The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    We did a color drive one last time. Peak color in some places and past peak in others. Winter is next, ugh!
    Very tired today and I literally did nothing but watch tv. I didn't cook and just reheated a piece of chicken pot pie for lunch. Relaxing with wine now and off to bed in a bit.
    I will work out in the morning with my friend. I need to strip Jeff's bed and wash sheets and towels tomorrow. My brother will be painting in the basement.
    Sleep well and feel better.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Yesterday I worked out, came home and showered and did nothing the rest of the day. I did take a nap on the couch. The plumber replaced our water pump which has been wonderful. It was cycling and making noise constantly and now is quiet. Water pressure is more even now too.

    Today Russ and I winterized the camper and then I rode the lawn tractor to mow the lawn. That was relaxing. I had on noise canceling headphones but piped music from Pandora into them. It was pleasant riding along and moving down our weeds. I couldn't mow the hilly parts of the lawn because I didn't want to tip over. Russ did not want me to use reverse my first time. It looks good enough for winter.

    I saw that some areas near us (snow belt areas) may get snow this weekend and early next week. We may see some flurries! Too early for me. I'd rather winter start after Thanksgiving. I have a feeling it will be early this year.

    How are you feeling? C and Bernie?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Did you ever find out the results of your COVID test? I'm worried about you since you haven't posted since 10/9. I hope you and the family are getting through all this without too many complications and reduced severity.

    The color is amazing here. It is the most colorful and vibrant I've seen in years. I love waking up and seeing the sunrise shine light on the trees to the west in front of our house. It's a different picture every morning.

    I'm still working out. It is hard to make myself go but knowing I'm accountable to Laurie I do it. Same for her. We are so glad when we are done that we did it. I feel so much better even though my muscles get sore.

    Well I'm going to take Russ on a drive. The color just keeps getting better and he wants to see it.

    Write soon and let me know how you are.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Well, I think I am finally coming out the other side of this thing. And, whoa, let me say I severely underestimated how terrible just a mild case would be. I couldn't barely get out of bed for nearly four of the days. I was really starting to get worried. I have been running fever since Friday, the pain (headaches and body aches) is incredible, I haven't eaten anything but apple sauce and jello since Thursday. The first couple of days I felt a little bad, then on Friday it was like everything dove off a cliff. Finally tonight I feel like I made the corner. I'm still feverish and my chest is tight, but I ate some mashed potatoes and logged on to my bill pay. Just wow! I hope you had a wonderful time with Jeff and that Russ is continuing to heal.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Wow Marla! I have heard that it can turn over night for the worse. Did you ever go to the doctor or hospital? How are C and Bernie? Did all of you test positive so you know you had COVID?

    I'm sorry you have felt so ill but am glad to hear your are coming out of it. Don't overdo it and let your body heal.

    Russ sees the doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully incision looks good and he can get a velcro, removable cast for the next 2-3 weeks. Fingers crossed!

    It has been rainy, windy and gray here. The color is amazing every day but now leaves are blowing off the trees. Just east of us may see some snow in the next week. Brrrr! It is cold and blustery so we will be hiding out during the winter months by the fire with our books.

    Workouts still going well. I do feel better and stronger. We will continue although there are days we don't want to work out we do it anyway.

    Take care, keep in touch when you feel you can. I'm relieved you are on the upside of this.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Russ' doctor appt went well but he had to get another fiberglass cast instead of velcro. Two weeks he will get a walking boot, hopefully.

    Sunny and windy out today. I've been snoozing and reading. David called from AK and we talked for awhile. He said the baby is moving a lot in utero, very active.

    Not much new here. We had some snow flakes on our deck this morning but then they melted and it's still Fall.

    Hope you feel better each day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    How exciting that the baby is moving! Do you find yourself buying baby stuff all the time? All those cute little onesies. I'm sorry Russ didn't get his walking cast yet. Hopefully he at least feels in less pain. Very good job at keeping up your workouts. I bet they will really help you out.

    Both Caleb and I tested the same day because it seemed like he was feeling a bit yucky like I did at first. Weirdly he was negative. Not that I would have wanted him to go through this - (it probably wouldn't have been as bad for him) it still kind of sucks because even after all this time he could have to go through this again if he does end up getting it. He'll go back to school Monday and have to try to get all grades caught up before they close the quarter Friday. He could only do homework at home - no quizzes, tests or labs. Oy. It's a big weight to worry on. They better work with him. (hah).

    I did do a telemed visit with my doctor on Wednesday. He didn't seem worried about how I was doing. Which was reassuring in a weird way. I really didn't want to have go anywhere. In my mind only people who are close to dying go the hospital.

    I am still getting fevers at night and I have started coughing (which is probably good) but it stinks because 1 - it makes me pee because I have poor bladder control and 2 - it sometimes makes me throw up a little because it gets intense. Good times.

    I know it's going to be baby steps to get recovered, but I have never missed this much work in my life. Gosh I hope I can get back next week. I can't imagine the stress my sister has been under.

    My folks apparently dropped off food on the porch last night. I'm sure Caleb appreciated it. I'm still struggling to eat. Today I managed toast and egg, yogurt and mac and cheese. Getting better. Lost nearly 8 pounds. We'll see if it all comes back once I start eating. I can't imagine how my folks would get through this. With their health issues. I'm pretty healthy, just a little high blood pressure and I thought that I was going to curl up and die.

    And we didn't even do anything high risk. And I'm sorry, I can't say wearing masks really works, because Bernie has done that since day 1 and we started and it didn't help either of us.

    ah well. We didn't die. Hopefully all returns to normal soon.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I guess an improvement, temp almost normal all day - but soooo woozy. I have been hammering the electrolyte replacement drink all day (switched to something called drip/drop a packet you dissolve in water versus the gatorade), ate three times. Trying to be patient and positive.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Take it easy and don't try to do too much. It sounds like it has been pretty awful. I still wonder if I had it back in late February when I was coughing, achy, fever, and so congested. My cough lasted a month or longer. But I'll never know. So far we are healthy and hope to stay that way but we both know it may be a matter of time. I'm glad your temp is improving and you can eat more. I think masks are more effective if the person you are with is wearing one too so the amount of whatever flies out of our mouth and nose when we talk is minimizing the air born effect. If you weren't wearing them at home and others weren't wearing them at work when they were near you, who knows? I'm sick of wearing a mask to go in to a store but I have to since it is required.

    I haven't bought baby stuff yet since I haven't been shopping. I need to get started! We are going to give them a Facebook Portal and get one for us so we can see the baby, talk to her, read to her, and give her opportunity to see our faces and hear our voices. As she gets older, we can watch her play and interact with her while she is busy doing her thing.

    Well I think my brother finished painting the basement. He took all his supplies out and swept the floor so I went and scrubbed and mopped today. I'll steam mop this week for another layer of clean and then put my rugs out to see what they look like. Then I'll need help putting the bed frame together and putting the mattress and box spring in there for Rory. I have an end table to paint and need to find my extra lamps. Later I will order the trundle day beds and eventually 2-3 more twin beds down there or bunks.

    Well take it easy today. I am making nachos for dinner (simple) and see a nap in my future today. I love to relax and feel I got enough done today. I need to pace myself, ha ha!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I steam mopped the basement tile. It is as clean as I can get it. I'm excited to put the rugs down to cover most of it. My brother is coming over on Thursday to help me move the rugs and bed in to the room so I can be ready at Christmas if Rory comes. Then I will buy my paint and get the two pieces painted that will be going in there. I'll order the day beds later. Not necessary right now.

    How are you feeling? I hope each day is better for all of you. When will you return to work?

    It is rainy and gray again! I hope we see some sun this afternoon. I don't remember the weather being so wet and gray here but I suppose as a kid I didn't mind.

    Last night I helped my niece and sister make decorations for my grand niece's bday party on Saturday. We had wine, chicken pot pie from a local pie company, traced, cut, glued, and hung garland. We practiced using my old Pampered Chef cake decorator to see if we could get the effect we wanted for the silly monster cupcakes she is going to make. Friday we will bake and decorate the cupcakes and cake. Amy is turning 1 on 10/29. I'm a little nervous about a gathering but plan to dress warm, wear my mask and hang on the deck as much as possible or where the fewest people are gathering. It's mainly family and some of Abby's friends she has been with during COVID. I'm unsure though...

    I am sore today! Yesterday Laurie and I did one of our first work outs. It was so much easier than the first time but I have increased the weight that I use and repetitions. Today I feel sore. Will I never just feel good without the soreness. I will be able to get in 3 workouts this week so that will be good.

    Well continue to get better. Let me know how things are going for you.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Today I actually feel better. Like it's almost over better. Just a little chest tightness and a bit of cough and much.less. weakness. Thank you Jesus it's almost over. Yesterday was rough. Just emotional in that I was feeling useless and weak and that it was never going to be over. I would lose my job, etc, etc. Just hit the wall. I had another tele med visit and the doc was patient to remind me that everyone's journey on this is different and that I appeared to be having more inflammation than some and to just give it a little more time. And again he was right. I worked a lot more on my laptop today and even cooked my own grilled cheese. Didn't take as many breaks (no naps). I think I am going to try to going back Thursday for however long I can handle it and hopefully a full day Friday. I should probably try to go just walk in and print something tomorrow. But, I'm still a little scared. Just because of how long I have been gone. I mean supposedly I have a couple of months immunity. What a crazy thing this has been. I told Bernie, thank God we didn't have little kids, or dogs. I mean there was a point where we were both hunkered down just surviving. Of course if Bernie hadn't hit his upswing and started bringing me water and Gatorade I might have just faded away. I don't think I got out of bed for like three days - I don't even remember going to the bathroom. I just didn't care. I was hungry, but the thought of food made me gag and it was just too much effort anyway. I seriously think there is something that happens to the brain during this. Because it seriously affected the way I thought.

    Glad your basement is making progress and you are happy with it. Well, I totally get why you have worries about the party, but you have a plan that will help give you the safe zone.

    There was snow on the ground Sunday morning I think. I missed the best parts of October. Bummer.

    Zach's 20th birthday is Saturday but I probably don't think he should come home quite yet - I feel the need to do really clean in here and don't have quite that much energy yet.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Did C get a bad case or did you say he tested negative?
    I'm sorry it was so rough for you and Bernie. I don't know how Russ and I would come through it. Hopefully we won't find out and can get the vaccine.
    I am joining a FB room in a few minutes with two MPLS friends. They have had over 5" of snow this week. We haven't but are prepared with snowblower and shovels if we do get any. Rain, rain, rain here...

    I will write more tomorrow, just wanted to check in.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Caleb tested negative. I don't know how he didn't get it if it was so bad that both Bernie and I got it from whatever was floating around

    Back at work for a bit today. Going pretty ok. There is construction in office and it's loud and inconvenient. Everything is pretty much status quo.

    Caleb is struggling to get through all his make up that they wouldn't let him do at home (quizzes, labs, etc) - I'm so mad at school. They kept telling us there was a program in place to work with him while at home. Didn't happen. They would work with him. Mmmmm, they have slammed zeroes in all his undone assignments (not because he didn't want to do them) - so he has 'f's in most classes. They are pushing him because quarter ends tomorrow. I hate that place.

    Probably going to do a couple more hours. I'm sure I'll be whipped tonight. But it was a good start.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm glad you felt good enough to make it to work. Go slow and take care of yourself. I've heard some people have effects for a long time. Hope you aren't one of them.

    My brother helped me put out the large rugs and carry the mattresses and bed frame into the basement room today. I ordered two day beds with trundles but haven't bought the mattresses yet. No rush on that but the beds I wanted are hard to find and go fast.

    A friend came by to visit today. It was nice to chat with her. Tomorrow I work out and then decorate cup cakes for my grand niece's party on Saturday. I zoomed with my MN book club tonight. It was so nice to see everyone.

    It is pouring rain outside! When will it stop and the sun come out? So dreary...

    Poor C! What is with his school? Don't they get that kids shouldn't be punished if they are ill? Not ok!!!!!

    Well it is getting late so I'm off to bed. The workout will come too soon!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Getting close to the end of Friday - tired too. Might have pushed a little too long, but since it's Friday I can just go home and rest and sleep extra. Hopefully even more normal by Monday.

    I'm hoping Bernie will pick up Mexican take out. Mexican rice sounds good.

    Supposed to snow Sunday. Wow.

    Hope you have fun at your bday party.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Rest as much as you can this weekend.

    I worked out this morning and then decorated cupcakes with my niece and sister for the bday party tomorrow. Now I am watching the first season, first episode of Handmaiden's Tale. Totally bizarre!

    Rained hard all day here. Lots of wind too. We had lightening and thunder storm last night. This has to stop at some point. The leaves are falling off the trees with all the wind. There was a notice that the fire department is out because of a lot of downed trees on power lines. We haven't lost our power yet.

    I don't think we will be the only ones wearing masks at the party. I hope not. The cupcakes turned out cute. We iced pumpkin cupcakes with red, blue or yellow frosting, put on edible eyes. I tried to make the frosting look hairy using a fork (like hairy cute monsters).

    This show is crazy weird!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I couldn't post the whole day yesterday - but I put my post in a separate document so I wouldn't have to try to re-type.

    Happy party day!

    I am just relaxing. I did probably over do it yesterday. I hope I can get stronger over the weekend. Otherwise I might not be able to make it a full week. Fingers crossed.

    I called my folks last night to make sure they knew I was doing better. Mostly ok with the conversation until my mom asks if I had been having trouble with a cough. I talked about how coughing wasn't my big problem and then talked a little about how it was the weakness and malaise that really kicked my butt. Mom then gives me a speech about lucky I was that it wasn't my breathing and that I was only tired. I don't know why that bothered me but it did. I never made any comments about not believing I was fortunate overall, because I know we were. But I guess it just somehow felt dismissive. I purposefully didn't try to talk about how bad I felt and how worried I was because I didn't want them to freak out, but I didn't really need a 'ooh you were so lucky' statement. Too soon I guess.

    Back to my relaxing!

    Quick Sunday update:
    I still didn't feel up to doing any deep cleaning. But I did throw together a meatloaf and Caleb was pretty excited by it. Poor kid, missing home food so much meatloaf is exciting. Yesterday my Z kid turned 20. This is the first year I haven't at least laid my eyes on him on his birthday. That was weird. And boy does it make me feel old having a 20 year-old.

    Looking forward to another day at home. Not excited about the snow though. Too soon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm glad you took it easy yesterday and I totally get it about your Mom's statements. She may be making a little light of it because she was worried too but one never knows.

    Happy Birthday to Z! Wow, 20!!! Did he do anything special with friends at school?

    I hope you can let your house go awhile until you feel stronger and not so tired. It will keep even if you don't like looking at it. I like to have things cleaned up too but a set back would not be pleasant either. Pace...

    The party was cute and not too crowded. It was family from both sides and the two couples they hang with all the time. Russ, my brother, one sister and I wore masks during the party. No one else did so we will see how this turns out. Amy, great niece, loved her Cookie Monster cake and dug into it with her hands immediately.

    I'm going to make meatloaf today for tonight's dinner. I haven't made my meatloaf in over two years. My sister may come over today so we can pick out a present for our oldest sister turning 70 on Nov 10th.

    Well have a relaxing day and ease in to work this week if you can.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Dentist today :<(
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    This morning flew by. Things are nuts are work for year end.

    Sounds like cases are really exploding around the state. It's frustrating and scary to listen to.

    I am feeling just a little bit stronger each day. But trying to get to bed early each night, because I know a full week will be a strain.

    Hope you still feeling well.
