The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I love that I FEEL your happiness. It makes me happy too!

    I need that after I got on the scale this morning. Oy. Not just a little bad, SUPER bad. I'm trying not to freak out. But I'm a little freaked out, sad, mad and all that other stuff. I don't know why I can't just eat without having to measure everything I put in my mouth. Why I have a couple of good days then think I have to reward myself with 'good' food. I don't drink, smoke,etc. But food can certainly harm me and probably will if I don't get a grip. Sigh.

    My niece was supposed to have some sort of event with her sorority this weekend to get ready for their recruitment and found out last night that several of the girls have been exposed to the COVID. It's feeling more and more like that old online learning will be back for the year. It looks more and more like it each week.

    2020 you need a Snickers.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I heard that young 20 somethings in Alabama are having COVID parties. The object is to see who gets COVID first. Bizarre and irresponsible. The numbers are rising her in northern MI. Tourists coming up for vacation are bringing it to the area. Majority seem to be younger people going to patios and bars and not practicing social distancing or wearing masks. I just don't get these people!

    I got a voice mail from a friend I haven't seen here yet. She said she was exposed to COVID over the July 4th weekend and now has to quarantine and get tested. I haven't been anywhere except my sister's pool, home, and grocery. Always wearing a mask at stores.

    I met my niece and great niece at my sister's pool again today. It was hot and nice to float in the pool for a couple of hours. This is the life! I wish you could share it too. My brother is a vegetarian and came for dinner. We had grilled veggies (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, asparagas, brussel sprouts, leeks, small potatoes, peppers), brown rice, salad, and decadent chocolate cookies for dessert. It was so good! Our dining room table arrived today so he helped Russ carry in the top to the diningroom. Tomorrow we will bring in the chairs. It needs to have legs put on top and chairs so Russ will do tomorrow hopefully.

    Charlie spent his whole day hunting and chasing ground squirrels. He was so funny to watch. He never catches them but seems to love the hunt.

    Remember that our hormones affect our weight as we age. It's very frustrating so I hear ya! You can eat the same as you always have but gain weight more quickly. My doctor use to tell me to cut my calories to 1200-1400 per day and get 30 minutes of exercise (walking, etc.) per day. Of course I didn't manage to follow her recommendations consistently but when I did it was effective. On the flip side, I read that we need to eat every 3-4 hours to keep our metabolism revved and the calories will be burned. I don't feel stressed anymore so that is helping me eat less and make better choices. Hopefully I can keep it up.

    Stay cool. It is suppose to get cooler here this weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I saw this morning that certain ivy league schools have officially canceled their fall sports seasons. Can you imagine that furor if NE cancels college football? There is football this weekend with the Shrine Bowl actually taking place. It's one of those honor football games - you know the top few in the state. Sounds like it's the first game anywhere since this started. We'll see what happens.

    I was thinking about church this weekend - but I don't know. I have gotten used to going to work, but still feel leery about other places, and I don't want to be the one that gets someone else sick either. But the longer I go without going the harder it will be to go back.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Is your church functioning at half capacity or 75 people per service like some states require? With singing and close proximity I wouldn't want to chance it for me.

    I wrote some thank you notes this morning and talked to a Mpls friend on the phone. Both my sisters and niece with baby popped in today to visit. Russ spent time putting the chairs to our dining table together. Hopefully he finishes the project tomorrow. Our deck table has been delayed and don't know when we will get it. Maybe in time for winter?

    I went for a walk this evening with Russ and Charlie. We ran in to the neighbors on the road so I met the spouse. Nice people. It's so humid I was sweating to death just standing in place. I came home and took a shower to cool off and wash off the sweat. Thank God for AC.

    Is that football game allowing spectators? The whole country seems to be shutting down and having more restrictions again but the govt talks about school being back to normal. Weird!

    Well TGIF tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I'm not sure what capacity they are allowing now. They are saying they are doing social distancing - I guess by maybe alternating pews. I don't know what they do if they run out of pews/rows. And Saturday night service just also restarted which is in the 'family life center' and has rows of chairs - so not sure with that and that is probably the service the kids would prefer (because you know at night). We'll see.

    The Shine Bowl is allowing spectators, I believe they want mostly just the families and the 'exalted visitors' from Shiners hospital etc. But it will be televised.

    Caleb got himself a job offer for Runza this week. (Do you have Runza's up there, it kind of a midwest only thing - the beef and cabbage inside a bun thing) He's pretty pumped. I was excited too until he announced he has to go to the department of labor for an employment certificate since he is only 15. I'm like, cripes he will be 16 in a few weeks and school won't start until after his bday this year. I don't wanna go in to the DOL. Waaaahhhh. This is going to suck. All the nightmares I'm sure they are going through with the unemployment stuff, I just pray, pray, pray it won't be some huge mass of people. I have a feeling there is much unhappiness in my afternoon later today.

    It's so humid my keyboard is damp.

    Is your sister's pool close enough to walk to?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    We don't have Runza here nor in MPLS. I've never heard of it. Is it good? Good for C getting a job but I sympathize that you have to go to the DOL at this time. I hate lines any time and especially now.

    Very humid today so I don't want to be outside at all. I finished my thank you notes and emails to my early childhood program. Just relaxing. I unpacked a few boxes but need to put some stuff away. I'm so tired of sweating whenever I move. I lost another couple of pounds so that makes 10 without trying. Weird! I hope I'm not ill and don't know it (cancer, etc.) I fell fine except for my knee pain has been bad. Maybe it is just the increased activity and eating healthy. Hope so. My sister's house is about a 5-10 minute drive from me. Her pool is a lap pool so it's the same depth all the way across. Her husband had MS and when he was younger they put it in so he could swim laps and maintain some muscle tone and strength. He passed 1.5 years ago from MS complications. She seems to be using the pool every day even thought she hates cleaning it. I love jogging and doing exercises in the water. Feels good!

    Have you decided if you are going to church?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Love runza! Their Swiss mushroom burgers and fries are my favorite. They do a better job than most on keeping their food fresh and good service.

    Still waffling on church

    I wanna swim!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Wow the temps have gotten below 70. It's cool and windy here today and I'm wearing jeans! I was too cold sitting on the porch in my robe this morning. I hope it stays this way for awhile.

    I didn't go anywhere or see anyone yesterday. Today Russ and I took a drive and looked for some fruit/veggie stands. We bought greens, sweet cherries and pea pods at a self-service stand. This area is known for growing all types of cherries, grapes and Hops. There are orchards and vineyards all over the place. The county is a peninsula that has several micro climates and is very hilly so I guess it gets the right precipitation and temps for those crops. Lots of sweet corn here too and the farms that have fruit stands grow a variety of veggies to sell and supply local restaurants and groceries.

    I'm trying to light a fire under Russ' butt to find and schedule a mover to get the rest of our stuff from the POD down state. We are paying a monthly bill to store it and I want our stuff. He keeps saying "I'll look into that this week" and never does. He's been busy and doing a lot around here so I don't want to complain but I know we need our stuff out of storage and with us.

    We passed a large church (possible one of those big non denominational ones) that had a full parking lot. I'm guessing no social distancing inside. I would not be ready. We won't even go to a restaurant patio right now. The tourists are bringing COVID up here and locals who travel else where and come back. Several places have had to close back down for cleaning or restricted service when one of their employees or customers report they have COVID. The MI governor has mentioned needing to go back to more restrictions if cases continue to rise.

    Russ is having fun cooking good dinners and breakfasts now that he's not working. I benefit from his culinary skills and am very appreciative. Tonight is a chicken peanut veggie stirfry with rice noodles. He's going to make it on his Hibachi griddle on the deck. This morning was home made blueberry pancakes and sausage. They were wonderful! No lunch today for me. My sisters are jealous he is the cook and want to be invited when ever possible. They both live alone and don't cook for just themselves very often. My brother loves to come for a meal and eats seconds and thirds. We send him home with left overs. We will make sure to give invites often so they come by and enjoy a home cooked meal.

    Do you have a lake with a swimming beach or a public pool where you are? Do you know anyone with a pool in their back yard? I haven't been in Lake MI or any inland lakes but with the hot temps the water is near record high temps in them this year.

    Well have a good Monday tomorrow. My program goes back to work tomorrow so it is my first official day of not having to report to work as a retired person.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I bet tomorrow and the coming days it will really start to feel like 'aaaahhhh'. Boy am I jealous of all your yummy sounding meals - ANDDDD that you don't have to cook. Pancakes sound beyond delicious. Especially when someone else makes them.

    There are lakes around, but I'm not a big one for getting in water where I don't know whats in it. I prefer nice clean pools, and don't know anyone with a backyard one. Ah well.

    Folks made one of their weekend drop ins yesterday. I guess they are done with staying apart.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    The lakes here are really clear so I can see my feet on the bottom. If I can't I won't go in. There can't be a weed, log, or big rock in sight under the water or I don't go in.

    A friend came over today. We talked and then walked. I actually did a little over a mile at a slow pace with my walking sticks! That's a lot for me with my knees. I wasn't too bothered. We walked for 30 minutes so I need to keep this up. It helps when you have someone to talk to. Russ isn't too talkative so when we walk words are few.

    In MI, masks are becoming a big deal. It is now an executive order to have to wear masks inside any public establishment.

    My coworkers started work, still distance teaching, today after a 3 week break. I'm so glad I'm not there. I had a guy come wash windows inside and out today. They had years of filth, pollen, wood dust, bug poop, etc. on both sides. We can actually see out!

    Tomorrow Russ and I will go to Traverse City to look at tile/stone for the front of our fireplace. There are two broken tiles and the color/lot/size is not made anymore. Time to update and repaint the surrounding wall.

    I think I would be pushing my luck on knee pain if I walked with Russ and Charlie tonight. I've had a hard time sleeping at night due to knee and hip pain.

    Well enjoy your evening. I hope your parents are doing ok.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Nice job on the walking. I hope it will get easier for you.

    My folks as per usual just make me crazy. They are completely and totally in every single area high-risk and won't take precautions to lower those risks. My dad has whined to me five times that I should take this old, huge entertainment center that was left in their new place off his hands. I have told him five times, I already have a huge entertainment center I don't know what to do with. I really don't need or have room for another. I don't know if he seriously can't remember these conversations because it's his typical MO to just wear people down and they give him what he wants. My mom will make conversation about something that has varying side and opinions but if I actually voice what is my opinion on something she will snap back at me to remember how hard other people have it and I just need to be grateful. You know what? Just don't talk to me then. I am grateful for what I have and they have no idea what I keep in.


    My crazy is showing.

    Thankfully it's almost lunch.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Parents can be challenging as they age. Many of my MN friends would report stories about their parents that were frustrating like yours. My Dad died young and my Mom had dementia/Alzheimers the last 14 years of her life so I don't have the same experience. My Mom was a difficult person in her good years to deal with many a time. How often do you see your parents?

    Russ and I went to the tile place today to discuss the repair we need on the front of our fireplace hearth. The guy who owns the shop is my sister's friend. He's been out twice this winter looking at the issue so he remembered the situation. We all agreed to put in one of the extra tiles we have even if the lot is different. It's noticable to us but if not looking forward it others wouldn't notice. If we don't like it we can save money and choose new tile down the road. I'd rather go with cheaper option first.

    Our neighbor owns a store that sells cherry products. She gave us a cherry pie today. We plan to serve it tomorrow when my sibs are over for dinner.

    Our patio table we ordered was canceled by vendor because they have stopped doing business with Amazon. We've been waiting 2 weeks already and now it is canceled. I picked out another one but it won't come for 3 more weeks. All of them are that way. I think they are made out east or out of the country so shipping is slow. What a disappointment.

    I ordered a new Fire tablet (I read books on my tablet). My older one was losing it's charge quickly and had a cracked screen. I had it for 3-5 years.

    Well have a nice night and stay cool.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oooh, cherry pie. One of my all-time favorites. Make sure you have vanilla ice cream with it. For me! :>)

    I also got a new kindle a few months ago. Mostly because the other one wouldn't hold a charge. Mine was probably one of the first couple of generations. So I did get a lot of years out of it. Lately I have been using the new one watching Chicago Fire episodes while I do my 'max trainer' time. It's not enough to get the weight off, but I am glad I am doing something for body movement.

    I bet all patio/outdoor living stuff is hard to find right now. It sure seems like plenty of business in the areas open. We are up to over 23 million backlog - getting near to six months of orders just in backlog. It's insane. Who is seriously needing all this product?

    Had a weird online argument with someone I went to college with (actually the captain of the color guard when I did that). She had posted an article from someone stating how the number don't support opening schools because there will be deaths for kids and teachers and it's just not safe or fair to them and good parents should just continue to stay home with their kids and work from home. I commented on the post just that not everyone has the luxury to stay home. I know there will be positive increases and probably fatalities if schools open, but that doesn't mean everyone has the option the poster has. Not everyone can work from home. If manufacturing stays home eventually people will starve. Medical supplies will run out etc. And do I think teachers lives should be endangered? No, but there sure is a lack of care about those of us who have been doing it since this began. And frankly plenty of kids need the safety school provides. They are in more danger not being in school. Is there one perfect answer? Nope. But it is too simplistic to say just stay home and protect your kids. In my opinion. Just like I have made the choice to go to work, because we like to eat and have had to learn to deal with the risks, teachers and others in those buildings will someday have to make those decisions for themselves too. Saying the public doesn't care about them if some push for reopening is not completely true. Pretty sure many of those same people have had their families at the ball games that have restarted, dance recitals I have seen pictures, bars, vacations. Any way. I didn't intend to start a war, and I understand her fears, I have them everyday, but sometimes it pisses me off how no one remembers all of us nobodies doing the jobs that keep the supply chain filled. It's like we don't matter.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    you'll see restaurants offering free meals to nurses, teachers, police officers. Haven't seen one mention about those of us working 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to keep things in the chain. Meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Yeah I got a little irritated with all the hoopla and recognition for health care workers and first responders. No mention of teachers, those in distribution and manufacturing, etc. this spring. I feel for the health professionals but it is the career they chose and they have to step up in hard times too. Teachers who are willing to stay in their profession will do the same and those who are scared or have other options will leave and find something else to do to earn money. Just like some health professionals have quit so will other employers see people quit too. There is no good answer for schools. I agree with the points you make. It is unrealistic for parents to stay home unless their employer allows them to work from home. However, most parents don't want to do distance learning with their kids and find it very difficult. Kids will fall pretty far behind if they are home for a whole year. I'm glad I'm done working in education and glad I don't need to work now. MI cases are on the rise again and I'm anxious for tourist season to end so few come up here to the beaches, etc.

    It poured rain and stormed today so we canceled our sibling dinner and rescheduled for Friday. We were grilling smash burgers and roasting veggies outside. The pie won't be around for them because I'm digging in to it tonight. Yes, I will eat vanilla ice cream with it and say cheers to you as I do. I wish I could teleport a piece to you!

    We have ordered so much from Amazon recently that we are going to put out a cooler of bottled water and snacks for the mail person, Fed Ex, UPS, and Prime delivery. They have been coming almost daily so we want to show them we appreciate their efforts to come up the driveway and place boxes in our garage.

    Well have a good Thursday!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies- trying to get on the wagon yet again,

    I hired a running coach so that's been helping me some! At least I'm getting my runs in! I did something else to help as well - I signed up for my second full marathon!!! I will be doing it virtually. The Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon was cancelled on Monday. It went virtual, and was by far the best priced (cheapest) of all the ones I've looked at! I went for it! I don't want to be a one time marathoner and want to get another one done. Virtually is going to be (mostly likely) the only way. My local one I did before isn't doing the full again, and I can't afford to travel. (Even if I wanted to travel right now!) I'm hoping this helps me get in shape and eating right again!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Beautiful day! Russ went to the city to get light bulbs and a ladder he needs. I am relaxing and looking for throw pillows on the internet.

    This week the farmers are shaking the cherry trees. Fall will be apples. The cherry pie was wonderful, Marla! I had an extra big piece to share with you virtually.

    Not sure what I'm going to do the rest of the day. Maybe Russ will want to go kayaking later this afternoon. I didn't sleep well and was up very early. I see a nap in my immediate future.

    WTG Ang on getting your runs in.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    man I want cherry pie so bad!

    Caleb is still getting the 'remind' texts from sports even though he isn't it doing it actively, he got one last night that 'someone close to a player' has tested positive so all camps and open gyms are canceled for the time being. I bet administration uses this as the excuse they have been looking for to cancel school. See?? We can't keep people safe. Too much liability. Safe enough for us schmucks to go to work.

    Wagon? What wagon? I keep trying. Failing, but trying.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Now we have pie choices! Jeff (son) and Karah (significant other) live in Atlanta. They sent us a peach pie from the Southern Pie Company. They had sent us a box of assorted pies at Christmas. The crust is amazing. So tonight at the sibling dinner, we can offer a choice of peach, cherry or a sliver of both. Yum!

    C had already quit football hadn't he? Was he still going to weight training/conditioning? I hope he wasn't exposed. We found out my niece who we have spent time with may have been exposed through her cousin. Cousin tested positive so her mother and sister have been tested waiting for results. My niece has only had contact with her aunt. If the aunt tests positive Abby will need to be tested and then possibly all of us who've spent time with her. It was a matter of time I guess.

    Charlie just took off like a bat out of hell for something he saw on the side of the house. He came back kind of sheepish so I don't know what it was.

    Beautiful breeze but hot in the sun. Humidity and dewpoint in the high 60's. Somewhat uncomfortable. Temps are great but I don't do well when humid.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    C kid hasn't been to any football or weights activities since before the 4th of July - he is just still getting the texts.

    Three more hours, three more hours -

    hopefully there aren't 'bad' critters for Charlie to tango with.

    Wishing you good vibes that your family is all testing ok -

    It's supposed to he** weather for the next few days - over 105. Nasty and dangerous.