The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    the folks bought a decent house in Wayne last fall and have been moving stuff into since then from the Bennington house (where we grew up) - as of last weekend Bennington is empty - I believe they intend to try to sell it - it's doubtful it will sell well - it is in terrible shape. But not my circus.

    I like the Wayne house it was in great condition and way better than any of the farms. They just don't take care of anything. And it's not just because they are getting older - this has pretty much been the m.o. for most of my life.

    the specials on t.v. are hard to watch - they mostly just scare me and I don't need more to be scared about. I consider myself an empathetic person, I know things are unjust for many, I try mainly to be open and just not step into the quick sand. maybe that's not good enough in this climate, but I can't understand what I haven't lived, I just don't want the whole world to continue blowing up because does that help anything?

    The wind was nuts last night. Over 60 to 75 mph most of the night. What the frack. The temp dropped, but holy heck.

    taking tomorrow and Friday off to keep chipping at my vacay days so they won't take them back. I look forward to the days off, but it's such a bad time and frankly everyone else is working and it's not like there is anything fun to do. So it's kind of depressing too. Sigh.

    Maybe I'll treat myself to a drive through 'good' coffee and something pretty at a store downtown.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Happy Birthday Marla! I hope you are doing something special or treating yourself to some R & R. Nice that you took two days off and that you could be alone while everyone else is working.

    I really have accomplished so much of my work that I don't have enough paperwork to keep me busy next week. I suppose I could have done video visits with kids but I sensed they were sick of it and so am I. I had my last visits with kids this week. I have some attendance to do tomorrow and one visit. Next week I have one visit with a new student and then filing at the office. Done after that!

    This place is a disaster. I have all the kitchen utensils, pots and pans on the counters so I am forced to go through them and put in boxes. Most of it looks like junk to me. So tomorrow afternoon I will pack the kitchen and finish the bathroom cabinets.

    Friends have texted one by one to ask if they can drop a gift off or meet me to give me one. I've agreed to a few one to one meet ups for this purpose. Easier to control visiting with just one person than a whole group. I have book club on Zoom in about 20 minutes. A friend dropped a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, and a frosted cupcake for a treat. I'll drink the wine during the toast they are going to do for me. This will be my good-bye to them for now although they can invite me to book club through Zoom in the future if they want to. I may or may not have read the book though.
    Russ is not coming home until next M, T, or W I think. He has a little more packing of his stuff but he can do it in one day. He's working on some electrical stuff at the house.

    It has been very windy here these last few days. We had some rain but today is sunny and windy.

    Have a great evening!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    TGIF! 1 more week! My part of packing will be done tomorrow or Sunday. Yay!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    I spent all day waiting for my folks to show up (they texted early they wanted to drop something off) and they got here at 6 pm. So I lost another day just waiting around because I assumed they’re on the way and I got to fix and feed them dinner. Meh.

    Today I discovered a couple of dozen eggs that were getting a little old so Caleb helped me do deviled eggs.

    Happy weekend!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Russ has postponed his return until Tuesday.
    I don't like it when people say they are coming and you wait around and either they don't show or it's really late in the day. Such a waste of a day.
    I'm going to a friends for dinner on her deck and then sit in her new, large hot tub. I've decided I am safe enough one to one if I keep my distance.
    I told Russ I did not know I was so well liked and popular. All these people that want to see me one to one and give gifts or be invited to Zoom good-byes. 30+ years in MN but my friends were pretty much through my job. Most are retired now.
    Russ and Charlie, our dog, are going to my sister's house tonight. They are picking up gourmet pizzas made by a local caterer and will have dinner together. I'm still in my robe at 12:15 today. I didn't sleep well last night and have decided to relax, read and watch TV until I have to get dressed to go to dinner. I've done some laundry, have a couple of boxes to pack and others to label and tape shut. I'll do tomorrow and Monday. My paperwork for work is done so nothing else to do. The district can pay me to pack and clean at this point I guess.
    I'm loving these chilly temperatures for June!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    another week begins - and June is half over.

    My sister is heading back to Florida for the third week in a row for work. That new (new from late last year) is a bleeping nightmare for her. And our business unit Behlen Country is still having unbelievable (and never before seen) orders - back log is over 18 million - that's like four to five months - everyday is a dumpster fire. And I am pretty sure I am having hot flashes - yuck.

    And the heat is back too.

    But it's your last week!!! Yay you!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I'm pretty much done except one meeting scheduled with a parent, a teaming meeting with colleagues and turning in my tech devices. However, the school district shut down my email and accounts today even though my last day is the 19th. I called and they are suppose to turn on my accounts by tomorrow. If not, I'm done and I will tell the parent I can't meet and I will call in to teaming meeting to say bye. I'm mentally checked out anyway and they are paying me through Friday even though I'm pretty much done.

    This next year at your work will be catch up. Can you ever catch up with those orders as new ones come in? Wow!

    Russ and Charlie arrive back tomorrow. He really stretched out his time in MI. At this point my mind is done working and entering retirement mode. Can't come soon enough.

    Hot flashes are so annoying. Mine went on for over 10 years and I still have them once in awhile. Some women never stop once they start but hope that doesn't happen to you.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    My sleep has been off to - even the nights were I should be fully relaxed because I didn't have to get up the next morning. Weird dreams, plus hot flashes. This is going to be the pits.

    When will you both be heading back for good? Next week?

    Sounds like decisions were made in the last couple of days about more openings and such. I am interested to hear how it translates to school and such. It's very odd, with all the medical data showing increased cases, resources stretched, but more and more openings.

    I don't know how work will catch up. They are trying to add capacity with more people, adding more lines, outsourcing, but all those take time. My opinion is that eventually orders will end up getting canceled as customers get tired of waiting. But it hasn't happened yet, so who knows.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I've thought the same thing about the openings but rising numbers. I don't think we've peaked here in MN yet. I think the public is basically ignoring governor orders in a lot of cases. People just don't want to acknowledge that COVID is different than the flu. It's that "it won't happen to me" so do what they want. I've allowed myself to visit one to one and I've been to Target and Cub Foods grocery. Tomorrow I will be in the office in the morning filing my student's papers in their school files. I will probably run in to a coworker or two.

    Russ and Charlie got home about 2:15 today. Charlie seemed sad to be back in this town home without the freedom to run outside and explore. I told him 6 sleeps and you will be in doggie paradise again. Too bad he can't understand.

    Tonight I have a sore throat. I hope I'm not getting sick. Maybe it is post nasal drip due to my allergies. I haven't been sleeping well no matter what time I go to bed or how tired I am. I don't know if it is because I was alone here for so long without Russ or my mind has to much spinning around and I don't fall in to a deep sleep.

    Well I hope your work hires people to help and doesn't lose the business.

    We will leave this coming Monday about 3:30/4am and drive it in one day. Russ will pull a UHaul trailer and his truck and my car will be packed to the gills. We have internet at the new house so I will touch base with you after we get there and let you know what I think of the improvements on the house. Everyone says they are nice. I'm the only one that hasn't seen them in person.

    Well it's getting late and I may go to bed early so I can get up and get to the office early. Get the filing done and have the rest of the day to do whatever. Too bad I couldn't be done last week. I do meet up with two friends tomorrow afternoon and evening to say bye and collect gifts they have for me.

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    how are you feeling today? If your throat is still sore maybe track your temp too.

    last office day done? Wow!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I think I need to give up on the app on my phone. I keep trying to post there and it freezes, kicks me off and I lose my post. It's happened a few times!

    Nova Scotia is at 8 straight days of NO new cases! We only have 2 active cases and both are in hospital. That means no active cases in the community! I hope we can keep this up! We may soon start to seen results of the protests that were nearly two weeks ago. I hope not. I hope we can continue this trend. We are now up to a gathering level of 10. With a level of 10, as I worship alone, I've been invited to do to church! It's been great being able to go, though weird with only about 9 people there. We are also allowed a "bubble family". That means two families can get together and not have to social distance. (At church we still need to) Originally my brother and his family had their bubble open to my parents. My mom refuses to come down. I don't know why. I think she's way too paranoid. As she won't come down, they invited me to bubble with them. On Sunday for the first time in 3 months, I got to hug my nephews!!!!!! It was just what I needed!

    I am also back working at the office full time - no more working from home. I needed it. It's helped me a lot. It's been 3 weeks now. It's good being back as summer is really picking up! I've for 50 property transactions this month! Trying to keep the social distance in the office is hard. I'm doing my best but don't always remember. I hope though we don't have to do it much longer! I will just have to wait and see.

    I've been doing good this week on getting myself up on time to get ready. I would have got a run in before work today if I had put the phone down! I'm working on that and working on getting back into healthier eating. I made a salad for lunch (which wasn't enough as I was hungry by 4:30) thought I've been eating candy since I get home. I'll stop eating the candy once I eat it all! I just won't buy more!

    I hope you ladies are doing well and staying safe.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi Ang - I'm glad it sounds like things are moving in the right direction in your area. My area is definitely opening things up, but I can't say the numbers support the opening. So I still feel pretty...unsure.

    The last couple of days my temperature has been fluctuating. I don't feel unwell, and I'm guessing it is in relation to what I feel like are hot flashes, but in the current environment it is another layer of 'unsureness.' So, I am taking my temp many times a day and just trying to decide if it's something to be concerned about. It hasn't gone above 100 and it drops right away, but... I am being more cautious. And something new to obsess about.

    Have a great day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Hi Ang. Glad to hear from you and hear that your area us beating COVID for now. We expect a rise in cases after all the protests in Minneapolis too.

    Marla, I hope it's just the heat and hot flashes. I have been taking my temperature daily and it is normal. The sore throat is gone and I feel fine.

    I am done with my career!!!!!!! It feels so weird knowing my job is over and we are moving out of state. I've said so many good-byes over the last 3 weeks and have one more at 4:30 on Zoom. We are packed and staging the garage with boxes to go in the UHaul. The furniture will go in first on Saturday and then boxes and miscellaneous in our vehicles. I am excited to get out of this town home and move in to our own home again.

    I have been weepy since last night knowing I'm leaving my career, saying good-bye to friends of 30 years and moving out of MN. Rory will still be living here. We will be back to visit everyone and he will visit us in MI. Hopefully friends will visit us at some point in MI.

    Well I'm going to take a break before I get on Zoom for the last time for awhile.

    Stay healthy, enjoy socializing safely, and I'll check in either before we leave on Monday or next week when we get to MI.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - all the best to you!! One of the paralegals I frequently talk to retired today.

    We are down to ONE active case in the province! Just a single one! I really hope that we don't have new cases from the protests. It's just getting to the two-week mark from them. We are getting into the time frame where they said we would see the results.

    Yesterday they announced no more bubbles. We can now have gatherings of 10 with NO social distancing required, and the group doesn't need to be exclusive as the bubble had to be. Gatherings can now be at 50, with social distancing. It was just what I wanted for my birthday! (It's on Monday.) My parents are coming down!!!! We are having a family picnic together tomorrow. I so can't wait! I haven't been able to see them for 4 months! My dad at 73, which is health, is way to high risk for them to have come down. I feel safe hugging him tomorrow.

    I've been watching this in the US and I'm not understanding how things can open and gatherings increase with so many cases reported every day. I haven't really looked at each individual state, but looked at Florida as one friend I have that lives there posts pictures of things that makes me think the virus is gone from there when it isn't! I just can't fully understand.

    We are under a heat warning. It hit 38C (100F) today. I think we might have broken record high temperatures. Not sure as I haven't looked at. Even right now at 9:30 pm it's 28C (82F). I think it's safe to say summer is here!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Jenny - you're done!! Woohooo! Have a safe and swift trip north.

    Na-na. Nah-na. Hey, hey, hey. Good-bye MN!

    Hope to keep hearing from you, but enjoy your new era.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    We arrived at our new home today about 4:15pm. We left Minnesota at 3:30am and drove straight through. I envisioned since I paid for cleaners to come in and clean the tile floors, bathroom tile, kitchen counters, and vanities, etc. that this place would be clean. Not so. Russ managed to dirty it up in the remaining week he was here. I have a lot of work to do before I feel comfortable. The floors are dirty and there are things everywhere that looks like someone is still working on house. The plus is that I think the inside of cabinets are clean so I can line them and put items inside. I need to sweep and mop the floors before rugs go down. The inside of the fridge is already full of crumbs, etc. Why are men so messy? Some men anyway. Mine for sure! We sure have our work cut out for us with this place but once we do it we will be very comfortable. The paint smell inside is pretty strong and giving me a headache. The house has been closed up for a week.

    Our sleep number mattress, 13 years old, fell apart when the guys tried to take it down the stairs. I grew to hate that mattress so I'm glad. Now we have to sleep on the aero bed a few more nights. Tomorrow we go to Traverse City to buy a new mattress to be delivered. My brother is coming over in the afternoon to help Russ get the heavy stuff out of the trailer. My niece's husband will come over Wednesday night to help carry the heavy stuff in to the house. That will give me time to at least clean floors hopefully. Rainy and humid here! I feel like I'm visiting since that is what I usually do. I'm sure it will take awhile to have this house feel like home and know I'm not leaving in 10 days. Tomorrow I know my sisters will descend upon us to be "helpful". I want to see them but I'd rather do my own unpacking. Maybe I should have them line cabinet shelves and scrub floors?

    Good news for your area Ang! You are lucky. The U.S. is screwed up. Our government is inept and those who love our leader believe the virus is a democratic hoax and not a serious issue. The Florida governor hasn't taken it seriously along with some other states. He shut the beaches too late and opened them too early. No one wears masks in states/areas that don't believe this is a real pandemic. I could go on and on but you get the idea. This is my personal opinion as to why our country has continued rising numbers.

    Well I will check in again soon. I'm exhausted thinking about unpacking and cleaning too. I had hoped I would avoid the cleaning part and just be able to move in and unpack. Ugh!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    it's like after all the scare, scare, scare - we're just pretending it's fine. I don't get it. Of course, I have been working in a place that essentially pretended nothing was going on until two months later, and then for the most part still pretend it's fine. I hate this place.

    Are you getting another sleep number? I have a tempur pedic that is about 15 years old. I don't mind it, but have always wondered about the sleep number.

    Men definitely don't generally seem to care about cleaning things like we do. And then make us (me) feel bad for wanting things clean(er). Bah.

    Don't work too hard!

    Yay for your opening up Ang.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I didn't like the sleep number bed after about 5-6 years. The air pump would break and other things and they were never under warranty. They tell you it is a 20 year warranty but it's limited. They would send us parts and we had to fix ourselves. The last few years it has not been a good mattress.
    We bought a Serta IComfort. It has memory foam and material that keeps you cool, not too hot. It arrives tomorrow, yay!

    It was horrible weather today so we just bought the bed and grocery shopped. My siblings visited along with my niece and her baby. We didn't get anything done today. We did order a new light for over the table in the breakfast nook and a diningroom table with 8 chairs. Our old dining table was from the 50's and was my parents. It was huge and in bad shape. I gave it to one of David's friends for his house. He wanted a table in his basement for parties.

    Tomorrow is suppose to be nice so my niece's husband and my brother are coming to help empty truck and trailer. My oldest sister wants to help line cabinet shelves so yay! In the morning, Russ and I will put the area rugs down in living room and den. I need to mop again because everyone was petting Charlie and his hair is everywhere. I don't want that hair under the rugs. We may never get unpacked with all the visitors. I imagine it will slow down eventually.

    Well it's late. I have to get use to Eastern Standard Time. It's only 10:15 MN time but 11:15 MI time.

    Last night sleeping on the aero bed!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I totally want to hear a review of your new bed!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Well yesterday was frustrating. My sibs showed up in the afternoon. My brother helped Russ empty boxes from the trailer and get the furniture in to the garage. My one sister washed out cabinets while I lined them. The cleaning crew I hired took advantage of us and did not do what I asked them to do. They did a poor job on what they did do. Russ paid them and they left. He was in the pole barn when they were working. Waste of money and will never be hired again. My other sister didn't do anything to help. She just wanted to make our bed but I couldn't find the bedding. I wanted to make it myself. So with all the interruptions I was cranky and was glad when they left. My body was so sore that I got in to our new bed at 8pm. My review from one night is that I love the bed. The memory foam just formed around my joints and I was able to sleep on my side and back. We will see how tonight feels.

    I finished lining shelves in kitchen and bathrooms. I ordered a shower rod, curtain and hooks for guest bathroom. I need to line the cabinet under laundry sink in the morning and unpack my cleaning supplies and old towels/rags. I brought in some of the kitchen boxes and will begin putting the dishes and glasses we do have in the cabinets. Most of our glasses are in the POD so we don't have them yet. Russ went and picked up our closet organizer at Home Depot. It looks like it could take a month to put together. Charlie and I walked the yard and road this morning. Our landscaping is a mess but I saw some bushes and flowers that are keepers. The weeds have taken over.

    Unpacking is a bear. I will never do this again!

    Hope you are both well and enjoying some time outside work.
