The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I have been getting a few minutes each day on the tread climber I got a few years ago. I got right at 30 last night. I am going really slow, so the calorie burn is probably negligible - but at least it's movement

    I had to pick up a prescription last night and was just overwhelmed with the urge to pick up Chinese too - so I broke down and did - and it was the most normal I have felt in weeks - standing in the kitchen eating take out. We normally get it at least every other week - because it is a favorite of Caleb but hadn't in probably two months - yay for a feeling almost normal

    Zach seems to be doing well - honestly I probably won't know until his grades come in - but he's putting on a good show anyway. Caleb will seem good one day - and then just a bear the next - he's missing his people a lot.

    TGIF and all that - have a good weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Happy Easter although it won't feel normal. A good weekend for saying a lot of extra prayers. Miracles happen...

    I worked today until about 2pm and then I slept in the recliner for a long time. I didn't sleep last night once I was up with an upset stomach. My brain was on overload and it took me a long time to fall back to sleep.

    Russ and I ordered pizza tonight. I'm watching my Friday night shows. Lazy! Tomorrow we are going to go for a drive. I haven't been out of the neighborhood in over a week. Charlie and I walk and I go back to the table to work.

    We are suppose to have plowable snow on Sunday. Hoping to Zoom with the kids. Rory is going to come over for ham dinner.

    Have a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    the weather! So warm Saturday I had to turn on the air because the house got so stuffy - and then thunder and lightning overnight, turned into huge hail, sleet and then snow. Crazy. It sounds like parts of the states had tornadoes. I hate to say it - but does it feel like Revelations? Floods, plague...

    I try to pray myself to sleep at night. There is a lot I try to cover with prayer but then I usually conk out before I get all the way through everything.

    First Easter in maybe ever that I slept in. Kids older, no singing marathon, no serving breakfast, no rushing to get somewhere for dinner. A lot of this is so stressful I can't handle it - but the slower weekends I really like. I know people are going stir crazy - but since we are leaving everyday to work and then it takes so much time and energy to do the shopping, and more time for cooking and cleaning, I don't really feel like I have that much time for getting bored. It could happen, If I tell you I was so bored I pulled weeds.

    Had ham and mashed potatoes yesterday. The boys were thrilled - meat and potatoes. There was still some corn in the freezer from a couple of years ago, still in good shape - ate that too.

    My goal for this week is to not get incrementally more stressed and anxious each that on Friday I have a full on meltdown. My goal is peaceful!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I have thought that Revelations was happening intermittently for a few years (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and pandemic). I think praying when you go to sleep is a nice relaxing and calming way to clear your mind for a better night's sleep.

    We had ham and mashed potatoes too. Rory came over for dinner and we Zoomed with David, Jeff and Karah. Chantrelle is on a boat on the Northwest Passage for fishing.

    I had today off so I read, colored in my adult coloring book and watched Tom Cruise movies on AMC.

    I work tomorrow through Friday. My knitting group is Zooming tomorrow eve again. A friend's birthday is Friday so 3 of us are meeting for cocktails on Zoom Thursday eve to celebrate with her.

    Russ is leaving Saturday morning to tow the camper to MI. He'll come back Monday and won't see any of my family. We aren't telling them he is coming. He can slip in and slip out.

    Have a good week. I'll try to check in before the weekend. That's a good goal to keep your stress level low.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I have yet to Zoom for anything.

    have been watching from Season 1 Chicago Fire on my kindle - the episodes have all been free - enjoying it more than I thought - I caught it once or twice on network and wasn't really into it - but I think I'll try again - and keep working through the seasons

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Ladies. I haven't been on where for a while. Usually do to kill time at work, but since I haven't been in the office much, I haven't come on! I'm working from home 3 days a week and in the office 2 days a week. I'm in 3 days a week this week as we have multiple closings today.

    Things are getting hard. I missing my family and my church family so much. More of my races are falling. I broke down twice over the weekend. I'm really not sure how much more of things I can handle with being so restricted and not seeing people.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    happy to see Friday. I am trying to stay in the calm zone and end this week not in a rage like I have the last couple - and the crazy level around here has been higher than normal this week too.

    I ordered some fabric masks for Bernie this week - his company is adhering to CDC guidelines and making the masks mandatory at work. The 'trick' I've seen videos of to turn bandannas into masks didn't work for him, my guys have large heads and the rubber bands (at least the ones I have) pulled the ears so far forward it was kind of hysterical. The ones I got off Etsy (from someone I actually went to elementary school) were good for him - I had asked to have them a bit larger so they fit him good. I won't tell my mom that all those years of 'sewing' for 4-h were worthless since I have no idea how to put a mask together - the sewing we did was pretty much her sewing and me wandering around - I didn't have the patience to make the seams perfect and rip them out when they weren't so I never did much of the actual sewing - she probably should have just let me do it in my sloppy and imperfect way and maybe I would have ended up with enough skill to make a mask. I get it - I do the same with the boys when baking - it's hard to let go and let them have the reins. Caleb does a good job of just wresting it away - he wants to do it himself most of the time. He made tater tot casserole last week and it was freaking delicious. Don't know what he did different than how I do it.

    I see some businesses are doing take out adult beverages - I wonder if I should try some this weekend? I don't really drink though, it always gives me a headache.

    We had 7 inches of snow last night!!! For goodness sake.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Hi. Still here just haven't checked in. Just finished the 3rd week working from home. The plus is putting on sweats, no bra, and taking breaks to walk Charlie, eat lunch, put in laundry. The negative is staring at a screen all day doing paperwork or seeing parents. Only 4 of my families chose to have video conferences. The rest want email check ins with ideas for learning. However, the rest of my team mates manage to send emails to me that require me to do something for a student we share that they case manage. Between other video meetings (staff meeting, teaming, conferences, etc.) I'm constantly interrupted so I'm not getting organized or being efficient with paperwork. Today I may just ignore them all!

    Marla, food tastes wonderful when someone else prepares it. Maybe Caleb will be a good cook and enjoy it. We had some snow last week but today will be in the mid 60's.

    Ang, I just saw on the news that Nova Scotia had a shooting rampage. It looks awful! This world has so many issues. I hope you and your friends/family are ok. Hang in there with this social distancing. It is getting long.

    Zoom has been nice to see friend's faces and catch up with the kids. I don't know how to set it up but Russ has set up to meetings with the kids. I signed up on zoom so I could have access. Friends have set up meetings too. I did a cocktail gathering with 3 other people two weeks ago. My knitting group is meeting every tuesday eve at 6pm just to chat, knitting optional. I also met with two friends that are retired last Thursday for wine hour. One was having a birthday so we celebrated her. It does help.

    Ang, could you zoom with family members? It really is the next best thing so you can see them and chat.

    Russ went to MI Saturday morning pulling the camper to leave at the house. He took an aero bed and slept there. We loaded the camper with the contents that are typcially in it plus some stuff from the garage. He left it all there. He's on his way home now. 5 weeks of work left for him. Lucky! I have 8.
    I don't want schools to open again. I don't want to go in to homes and risk getting sick before I retire. I hope our governor extends school closing until end of year. He has started to open up golf courses, parks, boat launches...I really wonder if it is too soon. The worst would be another surge but the economy is also tanking and people are cooped up and it's not good for mental health. I see both sides but I'm for caution.

    Have a good day and week if I don't get here for a few days.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Caleb and I went for drive through last night - we were gone for nearly an hour! Just waiting in the line. Pretty much all the places looked the same - lines a block long. And everyone seemed to be fine with it, because - what else do we have to do?

    That is so exciting how close you are to being done. So wonderful for you. I would seriously doubt your schools would start back up - I just hope they open in August. I can't imagine doing this again - which is what the media is saying. I know they just say things, but that would be horrible.

    Good luck finding your online mojo!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Our governor hasn't announced if schools will continue distance learning into June yet. My supervisor has commented that she thinks we will continue this until June and my program may do it through August since we go into homes and from home to home. It's a good time to be retiring in June.

    I haven't left our neighborhood in over a week. With Russ gone this weekend, I walked Charlie 4 times per day. My knees hurt. Today I couldn't believe how loud the highway was. So many trucks and cars whizzing by. I could hear them from our driveway. Where is everyone going?

    Russ made it home safely. That's a relief. Charlie was very happy to see him and they are out walking together now.

    Russ and I will have to go for a drive in the country this week sometime. I need to see something different and breathe more fresh air.

    Have a good evening and Tuesday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Is it Friday yet?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, I feel the same way. I have a hard time remembering what day it is. I have to keep rehearsing and thinking about it.
    It is still cold here. They keep saying it will be in the 60's but it doesn't seem to get there.
    I'm lazy and tired. I meet with my knitting group at 6pm through Zoom. It's nice to see friends.
    MN news is making a big deal about the tribute to Prince tonight. I will be Zooming so don't know if I'll watch any of it. I wasn't a big fan although I like some of his songs.
    I've noticed that some places where there were protests are reporting an increase in COVID cases. I'm not sure if this is true or if increased testing is part of it.
    I wonder when we will have some semblance of normal again?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I have done a few of these online orders at Hyvee, have another to pick up tonight. I like the idea of it. And I like not having to go into the store, but I don't love other people picking out my fruits and often the stuff they 'scratch' if I were doing it myself I would come up with something else. But, just like everything making it work. Although I can really see me doing some hoarding at the point things become more normal. I hate the insecurity.

    I went to bed really early and still feel tired. I am still feeling peeved off at B. On Saturday I made a comment that I was going to make a donation or two to the food pantry and maybe Simon House and he just went off on me. "just give away all our money" "you're always whining about worrying about money and you're going to give it away" etc. I'm like wasn't going to give it all away. Like $200 bucks. But hey don't worry. I won't give away one precious dollar. Don't want to reward those free-loaders. Dumb-butt. He has no idea how much I donate every year because I am in charge of the money, but only because he won't help. I know it's just anxiety coming out, but I get so sick of always being the target.


    Still not Friday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    It sounds like Bernie may be worried about your jobs and losing income. An over reaction to you giving $200 to a needy cause to help others. I'm guessing he has a lot of internal stress, but I don't know him.
    I've noticed that Russ is easily irritated with me and argumentative. I say black, he says white. He can't agree with anything I say but has to counter or point out that what I say is wrong. It's very irritating and makes me not want to say much to him right now.

    I woke up this morning and just felt glum. Facing sitting at the table in front of a screen was not what I wanted to do. I called my sister to chat before I started working. The day went fast but I so want to be done with this. However, I don't want the governor to say schools open again either. I'm scared to go out to stores and into homes again.

    We had warmer temperatures today, did you? So nice, finally.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The weather is pretty nice here - and it freaking boiling in the office. I am sitting here with my little fan running as fast as possible trying not to have a panic attack because I feel like I can't breathe. I just HATE this place. Nobody observes the 'circle of grace' (6ft), have to provide my own sanitizing supplies, and being boiled alive. While I keep getting emails from those that get to be safe at home. Grr.

    Less than two weeks until 'finals.' Wonder what it will be like? My niece's school they had to download some software that tracks their eye movement. Zach hasn't had to do anything like that. Hopefully he is giving it his all and really has a great semester - and hopefully they can go back in the fall.

    At what temperature do we stop functioning? I think I'm there.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I wasn't too interested in work today. After I walked Charlie I put a chair outside in the sun and took a very long break with my lunch. I worked a little in the afternoon but not too productive. Your work environment sounds awful with that heat. What are the temps in NE now? Is it a hot spring or just your building?

    Russ and I are going to take Charlie and drive down the road by the Mississippi River tomorrow toward Redwing, MN. I need to get out of the city and see something a little more scenic. It's suppose to be warm so I'm feeling a little spring fever.

    Our wood floor guy called to check in. He has almost the whole floor laid in the house. He said he will send me photos after he sands and has the finish pieces on. I can't wait to see if after it is varnished too. I think MI is opening up home improvement stores so hopefully my brother can buy paint and get started on interior painting. Russ and I need to look at appliances so we can order those too. It's getting close! 35 work days and 7 more Mondays that I wake up for work...Russ is done 5/29.

    Well hang in there. I hope finals go ok for Z and C.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. Thankfully my family and friends are safe with what happened here in my home province. He did get really close to some family including my parents. My first run after it happens had me jumping when the first few cars went by me. I never imagined Canada’s worse mass shooting would happen in my province.

    I’m struggling to balance healthy eating and my running as the “stay at home” order goes on. Today was the lowest announced new cases in 3 weeks but sadly 2 more deaths. Most deaths come from one nursing home. It is the largest in the city. As expected most cases are in my region.

    My goal is to run 5 times this week and follow my meal plan in eating healthy. I hope I can do it!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Ang, that must have been so scary for you and your family. I'm glad everyone is alright. Kudos to you getting your runs in so frequently. I would think it would help with stress and feeling cooped up. I've been walking my dog every morning which gives me fresh air and exercise before going back to my computer to continue my work day. We will be working from home until the end of the school year and then I'm done. I'm so sick of technology that I may boycott my computer and social media from July 1 until September 1. I'm thinking about it.

    We've had beautiful weather this weekend, 60's and almost 70. We went for a long drive on Saturday which helped me to get out of these 4 walls.

    Well hang in there everyone!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Glad you and yours are safe Ang. Keep up the great work at staying safe and healthy.

    Jenny - glad you don't have to try to go back into homes for a few days - but the end is just racing at you. It will be here before you know it!

    Another weekend oozed by. I swear the only day I really enjoy is Saturday. Sunday I pretty much spend the whole day watching the clock and dreading the end.

    We have our first confirmed case at Behlen and it's in my team. His mother is hospitalized in Lincoln. Ulises (he's probably in his late 20's) works in an office our team has on the floor with six other planners - so their office had to be disinfected today. I'm not sure what the other five will do after today. They should all self-quarantine for two weeks, but due to what they are responsible for I'm not sure they will be allowed to. We'll see. It's pretty upsetting. three of the guys are well over 60 so I'm sure there is a lot of concern among them all. My sister (who again is my/our team leader) is a basket case today. She has too much on her plate on a normal day and now 90 percent of her team is gone - for potentially a long time. What the heck are we going to do?

    stay tuned for more craziness