The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Pretty cold the last few mornings - they were saying it could be a hard freeze - don't know if it did - I don't have anything out to worry about really. I don't know if I am going to do anything for my pots this year. Just don't really care and even going out for flowers doesn't sound fun.

    I got my trip made to Wayne to take flowers to my mom - she was really wound up - and we had to go in and visit - tried to keep apart - my dad didn't seem very good. I guess he fell on Wednesday trying to get in his truck. Mom's like he's fine. I'm like, he doesn't seem fine. He hit his head and could have a concussion. He also looks like he has put on more weight. He is diabetic and that can't be good. Ugh. Mom had all her plants/flowering pots all over her kitchen counters. I understand they need to not be outside yet, but come on mom - the kitchen counters? She has a sun room - an upstairs laundry room - a great garage now. But nope, the kitchen counters. Gross.

    I never even would have thought your batter could go dead in that period of time. At least you have a device to help now. I bought Granny Smith apples last week to make apple pie, but haven't got it done yet.

    Here's to keeping it together this week - wish me luck
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, how old are your parents? I would imagine your Dad would be scared to be seen by a doctor with all that's going on. I hope he's ok. Concussions aren't good and the effects go on for a long time if it's a bad one. Have they been anywhere or do you feel safe enough that you didn't catch anything from them?

    Rory came over for dinner on Mother's Day. I suppose we are taking a risk too. I wipe everything down before he arrives and we don't hug or have close contact. Jeff and David both called me and we talked for a long time. I always feel relieved to hear their voices and know they are well.

    Five weeks of work left. I have Memorial Day week off!! Yay! I will be packing that week and have an appointment via telephone with a nurse to get my meds renewed before I leave MN. Charlie will get a bath that week at the groomer and I will be packing our stuff. Russ will leave for two weeks that weekend and that will be weird because we've only been apart up to 8-10 days when I'm the one that goes to MI to visit my sisters and brother. I'll be here working and cleaning.

    We have had cool days too and frost warnings at night. Our last year in our house I didn't plant any pots either. I was too stressed to deal with it. I'm not going to put a pot by our door here because we are leaving anyway. Maybe when we get to MI I can find some deals at the nursery to throw some annuals in a pot by the front door and on the deck. We'll see how I feel at that time.

    As the country opens up numbers seem to be going up too. Also more testing so hard to know what is really happening. I don't want to be around people other than my family.

    I walked Charlie today and my head is congested and my eyes burn. Lots of pollen! I have a clogged duct on my eye lid that won't drain with heat applied. Last time this happened I had to see an ophthalmologist and he had to numb my eye and pop it. Ugh! I'm not going to do that right now.

    Well hang in there and take care of yourself. I hope Bernie's work is setting up some safety guidelines and yours too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    let's see my folks are 77 - I am wondering if he is letting his diabetes get out of whack - because with as much as his weight has increased - that could be a big problem/contributor to other issues. Alas, as much I want, I can't make them take care. He knows how to eat better, and does it from time to time. Mom knows she shouldn't make a bunch of sweets, but does it anyway. Maddening. And I was so hoping with this new house they would take care of it - it was really nice and clean last fall - it is so dirty already. So sad. I know they don't get around as well, but it's not that hard to vacuum or just take his nasty shoes off in the laundry room (keep the plants off the counters). Oh my.

    Five weeks?! You go!

    Caleb planted a few onions my mom gave him and then dutifully went out last night and covered them up. He asks me does he just leave it on? I have to admit I really don't know, because I never paid that close of attention to the master gardeners (grandma). We will all perish if comes down to homesteading.

    well, I am off to get my hair done. I don't know if it is ridiculously unsafe, there will be precautions in the salon - but I have got to get my bangs out of my eyes - or I will be like Bernie and cutting my hair at home - no bueno. Hoping to get the boys in sometime they are getting desperate too.

    Oh Bernie's work has amazing safety protocols. He has created and implemented most of them himself. He has worked himself silly trying to keep everyone safe and healthy. I think he has also impressed the corporate big wigs with all he is doing.

    Off I go

    Hugs friends
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I'm jealous of your hair appointment. I have one scheduled two weeks from tomorrow if salons open up. I'm scared to go but also want my hair done. It's driving me crazy. I have less of a chance getting it cut in MI when I arrive because their closures are much more restrictive right now. I'll wear a mask and hope the salon has precautions in place. I don't know if appointment will be cancelled again or not. It's the one place I'm willing to go.

    I had a decent technology day. I learned to link my Ipad to my laptop to show a child during a video conference some articulation pictures of their target sounds and some sound games. Win for me! Tomorrow is a long day with video visits all day and a Zoom cocktail hour at 4:30 with friends. Same on Thursday. Tonight I skipped a Zoom party because I need a break. Looking forward to Friday and another week done.

    How is your work handling safety? Are they getting their act together?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I don't know about getting their act together - I think the precautions they finally started taking (less than two weeks ago) are ok - but frankly I think too late. Official COVID infections up to 5. Precautions are temps taken at beginning of day with a question of how you are feeling. Masks optional. Supposed to be utilizing social distancing but many don't. Cafeteria took the tables out and are only doing carry out - that just means they go back to their area and eat around one table there - no more cash in the cafeteria. Some special people (those in upper mgt) work from home. But as always the communications emphasize that we will continue to take care of our customers. And with a backlog of over 13 million in Behlen Country (one of the business units) and nearly 8 weeks behind - the only option is to put your head down and work until you can't. The recession/depression will hit us at a different point. It's really insane. I really don't believe there is true demand for this much product, it's kind of like shortages in other things (like we've seen around here - flowers and vegetables are gone) - it's one of the few things people can go shop for and so they are. I think the stores are going to find themselves with extreme excess late fall and winter and then want to dump it back.

    I am glad to have gotten my hair cut. I had at least two and half inches cut off and it doesn't even look like it - but mainly my bangs are normal and I did get it colored so I feel more put together - the two inches of grey was a bummer. I actually liked everything about the salon, except the mask. That is annoying, but I enjoyed less people in there and just kind of a quieter slower atmosphere. It can only be the client, they can't stack (like usually my gal cuts someones hair while my color is processing) and no kids running around while a parent gets theirs done. It can stay like for my taste. (Yes, grumpy old lady likes a no kid environment).

    I read an article about how choirs will probably have to done for a long time - even six feet won't be ok - since the point of singing is to forcefully move air - eighteen feet is more likely what is being moved. My heart. A whole generation could miss out of the upper level of performing - no church choir, no special groups. It is crushing to think about. Of course it is crushing to think about another year of no school. I guess CA colleges are already saying online only. I just can't.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    TGIF - planning to leave early today and go back a pie with Caleb!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I saw the picture of your pie on FB. It looked amazing! Yum!
    This was a quick week but the days were long. I got a lot done and can see that I will finish everything I have to do. One more progress review meeting with a parent, hopefully only one more education planning meeting for a new student (fingers crossed I don't get any more new students between now and the end), and files to organize and complete some documentation. My video visits are going well enough. Another family wants to try one so that's good.

    Several different groups of friends are texting me asking to get together with social distancing in their yards or or on decks before I leave. I have said "no!" and that I prefer Zoom instead. They pushed a little but finally gave up. I am not going to expose myself to others when I don't know who they have been with or those people have been with, and so on. I can't afford to be exposed during these next weeks. Too much to do, a long trip to drive to MI, and I'm not ready to go out and be social. I feel bad and stressed because I may not see any of them for a long time but I have to look out for Russ and I. I really don't want to be asked to get together by anyone else. Just because the state is beginning to open up, I don't think it is right.

    A childhood friend found me on FB. I have searched for her several times but didn't know her married name so never found her. Now we are texting and sharing info on FB. I'm going to call her in a few weeks when Russ is in MI. She has lived in CA since our early teens so I don't think I've seen her since I was 15 but she was probably my first friend. Our parents were good friends. We were neighbors until I was 9 years old and we moved to MI.

    Well Russ is grilling burgers and they are almost ready. I'm starved!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I had such a fun time with the Caleb and the pie. I was so mad at myself for underbaking it - but it was still yummy. We did another pie Saturday with rhubarb and in the way of I never understand pie crust - the crust was super tough. Still fun. And Zach sat and watched some tv with me Saturday (some re-runs on USA). I also loved that. Just some good no stress time with the boys.

    Zach has 'orientation' today and starts tomorrow. I am rather unhappy about the size of the group they have (about 17). But I just have to let it go. Pray for the best.

    Caleb is officially done, with grades done around Wednesday. I am quite ready to chew my nails off. I am trying to be hopeful his good work is rewarded. Supposedly NSAA is allowing weight rooms to reopen June 1, with social distancing. Ummmmm - spotters? Good grief.

    I am learning something new at work. Yikes and yuck. Super hard. I will get it eventually, but getting there will stink. Growing pains.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Zach has his first day in IT - praying it will go well and he can learn lots - this could really help give him a leg up later on - real experience - even grunt work will be great for his resume. And hopefully help him find somewhere amazing.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Two days down this week, three to go. My neck and shoulder are sore with a pinched nerve from sitting hunched over in front of a screen.

    Beautiful weather here. It could stay like this all year long. Sunny, breezy, no humidity and temps in the 60's and 70's. My kind of weather.

    I'm glad you are getting time with the boys without the pressures of school and every day life. Enjoy being together while you can before the world opens up completely and goes back to classes and all at work.

    I have a zoom social time in a few minutes with my knitting group so I'm going to join for a short time period.

    I have next week off and will be packing our stuff.

    I'll check in again this week,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I am having some bad wrist pain recently too - more typing and data entry - return of the carpal tunnel pains. Boo

    It's not sunny and beautiful, but I love the temps this week. Nice and mild.

    Jenny, you're so close!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I just read on a teletherapy group for early childhood on FB that many people are experiencing wrist, neck and other body pain from sitting at a computer all day. I use to move around a lot more going to the printer, copier, on home visits so my body wasn't stagnating in a chair organizing, documenting and clicking am mouse.

    Weather has been beautiful this week but I've only been out for the mid morning walk with Charlie. I'm working until 3 or so and today it was 6pm with meetings. There is nothing to do in this complex other than walk and I haven't gone anywhere.

    I'll start packing this weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    They are starting up work travel next week. My sister will be on the first plane going back to Florida - they just bought a company down there late last year and have been trying to do all the set up (remember the six week physical inventory just before it all went crazy) - I am more than a bit freaked out about her leaving.

    I am supposed to be on a beach in Hawaii today. Sniff. Sitting here at work instead.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I have good news! Russ and I are going to be grandparents! David and Chantrelle are expecting a baby in December. COVID make me worried but I won't let it control my thoughts. It may affect travel plans when the baby comes and that will make me mad. She is almost 10 weeks. She saw the heart beat on an ultra sound today. Prayers and fingers crossed all goes well going forward.

    Easy work day tomorrow and another week done. Next week off to pack and then Russ finishes work next Friday and leaves for MI for 2 weeks. The end of the final retirement phase is here!

    I ordered a chlorine resistant swim suit for doing water aerobics in my sister's pool. I also bought a light weight long sleeve swim shirt and longer swim shorts for kayaking. They will be perfect for morning kayaking.

    How are you doing, Marla?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh my - Congrats!! I have heard that becoming a Grand is the best. How exciting on top of your wonderful almost retired excitement. A wonderful time in your world.

    Just plugging along. I am sad. I should be marveling at the ocean, taking pictures of turtles (I have a huge collection of turtle knick-knacks), trying poke, going on a zipline. Ahhhh. Yep. Sad. I keep thinking I need to to some of those cocktails to go the places are doing, but probably drinking is the last thing I need.

    Caleb made ravioli last night. Probably closer to pierogi b/c the dough was a bit thick for ravioli, but it was fun to watch and help him. He was so pleased with himself.

    I found this ziploc bag with a bunch of little junk (legos, tiny toy pcs, rubber bands) from years ago and it has a puzzle piece in it. I know exactly which puzzle because I remember being one piece short. Argh! I am having a Sheldon moment. I think I may get that puzzle out and make us do it again so it can be completed!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I forgot this would have been your Hawaii trip. That must feel so frustrating. Will you be able to reschedule for another year or so? This virus has tentacles that reach to all aspects of life or taking life.
    That is great that C is cooking meals. Fun for both of you if he likes having your help. Home made ravioli is pretty ambitious. Do you have a pasta maker?

    You sound like me having a baggie or 2 or 3 full of items that one may need. You should do the puzzle again since there isn't much else to do. That way the piece can go back in the box and you get to feel the high of finishing it.

    Russ has 4 work days left! Wow! Wish it was me but I still have papers to shuffle and print. 15 work days for me with at least 2 days going in to the office to empty cubicle, turn in materials, laminate some books for a few students and file documents. Russ leaves for MI on the 31st for two weeks. Charlie is going to so I will be totally alone. It's unheard of in our marriage! Maybe I can convince Rory to bring over some dinner or I can cook something.

    Well have a nice Memorial Weekend. It is suppose to rain off and on here.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. I’ve been struggling so much lately. I just want this whole isolation and working from home to be over. I want things back to normal. Cases here are going down. Most of them are in the care homes, one in particular. There are areas in the province with no current cases, and are calling for our premier to open things in that area. He refuses to. Rightfully so. As he says, people WILL travel. I live in the capital city, the hardest hit area. People from here will travel to areas open. Some places are slowly opening on their own. Stores that were closed are starting to open. Salons are getting ready to meet the guidelines so they can open. I hope my massage clinic opens soon!! I also had a cancelled eye appointment from back first of April and hope they open again soon. At least I was able to order my contacts!

    I know I need to a run. It helps me in so many ways. I just struggle in getting myself out the door. Hope I do this week. I need the stress and mental relief it gives me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Hi Ang, glad you are well even though you are struggling with feeling confined. It is getting to people all over the world. Have you been working totally from home? Last time you checked in you were taking the bus a few days per week but they were going to be limiting the routes. Hang in there if things are opening up in your community.

    We are four weeks from our move. I'm off this week of work so will be packing. I started today. I emptied the guest room closet. Why in the world did I bring some of that stuff to the rental? Now I have to deal with it again.

    I'm glad I have the week off so I can get things done. 15 work days left starting June 1st to finish up students, paperwork and filing. Crazy! Where did the time go?

    Old Fart Signing Off,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Jenny - no you are LUCKY gal who is heading off to the next great adventure. So exciting!

    I'm guessing there will be quite an uptick here in the next couple of weeks - they have been consistently loosening restrictions along with people just getting tired of doing it. I am pretty worried. Just trying to 'do me' and stay calm. the NSAA (nebraska sports assoc) is saying schools can start summer weights next week - with the standard restrictions we are used to seeing including social distancing. Yep, social distancing and weights. Spotters 6-feet away. Awesome. Just breathe Marla.

    Hopefully things get better for you soon Ang

    I enjoyed the three day weekend.

    Wayne just announced (that's Zach's college) that they are doing a shortened semester in the fall - no fall break, and finals right before Thanksgiving and the end of the semester on Thanksgiving. I'm still digesting that. I sure do hope they go back, but that will be odd.

    Later dears!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I read your article you posted to FB. Whew. It brought up a lot of internal dialogue in my crazy brain. I'm sure there are a number of teachers not going back - but I wonder how that compares to the number that don't return in a 'normal' year. I mean realistically many retire and/or give up on the profession every year. The statement that it's been too hard to do remote learning - is true. Of course it is. It's new and there is no designed curriculum for it. The wheel has to be invented. It's hard to design good content, let alone on the fly in a topsy turvy world. But, also, just because something is hard, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. While I personally want my kids to go back to school - I also want my educators to be willing to do hard things. And while I know many, many educators went above and beyond, my personal experience this season was disappointing to put it mildly. World history was watch a movie and do a study guide. That was the only assignment for over two months. In what is a historical time! Teach them something! Geometry was a list of assignments - they had to figure out on their own. Nice. English was read and write essays - ok - but not a lot involved the teacher doing anything. Chemistry - read a powerpoint, do a worksheet. I watched a lot of commercials cannoning teachers - wish Caleb would have had one worthy of praise.

    And, I'm not trying to stir up trouble - but they have to end the unemployment without restrictions because too many people are not working and they could be. Guess what? There are a lot of jobs that are 'essential'! You want food? The packs gotta run, ag has to run, but they are hard and why do you want to work hard instead hanging at home and getting a check. It's a good deal, but that money has to come from somewhere and then when all our other necessary programs get cut to fund that - then what? Sorry, off soapbox. It's insane in manufacturing right now - we are trying to run a marathon in a dead sprint everyday, 24 hours a day. No fun.

    Hope you are enjoying starting you're next step of packing and getting yet another leap closer to your JOY!!!

    Paid off my car last week and will add that extra to the mortgage - I did a little crunching I am making a new goal of paying off the mortgage in the next five years if all incomes remain steady.