The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I agree just looking at the cool stuff is usually enough - and can even remind you of the fun things you already have.

    I think dad (77) has a little hay, not much, not sure why. If it ever were to become partly mine - I would rent it out. Anyway, I just have so many feelings of animosity about the farm and farming. You don't spend the first half of your life being told we can't afford ... and we don't have time... and fall in love with that thing that took that time and money. I should be the better person and proud to have that heritage. But that's not me. I am good enough the way I am. It's not even like you could go live on any of the places even if you had to. One homestead was torn down, the other two are unlivable because they never, NEVER do any upkeep. The only thing that ever gets money is equipment. Meh.

    I ordered a little cake and cupcakes from a local business here in Columbus for Caleb's birthday. They have been getting rave reviews and thought it seemed like a fun way to add some extra oompf for his big 16 bday. He requested breakfast pizza from Hyvee for his special meal. I really wanted to get him a real present for his bday because the last few times I have had to fall back on the playstation gift card thing because he wasn't really asking for anything. So I badgered him about picking between an apple watch and air pods (uncorded ear buds). He decided air pods, though cautiously because he was afraid they wouldn't stay in, like all other ear buds. They came in late last week and I had him try them right away. He loves them! I'm so excited. I really wanted to treat him, he has worked so hard the last few years, such a good kid at hard age. I know I am just as apt to complain about them making me crazy, but those boys are pretty great.

    One more day, one more day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Don't take on guilt where you shouldn't. It sounds like you have a plan if land becomes yours. That's good. I have a friend married to a cherry/apple farmer. Boy do they work hard! I would not be cut out for that. Income dependent on the weather, market value of the crop, etc. Too unpredictable for me. I need a steady monthly income.

    The bday party went great. This house is a great one for gatherings. We sat on the deck for appetizers and drinks while Russ cooked the meat, shrimp and veggies on his outside griddle. We set up food inside and then everyone could help themselves and sit at deck table or diningroom table. The cupcakes were a hit too. We had my sister blow out one candle before she ate hers. We have 3 left. No one would but my brother would take an extra cupcake home. My poor waistline!

    Today is going to be 89 and beautiful. A little too hot for me. Right now I'm sitting on the deck with the awning out over the table. With the breeze it feels good. I am zooming with some friends at 10:30 for a bit. Russ and I need to go to a farm stand to get tomatoes. I'm going to make bruschetta and he's going to make a pasta for tonight's dinner.

    Russ moved a trail over our acreage so I can walk out there with Charlie. In the winter I want to do short snow shoeing jaunts for exercise.

    Happy Bday to C! What a great gift. I could use a pair of those too.

    Have a great Friday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Just for the record I think farmers are amazing hard working people that don’t get nearly enough appreciation. I am proud the products we manufacture support farmers and ranchers. I just don’t want to be farming family.

    Glad your party went well. Super hot and humid again today

    They had to unexpectedly take the plant offline and get everyone out early today because a transformer was almost ready to fall on the roof. So I jammed three hours of work into one and was kicked out at 12:30. Unexpectedly home early. Good enough.

    Bernie is off moving tractor and auger with our brother in law to get ready to get the next bin empty. Yippee

    Happy weekend!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We went to a farm stand and bought produce. I bought fresh tomatoes and made bruschetta for dinner. We ate it on sliced toasted baguette with the rest of my sister's corn salad from last night. Light but tasty dinner. We love tomato bruschetta with fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic, onion, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

    Nice you got out of work early. Makes for a longer weekend but more to do next week?

    Lazy today, productive tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Your dinner sounds yummy!!! I have never had bruschetta but I bet I would love it.

    The z kid takes off for Wayne in a little bit, classes start tomorrow. He’s so excited. I feel like last year. So happy for him. A little sad for me.

    C kid has another week before starting but they haven’t even sent schedules yet. Grrrr. That school drives me nuts. There won’t be time to fix their mess ups before they go back.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    You could make bruschetta and try it. Put chopped, fresh tomato, chopped basil leaves, red onion, chopped/minced garlic (fresh best), in a bowl. Add a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar and mix. I add ground black pepper, pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Mix and let sit in fridge for a bit. Put on toasted baguette slices or another type of harder bread that is toasted. Yum!

    Z is a sophomore already! Time flies as they grow up. Is C doing hybrid school model or in school full time?

    Today I sprayed the grout and tile in both bathrooms and laundry room with peroxide. I let sit for 5-10 minutes and then used a small brush to scrub the grout. I washed the tiles and grout with a cleaner in water and then dried it. The guest bathroom grout looks much brighter but I'm not sure about master bath and laundry room. At least I know floors are clean but the grout is old and I'm not sure I can refresh it without a more involved procedure. We went looking for fresh peaches but the stand was sold out. In another week or so other farms should have peaches available. Our neighbor's Dad is a farmer. He came to our house to meet us and brought us sweet corn. Everyone is so nice and neighborly.

    The boys and Karah arrive Saturday so this week is cleaning and getting ready for their visit. Tomorrow I will start on the camper since Rory will sleep there. I'm sore from sitting on the floors and scrubbing so done for today.

    We missed a call from a friend asking us to go on a boat ride this afternoon. That would have been fun. I'll have to call her and request another opportunity.

    I hope you had a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    cleaning grout is such a lot of work. Man, I haven't done mine since Caleb got confirmed. Over two years already.

    What are you going to do with the peaches? Pie?? Mmmmm. Pie.

    Zach is back on campus as of yesterday. Classes are supposed to start today. I am praying for a lot of things, including getting non-crazy roommates. It would be so great if he could end up being friends with these two also. He really missed Connor and Derek from last year, but getting a few more 'spokes' on his wheel would be great too.

    Caleb is so far school full time, but they pushed the date to next week, STILL DON"T HAVE HIS SCHEDULE. I am so peeved. There won't be any chance to get in to guidance at this point and then all those kids will be jammed in there and what a cluster that will be. You know, no matter what kind of year they would/will be having schedules needed to be done. They waited and waited and waited and pushed back the start date and have nothing done because they sat and waited all summer hoping schools wouldn't have to go back (in my opinion). But, no matter what, they should have had schedules done by June or July. The kids have to turn stuff in back in February. Grrrrr... two more years, two more year. I hate that place.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We drove Charlie to the groomer at 8am. We stopped at the local grocery and then noticed a restaurant in town that has a patio was serving breakfast. It wasn't busy so we decided to eat on the patio. Our first "normal" outing since February. It was nice to be eating somewhere but felt weird. The waitress wore a mask and we wore ours when we arrived and left, not when eating.

    I organized and cleaned the camper today so Rory can sleep there next week. I'm washing towels, sheets and duvet cover. They were washed last September and put in plastic vacuum seal bags. I thought I could just unpack and put away but they smelled musty so I'm washing them. Rory's car got hit in the parking lot at work while he was working. A woman driving a motor home, first time for her, hit his parked car. This is the second time this year a woman has hit his parked car. Lots of damage on driver's side. Luckily she went in to his company and gave her insurance info and admitted she smashed his car. He is going to rent a car to come out here because his isn't safe to drive. He needs to get it in for an insurance estimate and will need a rental anyway. Hopefully he gets it to a place while he is here in MI.

    Well we now have MI license plates on all our vehicles. I'm waiting for my license to arrive and Russ got his last week. We won't look like out of towners.

    Tomorrow we have an appointment to meet with someone at a bathroom/plumbing showroom. We need to find bathroom fixtures (shower head, handles, etc.) that are compatible with the hook ups for our 1992 current fixtures. I hope we do. I don't want to have to tear out tile in a wall to redo plumbing attachments. I need to take pictures of the fixtures so they can see what we have. They will take it from there to see what our options are. In our old house I bought new fixtures and Home Depot. Our guy had to replace stuff in the wall so it was more involved than just switching them out. Never again hopefully!

    I hope C gets his schedule soon. They are late with that info. Good luck!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    A few weeks back on the night we were all in Sioux City waiting to here about if dad was going to make it through surgery and we couldn't wait in the hospital (and it was 100 degrees outside) we headed a few blocks away to a Perkins. That was my first time inside a restaurant. Wear mask to your table and then take it off. It's weird. But even though it was kind of a sketchy neighborhood (downtown Sioux City late at night) - they were doing a good inside. I haven't been to other food eateries inside mainly because I don't go that often inside anyway. I much prefer to take my food and eat at home anyway.

    I don't know if I mentioned that the boys and me went to church last weekend because Caleb was singing and I made Zach go so he had one under his belt before school. It was good to go, but also weird because it has been so long. They are sitting every other pew and trying to alternate ends - so left end, skip, right end, skip, etc. Then dismissing at the end (we always just used to bolt en masse) to help flow, no offering plate. It wasn't a communion Sunday so I don't know how that is working. No shaking of hands (don't miss that anyway).

    That's terrible that Rory's car has been twice! Glad the lady did the right thing though. A lot of people don't.

    I never thought about hook ups not being compatible. That would certainly make change overs a much bigger deal.

    My sisters well started acting up yesterday. I think that was her 'straw.' She has just been dealing with all her tremendous work stress, the parent stress, her kids stress (college issues, work issues, etc), farm stress - just taking each one as it comes, but this had her just over the edge. Red faced, shaking. I told her to talk to me about something else, because I was afraid she was going to stroke out. I worry about her. She takes so much on. She worries me.

    I bet you are counting the hours till your kids come!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We went and picked out bathroom fixtures today. They had a compatible shower unit so hopefully the install goes well. I'm pricing toilets and then will call our plumber to take it from here. It will be a relief when it is all installed. The inside of this place is shaping up great. The next big tackle will be the wall paper in the kitchen, mud room and laundry but I'm not in a hurry. Might give me something to do this winter. This Fall I'm going to start on the overflow sleeping room in the basement. Clean, paint, get rugs and bed/couch options for guests is staying with us. Russ can tackle the outside which is a huge job.

    We are almost ready for the kids arrival. I have to make beds, get towel hooks in bathroom, and clean up some of my unpacking messes. Russ is finishing the fire pit this week so a fire at night will be nice with the cool temps. My siblings seem to be looking forward to the big shrimp boil/family dinner on Sunday. I need to buy a couple more life jackets in case they want to kayak.

    I haven't eaten inside a restaurant yet. I imagine we will go to a brew pub and wineries next week with the kids but will sit outside. Meals will be at home. We plan to grill a lot and use the deck for socializing.

    Happy Birthday to C! 16 and able to drive. Growing up fast! Has Z called and said how his classes are and if he likes them?

    Your sister sounds like she deals with a lot. I hope she takes care of herself. Is she younger or older than you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Sis is 6 years older.

    Haven't really heard from Z aside from a couple of one word responses when I broke down and texted him - I asked him how his classes were so far, "fun." And how are his roommates? "Nice." I guess, so far, so good. ? That kid.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    have really been thinking about a new bed - what did you end up getting recently?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We bought a Serta IComfort. It a cooling feature (3 snowflakes) in the mattress to keep overheating to a minimum. We bought the frame, box spring and mattress. Cost a fortune. My sister bought just the mattress and it still cost a fortune. I like the bed and it will probably be our last one we buy depending on how it holds up. It has a full 10 year warranty.

    Boys and their one word responses! It's something isn't it?

    I washed the wooden stairway to the lower level, mopped the tile and cleaned the grout at the bottom and laid down my new rug. I would like a runner or carpet stair pads on the stairs. They make attractive ones now. The wood feels like it is too easy to slip and they need some sanding and varnishing. There is a cricket in the basement but I can't find him. At night he chirps constantly.

    Tomorrow Russ has to help me hang one picture. He's less than thrilled. The Pea Rock for the fire pit and ring will be delivered tomorrow. I will make the beds tomorrow and vacuum on Friday. That should do it except buying life jackets at Walmart or a sport store. I'll go to the city Friday afternoon to get those.

    Well I'm starving and need a snack. Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    edited August 2020
    those crickets - once they get inside can be nearly impossible to track!

    I just don't know which way to go for the bed. I had a basic Serta pillowtop first right after getting married. Then about 15 years ago when we moved I 'upgraded' to a tempur-pedic - they were all the rage. It's fine, but I am getting so hot at night now. My legs swell a lot too, tossing and turning. So I think, maybe a new bed. The ads make me think maybe an adjustable sleep number (sister has one too and loves it), but I remember you saying you didn't care for. I know I should go to one of the stores and lay on, right now there are a lot of great sales, so I am trying to make my mind up one way or another. Sigh, decisions.

    The high school has 'orientation' tomorrow, still no schedule and I haven't even seen the paper come home that says what time juniors go. Fortunately another mom I know could tell us. But still. That school!! I am so frustrated. This too will pass, this too will pass. But will it pass with C in the classes he needs/wants and being able to stay on track?

    My niece is a senior in Lincoln at Nebraska Wesleyan and has been living at her sorority for a couple of years. yesterday they got told that someone in the house (no specifics, just general) had tested positive so they all have to test and stay quarantined in the their rooms in the house until results are in. They can't go to class and the professors could choose to count their absences unexcused because it's all their prerogative. What crap. If you're told you can't go to class by the university, then your classes better excuse you. One of the girls is a nursing student doing her clinicals. What a mess. i told my sister those girls won't be able to get out of this loop. Terrible mess. Senior year too. She's already paid for it, but she should probably move out. What a mess.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Buying a new mattress is frustrating. Go to Sleep Number and other stores and lay on the mattresses. You will know what feels good to your body. The new sleep numbers may be great with new technology, etc. Ours was ok in the first few years but didn't continue to reduce pain and be worth the money we paid. I know they have improved them. I like our Serta IComfort and its cooling feature. It is expensive like a sleep number but as we age, we need better mattresses and sleep.

    I agree that university needs to excuse absences, find a way for those girls to take classes online so they don't lose ground and support them through this. What is wrong with our institutions?

    Today I went to my friend's store and visited. She gave me a quart of cherry tomatoes that her husband grew. They are like sweet candy! Yum! I stopped at both my sisters' houses and visited and ate lunch with one on her deck. I came home and finished readying the camper for Rory. It's all set. Tomorrow I get a partial foil on my hair in the morning, come home and clean floors and toilets in the afternoon, and wait for the kids to arrive in the evening. It will be so nice to see them and have some fun. Russ finished the fire pit and it looks nice and ready to use.

    I hope C's first day goes well. Schools here and in MN are flip flopping from hybrid to total distance learning. Days until school starts and so many what if's and questions.

    Every day is TGIF in retirement! Have a great weekend.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I hope you are basking in your kid time!!

    I ordered a bed on Saturday. I was briefly so excited! Then today reviewing emails - I see they ordered the wrong one. And live chat couldn't help, the store couldn't help and 40 minutes on hold with 'customer service' with no live person. When I get home I will try again, and now that I am all pizzed off I will most likely cancel the dang order. Bah. BAH!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    What kind of bed did you order? Online ordering is easy but can be frustrating. However we received a free patio table and chairs and two nice lamps due to Amazon and manufacture companies screwing up orders, returns and cancellations. Their problem not ours. Normally I would be honest but you can't get through to a human being to explain and we aren't paying for return shipping on something we should not have received.

    It's nice having the kids here. Rory arrived from MN Saturday around 4pm. Jeff and Karah arrived just before 8pm. We stayed up late talking. Sunday, the kids rented bikes for the week and we rode the bike trail near our home. We only made it 6 miles round trip. Sad for all of us. We did need to get home to shower for dinner since everyone was coming over though. It's amazing how easy riding bikes all day was when we were kids. Now it is hard work. The trail is beautiful and now that I have experienced how easy it is to get to the trail head from our house, I will take rides more often. Today we went to Lake Michigan beach for the afternoon. Of course it was hazy and the sun went behind the clouds but it was nice to go in the water and cool off. We stopped at a cherry products store the kids love and then came home. Our neighbor delivered the cherry pie we requested from her cherry products store so we will munch on that tonight/tomorrow, etc. She also brought us fresh peaches from her parents' orchard and cucumbers from their garden. So nice! Tomorrow we hope to kayak and go to an out door brewery in the late afternoon.

    The flies and bees are driving me crazy. They get in the house because everyone leaves doors open. They attack us on the deck. I've been killing flies in the kitchen for two days.

    So far this week is not cooling off like the forecast said it would. It's hot and humid but feels good to Jeff and Karah since they live in Atlanta. I hate the humidity and sweating all the time. Yesterday I took 3 showers due to bike ride, sweating and waking up in the morning hot.

    I hope you have a good week.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm so happy you are having kid time and retirement time in your new home. Joyous!
    Oh, and cherry pie. Mmmmm.

    The heat is miserable again this week. Right up to 100 since last weekend through next weekend. Mis.Er.Able.

    It was a sleep number bed. I actually went to the stupid store and laid on the beds, enduring all the sales tactics and made a decision on the i8 bed - and the store ordered the wrong one. I didn't catch it until Monday when I was reviewing the emails and by then the store 'couldn't'/(wouldn't) help me. And I had to go through phone purgatory - a total of nearly two hours I won't get back. And by that time heck if I was going to just change it to what I wanted ordered. I canceled the bed and we will have to make a trip back to Omaha to return some of the pieces we took from store, but eff that. For the price of decent used car they should want to help fix THEIR mistake. That's what is truly unbelievable. This wasn't something I flaked on, or that I changed my mind. Their mistake, and I had to spend my time and energy (and pain and suffering) to fix it. That glimpse of trying to address any problems with the bed system said - girl you dodge a bullet. I'm still out a couple tanks of gas, a Saturday at the store and the Monday on the phone. Unreal.

    Bugs in the house are such a pain.

    Caleb started school yesterday. Sounds like they did their typical craptastic job. Half the kids didn't get through lunch because of whatever new system they implemented. Not enough seating. The kids had to huddle in the back of each room until the teachers figured out where they should sit. Each class, "Huddle in the back until I decide where you sit." SMH. Only two of his teachers were organized, Ritter (choir - surprising since he is typically just an unorganized guy) and Whitmore in electronics - not surprising - great teacher. People yammer about kids huddling in groups. Well, why wouldn't they. The school is telling them to do that. They even took the standard senior sports (all seniors in the fall sports) group picture - all cuddled up in a big cozy group. Why wouldn't they think it's ok? The adults tell them its ok - until it doesn't suit their agenda. Caleb keeps hearing they will only be there until labor day so the teachers can get a few grades in, make sure everyone is in the right Google classroom and then they will announce that Columbus has been upgraded on the threat color chart. They don't really plan to keep them in school. That better not be true. Not after they encouraged them to practice all summer and all the stuff they did allow. Bah.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Zach actually texted me about some big project he is going to be working on all semester in networking. I can tell he is excited about because he used quite a few words! I don't really understand, but my heart loves he is excited. Just pray everything stays good up there too.

    Have a great family day!