes. I am sore this evening. She focused a lot on strength and core. If weather stays mild, I may aim for 4 times per week. I feel so much stronger. In FL, I plan to ride my bike, walk and do my yoga videos.

    We have no snow in the forecast. Such a warm, weird January. I don't mind it but would have loved to get some snow shoeing in before going south.

    My sister finally made her PT appt. She couldn't get in until next Wednesday. My niece Abby, her daughter, stopped by today with her new baby boy, Bernie. He is a doll! She came to pick up some toys she had given me when she thought she was done having babies. She is in her early 40's and miscarried a little over a year ago. Her daughter is 3 years old. Bernie was a wonderful surprise and she carried him to term. She and I discussed her Mom. She agrees that Lynn has given up and does nothing to help her health and physical strength. She is sad about it too, but we both agree there isn't anything we can do but be there to help. Lynn has to make her own choices and do the work. She just doesn't help herself but thinks she does, unfortunately.

    How are you doing?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    That is kind of funny you now have a grandnephew named Bernie. It’s not used much anymore. I have to say I didn’t want to name either of the boys Bernie, but seeing it in your post is so cute.

    I took a couple of my vacation days that I am needing to take like nine more of before 3/1 due to a new vacation policy which specifies no selling back or grace period and it was still a thing. I felt like I got attitude for not making it known I was planning. I wasn’t planning but am running out of time. This is why I struggle so much. I always feel like I am letting someone down.

    I ruthlessly went through the file cabinet and shredded so much stuff. I filled nearly a 50 gallon garbage can with shredded paper. It’s probably been too long on most of those files. 😉. I don’t know why but boy is my body and back sore from that. Ouch.

    Zach goes back to Wayne on Sunday. Caleb has managed to spend less than 15 minutes upstairs while I am awake for the last three days. I don’t know if it’s grades or what. I’m trying to let it be.

    Even though it’s all making me feel really alone. The fight with Bernie, the anger about how the dinner went, feeling emotionally smacked for taking days off, Caleb and his whatever, more health stuff. It’s been a lot

    Glad you had a good talk with your niece and played with that cute baby. Did your grand baby recover from that terrible rsv?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    My niece and her husband had to name their son Michael Bernard Rizik IVth. It was Mike's Dad's wish that the tradition continue if they had a son. They didn't want to name him that but Mike (Dad) decided to honor his Dad's wishes since it was a boy and it meant so much to his Dad. They decided to call him Bernie instead of Mike to avoid confusion. I think it is a cute name. He is adorable!

    You have had a long visit with Z. That's nice. Does he graduate in June? Do you see any signs with C that he is drinking or using any drugs? The reason I ask is I saw a personality change and avoidance with my son Jeff when he was using in high school. He became irritable, secretive, defiant, and avoided me. I suspected something but when I confronted him he got mad. Or, did C not do as well first semester and he doesn't want to disappoint you? Hope it all works itself out. How is his friend doing that was struggling his senior year with emotional stuff?

    You should reward yourself with days off, you earned them. Employers always want more than 100% but PTO is your perk to use when you choose. If you can't bank days then definitely use them without guilt. The work will always be there and never caught up. Nature of the beast... They don't own you and you need to take care of yourself because no one else will or can. One thing I learned in my 50's, was that my life is mine and I make it what it is. I decided not to spend much time with people who drained me, surround myself with people who were honest and supportive of me, and spend time doing what I enjoyed. It is not selfish to do so in my opinion. A person gets tired of the *kitten* others put on us to manipulate us and get what they want. Enough is enough! The last few years, my job was left in my office when I walked out the door at the end of the day.

    I must of jinxed the weather. It has been snowing this morning. I zoom with retirees at 10am and then will have lunch and go to water yoga. I need it today.

    I need to make my list for FL and start putting things aside to prepare. Russ is picking up our tuned up bikes today. I need to set aside my helmet and rack bag for this bike. Charlie's toys and kennel, and sort through clothes. We will have a nice laundry room so I don't want to over pack. I'm hoping I will have lost some pounds by then and do some shopping down there for shorts and tops.

    I hope you have a good day and weekend. Are you and Bernie still arguing or just not speaking to one another?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Yes, Ellis has recovered from RSV. All are well as far as I know.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Gosh I hope no drugs. I’m sure there’s been some drinking. It’s college. His friend (Alex) who had the trouble last year is living in Lincoln with another buddy and that is who Caleb is planning on living with after this semester. I’m not super thrilled since I know Alex will have these struggles for the rest of his life and you’ll never know when shiz will hit again. Just another worry in a boat of worries

    Have a good exercise

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Did he party in high school or start in college? He may be feeling guilty or doesn't want questions. Or just moving towards independence. Glad his friend is ok and hope their living together goes well. If friend has an episode, C is a good friend but it could be hard on him like it was in high school. Growing up is hard enough for the teen. It's hard as a parent to observe them go through it.

    Yoga felt great! I also sat in the sauna for a bit. Russ cooked a great Asian dinner and I did not go back for seconds. It was mostly veggies with lomien noodles and some dumplings. I'm glad it was filling. I filled up on raw veggies when I got home from yoga but all the water I'm drinking is flushing my system I guess.

    Any plans for the weekend? I am going to a movie tomorrow with my sister Becky and cousin Polly. Sunday, I do my volunteer time at the theater at 3pm. I need to make my FL list and get started on that.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    It is definitely gray season! We haven't seen the sun in over a week and the last time was for less than an hour. I will be glad to go south and hopefully have more sunny days.

    The movie Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is pretty good. It is more of a chick flick but light hearted, funny and a love story too. It is a movie that brings out the good in people in the story. If you get a chance to see it at the theater or on TV, give it a try. One of the better movies I've seen in awhile. I had low expectations going in so maybe that helped.

    I volunteer at the theater this afternoon but don't plan to stay for the movie today.

    I plan to walk today and try to put in some distance and a quicker pace than usual.

    What are your plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Nothing much going on. Zach loaded up and headed back to Wayne this afternoon. I read a post online just before he left that one of the dorms (it didn't specify) had experienced burst pipes. So I warned him about that, but he texted when he arrived his room was fine. That would have been a bummer. He brought all his electronics home, but having to move somewhere else would have been a drag. I have struggling with more troubling news the last couple of days. Bernie has been after Zach to get something with his grades for the insurance company for a discount and Zach kept saying there was nothing he could print offline. I finally got tired of hearing about it and got involved and said one way or another we can copy and paste or print screen something. I kept questioning him - is there a reason you are fighting this? did you lose your scholarship? Just tell me the truth. I mean multiple questions he kept denying, denying. I finally made him log in to the website from my laptop and wow, he has had *kitten* grades for like the last three semesters. I'm not sure how he hasn't lost his scholarship because his cummulative gpa is below what it stated was required. But the big thing is again with the lying. I am so broken hearted. I know the who they don't want to admit, blah, blah, blah. But what is it about me/him that he can't be honest with me. Honest with himself. Honest period. I had allowed myself to believe he was growing up and poised to be ready for the next step of his life. That he had blossomed in college (I used that term often) going from barely making it in high school to honors in college. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He had a couple good semesters and then he's been barely squeaking by. I'm not sure how he's in 'good standing' having mostly c's and D's for three semesters. But, jeez. How is this being ready for the next step.

    So the last week and half the huge fight with Bernie that I am still not over (he of course has moved on to his pretending nothing happened), everyone bailing on going with me to a family event, getting the guilt for not having the boys at the event (even after being told it was fine they if they had other things), weirdness from Caleb, heart rhythm issues return, getting attitude/guilt for taking 'unplanned' vacation days (even though I need to get them taken) and Zach's lying resurfaces. It's just so much. So much heavy.

    So yay - it's Sunday moving into a full week back and I feel like absolute heck.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I'm so sorry you have so much stress right now. That is quite a load to carry on your shoulders. I know the weather isn't great right now but can you get out to walk for 30 to 45 minutes when home? It sounds like you need a stress reliever and even walking 30 minutes or so may release endorphins and help you deal with the stress energy.

    Z may be embarrassed that he is struggling and knows how disappointed you would be if you see how he is doing. As for the lying...two of my boys had their moments with that with me. They are past that now that they are adults. My middle sister tells white lies all the time but I am not sure she sees it that way. She can't keep track of the things she says so is always contradicting herself.

    I still wonder if you would benefit from a counselor you could talk to and they could help you sort out your feelings and strategies to cope. Even doing one of those online counselors so you don't have to take time to go to them. Didn't C talk to someone last year?

    When do you go back to doctor or get results on your heart tests again?

    I have started my packing list. Today I need to deliver some borrowed baby toys to my sister and pick up preschool toys I lent her for her grand daughter. I went to class this morning and worked myself really hard. I am aiming for 3 aerobic and one yoga class this week. We will see if I can fit them in. I have a hair cut and pedicure on Wednesday and then volunteer for the book nonprofit in the afternoon.

    Hang in there. Try to walk the halls at work at lunch or your neighborhood in the evening to do something for yourself.

    I hope the week gets better.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Thanks for listening.

    I will walk on my machine when I get home. It's not really outside weather and there is a lot of ice on the streets. Too iffy for me. My appointment with the cardio is 1/31. Feels like a long way away. Even that I am frustrated with myself about. I had pep talked myself to tell the doc (my primary care) that I wanted an Electrophysiologist associated with Nebraska Medicine (not just a regular cardio since the Electrop are the ones who specialize in rhythm disorders like WPW. I even said Nebraska Med and then he gives me this pep talk about how they have relationships with LHI (Lincoln Heart) and Faith Regional in Norfolk. I ended up agreeing to a regular cardio who comes from Norfolk because I waffled. Primary doc talked him up big, but I - ugh. Hopefully he has the big brain doc claimed. It's also making it tough to sleep because I all I focus on while laying there is my heartbeat. Ignorance was bliss.

    Just slogging through.

    Get after that exercise! You're doing great.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Getting on your machine after work is a great idea to work off work stress and home stuff. Even 20 minutes or 10 minutes before work and 10 minutes after work may help. You must be worried about the heart issue. I would have trouble letting that go and waiting so long. Hopefully the cardiologist is good and you will feel like you are in good hands. Maybe he will refer you on to someone else if he thinks it is necessary.

    Good workout this morning. I've started going to the Y 3-4 days per week so the T and Th aqua class is different teacher and type of class than M and W. It is a lot of driving but I figure if I stay home, I'm sitting and reading so I may as well exercise for an hour. There is a Y in St. Augustine not far from our house so we may check it out for the cardio and weight machines. They may have aqua fit in their pool too. I need to ask about that.

    I'm praying that we don't start getting heavy snow around the time we are driving out of MI. We plan to go as far as KY the first night and stay in a hotel in south Cincinnati off I75.

    I hope you have a good day and can relieve some stress. Play some music and walk on that machine! It will help you fell better.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Cause there is so much everywhere else - work too! It's time for the work station shuffle as they jam us into different areas while remodeling. Yuck.

    I hope your weather stays clear and dry while doing all that traveling.

    Great job on all that exercising. Keep it up!!

    I definitely don't want to wait so long for the cardiologist, but that was first available. Ah well. Either I'm ok or not. I just wish I could 'tune it out' at night and sleep better.

    Just got back from the dermatologist and having a few more spots zapped. We commiserated about the anxiety about doing a colonoscopy (not the scope itself, but the not eating). He was the first I've met that 'got' that feeling that the not eating was the unbearable part.

    One day more.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Hump day!

    Hope your weather is holding and you got another great exercise in.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I had a hair cut and pedicure this morning so did not get to go to aqua fit. I plan to go tomorrow morning and then water yoga on Friday. I went to volunteer today but I couldn't get in. The door was locked, the other lady that was volunteering was at lunch and the lead person couldn't get there until later. I waited for 35 minutes for the lady to come back from lunch and unlock the door and then I left and went home. Normally, I can use the code for the lock box to get the key to get in but the wrong key was in the box. I found out after I got home that someone had taken a bunch of high school age books and practically emptied the table of that age level books. Kara doesn't know if they were stolen by a volunteer or if they thought they were being helpful and took the books to give to some older kids. There is a system in place for book distribution so I think she is just trying to think positively about her volunteers. I am more cynical and think someone took them to sell or give away as Christmas gifts.

    I began to collect stuff on my list for FL packing. I tried on some capris and put some in the wash to take with me.

    It rained all day today. So weird! A few patches of snow left but otherwise in the 30's and rainy. It's coming and I know the timing won't be good for our drive south. I need to think positively but that is always our luck.

    Any plans this weekend?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Weather has been pretty decent the last few days here as well. I think a new storm system is moving in next week. Bernie thinks Caleb is moving back this weekend. I'm not surprised. He keeps driving back and forth because his buddies are mostly still there. This break wasn't as 'successful' as I was hoping, but this new part of life will take adjusting to.

    Hopefully the books were used in the manner the group most desires. And that all else will work out.

    There is a lot of house stuff I'd like to get going on, but it will likely take a talk/confrontation to get it going and not sure I can handle anymore. I should also be getting tax stuff ready - boo. And Bernie hasn't gotten the FAFSA done either (not he gets anything out of it - but you have to have it completed to even be considered for any aid).

    Friday eve.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I'm surprised C is still home. He had a long break. I thought classes would have started by now. Nice that he stayed home a long time though.

    What do you want done on your house? Does Bernie insist on doing things himself but doesn't do them or will he hire out? Russ doesn't even respond to my comments about projects I want done on the house that are needed. He thinks he should do them when I think we are better off finding someone to do them right and in a short period of time. What is it about guys? They are exasperating...

    I went aqua fit this morning, then visited a friend at her shop, then the chiropractor. Charlie and I took a walk and I watched a some shows in a series I started last night. Truth Be Told on Apple+TV with Octavia Spencer. It is pretty good. A Who Done It type how.

    I will weigh in tomorrow and record on my WW app. I'm such a slow loser that it will be interesting to see if or how much I've lost in 1.5 weeks. I need to tell myself not to get discouraged and just keep pushing forward. I feel good from exercise but get so frustrated the scale doesn't move much. Sometimes I wonder if I have a huge tumor in my body that adds to my weight but doesn't cause any other problems. I've always wondered about hypothyroidism too. My Mom had it but docs always say my blood test is normal. Holistic docs would say that you need to look at the bigger picture and include other tests besides the one blood test they do as part of a the regular blood panel.

    The sun is actually shining here! It has been non-existent this winter. Everyone is talking about the gray days. I can't wait to see the sun often in FL.

    TGIF tomorrow!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Weigh in revealed -4lbs lost in first 1.5 weeks. Not my best loss on the first week or so of WW's but I'll take it. My blood sugar has been much better since I started eating 3 squares and a snack (I am suppose to do this but don't always follow through).

    Colder today. Must be preparing for future snow this next week. We had a dusting over night. I am zooming with a couple friends this morning and then going to aqua yoga this afternoon. I'll keep putzing away at the packing.

    We can't wait until Charlie gets his sutures out on Monday. We are starting to take the cone off when we c!!an keep an eye on him. He wants to lick his paw but isn't suppose to until we know the incision is closed. We have been wrapping his paw with saran and a bandage when he goes outside to keep it from getting wet and dirty. The baby socks were a bust and wouldn't stay. Like with human babies...

    TGIF! Jeff says it has been 50's-70's in St. Augustine. I am excited for that!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I was wondering that sock trick would work. I remember trying socks on Dave dog when he was licking all the time. That was a big nope for him too.

    Great job on your loss! I gained weight the first two weeks until a sort of decent loss the third week. That was at the time of being on the HRT, then having some bleeding and going off of them - so I'm sure it played a part, but really hard to stick with it and not seeing the 'reward'. I am losing super - super slow, but can feel a difference in my pants. I also know that I am not rigidly following as I should (I don't track the milk I put in my coffee, many of my 'bites-licks-tastes I don't track) so it won't be a drastic loss ever. But, I know overall I am eating better and (overall) that is healthy for me. I am also following a thread of people who dive into the Beck Diet Solution and discuss different chapters/points each day. It's a lot of behavior/cognitive stuff that is helpful for me to to work on. I am definitely a person who 'knows how to lose weight, just can't put it in to practice'. Good topics and can help refocus on the hard days.

    Yes, Caleb has/is having a super long break. Too long frankly. Second semester doesn't start until 1/23. It's too long and will be hard for them to get back in school mode. In my opinion. Not a fan of that decision UNL.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I don't track halfnhalf or small tastes either. I always know a ball park of where I am with points. I have 40 plus additional weekly points due to my daily exercise but I have only used a few extra on 1-2 days. I am not going hungry and feel satisfied. It is the cravings for treats such as sweet and salt that I have to mentally fight. I'm doing ok with it and have tracked when I have had a small bowl of sherbert or icecream (only eat if I have points). The good thing is we are making WW recipes and so have a varied dinner each night. Gets us out of our box of what we usually eat. This way I eat less pasta and other starches since we love carbs and tend to plan meals that incorporate them too often.

    Yoga was so nice today. I struggle with the balance moves, even in the water. She does a lot of core work so I'm constantly having to remember to suck in the abdominal muscles and engage my core. The hot tub jets were finally working so I sat in there for awhile afterwards to warm up.

    We may check out an indoor farmer's market tomorrow for fun. We don't need to buy anything since we are leaving in a week but who knows? It is in the lower hall/tunnels of the old state hospital. Many of the buildings have been renovated into shops and restaurants, assisted living apartments, senior apartments, etc. I've seen the apartments but haven't been in the area with shops and restaurants. I'm curious so we will probably stop in and check it out. Russ and I went out to the local tavern for dinner last night but haven't done much else with one another in awhile. If he quits his part time job in the spring maybe we can plan some things.

    I hope you get to relax or have something to do that you will enjoy this weekend. Do you and your sister ever hang out just as sister's and not boss and employee?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Pretty quiet weekend. I volunteer at the theater today and will stay for the movie Banshees of Insherin. My sister called and they are both going with one of their friends. Wanted me to sit with them but all three are loud talkers so I said don't save me a seat. I usually can only see the first 2-3 rows when I walk in when theater is dark, so I will grab my own seat.

    My energy isn't too high today so I will save my packing for tomorrow unless I get a burst of energy. I don't feel the pressure yet.

    How is your weekend?